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We investigate models with negative risk sums when the company invests its reserve into a risky asset whose price follows a geometric Brownian motion. Our main result is an exact asymptotic of the ruin probabilities for the case of exponentially distributed benefits. As in the case of non-life insurance with exponential claims, the ruin probabilities are either decreasing with a rate given by a power function (the case of small volatility) or equal to one identically (the case of large volatility). The result allows us to quantify the share of reserve to invest into such a risky asset to avoid a catastrophic outcome, namely the ruin with probability one. We address also the question of smoothness of the ruin probabilities as a function of the initial reserve for generally distributed jumps.  相似文献   


A Markov-modulated risk process perturbed by diffusion is considered in this paper. In the model the frequencies and distributions of the claims and the variances of the Wiener process are influenced by an external Markovian environment process with a finite number of states. This model is motivated by the flexibility in modeling the claim arrival process, allowing that periods with very frequent arrivals and ones with very few arrivals may alternate. Given the initial surplus and the initial environment state, systems of integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty functions at ruin caused by a claim and oscillation are established, respectively; a generalized Lundberg’s equation is also obtained. In the two-state model, the expected discounted penalty functions at ruin due to a claim and oscillation are derived when both claim amount distributions are from the rational family. As an illustration, the explicit results are obtained for the ruin probability when claim sizes are exponentially distributed. A numerical example also is given for the case that two classes of claims are Erlang(2) distributed and of a mixture of two exponentials.  相似文献   

We study an optimal investment control problem for an insurance company. The surplus process follows the Cramer-Lundberg process with perturbation of a Brownian motion. The company can invest its surplus into a risk-free asset and a Black-Scholes risky asset. The optimization objective is to minimize the probability of ruin. We show by new operators that the minimal ruin probability function is a classical solution to the corresponding HJB equation. Asymptotic behaviors of the optimal investment control policy and the minimal ruin probability function are studied for low surplus levels with a general claim size distribution. Some new asymptotic results for large surplus levels in the case with exponential claim distributions are obtained. We consider two cases of investment control: unconstrained investment and investment with a limited amount.  相似文献   


We extend the work of Browne (1995) and Schmidli (2001), in which they minimize the probability of ruin of an insurer facing a claim process modeled by a Brownian motion with drift. We consider two controls to minimize the probability of ruin: (1) investing in a risky asset and (2) purchasing quota-share reinsurance. We obtain an analytic expression for the minimum probability of ruin and the corresponding optimal controls, and we demonstrate our results with numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first study orders, valid up to a certain positive initial surplus, between a pair of ruin probabilities resulting from two individual claim size random variables for corresponding continuous time surplus processes perturbed by diffusion. The results are then applied to obtain a smooth upper (lower) bound for the underlying ruin probability; the upper (lower) bound is constructed from exponentially distributed claims, provided that the mean residual lifetime function of the underlying random variable is non-decreasing (non-increasing). Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the constructed upper bounds for ruin probabilities with comparisons to some existing ones.  相似文献   

Recently, some recursive formulas have been obtained for the ruin probability evaluated at or before claim instants for a surplus process under the assumptions that the claim sizes are independent, nonhomogeneous Erlang distributed, and independent of the inter-claim revenues, which are assumed to be independent, identically distributed, following an arbitrary distribution. Based on numerical examples, a conjecture has also been stated relating the order in which the claims arrive to the magnitude of the corresponding ruin probability. In this paper, we prove this conjecture in the particular case when the claims are all exponentially distributed with different parameters.  相似文献   

We investigate, focusing on the ruin probability, an adaptation of the Cramér–Lundberg model for the surplus process of an insurance company, in which, conditionally on their intensities, the two mixed Poisson processes governing the arrival times of the premiums and of the claims respectively, are independent. Such a model exhibits a stochastic dependence between the aggregate premium and claim amount processes. An explicit expression for the ruin probability is obtained when the claim and premium sizes are exponentially distributed.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a risk reserve process where the arrivals (either claims or capital injections) occur according to a Markovian point process. Both claim and capital injection sizes are phase-type distributed and the model allows for possible correlations between these and the inter-claim times. The premium income is modelled by a Markov-modulated Brownian motion which may depend on the underlying phases of the point arrival process. For this risk reserve model we derive a generalised Gerber–Shiu measure that is the joint distribution of the time to ruin, the surplus immediately before ruin, the deficit at ruin, the minimal risk reserve before ruin, and the time until this minimum is attained. Numeral examples illustrate the influence of the parameters on selected marginal distributions.  相似文献   

For a large motor insurance portfolio, on an open environment, we study the impact of experience rating in finite and continuous time ruin probabilities. We consider a model for calculating ruin probabilities applicable to large portfolios with a Markovian Bonus-Malus System (BMS), based on claim counts, for an automobile portfolio using the classical risk framework model. New challenges are brought when an open portfolio scenario is introduced. When compared with a classical BMS approach ruin probabilities may change significantly. By using a BMS of a Portuguese insurer, we illustrate and discuss the impact of the proposed formulation on the initial surplus required to target a given ruin probability. Under an open portfolio setup, we show that we may have a significant impact on capital requirements when compared with the classical BMS, by having a significant reduction on the initial surplus needed to maintain a fixed level of the ruin probability.  相似文献   


In this paper we derive some results on the dividend payments prior to ruin in a Markovmodulated risk process in which the rate for the Poisson claim arrival process and the distribution of the claim sizes vary in time depending on the state of an underlying (external) Markov jump process {J(t); t ≥ 0}. The main feature of the model is the flexibility in modeling the arrival process in the sense that periods with very frequent arrivals and periods with very few arrivals may alternate, and that the states of {J(t); t ≥ 0} could describe, for example, epidemic types in health insurance or weather conditions in car insurance. A system of integro-differential equations with boundary conditions satisfied by the nth moment of the present value of the total dividends prior to ruin, given the initial environment state, is derived and solved. We show that the probabilities that the surplus process attains a dividend barrier from the initial surplus without first falling below zero and the Laplace transforms of the time that the surplus process first hits a barrier without ruin occurring can be expressed in terms of the solution of the above-mentioned system of integro-differential equations. In the two-state model, explicit results are obtained when both claim amounts are exponentially distributed.  相似文献   

For a rather general class of risk-reserve processes, we provide an exact method for calculating different kinds of ruin probabilities, with particular emphasis on variations over Parisian type of ruin. The risk-reserve processes under consideration have, in general, dependent phase-type distributed claim sizes and inter-arrivals times, whereas the movement between claims can either be linear or follow a Brownian motion with linear drift. For such processes, we provide explicit formulae for classical, Parisian and cumulative Parisian types of ruin (for both finite and infinite time horizons) when the clocks are phase-type distributed. An erlangization scheme provides an efficient algorithmic methods for calculating the aforementioned ruin probabilities with deterministic clocks. Special attention is drawn to the construction of specific dependency structures, and we provide a number of numerical examples to study its effect on probabilities.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider an extension to the renewal or Sparre Andersen risk process by introducing a dependence structure between the claim sizes and the interclaim times through a Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula proposed by Cossette et al. (2010) for the classical compound Poisson risk model. We consider that the inter-arrival times follow the Erlang(n) distribution. By studying the roots of the generalised Lundberg equation, the Laplace transform (LT) of the expected discounted penalty function is derived and a detailed analysis of the Gerber–Shiu function is given when the initial surplus is zero. It is proved that this function satisfies a defective renewal equation and its solution is given through the compound geometric tail representation of the LT of the time to ruin. Explicit expressions for the discounted joint and marginal distribution functions of the surplus prior to the time of ruin and the deficit at the time of ruin are derived. Finally, for exponential claim sizes explicit expressions and numerical examples for the ruin probability and the LT of the time to ruin are given.  相似文献   

This paper presents an explicit characterization for the joint probability density function of the surplus immediately prior to ruin and the deficit at ruin for a general risk process, which includes the Sparre-Andersen risk model with phase-type inter-claim times and claim sizes. The model can also accommodate a Markovian arrival process which enables claim sizes to be correlated with the inter-claim times. The marginal density function of the surplus immediately prior to ruin is specifically considered. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the application of this result.  相似文献   


Consider a discrete-time risk model in which the insurer is allowed to invest a proportion of its wealth in a risky stock and keep the rest in a risk-free bond. Assume that the claim amounts within individual periods follow an autoregressive process with heavy-tailed innovations and that the log-returns of the stock follow another auto regressive process, independent of the former one. We derive an asymptotic formula for the finite-time ruin probability and propose a hybrid method, combining simulation with asymptotics, to compute this ruin probability more efficiently. As an application, we consider a portfolio optimization problem in which we determine the proportion invested in the risky stock that maximizes the expected terminal wealth subject to a constraint on the ruin probability.  相似文献   

We derive expressions for the density of the time to ruin given that ruin occurs in a Sparre Andersen model in which individual claim amounts are exponentially distributed and inter-arrival times are distributed as Erlang(n,?β). We provide numerical illustrations of finite time ruin probabilities, as well as illustrating features of the density functions.  相似文献   

We extend the classical compound Poisson risk model to consider the distribution of the maximum surplus before ruin where the claim sizes depend on inter-claim times via the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula. We derive an integro-differential equation with certain boundary conditions for this distribution, of which the Laplace transform is provided. We obtain the renewal equation and explicit expressions for this distribution are derived when the claim amounts are exponentially distributed. Finally, we present numerical examples.  相似文献   


In this paper an extension of the semi-Markovian risk model studied by Albrecher and Boxma (2005) is considered by allowing for general interclaim times. In such a model, we follow the ideas of Cheung et al. (2010b) and consider a generalization of the Gerber-Shiu function by incorporating two more random variables in the traditional penalty function, namely, the minimum surplus level before ruin and the surplus level immediately after the second last claim prior to ruin. It is shown that the generalized Gerber-Shiu function satisfies a matrix defective renewal equation. Detailed examples are also considered when either the interclaim times or the claim sizes are exponentially distributed. Finally, we also consider the case where the claim arrival process follows a Markovian arrival process. Probabilistic arguments are used to derive the discounted joint distribution of four random variables of interest in this risk model by capitalizing on an existing connection with a particular fluid flow process.  相似文献   

The structural model uses the firm-value process and the default threshold to obtain the implied credit spread. Merton’s (J Finance 29:449–470, 1974) credit spread is reported too small compared to the observed market spread. Zhou (J Bank Finance 25:2015–2040, 2001) proposes a jump-diffusion firm-value process and obtains a credit spread that is closer to the observed market spread. Going in a different direction, the reduced-form model uses the observed market credit spread to obtain the probability of default and the mean recovery rate. We use a jump-diffusion firm-value process and the observed credit spread to obtain the implied jump distribution. Therefore, the discrepancy in credit spreads between the structural model and the reduced-form model can be removed. From the market credit spread, we obtain the implied probability of default and the mean recovery rate. When the solvency-ratio process in credit risk and the surplus process in ruin theory both follow jump-diffusion processes, we show a bridge between ruin theory and credit risk so that results developed in ruin theory can be used to develop analogous results in credit risk. Specifically, when the jump is Logexponentially distributed, it results in a Beta distributed recovery rate that is close to market experience. For bonds of multiple seniorities, we obtain closed-form solutions of the mean and variance of the recovery rate. We prove that the defective renewal equation still holds, even if the jumps are possibly negative. Therefore, we can use ruin theory as a methodology for assessing credit ratings.   相似文献   

We consider a multi-threshold compound Poisson surplus process. When the initial surplus is between any two consecutive thresholds, the insurer has the option to choose the respective premium rate and interest rate. Also, the model allows for borrowing the current amount of deficit whenever the surplus falls below zero. Starting from the integro-differential equations satisfied by the Gerber–Shiu function that appear in Yang et al. (2008), we consider exponentially and phase-type(2) distributed claim sizes, in which cases we are able to transform the integro-differential equations into ordinary differential equations. As a result, we obtain explicit expressions for the Gerber–Shiu function.  相似文献   

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