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We consider an investment fund whose unit value is modeled by a geometric Brownian motion. Different forms of dynamic investment fund protection are examined. The basic form is a guarantee that instantaneously provides the necessary payments so that the upgraded fund unit value does not fall below a protected level. A closed form expression for the price of such a guarantee is derived. This result can also be applied to price a guarantee where the protected level is an exponential function of time. Moreover, it is explicitly shown how the protection can be generated by construction of the replicating portfolio. The dynamic investment fund protection is compared with the corresponding put option, and it is shown that for short time intervals the ratio of the prices approaches 2. Finally, a more exotic guarantee is considered, where the protected level is a given percentage of the maximal observed fund unit value. Assuming that the protected level remains constant once the payments have started, we obtain a surprisingly simple formula for the price of a perpetual guarantee. Several numerical and graphical illustrations show how the theoretical results can be implemented in practice.  相似文献   

We develop a model of the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), a defined benefit pension guarantee system for the UK, based on an analogy between pension liabilities and corporate debt obligations. We show that the PPF is likely to face many years of low claims interspersed irregularly with periods of very large claims. There is a significant chance that these claims will be so large that the PPF will default on its liabilities, leaving the government with no option but to bail it out. The cause of this problem is the double impact of a fall in equity prices on the PPF: it makes sponsor firms more likely to default and it makes defaulted plans more likely to be underfunded. We use our model to derive a fair premium for PPF insurance under different circumstances, to estimate the extent of cross‐subsidies in the PPF between strong and weak sponsors, and to show that risk‐rated premiums are unlikely to have a substantial effect on either the size or the lumpiness of claims. We argue that for the PPF to operate effectively, it should be introduced in tandem with strong minimum funding requirements and a lower level of benefit guarantee than at present.  相似文献   

关于投资者保护基金若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张敏聪 《新金融》2006,(4):33-34
设立投资者保护基金是证券市场的一项重要制度创新,目前我国投资者保护基金的有关制度安排还需要进一步予以明确。为此,本文从多方面进行了探讨,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   


The authors investigate the pricing of discretely monitored dynamic fund protections when the fund price follows a lognormal process or a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) process. A backward recursive pricing formula is derived. By employing a numerical technique that combines function approximation and numerical quadrature, the authors demonstrate how to complete each recursion level efficiently. Numerical experiments show that the results compare favorably with those obtained by other pricing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, I use a stochastic approach to model the effect that correlations between pension scheme assets and firm values should have on the premiums chargeable by the Pension Protection Fund. In particular, I look at the effect on the aggregate premium that should be charged considering a representative universe of companies and their pension schemes. I find that ignoring the correlations, even if the volatility of pension scheme assets is allowed for, leads to potentially serious underestimation of the aggregate premium due.  相似文献   

文章指出目前我国证券投资者保护基金制度存在的相关问题,并针对这些问题探讨解决之道。  相似文献   

路磊  吴博 《金融研究》2012,(6):167-177
本文从基金持仓股特征出发,研究了上市公司投资者保护与基金投资业绩的关系。由于投资者保护影响公司的盈利能力以及投资者获取信息的难易程度,基金在投资时更加偏好于投资者保护好的上市公司的股票。使用我国上市公司基金持股比例的数据,本文证实了这一结论。更为重要的是,本文发现对于有能力的基金,他们会投资于投资者保护比较差的上市公司的股票,从而获得更高的投资业绩。  相似文献   

国外环保投资基金经验对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环保投资基金在国外不断发展壮大,主要模式有政府引导型基金、风险投资型基金和股票投资型基金等.国外政府制定政策支持环保投资基金的发展与运作,发挥政府的引导作用,明确基金的管理权限,制定严格的基金项目选择标准,实现环保领域投资多元化.我国应借鉴国外经验,通过设立政府引导型环保基金、制定环保基金的优惠政策、制定环保基金投资规范和扩展环保基金投资领域等方式,发展我国的环保投资基金.  相似文献   

曹廷求  张翠燕 《金融研究》2021,488(2):75-93
各地区能否吸引资金集聚对实施区域协调发展战略、构建高质量发展的国土空间格局至关重要。基于此,本文采用直接法依据资金来源渠道计算我国各地区1985-2017年吸引的资金流量数据,并从逐利性以及产权保护两个视角考察地区资金流动动机。实证结果表明,总体上,资金与资本回报率之间呈“U形”关系。当资本回报率较低时,资金不具有逐利性,但一旦超过临界值资金则会凸显逐利性。受资金来源结构影响,东部地区资金的逐利性更强,而非东部地区的资金流动不具有逐利性。从资金与产权保护的关系看,总体上,完善的法治化契约制度比代表市场化营商环境的产权制度更能吸引资金集聚,但东部地区产权保护制度是吸引资金集聚的关键因素,非东部地区则是契约制度。各地区完善产权保护制度和要素市场化配置过程中应各有侧重,把有效市场和有为政府更好结合起来推动要素在区域间自由流动,是促进区域协调发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

证券投资者保护基金是投资者权益保护的重要工具,而对于证券投资者保护基金的收入和支出的定量分析研究更是其中的核心问题之一。本文基于倒向随机微分方程对证券投资者保护基金的收支系统进行探索式研究,将相关的现实内容进行模型化处理与数理表达。根据模型的数理结果,证券投资者保护基金向证券公司收费金额是预期赔偿金额的增函数,与市场风险资产的波动正向关联;但与无风险资产的收益率及风险资产的预期收益率均负向相关。本文据此提出了有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

环保投资基金在国外不断发展壮大,主要模式有政府引导型基金、风险投资型基金和股票投资型基金等。外国政府制定政策支持环保投资基金的发展与运作,发挥政府的引导作用,明确基金的管理权限,制定严格的基金项目选择标准,实现环保领域投资多元化。我国应借鉴国外经验,通过设立政府引导型环保基金、制定环保基金的优惠政策、制定环保基金投资规范和扩展环保基金投资领域等方式,发展我国的环保投资基金。  相似文献   

证券投资者保护基金作为证券市场风险补偿机制的重要组织形式,在发达国家(地区)已有成功的立法与实践经验。目前,虽然各国的证券投资者保护基金的运作与监管模式各不相同,但其法律规制内容基本趋于一致。在我国资本市场上,证券投资者保护基金尚属一种制度创新。为切实保护中小投资者的权益,有必要借鉴发达国家(地区)的成功经验,创建本土化的证券投资者保护法律制度。  相似文献   

The UK Pension Protection Fund (PPF), established by the 2004 Pensions Act to protect beneficiaries of defined benefit pension schemes when the sponsor becomes insolvent and the scheme is underfunded, is required to finance itself through a levy on participating schemes. In July 2005, the PPF issued a consultative document setting out its proposal for the structure of the levy. In this paper, we provide a critique of the proposal and, in particular, its heavy reliance on securing levy income from the weakest schemes. We propose an alternative structure for the levy that recognises the limits on capacity to pay and also mitigates some other undesirable features of the proposal.  相似文献   

社保基金澄清"委托上市"说法全国社保基金理事会3月20日发布消息称,经国务院批准,全国社会保障基金理事会受广东省政府委托,投资运营广东省城镇职工基本养老保险结存资金1000亿元。上述消息被市场解读为国家队入市  相似文献   

中国基金业协会成立中国证券投资基金业协会从2010年底传出组建消息,经历了近2年筹备,于6月6日召开成立大会,国内多家公募基金公司、第三方基金销售机构、托管机构、评级机构等均参加此次会议,6月7日上午举行成立大会暨年会。  相似文献   

4成上半年半数基金规模缩水随着熊市的日益深化,基金业正步入寒冬。据银河证券的数据统计,上半年58家公司中有44家管理规模缩水比例超过了30%,缩水超过40%的达到23家。其中信达澳银、诺德和中邮创业3家公司管理规模缩  相似文献   

公募基金扎堆股上演大换岗4月9日开始,公募基金一季度报告开始披露。从已发布季报的上市公司前十大流通股东中公募基金的持股变化看,基金一季度调仓换股明显,不少重仓股上演  相似文献   

QDII基金问世5年8成亏损从首只QDII基金华安国际配置2006年11月成立以来,各基金公司已先后成立了44只QDII基金,此外还有5只QDII型券商集合理财产品。Wind数据统计,上述49只QDII产品中,有39只跌破面值,亏损面近8成。  相似文献   

2018年《公司法》修改取消股份回购资金来源限制后,股份公司可以通过回购股份向股东返还财产,同时规避利润分配规则与减资规则,导致了债权人保护的法律漏洞。两大证券交易所与全国股转公司发布股份回购实施细则等自律性规范,在一定程度上填补了债权人保护的法律漏洞,并实质性地引入了偿债能力测试及董事责任规则,为公司资本制度的未来变革进行了有益尝试。《公司法》应当把握股份回购导致财产返还的经济实质,恢复资金来源限制,但具体限制标准则依赖于资本维持原则的改革方向。  相似文献   

资金信托和证券投资基金的甄别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资金信托业务是一种典型的信托业务,是信托公司的重要业务。证券投资基金是一种利益共享、风险共担的集合证券投资方式。资金信托和证券投资基金的交易、投资运作、保管和法律关系有极大区别。  相似文献   

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