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乌兹别克斯坦投资法律环境的利弊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与乌兹别克斯坦建交以来,两国间贸易额连年增长,乌兹别克斯坦已成为我国在中亚五国中的第三大贸易投资伙伴,但中国投资者因对乌兹别克斯坦投资法律环境了解不够充分而导致投资失败的案例举不胜举。深入分析乌兹别克斯坦投资法律环境的利弊将有利于中国投资者审慎决策,为此,本文对乌兹别克斯坦的投资法律环境进行了分析,认为有利方面表现在鸟兹别克斯坦不断完善其税收体系、从法律上保障外国投资者的权益、对内外资提供基本一致的法律保护和向外资提供各种优惠政策等;不利方面表现在对外资准入、企业经营以及外资退出等方面还存在着不同程度的限制。  相似文献   

随着中国政府逐步放开外资进入中国市场的限制,外资入股中资银行己成为国外金融机构进入中国的首选方式。中国金融管理层引资的愿望很好,但对于参股主体的行为识别一直是困绕管理层的大问题。笔者认为,引进战略投资者对我国银行业的改革意义重大,但是那些形似神非的战略投资者是潜藏着巨大的风险的。因此,找寻真正的、适合自身发展的战略投资者是管理层必须解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

Reflecting upon the lessons from the Asian currency crises, more attention is being paid to the importance of consolidation for the domestic financial and capital markets, as well as international cooperation to avoid disturbing factors from abroad, such as massive inflows of speculative capital. The aim of financial reforms being executed in the East Asian countries, such as Japan, Korea, and China, is to improve the managerial efficiency of the business corporations and financial institutions.Recently, foreign direct investment by Japanese firms in the rest of the East Asia has been recovering. However, the existence of a financial system to realize optimal corporate governance is indispensable for the enhancement of direct investment. Namely, it is necessary to improve corporate profitability, and to distribute the increment of such profits between the host and the investor countries, in order to boost the welfare of the respective citizens, notwithstanding the type of foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of global investor sentiment on capital inflows in the Korean stock and bond markets using textual analysis. First, we conclude that global investor sentiment about Korea causes fluctuations in capital inflows to the Korean stock market. Second, global investor sentiment about Korea causes foreign investors to modify their investments but not by enough to cause drastic changes. Third, positive sentiment about Asia-Pacific countries results in more foreign investment in Korea. The results suggest that research on global investor sentiment provides insight into the determinants of capital flows and has implications for capital flow management policies.  相似文献   

The issue of whether stock markets reflect economic fundamentals or speculative bubbles is an important one for their potential role in allocating capital, and relates to a policy issue of whether stock markets should be encouraged in developing countries. This article examines the impact of both domestic and foreign economic factors on real stock market returns in three southern African stock markets – South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, from 1985-95 – using cointegration and error correction techniques. It finds that, while in all cases stock markets are influenced by domestic economic growth, there are no common patterns beyond this. The influence of other domestic and economic variables depends on the size, openness and market-orientation of the individual economies, as well as the size and liquidity of the various stock exchanges. Where foreign economic variables are important, they appear to be those related to trade, rather than international capital flows, indicating that there is little integration of these capital markets, whether regionally or internationally.  相似文献   

宣烨 《南方经济》2007,(6):51-60
引进跨国公司先进技术和管理经验是中国吸收FDI主要目的之一。本文运用1990-2003年江苏制造业数据.实证检验企业外商所有权份额、内外资企业技术差距、内资企业规模及资本密集度与FDI溢出效应的关系,并对回归结果进行分析。结果显示,FDI存在着对内资企业正的溢出效应.但溢出规模并不是在任何情况下总是相等。溢出规模既取决于外商所有权份额、内外资企业技术差距,又与内资企业规模、资本密集度有关。防范外商行业垄断,形成有效的竞争市场;加速内资企业发展.提高对新技术的识别、模仿及自主创新能力;促使内外资企业人员双向流动,能够有效地发挥FDI对中国经济的促进作用。  相似文献   

There is a widespread view that China’s currency can be used in international markets only after the liberalisation of China’s domestic financial markets and the opening of its capital account. Yet evidently the renminbi’s internationalisation is preceding these so-called preconditions. This article assesses the tensions inherent in renminbi internationalisation starting at a transitional period in China’s financial development. For now, effective capital controls allow the Chinese authorities to retain regulated deposit and lending rates, quantitative credit guidance and bond market rationing. Relaxation of the capital controls would put these policies at risk. Reserve requirements can be extended to bank inflows from the offshore market but only at a price.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the trend, constraints, promotion, and prospects of investment – domestic investment, foreign direct investment, and private portfolio investment – in Africa. After identifying the importance of investment in Africa's economic development, it was shown that all forms of investment are low in Africa and hence inadequate for the attainment of the MDGs and poverty reduction in the continent. The constraining factors include: low resources mobilization; high degree of uncertainty; poor governance, corruption, and low human capital development; unfavorable regulatory environment and poor infrastructure, small individual country sizes; high dependence on primary commodities exports and increased competition; poor image abroad; shortage of foreign exchange and the burden of huge domestic and external debt; and undeveloped capital markets, their high volatility, and home bias by foreign investors. The paper recommends that successful promotion of both domestic, foreign direct and portfolio investment in Africa will require actions and measures at the national, regional, and international levels. It concludes that the prospects are bright. New and attractive investment opportunities are emerging in infrastructure, particularly as most African countries now encourage public/private partnerships for investments in this sector. In addition to privatization, renewed interest within Africa in undertaking regionally based projects and joint exploitation of natural resources is creating other investment opportunities. Apart from the fact that investment in Africa yields the highest returns, investment risk in the continent is declining. In addition, much progress has been made in recent years to improve the investment climate in Africa. All this is of course is not to deny that obstacles do remain hence economic reforms to enhance domestic investment would need to be complemented by measures to attract increased foreign capital. Critical in such endeavors must be efforts to improve governance in some countries as well as to eliminate socio‐political violence in others and development of domestic capital markets, while government institutions must be modernized and upgraded.  相似文献   

本文从企业拓展市场角度把中国企业面临的市场选择分为内需市场与外需市场。在拓展外需市场时,中国企业表现了旺盛的竞争性;而在拓展内需市场时,则异常乏力甚至无奈。通过界定内外需市场,分析这种二元市场的成因,从而为协调我国内需与外需市场的发展提出一种思考的角度。  相似文献   

陈冠霭 《特区经济》2009,(10):108-109
资本市场是现代企业进行融资的重要渠道。会计信息作为投资者对融资方的最重要评判工具之一,直接影响着出资人对企业价值的评估并做出投资决策。本文以普通股股票为例分析了会计信息偏差在权益资本市场(股票市场)被市盈率这一放大器放大的过程,从而阐明健全会计信息对中国资本市场发展有重要意义,并提出了解决这些问题的初步构想。  相似文献   

王丹 《改革与战略》2012,28(5):84-86
随着我国经济发展和收入水平提高,如何满足多样化的投融资需求变得越加迫切,多层次资本市场建设问题受到广泛关注。文章从投资者异质性、企业生命周期、信息不对称、产权交易等视角分析多层次资本市场建设的理论基础,探讨我国多层次资本市场的组织架构和功能定位,从培养机构投资者、培育融资主体、发展中介服务机构、完善法律体系、健全监管机制等方面提出我国多层次资本市场建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: This study examines the impact of financial liberalization and foreign bank entry on the domestic banking sector from 1996 to 2007, and builds upon and expands the work of Lee (2002). We find that foreign bank entry, financial liberalization, ownership structure and degree of openness of foreign bank entry positively impact domestic banking system operating efficiency, capitalization, risk management, long‐term soundness, financial performance as well as economic and financial development. However, foreign bank entry is associated with reduced profit margins and increased operating costs of domestic banks in countries with less developed capital markets. Empirical evidence seems to support the argument that foreign bank presence leads to better allocation of capital and eliminates connected lending practices.  相似文献   

This survey article continues the author's examination of the interaction between domestic capital markets and capital formation by studying the 45 years after the end of World War II. (Part 1 appeared in AEHR 37 (3) 1997.) The significant rise and the sustained increase in the ratio of gross domestic capital formation to gross domestic product (GDP) posed challenges to local deposit taking institutions and capital markets to mobilize savings. The changing balance between public and private investment, and between investment by businesses and households, was reflected in the relative importance of government and private debt, and equity. The capital markets and financial institutions proved themselves to be adaptable enough to finance more than 90 per cent of postwar capital formation. However, the increasing inward and outward flows of foreign direct investment have weakened the nexus between the supply of domestic savings and capital formation.  相似文献   

我国近几年外贸顺差的连创新高,并且进、出口增长的走势与世界经济的联动性日益明显,我国的实体经济已经越来越融入全球经济的大环境当中。同时,我们外贸结构的升级也正在以更快的步伐前进,我国双边贸易的高速增长仍将维持一段时间。中国股市在经历了“2.27”暴跌之后,全球各主要股市随后也遭到重挫。笔者并不认为目前中国的股市对于全球市场有如此巨大的影响,但是全球石油美元的流动以及日元利差交易的变化情况已经逐渐受到国内投资者的重视,中国资本市场已经成为了全球市场的重要一环。在国内实体经济、虚拟经济与世界联动性不断增强的背景下,我们应该更加关注外部因素对于国内经济稳定性的影响,同时也要从其他国家的历史发展经验当中吸取金融安全监管方面的教训。  相似文献   

Panel analysis of 21 industrial countries shows evidence for pro-cyclicality of capital gains on domestic stock markets over a medium term horizon. Thus, with cross-border ownership of portfolio equity investments, potential for hedging against domestic output fluctuations by means of the capital gains channel of foreign liabilities is found. Individual country analysis reveals substantial heterogeneity of cyclicality patterns. Evidence suggests that this cross-country variation can be explained by the level of economic development and the size of financial markets.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the behavioral relations of major investor groups in the stabilized Korean stock and futures markets after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Investor groups cannot be classified as positive or negative feedback traders on market returns when both stock and futures markets are considered, which is inconsistent with the results in Ghysels and Seon (2005). Foreign investors and domestic institutions tend to take opposite positions in both markets. The impact of foreign investors on the basis change is significantly negative in the futures market, whereas domestic institutions have a negative relation in the stock market. This supports the view that selling activity of foreign investors in the futures market pulls the futures price down compared with the index value and, consequently, induces the reverse cash‐and‐carry trade of domestic institutions. This relationship, which negatively influenced the Korean economy during the crisis, as shown in Ghysels and Seon (2005), still exists in the Korean financial markets.  相似文献   

温耀原 《特区经济》2009,(5):235-238
外资并购是外资通过企业兼并或者企业收购取得国内企业的控制权而进入国内市场的活动。外资并购中国企业前、后,其法律形态也相应的发生变化,同时也将面临适用不同法律体系的问题,因此研究外资并购中的主体法律形态具有重要的现实意义。本文首先概述了外资并购;其次分析了外资并购法律关系中的主体法律形态;再次探讨了外资并购后的主体法律形态;最后对外资并购中国企业主体法律形态的提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

程莉 《特区经济》2007,(7):69-70
在2006年底,中国履行加入世贸承诺,取消了对外资银行的一切非审慎性市场准入限制,外资银行进入中国市场的门槛被大大降低。这也要求处于社会主义初级阶段的中国对外资银行实施更加完善的法律监管,调和外资银行的"入侵",对中资银行进行保护。但如今我国对外资银行实行的法律监管还存在不少问题,本文力图从法律执行效力、法律监管内容、立法模式等方面分析并具体论述其法律监管措施的经验与不足,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Instability in the worm dollar standard, as most recently manifested in the US Federal Reserve's near-zero interest rate policy, has caused consternation in emerging markets with naturally higher interest rates. China has been provoked into speeding RMB "internationalization "; that is, opening up domestic financial markets to reduce its dependence on the US dollar for invoicing trade and making international payments. However, despite rapid percentage growth in offshore financial markets in RMB, the Chinese authorities are essentially trapped into maintaining exchange controls (reinforced by financial repression in domestic interest rates) to avoid an avalanche of foreign capital inflows that would threaten inflation and asset price bubbles by driving nominal interest rates on RMB assets down further. Because a floating (appreciating) exchange rate could attract even more hot money inflows, the People's Bank of China should focus on keeping the yuan/dollar rate stable so as to encourage naturally high wage increases to help balance China "s international competitiveness. However, further internationalization of the RMB, as with the proposed Shanghai pilot free trade zone, is best deferred until world interest rates rise to more normal levels.  相似文献   

目前的世界金融危机,很可能使中国持有的许多债券甚至美国的政府债券连本金都无法收回。外汇储备的境外资金流入,降低了中国国内资金的回报率,控制了一个个中国产业。应采取三项措施:只要中国还没有出现对外贸易逆差,就严格禁止国外资金流入;立即对资本项目下对外资金往来实行集中计划控制,管制资金汇出;对中国外汇储备中外国债务人违约,不还本付息,中国政府可强行以债务人所属国在中国的所有金融权益抵偿中国外汇储备受到的损失。必要时可抛售其相应国家的债券。  相似文献   

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