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This study advances previous work on the effects of trade and technological change on labour markets within the framework of Heckscher–Ohlin trade theory. We provide evidence for an unskilled labour abundant developing country by employing dynamic heterogeneous panel estimation techniques. For South African manufacturing, trade‐mandated increases in earnings are positive for labour and negative for capital whilst technology‐mandated increases are negative for both factors. We also find it important to take account of endogeneity issues in analysing the impact of technology and price changes on factor returns and in isolating factor‐ and sector‐bias of technological changes.  相似文献   

We show how a simple model with sign restrictions can be used to identify symmetric and asymmetric supply, demand and monetary policy shocks in an estimated two‐country structural VAR for the UK and Euro area. The results can be used to deal with several issues that are relevant in the optimal currency area literature. We find an important role for symmetric shocks in explaining the variability of the business cycle in both economies. However, the relative importance of asymmetric shocks, being around 20% in the long run, cannot be ignored. Moreover, when we estimate the model for the UK and US, the degree of business cycle synchronization seems to be higher. Finally, we confirm existing evidence of the exchange rate being an independent source of shocks in the economy.  相似文献   

This paper sheds light on interdependencies in multinational activity that are brought about by (horizontal) trade in final goods and (vertical) trade in intermediate goods (within and between host countries). We use a panel data set of US foreign affiliate sales to 16 developed countries in seven industries over the period 1983–2000, distinguish between horizontal and vertical interdependence in multinational enterprise activity and allow for both market size (demand)‐related as well as remainder linkage effects. Evidence suggests that vertical interdependence is somewhat more important than horizontal interdependence and, hence, vertical motives of multinational activity tend to dominate horizontal ones.

This article introduces a two‐step empirical approach for examining both the nature and sources of non‐neutral technical change across multiple occupations. First, conventional labour‐demand parameter estimates and unbiased tests for neutrality are obtained in the context of a flexible cost system. The resulting input‐specific indices of technical change, unconstrained with respect to time path, facilitate subsequent evaluation of proposed sources. In our application to employment decisions of airline firms, we find labour‐saving technical change that is non‐neutral across occupations. We also document occupation‐specific responses to aircraft technology adoption, route system developments and an unprecedented range of technical change elements.

In this paper, we study the degree of business cycle synchronization by means of a small sample version of the Harding and Pagan's [Journal of Econometrics (2006) Vol. 132, pp. 59–79] Generalized Method of Moment test. We show that the asymptotic version of the test gets increasingly distorted in small samples when the number of countries grows large. However, a block bootstrapped version of the test can remedy the size distortion when the time series length divided by the number of countries T/n is sufficiently large. Applying the technique to a number of business cycle proxies of developed economies, we are unable to reject the null hypothesis of a non‐zero common multivariate synchronization index for certain economically meaningful subsets of these countries.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the validity of the univariate autoregressive sieve bootstrap applied to time series panels characterized by general forms of cross‐sectional dependence, including but not restricted to cointegration. Using the final equations approach we show that while it is possible to write such a panel as a collection of infinite order autoregressive equations, the innovations of these equations are not vector white noise. This causes the univariate autoregressive sieve bootstrap to be invalid in such panels. We illustrate this result with a small numerical example using a simple DGP for which the sieve bootstrap is invalid, and show that the extent of the invalidity depends on the value of specific parameters. We also show that Monte Carlo simulations in small samples can be misleading about the validity of the univariate autoregressive sieve bootstrap. The results in this article serve as a warning about the practical use of the autoregressive sieve bootstrap in panels where cross‐sectional dependence of general form may be present.  相似文献   

We consider the role of imperfect competition in explaining the relative price of non‐traded to traded goods within the Balassa–Samuelson framework. Under imperfect competition in these two sectors, relative prices depend on both productivity and mark‐up differentials. We test this hypothesis using a panel of sectors for 12 OECD countries. The empirical evidence suggests that relative price movements are well explained by productivity and mark‐up differentials.  相似文献   

The recent general equilibrium theory of trade and multinationals emphasizes the importance of third countries and the complex integration strategies of multinationals. Little has been done to test this theory empirically. This paper attempts to rectify this situation by considering not only bilateral determinants, but also spatially weighted third-country determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI). Since the dependency among host markets is particularly related to multinationals’ trade between them, we use trade costs (distances) as spatial weights. Using panel data on U.S. industries and host countries observed over the 1989–1999 period, we estimate a “complex FDI” version of the knowledge-capital model of U.S. outward FDI by various recently developed spatial panel data generalized moments (GM) estimators. We find that third-country effects are significant, lending support to the existence of various modes of complex FDI.  相似文献   

In this paper we present finite T mean and variance correction factors and corresponding response surface regressions for the panel cointegration tests presented in Pedroni (1999, 2004) , Westerlund (2005) , Larsson et al. (2001) and Breitung (2005) . For the single equation tests, we consider up to 12 regressors and for the system tests vector autoregression dimensions up to 12 variables. All commonly used specifications for the deterministic components are considered. The sample sizes considered are T ∈ {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,200,500}.  相似文献   

This paper examines the small‐sample performance of several information based criteria that can be employed to facilitate data dependent endogeneity correction in estimation of cointegrated panel regressions. The Monte Carlo evidence suggests that the criteria generally perform well but that there are differences of practical importance. In particular, the evidence suggests that, although the estimators of the cointegration vectors generally perform well, the criterion with best small‐sample performance also leads to the best performing estimator.  相似文献   

The empirical literature that tests for purchasing power parity (PPP) by focusing on the stationarity of real exchange rates has so far provided, at best, mixed results. The behaviour of the yen real exchange rate has most stubbornly challenged the PPP hypothesis and deepened this puzzle. This paper contributes to this discussion by providing new evidence on the stationarity of bilateral yen real exchange rates. We employ a non‐linear version of the augmented Dickey–Fuller test, based on an exponentially smooth‐transition autoregressive model (ESTAR) that enhances the power of the tests against mean‐reverting non‐linear alternative hypotheses. Our results suggest that the bilateral yen real exchange rates against the other G7 and Asian currencies were mean reverting during the post‐Bretton Woods era. Thus, the real yen behaviour may not be so different after all but simply perceived to be so because of the use of a restrictive alternative hypothesis in previous tests.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for the null hypothesis of cointegration that allows for the possibility of multiple structural breaks in both the level and trend of a cointegrated panel regression. The test is general enough to allow for endogenous regressors, serial correlation and an unknown number of breaks that may be located at different dates for different individuals. We derive the limiting distribution of the test and conduct a small Monte Carlo study to investigate its finite sample properties. In our empirical application to the solvency of the current account, we find evidence of cointegration between saving and investment once a level break is accommodated.  相似文献   

The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) can have far‐reaching effects on the nature of production technologies. Because ICT adoption is incomplete, especially in developing countries, different groups of firms will have different production technologies. We estimate a latent class stochastic frontier model, which allows us to test for the existence of multiple production technologies across firms and consider the associated implications for efficiency measures. We use a unique data set of Chilean retailers, which includes detailed information on ICT adoption. We find three distinct production technologies. The probability of membership in a more productive group is positively related to ICT use.  相似文献   

The generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator is often used to test for convergence in income distribution in a dynamic panel set‐up. We argue that though consistent, the GMM estimator utilizes the sample observations inefficiently. We propose a simple ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator with more efficient use of sample information. Our Monte Carlo study shows that the GMM estimator can be very imprecise and severely biased in finite samples. In contrast, the OLS estimator overcomes these shortcomings.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the trade creating effects of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) for a large sample of countries within the period 1962-2000. The paper builds upon existing literature by examining whether any significant effects of PTAs occur through a change in the variety of exports (the extensive margin) or through a change in the volume of existing products (the intensive margin). To address this issue we employ the commonly used gravity equation as well as a matching approach to deal with potential self-selection problems. Our results indicate that exports respond positively to the formation of a PTA between countries, and that much of this increase in exports occurs along the extensive margin. We also show that the extensive margin responds more strongly to the formation of a PTA in larger exporters and for larger country pairs.  相似文献   

This paper develops a very simple test for the null hypothesis of no cointegration in panel data. The test is general enough to allow for heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, unit‐specific time trends, cross‐sectional dependence and unknown structural breaks in both the intercept and slope of the cointegrated regression, which may be located at different dates for different units. The limiting distribution of the test is derived, and is found to be normal and free of nuisance parameters under the null. A small simulation study is also conducted to investigate the small‐sample properties of the test. In our empirical application, we provide new evidence concerning the purchasing power parity hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative cyclical affiliation in six industrialized economies. While the broad conclusions are consistent with the existing literature, the proposed empirical framework is not based on correlations and permits the analysis of relative groupwise synchronization under very few assumptions. The results allow us to conclude that an English‐speaking club (Canada, UK, USA) is emerging in the last decades, whereas explicit and formal commitments seem to have had a relatively weaker power in determining Euro‐zone (France, Germany, Italy) business cycle comovements. Altogether, the business cycle race is a cause for concern as regards the entry of the UK into the Euro‐zone.  相似文献   

We use panel probit models with unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence and serially correlated errors in order to analyse the determinants and the dynamics of current account reversals for a panel of developing and emerging countries. The likelihood‐based inference of these models requires high‐dimensional integration for which we use efficient importance sampling. Our results suggest that current account balance, terms of trades, foreign reserves and concessional debt are important determinants of current account reversal. Furthermore, we find strong evidence for serial dependence in the occurrence of reversals. While the likelihood criterion suggest that state dependence and serially correlated errors are essentially observationally equivalent, measures of predictive performance provide support for the hypothesis that the serial dependence is mainly due to serially correlated country‐specific shocks related to local political or macroeconomic events.  相似文献   

In this article, the effect of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act on the convergence of the black–white earnings gap and income dynamics is studied through the dynamic panel Tobit models implemented using the simulation estimators. It is found that the black–white earnings gap declined moderately after the implementation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in 1965. Based on the simulation studies of wage trajectories, it is also found that the positive impact of the Civil Rights Act on the convergence of the black–white earnings gap is especially significant for the group of middle‐aged and highly educated workers. Moreover, the rich dynamic structure of the earnings process is identified from the Current Population Survey‐Social Security Administration data set. It is shown that the various sources of dynamics in the earnings process are dominated by spurious state dependence for both blacks and whites.  相似文献   

A standard assumption in the empirical literature is that exchange rate pass‐through is both linear and symmetric. This study tests these assumptions for export and import prices in the G7 economies. It focuses on non‐linearities in the reaction of profit margins to exchange rate movements, which may arise from the presence of price rigidities and switching costs. Nonlinearities are characterized by augmenting a standard linear model with polynomial functions of the exchange rate and with interactive dummy variables. The results suggest that nonlinearities and especially asymmetries cannot be ignored, although their magnitude varies noticeably across countries.  相似文献   

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