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From the inception of Social Security in 1935 to the present time, a variety of measures for evaluating the actuarial status of the program have been employed. In addition, how the results of these measures have been displayed and interpreted has also evolved. These results have had great influence on policymakers’ and the general public’s perceptions of the financial condition of the program. This paper is intended to be an update of my earlier paper on the same subject, that is, a historical review of the development of these methods and their interpretation. The paper closes with suggestions as to future changes in the measurement methods, in the light of possible future changes in the program itself.  相似文献   


Social capital is a fashionable concept but, as its more realistic academic exponents admit, not one readily translated into policy action. This article takes a sideways look at currently-accepted definitions and suggests a small modification—a physical handle to help policy-makers grasp the concept better and encourage social capital research with a stronger practical orientation.  相似文献   


This article traces the history of the public responsibility of actuaries concerning American pension plans. It includes both defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans for employees of both private and public employers. It does not include Social Security. Actuaries have provided innovative approaches to plan design, funding, funding instruments, accounting, and legal and regulatory requirements. Actuaries have made substantial contributions that have enabled pension plans, together with Social Security, to provide economic security for millions of workers and their dependents when employment ends. However, many Americans still lack assurance of a retirement income that is initially adequate, continues for life, and keeps pace with inflation. Thus, challenges will continue to face pension actuaries in the years ahead.  相似文献   


This paper presents a forecasting model of economic assumptions that are inputs to projections of the Social Security system. Social Security projections are made to help policy-makers understand the financial stability of the system. Because system income and expenditures are subject to changes in law, they are controllable and not readily amenable to forecasting techniques. Hence, we focus directly on the four major economic assumptions to the system: inflation rate, investment returns, wage rate, and unemployment rate. Population models, the other major input to Social Security projections, require special demographic techniques and are not addressed here.

Our approach to developing a forecasting model emphasizes exploring characteristics of the data. That is, we use graphical techniques and diagnostic statistics to display patterns that are evident in the data. These patterns include (1) serial correlation, (2) conditional heteroscedasticity, (3) contemporaneous correlations, and (4) cross-correlations among the four economic series. To represent patterns in the four series, we use multivariate autoregressive, moving average (ARMA) models with generalized autoregressive, conditionally heteroscedastic (GARCH) errors.

The outputs of the fitted models are the forecasts. Because the forecasts can be used for nonlinear functions such as discounting present values of future obligations, we present a computer-intensive method for computing forecast distributions. The computer-intensive approach also allows us to compare alternative models via out-of-sample validation and to compute exact multivariate forecast intervals, in lieu of approximate simultaneous univariate forecast intervals. We show how to use the forecasts of economic assumptions to forecast a simplified version of a fund used to protect the Social Security system from adverse deviations. We recommend the use of the multivariate model because it establishes important lead and lag relationships among the series, accounts for information in the contemporaneous correlations, and provides useful forecasts of a fund that is analogous to the one used by the Social Security system.  相似文献   

Financing Social Security benefits at current levels implies significant increases in payroll taxes within the next 20 years under current US demographic developments. Using a general-equilibrium overlapping-generations model with realistic patterns of fertility and lifespan extension, this study shows that future generations would be harmed during the demographic transition due to rising payroll taxes, which crowd out savings and slow real wage growth below the rate of technological progress. A faster rate of technological progress would mitigate only some of the payroll tax increase and its economic consequences but could not overcome them. Addressing the financing problem by reducing Social Security benefits as needed or by raising the eligibility age for benefits imposes major welfare losses on current or near term retirees. By contrast, a pre-funding of Social Security financed with consumption taxes more evenly spreads the welfare losses across generations, and it helps future generations, especially the poor, by stimulating capital formation.  相似文献   


In this article, we propose a finite-state Markov process with one absorbing state to model human mortality. A health index called physiological age is introduced and modeled by the Markov process. Under this model the time of death follows a phase-type distribution. The model possesses many desirable analytical properties useful for mortality analysis. Closed-form expressions are available for many quantities of interest including the conditional survival probabilities of the time of death and the actuarial present values of the whole life insurance and annuity. The heterogeneity or frailty effect of a cohort can be expressed explicitly. The model is also able to explain some stylized facts of observed mortality data. We fit the model to some Swedish population cohort data and life tables compiled by the U.S. Social Security Administration. The fitting results are very satisfactory.  相似文献   


Interest in ballot theorems arose in 1887, not as problem in the theory of probability, but as a mathematical puzzle. Little was it realized at that time that, in the subsequent analysis of this problem, ballot theorems would have many interesting applications in the theory of probability.  相似文献   


Prospects of longer life are viewed as a positive change for individuals and as a substantial social achievement but have led to concern over their implications for public spending on old-age support. This paper makes a critical assessment of knowledge about mortality change. It is oriented toward the problem of forecasting the course of mortality change and the potential of existing work to contribute to the development of useful forecasts in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.

We first examine broad patterns in the historical decline in death rates in the three countries, the effect of these on trends in life expectancy, and the epidemiological transition. Next we review theories of the age pattern and evolution of mortality, including graduations, evolutionary theory, reliability models, dynamic models, and relational models.

The analysis and forecasting of mortality change have been shaped largely by some key historical lessons, which we summarize next. We emphasize issues that have been or are likely to be significant in mortality analysis, especially the questions of the age pattern and time trend in mortality at old ages; we distinguish patterns and facts that are established from those that remain uncertain. Next, we consider mortality differentials in characteristics such as sex, marital status, education, and socioeconomic variables; we summarize their key features and also point to the substantial gaps in our understanding of their determinants.

Finally, we review methods of forecasting, including the scenario method used by the U.S. Social Security Administration and the time series method of Lee and Carter. We set out some important recommendations for forecasters: forecasting assumptions should be made more formal and explicit; there should be retrospective evaluations of forecast performance; and greater attention should be paid to the assessment and consequences of forecast uncertainty.  相似文献   


This paper uses the 1995 Survey of Consumer Finances to show that 401(k) participants with an underlying defined benefit plan are more likely to invest in equities than are participants whose 401(k) is their primary plan. This suggests that workers with a guaranteed source of retirement income are more likely to invest their other retirement assets more aggressively. Removing this guarantee might result in more conservative investment. Therefore, using current 401(k) asset allocation behavior to project income under a Social Security individual account system with reduced guaranteed benefits could overstate returns to these accounts, thus overstating their attractiveness relative to the current system.  相似文献   


In Canada there are three main sources of government-provided retirement income: the Canada/Quebec Pension Plans (C/QPP), which have benefits and contributions based on earnings up to the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings; Old Age Security (OAS), which is a fixed amount for most but does include a “clawback” of benefits for high-income individuals; and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), which is designed to supplement those persons with extremely low income. The annual GIS benefit is reduced, or clawed back, by 50 cents for every dollar of annual income the person has in retirement, including C/QPP and income from Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and other savings. OAS benefits are not included in determining the GIS clawback.

The result of this is that low-income individuals who attempt to enhance their retirement replacement ratio actually see a decrease in government-provided support the more they save for retirement. Savings in an RRSP can effectively be taxed at more than 100% through corresponding reductions in the GIS, social housing, home care, GAINS (Ontario’s Guaranteed Annual Income Supplement), and other benefits that are based on one’s personal retirement income.

This paper explores alternatives to the 50% GIS clawback, including a basic GIS exemption, a GIS clawback rate lower than 50%, and a combination of the two. The goal is to improve the fairness of the GIS and reduce the disincentive to save for retirement, without increasing the overall cost of the program significantly.  相似文献   


Previous research in non-disaster contexts has shown that the concept of collective efficacy, which is a group’s sense of its ability to achieve a specific objective, assists understanding of community readiness and households’ decisions to take preparedness actions. Collective efficacy expands the concept of social capital, which refers to social resources such as trust, norms and networks, by addressing how likely communities are to activate these resources for specific tasks. This paper empirically investigates the effect of three distinct collective efficacy components on risk perception, fear and self-efficacy regarding natural hazards in Austria. The three components have differing impacts on risk and coping beliefs: (1) Social cohesion decreases risk perception and fear but has no effect on self-efficacy; (2) Efficacy belief in social support increases self-efficacy; (3) Efficacy belief in citizen groups increases risk perception and fear. The combination of efficacy belief in social support and citizen groups seems to be most promising for stimulating protective action, as they together promote both risk and coping appraisal. However, overreliance on social support may have the undesirable effect of creating a false sense of safety among disaster-prone households. The findings demonstrate that collective efficacy provides a meaningful perspective from which to examine risk and coping beliefs but caution against treating it as an umbrella concept, given the differing effects of its components. Future studies are needed to investigate the impact of collective efficacy on other key explanatory factors of protective action, such as response efficacy or non-protective responses.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of the Social Security Fund on auditor litigation risk. Using audit fees as a proxy for auditor perceptions of litigation risk, we find that the Social Security Fund significantly reduces auditor litigation risk. Furthermore, we show that the Social Security Fund influences auditor litigation risk through reducing both the audit risk and the business risk of public companies. In addition, the impact of the Social Security Fund for reducing auditor litigation risk is more obvious in the group of firms with low levels of internal governance, which indicates that the Social Security Fund plays an important governance role as a high-quality institutional investor. In summary, we verify that the Social Security Fund, when acting as an institutional investor, plays an important role in corporate governance, and that it helps to reduce auditor litigation risk. Our results provide empirical support for expanding the governance role of the Social Security Fund as an institutional investor in China’s A-share market.  相似文献   


In 1992, Lee and Carter published a new method for long-run forecasts of the level and age pattern of mortality, based on a combination of statistical time series methods and a simple approach to dealing with the age distribution of mortality. The method describes the log of a time series of age-specific death rates as the sum of an age-specific component that is independent of time and another component that is the product of a time-varying parameter reflecting the general level of mortality, and an age-specific component that represents how rapidly or slowly mortality at each age varies when the general level of mortality changes. This model is fit to historical data. The resulting estimate of the time-varying parameter is then modeled and forecast as a stochastic time series using standard methods. From this forecast of the general level of mortality, the actual age-specific rates are derived using the estimated age effects. The forecasts of the various life table functions have probability distributions, so probability intervals can be calculated for each variable and for summary measures such as life expectancy. The projected gain in life expectancy from 1989 to 1997 matches the actual gain very closely and is nearly twice the gain projected by the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Actuary. This paper describes the basic Lee-Carter method and discusses the forecasts to which it has led. It then discusses extensions, applications, and methodological improvements that have been made in recent years; considers shortcomings of the method; and briefly describes how it has been used as a component of more general stochastic population projections and stochastic forecasts of the finances of the U.S. Social Security system.  相似文献   


We propose a scenario-based optimization framework for solving the cash flow matching problem where the time horizon of the liabilities is longer than the maturities of available bonds and the interest rates are uncertain. Standard interest rate models can be used for scenario generation within this framework. The optimal portfolio is found by minimizing the cost at a specific level of shortfall risk measured by the conditional tail expectation (CTE), also known as conditional valueat-risk (CVaR) or Tail-VaR. The resulting optimization problem is still a linear program (LP) as in the classical cash flow matching approach. This framework can be employed in situations when the classical cash flow matching technique is not applicable.  相似文献   


Aging of the population raises many questions and issues for individuals, families, and society: economic, political, social, psychological, medical, ethical, moral, religious, and legal, all of which bear on the quality of life in its many dimensions. Economic security in old age is one rubric under which many of the problems and their possible solutions may be discussed. How a society arranges for its members to work and retire is an important facet in the provision for old-age economic security.

This article is concerned with the implications of demographic and labor force changes for work and retirement. It discusses the role of gradual (or phased) retirement in introducing flexibility into the range of choices between work and retirement.

Section 1 explains the rationale for gradual retirement. Section 2 spells out the barriers to implementing gradual retirement programs, including legal barriers and barriers relating to pension plan objectives. Section 3 discusses some possible solutions for implementing gradual retirement programs. Section 4 describes some selected examples of gradual retirement programs, and Section 5 contains concluding remarks.  相似文献   


The investigation of mortality variations has asttracted a great deal of interest in recent years. It is well known that, generally speaking, mortality rates have been continually decreasing during a long period. The detailed study of available experience concerning the structure of this movement, and the analysis of its relations to various factors of social and economic development and of its probable causes, obviously constitute a statistical problem of the highest importance. In the trend of mortality, and the deviations caused by temporary influences, essential features of the history of the population concerned are revealed.  相似文献   


Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, the EU directives have largely influenced the Swiss accounting regulation. IFRS also have been highly influential since many large companies used them long before they became mandatory for listed firms. Moreover, IFRS served as a benchmark for the development of Swiss GAAP. This article compares the current Swiss accounting regulation to the new EU accounting directive and to IFRS. Despite many similarities, the Swiss regulation retains major specificities, the most notable being the permission of hidden reserves.  相似文献   


Sociology has made significant contributions to the conceptualisation of risk and critique of technical risk analysis. It has, however, unintentionally reinforced the division of labour between the natural/technical and social sciences in risk analysis. This paper argues that the problem with conceptualisations of risk is not a misplaced emphasis on calculation. Rather, it is that we have not adequately dealt with ontological distinctions implicit in both sociological and technical work on risk between material or objective risks and our socially mediated understandings and interpretations of those risks. While acknowledging that risks are simultaneously social and technical, sociologists have not, in practice, provided the conceptual and methodological tools to apprehend risk in a less dualistic manner. This limits our ability both to analyse actors and processes outside the social domain and to explore the recursive relationships between risk calculus, social action and the material outcomes of risk. In response, this paper develops a material-semiotic conceptualisation of risk and provides an assessment of its relevance to more sociologically informed risk governance. It introduces the ideas of co-constitution, emergent entities and enactment as instruments for reconciling the material and social worlds in a sociological study of risk. It further illustrates the application of a material-semiotic approach using these concepts in the nuclear industry. In deconstructing socialmaterial dualisms in the sociology of risk, this paper argues that a material-semiotic conceptualisation of risk enables both technical and social perspectives on risk not only to coexist but to collaborate, widening the scope for interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   


The distribution of a ratio of two statistical variables has long been of gr,eat interest, especially with regard to the practical application within different branches. Several authors have also been interested in this subject, and a number of articles have been written on this problem on the basis of different assumptions. This problem seems now again to have been actualized by new experiences (ref. 2, 3,4) in the statistical sampling methods.  相似文献   

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