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中国旅游业减排政策框架设计与战略措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业是应对气候变化、节能减排的优势产业,对气候变化和减少二氧化碳排放存在着潜在的关键性作用。弄清中国旅游业二氧化碳排放的现状及总量,探明旅游业减排潜力,明确减排的目标,并为之设计切实有效的减排战略,是一个极富现实意义的研究命题。因而,设计一套完整的中国旅游业减排的政策框架,提出具体的战略措施,有助于推动我国旅游业转型升级,实现可持续发展,有助于推进我国降碳目标的实现。本文分析了旅游业在应对气候变化和节能减排中的作用及旅游业减排政策框架设计面临的问题,构建了概念性政策框架设计思路,提出旅游主管部门、旅游企业、旅游经营者和旅游者四位一体的减排措施。  相似文献   

昆明市四星级酒店住宿产品碳足迹计算与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
温室气体排放引起的全球变暖已经成为人类面临的重大环境问题。碳足迹基于生命周期评价,对服务或商品所产生的温室气体排放量进行测度。将碳足迹引入旅游研究,对旅游业的重要组成部分——酒店住宿产品进行生命周期评价,构建了酒店住宿产品碳足迹计算模型,并实证于昆明市6家四星级酒店。结果表明:酒店住宿产品碳足迹主要来自运营期,约占整个生命周期的72.71%;来源包括能源消耗、垃圾释放和制冷剂泄露3个方面,其中直接能源消耗约占60.98%;主要影响因素是消耗量和排放系数,酒店规模对碳足迹的影响受到了环境温度等其他因素的扰动,作用并不明显。研究有利于寻找在旅游产品设计、生产和供应等过程中降低温室气体排放的机会,亦可为旅游业的节能减排提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

吴普 《旅游学刊》2014,(8):110-116
离岸岛屿目的地旅游交通能耗与排放的测算能更加清晰地反映旅游交通、乘飞机旅行造成的环境影响。国内现有的旅游业能耗与排放的测算几乎都使用的是国外5年甚至10年前的经验参数。文章采用自下而上法,最大限度地使用符合我国实际的各种交通方式能耗及排放强度的关键参数,并通过大量的实地调研,细化旅游交通组织,较为准确地测算了我国第二大岛海南岛首府海口市2011年旅游交通的能源消耗与CO2排放量。结果表明,2011年海口市旅游交通能耗为27.40PJ(皮焦,1皮焦等于1015焦),占当年全市总能耗的22.10%;旅游交通CO2排放总量为2.06Mt(兆吨,1兆吨等于106吨)。对于离岸岛屿旅游目的地而言,无烟产业的定论被打破,旅游业正在或已经成为海口市重点用能产业。离岸岛屿目的地旅游业为应对气候变化和节能减排,应设法延长游客的停留天数、减少进出往返的飞行次数;并在充分研究论证的基础上,适时考虑开征设立航空排放税、旅游环境税或生态补偿基金等。鉴于旅游交通等旅游能耗统计基础薄弱,建议组建专业化的旅游能源统计机构,切实加强旅游能耗统计管理。  相似文献   

伴随着全球气候变化科学研究的兴起,近年来全球气候变化对旅游业的影响逐渐成为国际旅游科学研究的新热点。本文划分了气候变化与旅游业研究阶段,按照响应—适应—缓解的系统流程,从全球气候变化对旅游目的地、旅游流、旅游者心理与行为、旅游产业系统的影响以及旅游活动对气候变化的缓解与适应等5个方面进行了综述。最后,总结归纳了国际气候变化对旅游业影响研究的一些基本特点,以期为我国在此领域的研究提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

<正>气候变化是人类面临的全球性问题,随着各国二氧化碳排放增加,温室气体猛增,对生命系统构成威胁。世界各国以全球协约的方式减排温室气体,2020年9月,中国在联合国大会上向世界宣布了2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和的目标。碳达峰与碳中和的“双碳”战略是我国实现可持续发展、高质量发展的内在要求,也是推动构建人类命运共同体的必然选择。  相似文献   

正近20多年来,可持续旅游已成为各国政府与国际组织极力支持和推崇的旅游发展理念和行动。随着绿色经济、生态经济与低碳经济等可持续经济发展形式的相继出现,绿色旅游、生态旅游与低碳旅游也陆续成为发展可持续旅游的重要形式。发展低碳旅游是旅游业应对全球气候变化与能源安全、生态文明建设与产业节能减排的战略选择,它以可持续发展与低碳发展理念为指导,采用低碳技术与材料,合理利用资源,实现旅游业的节能减排与社会、生态、经济综合效益最大化的可持续旅游形式。一、低碳旅游是促进生态文明建设的可持续旅  相似文献   

本文基于中国30个省级行政区2000—2019年的面板数据,运用广义矩方法估计的面板向量自回归模型,建立一个包含旅游、交通基础设施和二氧化碳排放的多变量计量经济学模型,探讨中国旅游、交通基础设施和二氧化碳排放之间的动态关系及其空间异质性。主要研究结论:(1)全国和东中部地区存在旅游收入和交通基础设施之间的双向格兰杰因果关系,铁路里程对旅游收入的贡献要大于公路里程。(2)全国和东部地区存在旅游收入和二氧化碳排放之间的双向因果关系,旅游收入对东部地区碳排放增长的贡献最大,对西部地区碳排放增长的贡献最小。(3)公路和铁路对二氧化碳的贡献率在中部地区最大。总体上,交通基础设施与二氧化碳排放之间的格兰杰因果关系不显著。本文首次建立了一个多变量经济学分析框架综合性地讨论中国旅游收入、交通基础设施和二氧化碳排放之间的关联。文章提出的研究框架对不同空间区域和尺度的研究和实践均具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

在20世纪80年代应用地理大发展中应运而生的旅游地理学,因发展历程尚短、理论方法体系不十分健全和完善,对持续快速发展的旅游业支撑乏力,迫切需要从相邻学科吸收养分。物候学与旅游地理学交叉性质明显,可多方面支撑其发展。本文系统梳理了物候学对旅游业的学科支撑作用、具体实践应用领域、服务于旅游业高质量发展的6个维度以及气候变化对物候旅游资源和相关行业的影响。主要结论有:(1)物候概念有助于系统整合旅游系统中自然、人文和社会要素的相关旅游资源,而物候学应用亦可有效提升区域旅游业的服务支持子系统、交通子系统以及医疗健康子系统的效用;(2)物候学在旅游业发展中的实践应用主要涉及利用植物季相进行景观设计、观赏季划分与观赏期预报、体验类生态旅游活动的时间规划、花粉浓度预报与冰雪灾情预警以及旅游线路设计五大方面;(3)物候学可在要素、行业、过程、时空、方位和部门6个维度上服务于旅游业的高质量发展;(4)物候旅游资源和相关产业对于气候变化响应敏感,相关研究人员在未来应注重气候变化对其的风险影响研究,深入分析游客感知、行为反应所受影响,并积极参与中长期产业发展规划以及行业报告编制。从学科发展和产业应用的角度讲,物候学可为旅游学的研究提供自然科学的理论支撑,也为当今气候变化背景下旅游业的可持续发展提供科学指导。  相似文献   

城市旅游业CO_2排放态势及旅游业低碳化发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市是旅游活动CO2排放的主要集中地。基于旅游者消费视角,文章以深圳市为例,对其2001~2011年旅游业碳足迹态势进行分析。结合脱钩理论和Kaya恒等式,以2011年为基期,模拟深圳市未来旅游业CO2排放量。研究表明:(1)深圳市近11年旅游业能源消费及CO2排放量呈逐步上升趋势;(2)旅游业能源消耗及CO2排放的变化规律与旅游业GDP、游客接待总量有着密切关系;(3)A模式惯性情景下2020年CO2排放将达到1578万t,为基期的1.92倍,与国家的承诺及旅游局的目标背道而驰;(4)B模式绝对脱钩情景下CO2排放增长为零,这是非常理想的模式,但"反增长计划"和"能源生产效率改进"两条道路都走不通;(5)C模式相对脱钩情景下CO2排放是基期的1.38倍,旅游业在维持适宜增长的同时能源消耗和CO2排放状况得到明显改善,C模式是既考虑发展权益又承担大国责任的适宜发展模式。文章最后指出,C模式的实现需要旅游产业发展战略由供给导向向需要导向转型,并采取能源替代、效率改进、技术研发、规制治理和社会创新等综合路径。  相似文献   

当前为应对全球气候变化,减少温室气体排放,发展低碳经济被提到了战略的高度。本文将从南水北调中线渠首文化旅游开发现状入手,研究绿色旅游和低碳经济的相互关系,以及绿色旅游对低碳经济发展的推动作用,为发展区域绿色旅游文化产业提供一定的决策和建议,借此促进豫西南区域经济和社会发展,建设美丽家园。  相似文献   

Tourism is a major global industry and air travel is an increasingly vital component of international tourism. This paper examines the neglected relationship between tourism and aviation with regard to global environmental impacts, including energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Based on visitor arrival data collected by Statistics New Zealand, it estimates a total energy use of 27.8 PJ resulting from international passenger air travel to New Zealand, which would increase national energy use by 6% if international air travel were included in national inventories. This energy use translates into additional carbon dioxide emissions of 1.9 million tonnes. These estimates are discussed in terms of a tourist's 'energy bill', national and international climate change policies, and with regard to the concept of sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the relationship between tourism and global climate change. On the one hand, the tourism industry may be one of the greatest economic victims of climate change. Yet, on the other hand, the broader tourism sector is also a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. This study traces the evolution of academic interest in tourism and climate change. Growth in this area has tracked growth in interest in climate change in general, with tourism-related papers representing consistently about 0.5% of the published research on climate change.  相似文献   

Vulnerability and interaction between tourism and climate change are among the most important issues discussed recently. In this context, this study focuses primarily on how CO2 emissions, the main source of global warming and climate change, react to tourism developments. To this end, the impact of tourism developments on CO2 emissions in the most visited countries is examined from 1995 to 2014 by conducting the continuously updated fully modified (CUP-FM) and the continuously updated bias-corrected (CUP-BC) estimators. Empirical results indicate that tourism arrivals have an increasing effect on CO2 emissions, while tourism receipts have a reducing effect on CO2 emissions. Results also reveal a possible co-movement and causal relationship between tourism developments and CO2 emissions in the long-run.  相似文献   

Sustained international diplomatic efforts culminated in the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement by 196 countries in December 2015. This paper provides an overview of the key provisions of the agreement that are most relevant to the tourism sector: much strengthened and world-wide participation in greenhouse gas emission reduction ambitions, an enduring framework for increased ambitions over time, improved transparency in emissions reporting and a greater emphasis on climate risk management through adaptation. The declared carbon emission reduction ambitions of the tourism sector and international aviation are found to be broadly compatible with those of the Paris Agreement, however, claims of reduced emission intensity in the tourism sector since 2005 and a roadmap by which emission reduction ambitions for 2020 and 2035 might realistically be achieved both remain equivocal. The need for international tourism leadership to improve sectoral scale emission monitoring capacity to meet the increasing requirements for transparency, convene an assessment of risks from climate change and climate policy, foster greater collaboration on destination climate resilience and accelerate technological, policy and social innovation to put tourism firmly on a pathway to the low-carbon economy are all emphasized, as is the need for dialogue between tourism and tourism researchers.  相似文献   

Tourism scholars tend to endorse the most pessimistic assessments regarding climate change, despite the fact that it is a highly controversial scientific topic. This research note provides the balance that is missing from the overly alarmist studies on climate change and tourism. Notwithstanding the common notion in the academic tourism literature, recent research provides evidence that the mainstream reports on anthropogenic global warming are vastly exaggerated, and that human-induced greenhouse gas concentrations do not play a substantial role in climate change. In any case, whatever small degree of global warming is likely to occur, its net effects will most likely be positive for humans, plants and wildlife. Consequently, the recommendation to tourism scholars and policymakers is to exercise extra caution in the face of the fashionable belief of dangerous man-made climate change. In light of the current scientific literature, advocating and implementing radical environmental policies are likely to be ineffective, ill-timed and harmful to the tourism industry.  相似文献   

Stronger demand for medium- to long-haul air transport is the main driver of the tourism industry's increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, causing the current development of global tourism to be environmentally unsustainable. Efficiency improvements and biofuel usage are unlikely to maintain pace with the projected growth in transport volume. Therefore, curbing the growing demand for air transport has been suggested as another option for the sustainable development of tourism. However, the political and industry discourse concerning the restriction of air transport tends to label such a restriction as unethical, as such limits would impair the development that tourism brings to poor countries. This paper investigates the possible impacts of air travel restrictions on the least developed countries (LDCs) and non-LDCs by examining global tourism. The impacts on LDCs are found to be ‘neutral’ on average, with both losses and gains in tourist arrivals. The extent of any losses does not appear to be beyond the scope of possible economic compensation.  相似文献   

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