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In the classical compound Poisson risk model, Lundberg's inequality provides both an upper bound for, and an approximation to, the probability of ultimate ruin. The result can be applied only when the moment generating function of the individual claim amount distribution exists. In this paper we derive an upper bound for the probability of ultimate ruin when the moment generating function of the individual claim amount distribution does not exist.  相似文献   

V. E. Gamborg     

A glance at the numerous papers dealing with the influence of the rate of interest on the value of premiums will show that most authors aim at computing annuity values for a new rate of interest without first re-calculating the commutation columns, It is only in exceptional cases that they derive premiums or policy-values directly, i.e. without first finding annuity values.2 Apart from the fact, that both premiums and policyvalues are implicitly given by a set of annuity values, the reason for the usual procedure lies in the type of calculations which is contemplated, since they cannot conveniently be applied to such ratios as premiums and policy-values. In the following lines we show how the method developed by A. J. Lotka 3 for the calculation of the rate of increase of a stable population is capable of generalisation and of successful application to our problem; thus the detour via the calculation of annuity values can be avoided.  相似文献   


It is the custom to introduce mixtures of distributions for explaining non-obvious variations in observed outcomes from a collective of risks. In the present contribution we consider some special kind of mixtures, namely scale and power mixtures. It is shown that the stop-loss criterion for ordering of risks plays an important role for ordering the mixing distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of aggregating dependent risks in the presence of partial dependence information. More concretely, we assume that the risks involved belong to independent subgroups and the dependence structure within each group is unknown. A sharp convex upper bound exists in this setting, and this constrained upper bound improves the existing, unconstrained, comonotonic upper bound in convex order. Moreover, we prove the uniqueness of this constrained upper bound and provide a characterization in terms of the distribution of its sum. Numerical illustrations are provided to show the improvement of the new upper bound.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider different approximations for computing the distribution function or risk measures related to a discrete sum of nonindependent lognormal random variables. Comonotonic upper and lower bound approximations for such sums have been proposed in Dhaene et al. (2002a,b). We introduce the comonotonic “maximal variance” lower bound approximation. We also compare the comonotonic approximations with two well-known moment-matching approximations: the lognormal and the reciprocal Gamma approximations. We find that for a wide range of parameter values the comonotonic “maximal variance” lower bound approximation outperforms the other approximations.  相似文献   


In this paper asset and liability values are modeled by geometric Brownian motions. In the first part of the paper we consider a pension plan sponsor with the funding objective that the pension asset value is to be within a band that is proportional to the pension liability value. Whenever the asset value is about to fall below the lower barrier or boundary of the band, the sponsor will provide sufficient funds to prevent this from happening. If, on the other hand, the asset value is about to exceed the upper barrier of the band, the assets are reduced by the potential overflow and returned to the sponsor. This paper calculates the expected present value of the payments to be made by the sponsor as well as that of the refunds to the sponsor. In particular we are interested in situations where these two expected values are equal. In the second part of the paper the refunds at the upper barrier are interpreted as the dividends paid to the shareholders of a company according to a barrier strategy. However, if the (modified) asset value ever falls to the liability value, which is the lower barrier, “ruin” takes place, and no more dividends can be paid. We derive an explicit expression for the expected discounted dividends before ruin. From this we find an explicit expression for the proportionality constant of the upper barrier that maximizes the expected discounted dividends. If the initial asset value is the optimal upper barrier, there is a particularly simple and intriguing expression for the expected discounted dividends, which can be interpreted as the present value of a deterministic perpetuity with exponentially growing payments.  相似文献   


In this paper, we derive two-sided bounds for the ruin probability in the compound Poisson risk model when the adjustment coefficient of the individual claim size distribution does not exist. These bounds also apply directly to the tails of compound geometric distributions. The upper bound is tighter than that of Dickson (1994). The corresponding lower bound, which holds under the same conditions, is tighter than that of De Vylder and Goovaerts (1984). Even when the adjustment coefficient exists, the upper bound is, in some cases, tighter than Lundberg's bound. These bounds are applicable for any positive distribution function with a finite mean. Examples are given and numerical comparisons with asymptotic formulae for the ruin probability are also considered.  相似文献   


In recent years various dividend payment strategies for the classical collective risk model have been studied in great detail. In this paper we consider both the dividend payment intensity and the premium intensity to be step functions depending on the current surplus level. Algorithmic schemes for the determination of explicit expressions for the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function and the expected discounted dividend payments are derived. This enables the analytical investigation of dividend payment strategies that, in addition to having a sufficiently large expected value of discounted dividend payments, also take the solvency of the portfolio into account. Since the number of layers is arbitrary, it also can be viewed as an approximation to a continuous surplus-dependent dividend payment strategy. A recursive approach with respect to the number of layers is developed that to a certain extent allows one to improve upon computational disadvantages of related calculation techniques that have been proposed for specific cases of this model in the literature. The tractability of the approach is illustrated numerically for a risk model with four layers and an exponential claim size distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the fractional independence (FI) survival model, studied by Willmot (1997), for which the curtate future lifetime and the fractional part of it satisfy the statistical independence assumption, called the fractional independence assumption.

The ordering of risks of the FI survival model is analyzed, and its consequences for the evaluation of actuarial present values in life insurance is discussed. Our main fractional reduction (FR) theorem states that two FI future lifetime random variables with identical distributed curtate future lifetime are stochastically ordered (stop-loss ordered) if, and only if, their fractional parts are stochastically ordered (stop-loss ordered).

The well-known properties of these stochastic orders allow to find lower and upper bounds for different types of actuarial present values, for example when the random payoff functions of the considered continuous life insurances are convex (concave), or decreasing (increasing), or convex not decreasing (concave not increasing) in the future lifetime as argument. These bounds are obtained under the assumption that some information concerning the moments of the fractional part is given. A distinction is made according to whether the fractional remaining lifetime has a fixed mean or a fixed mean and variance. In the former case, simple unique optimal bounds are obtained in case of a convex (concave) present value function.

The obtained results are illustrated at the most important life insurance quantities in a continuous random environment, which include bounds for net single premiums, net level annual premiums and prospective net reserves.  相似文献   

We propose a new interest rate dynamicsmodel where the interest rates fluctuate in a bounded region. The model ischaracterised by five parameters which are sufficiently flexible to reflect theprediction of the future interest rates distribution. The interest rate convergesin law to a Beta distribution and has transition probabilities which arerepresented by a series of Jacobi polynomials. We derive the moment evaluationformula of the interest rate. We also derive the arbitrage free pure discountbond price formula by a weighted series of Jacobi polynomials. Furthermore wegive simple lower and upper bounds for the arbitrage free discount bond pricewhich are tight for the narrow interest rates region case. Finally we show thatthe numerical evaluation procedure converges to the exact value in the limitand evaluate the accuracy of the approximation formulas for the discount bondprices.  相似文献   


Solvency II splits life insurance risk into seven risk classes consisting of three biometric risks (mortality risk, longevity risk, and disability/morbidity risk) and four nonbiometric risks (lapse risk, expense risk, revision risk, and catastrophe risk). The best estimate liabilities for the biometric risks are valued with biometric life tables (mortality and disability tables), while those of the nonbiometric risks require alternative valuation methods. The present study is restricted to biometric risks encountered in traditional single-life insurance contracts with multiple causes of decrement. Based on the results of quantitative impact studies, process risk was deemed to be not significant enough to warrant an explicit calculation. It was therefore assumed to be implicitly included in the systematic/parameter risk, resulting in a less complex standard formula. For the purpose of internal models and improved risk management, it appears important to capture separately or simultaneously all risk components of biometric risks. Besides its being of interest for its own sake, this leads to a better understanding of the standard approach and its application extent. Based on a total balance sheet approach we express the liability risk solvency capital of an insurance portfolio as value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk of the prospective liability risk understood as random present value of future cash flows at a given time. The proposed approach is then applied to determine the biometric solvency capital for a portfolio of general life contracts. Using the conditional mean and variance of a portfolio’s prospective liability risk and a gamma distribution approximation we obtain simple solvency capital formulas as well as corresponding solvency capital ratios. To account for the possibility of systematic/parameter risk, we propose either to shift the biometric life tables or to apply a stochastic biometric model, which allows for random biometric rates. A numerical illustration for a cohort of immediate life annuities in arrears reveals the importance of process risk in the assessment of longevity risk solvency capital.  相似文献   


Extreme value theory describes the behavior of random variables at extremely high or low levels. The application of extreme value theory to statistics allows us to fit models to data from the upper tail of a distribution. This paper presents a statistical analysis of advanced age mortality data, using extreme value models to quantify the upper tail of the distribution of human life spans.

Our analysis focuses on mortality data from two sources. Statistics Canada publishes the annual number of deaths in Canada, broken down by angender and age. We use the deaths data from 1949 to 1997 in our analysis. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare also publishes detailed annual mortality data, including the 10 oldest reported ages at death in each year. We analyze the Japanese data over the period from 1980 to 2000.

Using the r-largest and peaks-over-threshold approaches to extreme value modeling, we fit generalized extreme value and generalized Pareto distributions to the life span data. Changes in distribution by birth cohort or over time are modeled through the use of covariates. We then evaluate the appropriateness of the fitted models and discuss reasons for their shortcomings. Finally, we use our findings to address the existence of a finite upper bound on the life span distribution and the behavior of the force of mortality at advanced ages.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to analyse two functions that are of general interest in the collective risk theory, namely F, the distribution function of the total amount of claims, and II, the Stop Loss premium. Section 2 presents certain basic formulae. Sections 17-18 present five claim distributions. Corresponding to these claim distributions, the functions F and II were calculated under various assumptions as to the distribution of the number of claims. These calculations were performed on an electronic computer and the numerical method used for this purpose is presented in sections 9, 19 and 20 under the name of the C-method which method has the advantage of furnishing upper and lower limits of the quantities under estimation. The means of these limits, in the following regarded as the “exact” results, are given in Tables 4-20. Sections 11-16 present certain approximation methods. The N-method of section 11 is an Edgeworth expansion, while the G-method given in section 12 is an approximation by a Pearson type III curve. The methods presented in sections 13-16, and denoted AI-A4, are all applications and modifications of the Esscher method. These approximation methods have been applied for the calculation of F and II in the cases mentioned above in which “exact” results were obtained. The results are given in Tables 4-20. The object of this investigation was to obtain information as to the precision of the approximation methods in question, and to compare their relative merits. These results arc discussed in sections 21-24.  相似文献   


New classes of order relations for discrete bivariate random vectors are introduced that essentially compare the expectations of real functions of convex-type of the random vectors. For the actuarial context, attention is focused on the so-called increasing convex orderings between discrete bivariate risks. First, various characterizations and properties of these orderings are derived. Then, they are used for comparing two similar portfolios with dependent risks and for constructing bounds on several multilife insurance premiums.  相似文献   

We derive sharp bounds for the prices of VIX futures using the full information of S&P 500 smiles. To that end, we formulate the model-free sub/superreplication of the VIX by trading in the S&P 500 and its vanilla options as well as the forward-starting log-contracts. A dual problem of minimizing/maximizing certain risk-neutral expectations is introduced and shown to yield the same value.The classical bounds for VIX futures given the smiles only use a calendar spread of log-contracts on the S&P 500. We analyze for which smiles the classical bounds are sharp and how they can be improved when they are not. In particular, we introduce a family of functionally generated portfolios which often improves the classical bounds while still being tractable; more precisely, they are determined by a single concave/convex function on the line. Numerical experiments on market data and SABR smiles show that the classical lower bound can be improved dramatically, whereas the upper bound is often close to optimal.  相似文献   

We derive efficient and accurate analytical pricing bounds and approximations for discrete arithmetic Asian options under time-changed Lévy processes. By extending the conditioning variable approach, we derive the lower bound on the Asian option price and construct an upper bound based on the sharp lower bound. We also consider the general partially exact and bounded (PEB) approximations, which include the sharp lower bound and partially conditional moment matching approximation as special cases. The PEB approximations are known to lie between a sharp lower bound and an upper bound. Our numerical tests show that the PEB approximations to discrete arithmetic Asian option prices can produce highly accurate approximations when compared to other approximation methods. Our proposed approximation methods can be readily applied to pricing Asian options under most common types of underlying asset price processes, like the Heston stochastic volatility model nested in the class of time-changed Lévy processes with the leverage effect.  相似文献   


In this paper we study the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function for the ordinary renewal risk model modified by the constant interest on the surplus. Explicit answers are expressed by an infinite series, and a relational formula for some important joint density functions is derived. Applications of the results to the compound Poisson model are given. Finally, a lower bound and an upper bound for the ultimate ruin probability are derived.  相似文献   

We consider two insurance companies with wealth processes described by two independent Brownian motions with drift. The goal of the companies is to maximize their expected aggregated discounted dividend payments until ruin. The companies are allowed to help each other by means of transfer payments. But in contrast to Gu et al. [(2018). Optimal dividend strategies of two collaborating businesses in the diffusion approximation model. Mathematics of Operations Research 43(2), 377–398], they are not obliged to do so, if one company faces ruin. We show that the problem is equivalent to a mixture of a one-dimensional singular control problem and an optimal stopping problem. The value function is explicitly constructed and a verification result is proved. Moreover, the optimal strategy is provided as well.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to determine how large a capital risk a monetary institution is incurring by receiving capital payments under obligation to yield a fixed guaranteed interest until a prescribed date, even if the market rate of interest should fall below the rate guaranteed, and to investigate to what extent the risk is decreased if it is possible to invest the payment first received at a rate of interest exceeding the rate guaranteed.  相似文献   


In the absence of investment and dividend payments, the surplus is modeled by a Brownian motion. But now assume that the surplus earns investment income at a constant rate of credit interest. Dividends are paid to the shareholders according to a barrier strategy. It is shown how the expected discounted value of the dividends and the optimal dividend barrier can be calculated; Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric differential equation plays a key role in this context. An alternative assumption is that business can go on after ruin, as long as it is profitable. When the surplus is negative, a higher rate of debit interest is applied. Several numerical examples document the influence of the parameters on the optimal dividend strategy.  相似文献   

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