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The Council of Ministers of the European CommunIties decided on March 30, 1971, to put into effect on July 1, 1971, a system of general tariff preferences favouring the exports of manufactures and semimanufactures from developing countries. By taking this decision the European Communities have reaffirmed their leading role among the western industrialised countries.  相似文献   

Development aid of the industrialized nations has taken as its focal point the promotion of nontraditional exports by LDCs. An important part of this endeavour is the spreading of enlightenment among LDCs about the possibility of finding marketing outlets for their direct and indirect exports.  相似文献   

High on the agenda of the UNCTAD III Conference is the problem of least developed countries. It is realised that these countries need special cooperative action to improve their chances of overcoming the worst handicaps of poverty stabilised by stagnation. The hard-core cases within the group of least developed countries are the land-locked countries.  相似文献   

We show that the effects of tariff changes on welfare and import volume are fully characterised by their effects on the generalised mean and variance of the tariff distribution, implying two “cones of liberalisation” in commodity price space. Because welfare is negatively but import volume positively related to the generalised variance, the cones do not intersect, which poses a policy dilemma. We present a new radial tariff reform rule, which implies new results for welfare- and market-access-improving tariff changes. Finally, we show that generalised and trade-weighted moments are mutually proportional when the trade expenditure function is CES.  相似文献   

The developing countries are caught in the cleft stick of assertion of national interests and independence, on one side, and need for an improved investment climate to attract foreign direct investment, on the other. The question facing the foreign firms is how they can safeguard their capital investments against encroachment by the host country which may even expropriate their assets.  相似文献   

Regional policy and planning in developing countries has the task to surmount spatial disequilibria. Various theories of regional development try to show a way out of economic disparities; but these theories are not always accepted by political institutions.  相似文献   

Rolf Sutter 《Intereconomics》1974,9(12):380-384
Multinational enterprises play an important role in the transfer of technology into LDCs. The following article examines the various aspects of the transfer of technology and the attitude of multinational enterprises towards such transfers.  相似文献   

An increasing number of LDCs for which international subcontracting has been an accepted practice can be seen to be progressively tied to the internationalization of production and marketing.  相似文献   

The forthcoming third plenary meeting of UNCTAD in Santiago will primarily consider how the less developed countries (LDCs) can be integrated more effectively into the world economic system. To solve the problem of development of the so-called “Third World” it is considered essential to open up new financial resources for the LDCs.  相似文献   

The development of the Third World countries which are producers of raw materials and agricultural products has become a cardinal problem of economic science and policy. Concentration on the question what is the best development strategy to obtain maximum growth of the national product has led to neglect of the complex of problems covered by the theory of the economic cycle which attempts to explain the short-term fluctuations of the national product.  相似文献   

世界贸易组织的基本原则之一就是要对发展中国家和最不发达国家提供特殊和差别待遇,体现在加入世贸组织过程中,就是要对发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家,提供更加便利的程序,并辅之以培训、研讨会等技术援助和能力建设项目,帮助最不发达国家克服加入世贸组织进程中的各种困难。近年来,全球经济贸易格局正在发生深刻且快速的变化,南南合作的重要性正逐渐上升。自2005年世贸组织提出“促贸援助”倡议以来,中国政府把更多的双边援助项目放在了贸易领域,帮助其他发展中国家和最不发达国家更好地融入全球贸易体系,重点之一就是帮助最不发达国家加入世界贸易组织。  相似文献   

A link between the creation of Special Drawing Rights and the financing of development aid is under discussion in order to meet the developing countries’ demands for an adequate supply with international liquidity. This article expounds critically a number of objections raised against this concept.  相似文献   

In INTERECONOMICS No. 3, 1972, Dr Erhard Eppler, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation, expressed the view that the developing countries at UNCTAD III would not be content with mere benevolent declarations by the developed nations; on the other hand he saw less chance that the western developed countries might offer more concessions that would be regarded as adequate by developing countries than had been the case at the two previous UNCTAD sessions.  相似文献   

Large revenues drawn from oil offer wide scope for a highly active development policy, especially to the oil producing states round the Arab-Persian Gulf (which is to be understood as a geographical, not a political term). But even countries In such a favoured situation experience bottlenecks, and also the direction In which their economic and social structures of the future may move is full of pitfalls.  相似文献   

The author discusses the controversial problems connected with the transfer of highly sophisticated technologies to LDCs. In his opinion this transfer and adaptation of technologies is necessary and advantageous, but depends on the development of a national technological capacity of a developing country as a prerequisite.  相似文献   

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