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Germany and Canada differ significantly regarding their migration policy as well as the structures of the national labour markets and their educational systems. This paper aims to analyse how these differences affect the labour market outcomes of immigrants and the usability of foreign qualifications and work experiences by using the health and ICT sectors as example. The comparison focuses on the question how qualifications and work experience serve as signals and are screened for in the recruiting process of enterprises. The results show clear differences as well as several commonalities between the two compared countries.  相似文献   

The paper presents an interpretation of Finnish advertising for edible fats and imagery related to the fats during this century. The material comprises copies of Kotiliesi magazine at 5-year intervals from 1923 to 1992. The advertising reflects the history of a changing relationship of references to the competing fat products, showing at the same time, however, how essentially the imagery related to the new product, margarine, has from the start been dominated by the image of a ‘natural’product, commonly associated with the already established product, butter. Paradoxically, margarine and butter have changed places this century in the dualism of nature and culture. As lifestyles have changed, margarine has become a ‘healthy’ symbol of nature while simultaneously butter has lost its leading position as a natural source of vitality. Advertising has played a central role in this metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed: Professions, Competence and Informal Learning
Graham Cheetham and Geoff Chivers, 2005. Published by Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 1‐84376‐408‐3.
£69.95, 337 pages.  相似文献   

Because of the declining fiscal capabilities of the German welfare state and the resulting reductions in social services provided by the government, increasing attention has been given to the voluntary social engagement of businesses, often referred to as corporate citizenship. In that context, scholars and politicians alike have pointed to the United States as a country with a strong corporate citizenship culture and advocated a transatlantic transfer of the respective practices. Against this background, it is the first aim of this paper to examine the socio‐economic environment for corporate citizenship in both countries. Second, it will be investigated if corporate citizenship is really practiced more widely in the United States than in Germany and what forms of corporate citizenship are used by businesses. For that purpose, the corporate citizenship activities of the 100 largest companies in the United States and Germany each will be analyzed. Results show that more US than German companies undertake corporate citizenship activities and apply a wider variety of different forms. The possibilities for a transatlantic transfer are limited because of the differences in the cultural and political systems of both countries.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an empirical study into the export problems of small computer software firms in Finland, Ireland and Norway. The study suggests that finance-related problems present exporters with the greatest difficulties and that these problems often intensify with increased international exposure. It also reveals that marketing-related factors tend to decline as firms become more active in export markets. The paper concludes that export policy-makers should seek to address these problems by improvements in training—particularly, in the area of export finance—and by providing a better financial infrastructure, in order to improve the international capabilities of small software firms.  相似文献   

Economists have recently recognised services offshoring as an important influence on domestic labour market outcomes. Services are of particular interest since their significance has grown in terms of both quantity and quality. Only one and a half decades ago, most services were considered non‐tradable, but the emergence and development of new information and communication technologies has made many services internationally tradable. The liberalisation of international trade in services trade has further accelerated the volume of services trade. Our econometric estimations focus on services offshoring by German manufacturing sectors. We use revised input–output data from 1995 to 2006. We first estimate the impact of services offshoring on labour productivity. We then measure the effects of services offshoring on labour demand. The results show that services offshoring increased sectoral labour productivity, but reduced German manufacturing employment. The overall results suggest that labour demand decreased over 1995–2006, because labour‐reducing productivity and substitution effects dominated labour‐augmenting scale effects from services offshoring.  相似文献   

Today the family is seen as a unit for food choice and consumption. The influence of family members on food choice comprises several stages that can be carried out both in the private home and in the public sphere, such as the grocery store. This makes the grocery store a context in which ordinary family life can be observed. The aim was to study families and the interaction between children and adults in the grocery store, focusing on young people's involvement in food shopping. Hidden observation and family interview methods were used. A total of 338 people were observed in seven different grocery stores in Stockholm during the summer and autumn of 2003. Seven family interviews, involving a total of 29 persons, were conducted in Uppsala in the spring of 2003. In the interviews, parents reported avoiding shopping for food together with children as they experienced it as stressful and exhausting. The observations showed that family life in the grocery store comprises not only the food purchase, but also bringing up children and consumer education. Young people's involvement in the food purchase varied depending on their age and the specific product. The different behaviour observed may be interpreted as reflecting the variation in ways of bringing up children at home. Another conclusion is that a public place such the grocery store facilitates pedagogical situations and can work as a tool for informal education.  相似文献   

Learning,market selection and the evolution of industrial structures   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Industrial economics is a rich source of puzzles for economic theory. One of them — certainly the most discussed — regards the co-existence of firms (and plants) of different sizes, displaying rather invariant skewed distributions. Other puzzles, however, concern the sectoral specificities in industrial structures, the persistence of asymmetric corporate performances and the dynamics of entry and exit. The paper reports some preliminary results on evolutionary modeling of the links between the microeconomics of innovation, the patterns of industrial change and some observable invariances in industrial structures.First, the paper reviews a few of these empirical regularities in structures and in the patterns of change. Second, the paper discusses the achievements and limits of interpretations of the evidence based on equilibrium theories. Finally, it presents a model where these regularities are explained as emergent properties deriving from non equilibrium interactions among technologically heterogeneous firms. Moreover, simulation exercises show that also the intersectoral variety in the observed industrial structures and dynamics can be interpreted on the grounds of underlying specificities in the processes of technological learning — which is called technological regimes — and of the processes of market interactions — i.e. market regimes.This research has undertaken within an on going project sponsored by the Italian Research Council (CNR, Progetto strategico,Cambiamento tecnologico e sviluppo economico). Support by the Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation Centre for Research in Management, University of California at Berkeley is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The price–quality schema rests on an assumption that price is credible information about product quality. However, the credibility of price information varies across different markets. In an inefficient market, consumers would believe in the price–quality relationship to a lesser extent because price information is less credible. Paradoxically, in such a market, sometimes consumers have to rely more on price to infer quality because other product information is less available. With a cross-national perspective, this study investigated the influences of market efficiency and consumer risk aversion on the price–quality schema between the China and the US markets. We found that due to the inefficient market environment, Chinese consumers possess a weaker price–quality schema than American consumers. Chinese consumers are more risk averse than their American counterparts. However, in China, risk-averse consumers are more likely to use price to infer product quality. Implications for global marketing are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

章成林  甘泗群 《商》2013,(24):331-333,315
通过对云南省10年来三次产业发展数据进行系统地分析,发现省内整体呈“二三一”的产业结构类型,二、三产业比重接近,但产业产值总量仍在低水平徘徊,产业结构升级优化任务依然艰巨。以省内地级市县10年间三次产业变动为基础.将昆明市作为比较对象分析省内产业结构相似状况,利用产业结构相似度系数模型进行测算分析来了解各地级市产业结构特征。最后,基于结果对三次产业发展提出相关政策建议:加快农业服务业发展,提升工业生产效率,完善旅游及服务业。  相似文献   

This paper exam,ines the effect of nat,u,ral resource export depen,dence and fis,cal respon,si,bil,ity on wage growth, which is derived from the labour first‐order con,di,tion and esti,mated using a panel growth‐account,ing frame,work. Using annual data, the study accounts for the var,i,abil,ity of resource rev,e,nues, one of the major dif,fi,cul,ties of man,ag,ing these resources. The con,trol vari,ables include the most cru,cial growth fac,tors. Due to insuf,fi,cient annual data, human cap,i,tal is only con,sid,ered inside wages as in many endog,e,nous growth mod,els. We esti,mate the influ,ence on real wage growth aris,ing from the growth‐impacts of nat,u,ral resources through labour and cap,i,tal effi,ciency while con,trol,ling for fis,cal respon,si,bil,ity, which proves a suit,able proxy for pol,i,cies and insti,tu,tions in a sin,gle‐panel case. The results show that respon,si,ble fis,cal pol,icy, assessed by the bud,get bal,ance, pre,vents (var,i,able) dif,fuse and point‐source resources from hin,der,ing real wage growth (through labour effi,ciency), a result also sig,nif,i,cant in a sub‐sam,ple of un‐free coun,tries. The hypoth,e,sis of a resource curse work,ing through insti,tu,tions and reflected on real wage growth holds for resource export shares, but not adjust,ing for re‐expor,ta,tion. Over,all, resource effects are jointly insig,nif,i,cant, even though point‐source resources show a positive impact through cap,i,tal effi,ciency.  相似文献   

Self-directed learning at work is becoming a megatrend in training and organisational development. However, there is a wide range of meanings subsumed under this concept. Referring to theoretical considerations in the domains of motivation, interest, strategies of learning and control, a conceptual model of self-directed learning, called the Two-Shell Model of Motivated Self-Directed Learning was developed and validated. The impact of selected perceived work conditions (experienced autonomy, competence and social integration) on this type of learning was structurally modelled with a sample of 67 employees in the fish processing industry. On the basis of these theoretical considerations and results the instrument ‘project group’ is analysed and recommended to support motivated self-directed learning.  相似文献   

This article traces the trajectories of consumer policy in Finland and Germany in the light of a comparative history in order to reflect upon the notion of consumer empowerment in public policy. The principle developments of contemporary consumer policy can be traced back to the post‐war political and economic integrations arising from the initial idea of free markets and individual freedom emphasized in classical liberalism. The article explores this development in Finland and Germany to the point of the establishment of a joint European Union (EU) consumer policy to reveal the notion of consumer empowerment. This approach creates an understanding of the peculiarities of consumer policy in EU member states despite the presence of a joint European policy area. Nowadays, both Finnish and German consumers find EU regulations excessive. It is important to acknowledge the influence of this historic development in order to understand what consumer empowerment meant in the past and thus to further develop policy action on a joint level.  相似文献   

Quality of life of the future generations depends on the efforts of current generations to protect environment. The purchase decisions based on their green behavioral intentions not only helps the society, but also helps companies to gain a green competitive advantage. In this study, the relationships between green satisfaction, green trust, green equity and behavioral intentions are examined. Data were collected from Turkey, Finland and Pakistan with self‐administered questionnaires regarding with green white goods. The hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling. Results of a structural model reveal positive relationships green satisfaction, green trust and green brand equity across three countries. In addition, green brand equity plays a remarkable role in behavioral intentions towards green white goods in general. Managers should consider green trust, green satisfaction, and green brand equity while implementing green marketing strategies in a global marketplace.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the global economy requires developed countries to undergo industrial restructuring. In this context, industrial small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to collaborate with the service sector to enhance their competitiveness and strategic capabilities. Indeed, industrial service SMEs have been the object of particular attention from governments since these enterprises have become a key element for manufacturing and innovation networks in developed countries. However, these firms, as well as the manufacturing SMEs they serve, now face the challenge to internationalize. This paper addresses the of the strategic capabilities required by SMEs in general, and manufacturing and industrial service SMEs in particular, to internationalize, as well as the effect of these capabilities on their export performance. These strategic capabilities are presented in a research model, which relates human resources (HR), product development capabilities and market development capabilities to export performance. In testing this model with a sample of 347 Canadian and French SMEs, similarities and differences between the two types of SMEs are highlighted.  相似文献   

Summary: This paper focuses on the use of biotechnology in the textile/clothing industry by identifying where and how such processes are already established and considers the latest developments, either in the research stage or in the early stages of commercialization. It has been found that biotechnology systems are already well known to those involved in fabric preparation, particularly as regards desizing. Enzymes used in detergent formulations have also been successfully used for the past 30–40 years. Most recent commercial advances have been in fabric finishing processes where handle modifications to cotton fabrics in particular are fast becoming established. Cutting-edge research falls in the areas of fibre modification and the generation of new fibres from natural sources, such as natural polyester from bacteria. The isolation of DNA from the shaft of hair fibres and the encoding of detectable specific antigens to designer labels is providing new ways of helping to combat fraud and counterfeit in the fashion trade. The treatment of textile effluent continues to be a major problem to the industry, but here, biotechnological developments in other industries are helping to provide some answers.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique dataset which gives a complete picture of the pattern of entry and exit in industrial sectors in Sweden during the period 1997–2001. The importance of profitability, industrial market growth, tangible capital intensity, intangible capital intensity and economies of scale for entry and exit are investigated. A fixed effects panel data model is used, and it is shown that the inclusion of unobserved industry-specific effects explains many of the inter-industrial differences in entry and exit rates. For policymakers, this implies that it is difficult to formulate an entrepreneurship policy that can be expected to be equally successful across all industries. It is also shown that investments in intangible assets is one way to compete, while economies of scale tend to deter entry rates.  相似文献   

Special diets are consumed as a treatment for diseases such as food allergies, diabetes, lactose intolerance, and coeliac disease. Lifestyle‐related diets, such as vegetarian, weight‐reducing, sports, bodybuilding, and low‐carbohydrate diets, can also be called special diets. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of and reasons for special diet consumption as a therapeutic measure or as a lifestyle‐related choice among 12‐ to 18‐year‐old Finns. Nationwide cross‐sectional data were collected by mailed, self‐administered questionnaires in 1999, 2001, 2007, and 2013. The number of respondents varied from 3535 to 8219, and response rates ranged from 38% to 76%. Consumption of special diets, both for therapeutic purposes and as a lifestyle‐related choice, showed a significant increasing trend in 12‐ to 18‐year‐olds from 1999 to 2013 (p < .001). During the study period, the most frequently‐reported single diets in adolescents were vegetarian and lactose intolerance diets. However, a fluctuation trend was observed in the consumption of different lifestyle‐related diets. Further, a growing number of respondents, especially girls, reported simultaneous consumption of a combination of two or more therapeutic and/or lifestyle‐related diets. The reason(s) for choosing a therapeutic diet seems to stay constant during the studied period. In contrast, a wide variety of reasons such as health, wellbeing, body weight, ethical, and ideological reasons, and the avoidance of some specific foods were given for the consumption of lifestyle‐related diets. Our study results correspond well to the increased prevalence of common illnesses in Finland. Data also reveal the properties of special diet consumption among adolescents in the long run, and this highlights the need to further educate Finnish adolescents on nutrition literacy.  相似文献   

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