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全球化背景下中国外商直接投资与服务贸易的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究自中国改革开放以来,服务贸易进口、服务贸易出口分别与全国外商投资存量和服务业外商投资流量的互动关系和内在影响机制。根据1983-2007年的经济数据,分别在服务进口、服务出口、服务业外商投资流量以及服务进口、服务出口、外商投资存量之间建立向量自回归模型并进行相应的协整检验,研究服务业吸引外商投资与服务贸易是否存在长期的稳定关系,并基于研究结果提出相关政策建议。实证研究发现,虽然服务业外商直接投资流量和直接投资存量与服务贸易进口和出口均呈正相关关系,但从长期来看,外商投资与服务贸易出口之间的统计关系不显著。在服务外商投资流量、服务出口与服务进口的因果检验中,服务外商投资流量与服务进口、服务出口存在着双向的Granger因果关系。在外商投资存量、服务出口与服务进口的因果检验中,外商直接投资存量仅与服务出口存在双向的Granger因果关系。  相似文献   


The present study evaluates the relative impact of industry and state specific economic factors on inward FDI in several US states that compete for the same inward FDI. It appears that relative labor productivity, relative spending on education, and relative crime rate are important in inter-state competition for the same inward FDI. Also, when the contest in attracting inward FDI comes down to two states, relative tax incentives also become important in attracting FDI inflows.  相似文献   

作者以1987~2001年全国29个省市的分组数据为基础.运用多元Granger因果模型对外商直接投资(FDI)与国内不同所有制经济固定资产投资间的因果关系进行了检验。结果表明,FDI与国内投资的动态关系短期来看与所有制因素关系密切,长期来看则受当地FDI相对流入规模以及经济发展水平的影响。  相似文献   

外国直接投资与双边贸易关系中的国别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外国直接投资对国际贸易的影响一直是学术界普遍关注的问题。本文采用引力模型,对14个主要投资国1984年至2004年对华投资与双边贸易的关系进行了实证分析,发现我国引进的外国直接投资总体上促进了贸易的增长,但是各国直接投资对双边贸易的影响却有着明显差异。日本、美国、韩国、德国、我国台湾地区和我国香港地区的外国直接投资是贸易促进型的,我国澳门地区、马来西亚、加拿大、法国、澳大利亚、荷兰、英国和新加坡的外国直接投资是贸易替代型的。  相似文献   

This paper investigates novel determinants of intra‐industry trade (IIT) of late 1990s Japanese trade. Our empirical analysis shows that IIT is increased not only by the similarity of GDP and factor endowment but also by technology transfer via Japanese FDI. In particular, the current high proportion of Japanese IIT with Asian countries can be explained by technology transfer (licensing between headquarters and overseas affiliates) via FDI.  相似文献   

Modes of FDI can be clarified by analysing the changing patterns of trade among host, home and third countries. However, most empirical experiments of foreign direct investment (FDI) determinants have been confined to general characteristics of host countries and multinational enterprises' outward investment activities. This may not clearly characterise the specific characteristics of inward FDI in regard to the host country. Thus, we introduce an alternative approach to clarify modes of FDI by investigating the link between patterns of trade and inward FDI. To empirically test whether our approach is applicable, we choose China during the period 1998–2007. We construct a modified gravity equation of bilateral trade while considering spatially lagged interdependence between host, home and third countries. The problem of endogeneity is controlled by applying the system generalised method of moments (GMM) estimation technique. Our findings are consistent with results in existing studies on modes of outward FDI to China and prove that our approach in dealing with the link between patterns of trade and inward FDI has wide applicability to all modes of FDI. We discover there is strong evidence for statistically significant complementarity between bilateral trade and inward FDI within the aggregate trade data. As we decompose the aggregate trade data into final and intermediate goods, we find the motivation concerning export‐platform and complex vertical FDI is very significant. In addition, as we separate the bilateral partners into developing partners and developed partners, we find both bilateral and multilateral linkages are much stronger with developing partners.  相似文献   

Although the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in facilitating technology transfer is well known in the literature, empirical evidence regarding the effect of FDI on growth is mixed. The contradictory results in the literature may be due to the failure to account for endogeneity and for the abortive capacity of the hosting countries. Using panel data for 49 countries over the period 1974–2008 and the existence of Investment Promotion Agencies in the receiving countries as an instrument, our results show that increased FDI stock leads to higher productivity growth. We also find a significant positive effect on the interaction between FDI stock and distance to the technological frontier, suggesting that the ability of technologically backward countries in absorbing technologies developed at the frontiers increases as more FDI stock is accumulated.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区外商直接投资的对外贸易效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文由长三角地区(16城市)FDI与对外贸易的简单数量关系,构筑了地区层面的对外贸易模型,运用面板数据(PanelData)方法对长三角地区FDI的对外贸易效应及FDI在上海双边贸易中的作用进行了分析。结果表明,FDI对长三角地区的对外贸易及上海的双边贸易均起到了显著的正向推动作用,长三角地区FDI与对外贸易之间存在互补关系。  相似文献   

Previous studies find that a trade treaty positively impacts foreign direct investment (FDI). But does a trade treaty always have positive effects on FDI? What is the effect of bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) on bilateral FDI among developed countries? Based on the Knowledge‐Capital model, I hypothesize that bilateral FTA has negative effects on bilateral FDI in developed–developed country pairs, but positive effects in developed–developing country pairs. To test this hypothesis empirically, I conduct the within estimator, the Difference‐in‐Difference estimator and the Arellano–Bond estimator with panel data of bilateral FTA and outward FDI in 30 OECD countries and 32 non‐OECD countries between 1982 and 2005. The result supports the hypothesis. The existence of bilateral FTA decreases bilateral FDI in the OECD–OECD country pairs but increases bilateral outward FDI in the OECD–non‐OECD country pairs. The finding of negative effects of bilateral FTA on FDI is robust to different country classifications by gross national income (GNI) per capita and secondary school enrolment. Hence, the results are consistent with what Carr et al. (2001) predicts about the effects of trade cost on FDI in developed–developed country pairs and in developed–developing country pairs.  相似文献   

本文以美国1972-2002年的统计数据为例,在建立VAR模型的基础上通过脉冲响应曲线和方差分解表对流入美国的外国直接投资(FDI)、外国证券投资(FPI)和经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究,结果表明流入美国的FDI和FPI均有助于美国经济的增长。但相对而言,美国经济增长更加依赖于外国证券投资,研究还发现流入美国的FDI与FPI之间关系紧密,两者之间存在积极的良性互动关系,且FPI对FDI的影响明显大于FDI对FPI的影响。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the long-run impact of foreign direct investment and trade openness on economic growth in Ghana (1970–2011) within the framework of the endogenous growth literature. Adopting the autoregressive distributed lag bounds testing approach to cointegration the results suggest that the interaction of foreign direct investment and exports has been crucial in fostering growth, thus validating the famous Bhagwati hypothesis. From a policy oriented point of view, the study recommends the channeling of foreign direct investment to export-oriented sectors and the promotion of export-led growth strategies in long-term development plans.  相似文献   

In this paper, we conduct a meta‐analysis of studies that empirically examine the relationship between economic transformation and foreign direct investment (FDI) performance in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over the past quarter century. More specifically, we synthesise the empirical evidence reported in previous studies that deal with the determinants of FDI in transition economies, focusing on the impacts of transition factors. We also perform meta‐regression analysis to specify determinant factors of the heterogeneity among the relevant studies and the presence of publication‐selection bias. We find that the existing literature reports a statistically significant non‐zero effect as a whole, and a genuine effect is confirmed for some FDI determinants beyond the publication‐selection bias.  相似文献   

论国际贸易与国际直接投资关系的发展与变迁   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王晓曦 《商业研究》2003,(10):22-25
国际贸易和国际直接投资是跨国界配置资源的两种方式 ,都能有力地推动一国经济增长 ,通过对相关理论和各国实践进行考察 ,结合当今跨国公司的活动得出结论 :国际贸易和国际直接投资之间的关系历经了以替代、互补为主的阶段 ,目前表现为在跨国公司全球战略控制下的并重、互动的关系。同时从两方面具体分析了这种互动关系 ,并在此基础上指出国家相关政策应搭配协调 ,以更好地为其经济发展服务。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate whether foreign direct investment (FDI) growth improved the Brazilian foreign trade in the long run and whether there is a predictable relationship between a firm's FDI strategy and a firm's foreign trade. We applied moderated multiple regressions and generalized linear models to test the effects of FDI on both export and import equations of 11 Brazilian industries from 1996 to 2009. Our data sources include the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Ministry, Central Bank of Brazil, and the Applied Research Institute. Results showed that FDI is correlated with increased exports in the short run, but not in the long run. In the long run, the positive relationship between FDI and exports will only occur for export-oriented industries in which resource-seeking strategies are preponderant. We found a positive relationship between imports and FDI in the short run, particularly in import-oriented industries. A negative relationship between FDI and imports was found in the long run.  相似文献   

对外直接投资与贸易的关系:互补或替代   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用2000-2004年我国进出口贸易和对外直接投资的数据资料,使用引力模型分析了我国对外直接投资和对外贸易之间的关系。结果表明:在我国,对外直接投资与出口贸易之间存在显著的互补性,即对外直接投资与出口相互促进。本文的研究结论对我国实施"走出去"战略具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

We evaluate the macroeconomic effects of the Canada–US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on Canada's economy using a counterfactual analysis. We exploit the dependence of GDP growth (labour productivity and unemployment, respectively) among different economic entities and construct the counterfactuals using data from countries other than Canada. We find that in the adjustment period from 1989:Q1 to 1992:Q1, Canada's economy bore the short‐run adjustment costs of the FTA with a decline of the annual real GDP by 2.56 per cent and a decline of the labour productivity by 0.62 per cent. After the adjustment period, the FTA had a positive and permanent effect of 1.86 per cent on Canada's annual real GDP growth and raised the labour productivity from 1992 to 1994 by 2.39 per cent on average. Moreover, the FTA increased Canada's annual unemployment rate by 1.81 per cent in the period 1989–94.  相似文献   

This article analyses the combined effects of Japanese firms' ownership and location advantages on the size of foreign direct investment (FDI). The size of FDI is measured by two proxies, the firm's employment level and its total assets. Econometric models are estimated. The estimated regression models show that the parent company's firm-specific resources and the external economies in the located region determine the flow of FDI at the time of entry of Japanese electronic firms in the UK. This result shows that empirical analysis on FDI flows should combine both the ownership and location advantages, as suggested by Dunning's eclectic paradigm.  相似文献   

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