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We consider the valuation of credit default swaps (CDSs) under an extended version of Merton’s structural model for a firm’s corporate liabilities. In particular, the interest rate process of a money market account, the appreciation rate, and the volatility of the firm’s value have switching dynamics governed by a finite-state Markov chain in continuous time. The states of the Markov chain are deemed to represent the states of an economy. The shift from one economic state to another may be attributed to certain factors that affect the profits or earnings of a firm; examples of such factors include changes in business conditions, corporate decisions, company operations, management strategies, macroeconomic conditions, and business cycles. In this article, the Esscher transform, which is a well-known tool in actuarial science, is employed to determine an equivalent martingale measure for the valuation problem in the incomplete market setting. Systems of coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) satisfied by the real-world and risk-neutral default probabilities are derived. The consequences for the swap rate of a CDS brought about by the regimeswitching effect of the firm’s value are investigated via a numerical example for the case of a two-state Markov chain. We perform sensitivity analyses for the real-world default probability and the swap rate when different model parameters vary. We also investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the PDE approach by comparing the numerical results from the PDE approach to those from the Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   


We consider an optimal dynamic control problem for an insurance company with opportunities of proportional reinsurance and investment. The company can purchase proportional reinsurance to reduce its risk level and invest its surplus in a financial market that has a Black-Scholes risky asset and a risk-free asset. When investing in the risk-free asset, three practical borrowing constraints are studied individually: (B1) the borrowing rate is higher than lending (saving) rate, (B2) the dollar amount borrowed is no more than K > 0, and (B3) the proportion of the borrowed amount to the surplus level is no more than k > 0. Under each of the constraints, the objective is to minimize the probability of ruin. Classical stochastic control theory is applied to solve the problem. Specifically, the minimal ruin probability functions are obtained in closed form by solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations, and their associated optimal reinsurance-investment policies are found by verification techniques.  相似文献   


Current formulas in credibility theory often estimate expected claims as a function of the sample mean of the experience claims of a policyholder. An actuary may wish to estimate future claims as a function of some statistic other than the sample arithmetic mean of claims, such as the sample geometric mean. This can be suggested to the actuary through the exercise of regressing claims on the geometric mean of prior claims. It can also be suggested through a particular probabilistic model of claims, such as a model that assumes a lognormal conditional distribution. In the first case, the actuary may lean towards using a linear function of the geometric mean, depending on the results of the data analysis. On the other hand, through a probabilistic model, the actuary may want to use the most accurate estimator of future claims, as measured by squared-error loss. However, this estimator might not be linear.

In this paper, I provide a method for balancing the conflicting goals of linearity and accuracy. The credibility estimator proposed minimizes the expectation of a linear combination of a squared-error term and a second-derivative term. The squared-error term measures the accuracy of the estimator, while the second-derivative term constrains the estimator to be close to linear. I consider only those families of distributions with a one-dimensional sufficient statistic and estimators that are functions of that sufficient statistic or of the sample mean. Claim estimators are evaluated by comparing their conditional mean squared errors. In general, functions of the sufficient statistics prove to be better credibility estimators than functions of the sample mean.  相似文献   

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