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为了工作,我走了很多国家,接触过很多外商,也看过很多风景。经历过后,总会有丝丝缕缕的感受停驻在心。而这些感受,就好像外贸商旅途中一个个小小的插曲,虽并不嘹亮,但总能让人有所回味。  相似文献   

美是什么?美是一种因人而异的感觉,有人认为好人好事是美,有人认为好的风景是美。其实,美就是你心中的爱.只要有爱,天地万物皆为美。  相似文献   

外贸旅途中,总会遇到大大小小令人有所感悟的事情。闲暇时,将这些感悟随手记录几笔,文字虽然尚浅,却也是一种心情的释放,外贸人的悲喜尽在其中。  相似文献   

作为抒发进出口经理人与外贸情缘的一片天地,精品栏目“外贸故事”问世以来,受到了广大读者的喜爱。来自天南海北的外贸人纷纷借助这个空间,讲述自己在外贸生涯中的难忘记忆。在此,《进出口经理人》向您表示感谢并需要忿一如既往的支持和来稿。  相似文献   

作为抒发进出口经理人与外贸情缘的一片天地,精品栏目“外贸故事”问世以来,受到了广大读者喜爱。来自天南海北的外贸人纷纷借助这个空间,讲述鸯己在外贸生涯中的难忘记忆。在此,《进出口经理人》向您表示感谢并需要您一如既往的支持和来稿。  相似文献   

作为抒发进出口经理人与外贸情缘的一片天地,精品栏目“外贸故事”问世以来,受到了广大读者的喜爱。来自天南海北的外贸人纷纷借助这个空间,讲述自己在外贸生涯中的难忘记忆。在此,《进出口经理人》向您表示感谢并需要您一如既往的支持和来稿。  相似文献   

我面前的这位耄耋老人,年已80开外,他的身材不高,但精神矍铄,身板硬朗。说话,带着一口浓浓的宁波“官话”,朗朗有声,不矫情,不掩饰,有什么说什么,想到什么就说什么,一看就让人感到是位直爽、可信的老人。  相似文献   

我国外贸进出口总额2004年达到11,547亿美元,在世界贸易中的排位第三位,这是我国外贸发展新的里程碑.但在肯定这一成绩的同时,我们必须清醒地看到,我国的外贸发展中还存在许多问题和困难,未来的发展还面临许多不利的因素.  相似文献   

作为抒发进出口经理人与外贸情缘的一片天地,精品栏目"外贸故事"问世以来,受到了广大读者的喜爱。来自天南海北的外贸人纷纷借助这个空间,讲述自己在外贸生涯中的难忘记忆。在此,《进出口经理人》向您表示感谢并需要您一如既往的支持和来稿。  相似文献   

通讯地址:北京西城区百万庄大街22号《进出口经理人》编辑部(100037)电子信箱:tradetree@tradetree.cn中国外贸30年征文大赛——我的外贸故事虽落幕在即  相似文献   

The question on what the purpose of teachingbusiness ethics should be, never fails todivide opinion. In this article three basicpositions taken with regard to this questionare distinguished. They are the cognitivecompetence, the behavioural competence and themanagerial competence positions. Once the coreof each these positions has been identified,the ontological presuppositions underlying eachof them is retrieved. It is then argued thatthese three positions and their accompanyingpresuppositions should not be regarded as rivalpositions, but as complementary approaches inteaching business ethics. Finally the teachingstrategies required by each of these threepositions are discussed.  相似文献   

2002年1月,当中国旅行社代表团访问德国法兰克福及缅因州时,德国国家旅游局主席乌苏拉·苏尔切尔女士评论道,"中国是我们稳定增长的市场资源."1994年,中国游客在德国各大小旅馆饭店度过280865个夜晚;2001年这个数字增加至51万,翻了将近一倍,中国游客在所有访德的外国游客中人数增长最快.尽管访欧的中国人多是为商务而来,以出差为目的,但随着中欧之间经济往来日趋增多,越来越多的中国游客将对欧洲的文化、艺术和历史产生兴趣.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is twofold. Firstly, this study examines the influence of economic, social, physical, and technological attributes associated with tourism on the role played by personal characteristics such as anxiety, perceived risk and experience in booking trips online on online purchase intention and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). Secondly, this study analyzes the moderating effect of use contexts (desktop computer vs. smartphone/tablet). Results revealed that the values attributed to tourism anxiety, risk, and experience positively affected online purchase intention and e-WOM, therefore confirming the proposed moderation effect.  相似文献   

The published literature relating to the location of a business tends to support two different kinds of theories: (1) that business locations are selected to minimize costs; or (2) that decision-makers select locations because of personal preferences. This study attempts to find explanations as to why certain communities have grown faster than others, and to provide a model for the location decision of a start-up business.We find a negative correlation of two entrepreneurship measures to environmental factors that are usually considered to be desirable, i.e., health care and the environment, climate and terrain, recreation, and low crime. We find a weak correlation between community attitudes and the entrepreneurship measures. We also find a positive correlation of entrepreneurship with a high number of college graduates; a negative correlation when a high proportion of the population is over age 65.Population mobility and low unemployment are also positively correlated with the measures, but those factors seem at least as likely to be results as to be causes of business births and business growth.We believe that start-ups are vital for any community that wishes to grow, therefore the location decision of start-up businesses seems important. We propose a model of the location decision of a start-up, a model that emphasizes the individuality of the decision maker and the specific success requirements of the business. The driving force behind a start-up can be a decision-maker's desire for personal gain, a problem that begs a solution, or a solution that is looking for a problem. In some cases, the reason for starting a business will dictate its location. In other cases, success requirements of the business will dominate. We believe that researchers can gain a true understanding of the location decision only by considering both the preference of the decision-maker and the requirements of the specific business.  相似文献   

6月5日,来自政府部门、企业界、国际组织、专家学者和媒体代表等近400人欢聚一堂,畅谈国际国内企业社会责任发展的新趋势、探讨经济复苏的责任动力、展现领袖型企业的社会责任理念,展现行业和区域推动企业社会责任的成就和探索。这其中,许许多多的瞬间令人难忘,许许多多的故事感人肺腑。  相似文献   


The number of small business start‐ups in the UK continues to increase. This article discusses the stages of business and marketing development that a small business can expect to encounter. Success in business depends upon a number of factors, these are described and discussed under the headings of individual qualities and key components.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to assess the attitude of a group of Malaysian business students towards business ethics. The survey results indicate that the respondents in general are of the opinion that the businesses in Malaysia consider ethics as secondary. A greater emphasis on ethical values in the business curricular has been strongly supported by the respondents. Moreover, the majority of the respondents believe that moral/ethical education and top management attitudes are the most important factors influencing ethical standards in business practices.Dr Kazi Firoz Alam is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Accountancy, Massey University, New Zealand. He has been teaching Accounting to MBA students since 1984 and has supervised Masterate students in different areas of accounting, including accounting and tax ethics. He has written three books on Accounting and Taxation and has published articles on Corporate Taxation and Company Financial Policy, The Influence of Tax Incentives on Investment Decisions, Taxation and Company Dividend Policy and Business Ethics. Some of the journals where his publications have appeared includeMetu Studies in Development, Managerial and Decision Economics, Accounting Forum, Investment Analysts Journal andJournal of Business Ethics.  相似文献   

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