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2009年11月22日,第七届中国(广州)国际汽车展览会开幕的前一天,在位于广州市海珠区阅江中路的琶洲展馆里,全国汽车媒体关注的焦点是大众中国携手一汽—大众和上海大众两家合资公司,共同发布大众汽车在中国的华南战略。  相似文献   

根据腔体目标在较大方位角内有较强散射的特点,提出了包覆腔体载体的设计要求。设计了大后掠扁平式后段收尖的载体初步方案。通过头部边缘锐化、头部边缘后掠角增加和对尾部边缘渐变半径处理,获得了符合载体设计期望的“凹坑式”雷达散射截面(RCS)随方位角曲线分布。研究结果显示,在水平极化时,尾部边缘采用渐变半径圆弧过渡曲面可以有效降低边缘散射在入射方向的回波,而在垂直极化时却增强了表面波回波强度。  相似文献   

如今,多数跨国公司既是社会责任全球先进理念的示范者,也是中国企业社会责任的积极推动者。从这个意义上看,这比他们带来的资金、技术和管理经验更具深远的影响和启示意义。2007年,本刊曾以《跨国蜜蜂》为题,报道了巴斯夫在供应链"1+3"项目的举措。本刊副社长殷格非这样评价道:巴斯夫的蜜蜂角色,超越简单的审核和认证,在发展中国家的供应商和客户之间首先承担起模范的责任来。跨国公司成为全球供应链  相似文献   

作为WTO成立后举行的首轮多边贸易谈判,多哈回合谈判一开始就一波三折,尤其是农业谈判更是困难,其中的棉花问题更是关键之所在。本文首先评述了乌拉圭回合中的农业谈判主要成员的立场,并阐述了其谈判成果。其次,以美欧为例分析了乌拉圭回合后的棉花问题执行情况。最后从谈判的起因、谈判的进程、《农业框架协议》和农业减让模式等四个方面阐述多哈回合中的棉花问题谈判。  相似文献   

Networks are important to entrepreneurial success. However, most research in this area to date has merely addressed the what; namely, what types of networks enable success. We seek to extend this stream of research by answering the how and the why. In so doing, we elaborate on how entrepreneurs can develop their networks, arguing that in order to create new organizations, nascent entrepreneurs must acquire resources from an increasingly diverse set of relatively stronger and weaker ties throughout the emergence phase. We then hypothesize why this evolutionary path is effective across the various dimensions of tie strength. Analyzing data from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics I (PSED I) with multilevel random coefficient growth curve modeling, we find strong support for our hypotheses. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for both academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

Agriculture looms large on the WTO's agenda. It was the first substantive item listed in the work programme of the Ministerial Declaration launching the Doha Round, and it was arguably at the centre of the failure at Cancun. Developing countries made it clear both before and during the Cancun meeting that progress on agriculture was their primary objective. Negotiations in other areas have received less attention and progressed more slowly. This paper considers that prioritisation, and suggests that the interests of developing countries in the current round of trade negotiations are much broader than is suggested by the narrow range of agricultural issues that have dominated negotiations. A true development round would require a significant reprioritisation of many areas of the WTO's current agenda.  相似文献   

The Doha round got back on track in the summer of 2004. Where does it stand today? Has market access policy gained predominance over market regulation policy? Is the promotion of economic and social development becoming the “mainstream” of negotiations? What role does trade facilitation in developing countries play in this context? Is multilateral liberalisation compatible with the regional and bilateral opening of markets? Is further institutional reform of the WTO beyond the Doha agenda necessary? If so, what form could this take?*This article is based on a contribution made by the author to the International Policy Dialogue “Doha Development Round: Status and Prospects for Success” organised by the InWEnt gGmbH’s Development Policy Forum (Entwicklungspolitisches Forum, EF) in Berlin on 7/8 June 2005.  相似文献   

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