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Insiders with nonpublic information that their firms are acquisition targets can profit by purchasing their firms' stock or by delaying planned sales of their firms' stock. Under current securities laws, insiders who execute the former strategy expose themselves to civil and criminal liability, whereas insiders who execute the latter strategy do not. Using a sample of bank mergers, we find that target bank insiders significantly decrease both share purchases and share sales before merger announcements. These findings suggest that securities laws effectively deter some forms of illegal insider trading and that insiders exploit opportunities to profit legally from nonpublic information. 相似文献
Bank Mergers, Competition, and Liquidity 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
ELENA CARLETTI PHILIPP HARTMANN† GIANCARLO SPAGNOLO‡ 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2007,39(5):1067-1105
We model the impact of bank mergers on loan competition, reserve holdings, and aggregate liquidity. A merger changes the distribution of liquidity shocks and creates an internal money market, leading to financial cost efficiencies and more precise estimates of liquidity needs. The merged banks may increase their reserve holdings through an internalization effect or decrease them because of a diversification effect. The merger also affects loan market competition, which in turn modifies the distribution of bank sizes and aggregate liquidity needs. Mergers among large banks tend to increase aggregate liquidity needs and thus the public provision of liquidity through monetary operations of the central bank. 相似文献
Do mergers with greater target relative to acquirer size create more value than mergers with smaller relative sized targets? Do larger bid amounts represent wealth transfers from acquirers or do they signal greater expected merger gains? We hypothesize that the relations among aggregate merger gains, relative size, and bid premiums are asymmetric across mergers made by value‐enhancing versus value‐reducing managers. We use a large sample of bank mergers to test these predictions and find that the value response to different explanatory variables is asymmetric. Our findings provide new insights into how the market values merger bids. 相似文献
Harold A. Black Raphael W. Bostic Breck L. Robinson Robert L. Schweitzer 《The Financial Review》2005,40(4):575-586
This study explores how Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) protests and their resolution affect the market value of merging banks. We find, in contrast to earlier research, that CRA‐related events are not associated with significant negative market reactions for either bidder or target institutions. Rather, the market does not seem to respond strongly to CRA‐related events at all. The results appear to stem from the choice of an estimation period for establishing an institution's baseline stock‐market price dynamics that does not include abnormal security price movements induced by the merger announcement. 相似文献
We examine the relationship among the level and stability of institutional ownership, diversification, and riskiness of publicly traded bank holding companies. We find that large and stable institutional ownership is associated with a higher (lower) level of geographic, revenue, and nontraditional banking (asset) diversification and lower risk, suggesting that institutional investors are prudent and favor risk‐reducing diversification strategies. The association between institutional ownership level and diversification is more pronounced under deregulation and during the crisis, suggesting a substitution effect between regulation and market discipline, and a greater level of monitoring and/or advising by institutional investors during the crisis, respectively. 相似文献
Geographic Diversification, Bank Holding Company Value, and Risk 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We assess the association between geographic diversification and bank holding company (BHC) value and risk, controlling for the distance between the headquarters and branches. The distance-adjusted deposit dispersion index used as a measure of geographic diversification accounts for the number of locations where a BHC operates, the level of activity in each location, and the distance between a BHC and its branches. We find that geographic diversification is associated with BHC value enhancement and risk reduction, increased distance between a BHC and its branches is associated with firm value reduction and risk increase, and geographic diversification across more remote areas is associated with greater value enhancement but smaller risk reduction. 相似文献
This paper examines the results of material mergers between bank holding companies (BHCs). Merged BHCs experience post‐merger profitability below the industry average. The market reaction to the merger announcements is significantly negative. The most important causes of the poor post‐merger performance are credit quality and the inadequate generation of fee income. Asset mix and capitalization also play a major part. The controllability of these items demonstrates the management challenge associated with a material merger. 相似文献
MARTIN BROWN KAROLIN KIRSCHENMANN STEVEN ONGENA 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2014,46(7):1501-1534
We examine how bank funding structure and securitization activities affect the currency denomination of business loans. We analyze a unique data set that includes information on the requested and granted loan currency for 99,490 loans granted to 57,464 firms by a Bulgarian bank. Our findings document that foreign currency lending is at least partially driven by bank eagerness to match the currency structure of assets with that of liabilities. Our results also show that loan currency, as well as loan amount and maturity, are adjusted to make loans eligible for securitization. 相似文献
Compensation policy has become one of the most important ingredientsof corporate governance. In this paper we take a new look atthe issue, by contrasting the use of options with that of stock.We do this by integrating the repricing or resetting aspectof options with that of industrial structure. We show that industrycompetition may play an important role in dictating which formof compensation is optimal. When aggressive competition forkey professional staff is an issue, the flexibility of optionsmay actually become a disadvantage and therefore pure stockcompensation may survive as an equilibrium. Thus compensationtrends may be partly explained by trends in the nature of thecompetitive environment. 相似文献
ALLEN N. BERGER BJÖRN IMBIEROWICZ CHRISTIAN RAUCH 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2016,48(4):729-770
We analyze the roles of bank ownership, management, and compensation structures in bank failures during the recent financial crisis. Our results suggest that failures are strongly influenced by ownership structure: high shareholdings of lower‐level management and non‐chief executive officer (non‐CEO) higher‐level management increase failure risk significantly. In contrast, shareholdings of banks’ CEOs do not have a direct impact on bank failure. These findings suggest that high stakes in the bank induce non‐CEO managers to take high risks due to moral hazard incentives, which may result in bank failure. We identify tail risk in noninterest income as a primary risk‐taking channel of lower‐level managers. 相似文献
MATTHEW JAREMSKI 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2010,42(8):1565-1587
Almost 30% of the 872 banks established under the Free Banking System (1837–62) are considered failures, unable to reimburse noteholders for the full value of their bank notes upon closure. Lacking sufficient data, economists have focused on one of two general failure explanations: poor regulation design or undiversified bank portfolios. I test both explanations within hazard functions using Warren Weber's annual balance sheet data for almost every antebellum bank. My results suggest that free banking's bond‐secured note issue was the underlying problem, but individual banks could have avoided failure by diversifying their assets with loans and controlling their circulation. 相似文献
We examine the connection between the number of bank relationships and firms' performance using a unique data set on Italian small firms for which banks are a major source of financing. Our evidence indicates that return on equity and return on assets decrease as the number of bank relationships increases with a stronger effect on small firms than large firms. We also find that interest expense over assets increases as the number of relationships increases. Particularly for small firms, these results are consistent with analyses suggesting that fewer bank relationships reduce information asymmetries and agency problems and outweigh hold‐up problems. 相似文献
We find that post‐merger equity risk is negatively related to the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock return volatility (vega), but is concentrated in CEOs with high proportions of options and options that are more in‐the‐money. The probability of industrial diversification also increases in vega. Additional tests show that the decline in post‐merger equity risk results in a significant decrease in shareholder wealth. This decrease is concentrated among firms with CEOs having the highest delta and the highest delta and vega. Our results suggest that the increased convexity provided by option‐based compensation does not necessarily increase risk‐taking behavior by CEOs. 相似文献
BARBARA CASU ANDREW CLARE ANNA SARKISYAN STEPHEN THOMAS 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2013,45(8):1617-1658
Using predominantly precrisis U.S. commercial bank data, this paper employs a propensity score matching approach to analyze whether individual banks did improve their performance through securitization. On average, our results show that securitizing banks tend to be more profitable institutions, with higher credit risk exposure. Despite a more diversified funding structure, they face higher funding costs. We also find that securitizing banks tend to hold larger and less diversified loan portfolios, have less liquidity, and hold less capital. However, our analysis does not provide evidence to suggest that securitization had an impact upon bank performance. 相似文献
We link debt issuances by target companies around takeover announcements to enhanced target bargaining power in negotiations with bidders over merger synergy gains in completed takeovers. Announcements of debt issuances by targets—especially new bank loans—are associated with more positive target equity returns relative to those made by nontargets, particularly for debt issuances immediately surrounding the takeover announcement. At least some of these gains to targets come at the expense of bidder shareholders, as bidder equity abnormal returns at target debt issuance are negative. We further show that targets issuing debt are primarily those with relatively low acquisition abnormal returns, consistent with initially poor target bargaining power. Subsequent debt issuances by targets increase the likelihood of positive adjustments to acquisition premiums offered by acquirers. 相似文献
Costanza Meneghetti 《Journal of Corporate Finance》2012,18(1):65-91
I propose a simple model with complete and perfect information on the relation between managerial incentive compensation and choice between public and bank debt. The empirical analysis offers considerable support to the model's predictions. I find that managers whose compensation is tied to firm performance prefer bank to public debt. Further, I find a positive relation between cost of public debt and managerial incentive compensation and no relation between loan spreads and incentive compensation. Finally, I find that banks are more likely to include a collateral provision in the debt contract if the CEO's compensation is tied to firm performance. 相似文献
The outbreak of the 2007–2009 financial crisis and of the European sovereign debt crisis again raised questions about the vulnerability and the behaviour of banking institutions. The unconventional monetary policies that followed have flattened the yield curve and created a low interest rates environment. This can give rise to risk-taking behaviour from banks and can therefore undermine the stability of the banking system with negative impact of the credit supply, corporate investment and real economy. This article proposes a literature review on the main determinants of bank lending and risk-taking decisions, going through the competition in the banking market, the bank connectedness with firms and the role of monetary and banking authorities. The systemic risk concept is also discussed as well as its drivers and potential measures that should be monitored by prudential authorities in order to preserve financial stability. 相似文献
This paper addresses two questions related to the ongoing consolidation of the US banking industry and its effect on small firm financing. First, are conventional measures of market structure (e.g. geographic market size and deposit concentration) related to bank competition for small firm financial business? Second, does an increase in bank competition produce an improvement in bank services irrespective of market structure? To answer these questions we use a survey of small firm owners that asks them to report on changes in bank competition for their business. Our findings show that reports of increased competition by small firm owners are negatively related to the level of and change in deposit concentration. In addition, we find a significant positive association between changes in bank competition reported by small firms and their reports of changes in banking outcomes (e.g. service quality) that is independent of deposit concentration, firm risk, and credit usage. 相似文献
Recent research focuses on explaining the diversification discount. However, there is little direct evidence regarding the relation among ownership structure, corporate governance, and corporate diversification. The results in this paper suggest that agency issues do not account for firms adopting a particular diversification strategy. Also, the performance consequences of the shift in the diversification strategy and the subsequent changes in institutional and block ownership structures are not related to agency issues. In fact, investors seem not to avoid diversified firms per se. We suggest that observed board and ownership differences between diversified and focused firms are due to their being at different stages of corporate evolution. 相似文献
This study explores the relationship between credit risks of banks and the corporate governance structures of these banks from the perspective of creditors. The cumulative default probabilities are estimated for a sample of US commercial and savings banks to measure their risk taking behavior. The results show that one year and five year cumulative default probabilities are time‐varying, with a significant jump observed in the year prior to the financial crisis of 2008–09. Generally speaking, corporate governance structures have a greater impact on US commercial banks than on savings institutions. We provide evidence that, after controlling for firm specific characteristics, commercial banks with larger boards and older CFOs are associated with significantly lower credit risk levels. Lower ownership by institutional investors and more independent boards also have lower credit risk levels, although these effects are somewhat less significant. For all the banks in our sample, large board size, older CFO, and less busy directors are associated with lower credit risk levels. When we restrict the sample to consider the joint effects of the governance variables, the results on board size and busy directors are maintained. 相似文献