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This study investigates the relationship between internal and external integration practices and innovation success of new products and new services. Building on the idea that key success drivers in new product and new service development may have implementing costs besides their obvious benefits, this article examines the possibility that a nonlinear relationship in the shape of an inverted U exists between innovation success and the antecedents examined in this research. The present study also addresses scholars' call for research to investigate differences in the drivers of new product and new service success. The findings suggest that differences exist in the nature of the relationship—that is, linear versus nonlinear—between cross-functional integration, customer integration, and interfirm collaboration and innovation success in a new product versus new service setting.  相似文献   


The topic of new service development has been relatively neglected in the literature on innovation and new product development. This paper explores some of the similarities and differences between new product development and new service development. It outlines the typical stages of the new product development process and then suggests how new product development in service organisations may differ because of the characteristics of services like intangibility and inseparability.  相似文献   

文章聚焦于新产品投入市场初期,视频广告呈现的快慢速度与不同新产品类型交互对消费者新产品评价的影响及其中介机制的探究。研究结果表明,视频广告呈现速度(快与慢)与新产品类型(颠覆型与渐进型)交互对消费者新产品评价的作用显著,整体信息认知与细节信息认知发挥了中介作用。具体而言,对于颠覆型新产品,采用快速呈现的视频广告使消费者更好地认知整体信息,理解新产品的利益,进而提高对新产品的评价;对于渐进型新产品,采用慢速呈现的视频广告使消费者更好地认知细节信息,理解新产品的利益,进而提高对新产品的评价。文章是对视觉营销和新产品营销传播理论的丰富和补充,也为企业进行有效的新产品传播提供了有益的指导。  相似文献   

安徽省作为中部欠发达省份,新型工业化与城市化还处于较低水平。研究安徽新型工业化与城市化的互动关系,探讨二者之间的相互影响机制和互动程度,对于积极推进安徽新型工业化与城市化进程,实现二者的良性互动发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文在分别建立新型工业化与城市化水平测算指标体系的基础上,测算安徽1985-2004年新型工业化与城市化水平综合指数,运用协整分析方法对安徽新型工业化与城市化关系进行分析。分析结论表明,安徽新型工业化对城市化的促进作用显著,而安徽城市化对新型工业化的促进作用较弱。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined new product success and failure in an attempt to reduce failure rates. Because they share some common themes, the previous studies were categorized into the following five groups: (1) studies focusing on causes of new product successes/failures; (2) studies examining new product development processes; (3) studies investigating new product development strategy and performance relationships; (4) studies focusing on building models to predict new product performance, and (5) studies focusing on a single factor relating to new production success/failure.To fill some of the gaps in earlier studies, and include variables that have not been linked to new product success/failure before, 151 companies were surveyed in two industries, the medical instrument technology and food processing industries. The survey contained questions on the importance of six new product idea sources: (1) final customers; (2) R&D department; (3) marketing executives; (4) other executives in the firm; (5) competitors; and (6) free-lance investors. Seven factors that were proposed to relate to new product success/failure were: (1) competition; (2) product performance; (3) marketing; (4) price competitiveness; (5) product absolescence; (6) limited number of distributors; and (7) customer switching costs. In addition, an attempt was made to investigate the effects of technology and following new product development plans and procedures on new product success/failure.Survey results indicate that using customers as the sources of new product ideas ranks number one in terms of importance for businesses in both the medical instrument technology and food processing industries. Similarly, executives who are in charge of new product development rare poor product performance as the essential cause of new product failure in the food processing industry, followed by poor marketing and pricing. In the medical instrument technology industry, however, the most important cause of new product failure was considered to be customer switching costs followed by poor product performance. This is probably because of the high investments typical for products in the medical instrument technology industry (i.e.hospital equipment). New product failure rates also differed between the two industries studied. Companies from the food processing industry, on average, had an almost 8% higher new product failure rate than companies in the medical instrument technology industry (40.18%vs.32.43%).The level of technology (medical instrument technology—high tech vs.food processing industry—low tech) may account for the difference in the new product failure rate. Results also showed that following new product development plans and procedures relates to new product success in the food processing industry, but not in the medical instrument technology industry.Using company R&D departments and free-lance inventors as sources of new product ideas is related to new product success in both industries investigated. In the food processing industry, price, competition, customer switching costs, and access to distribution channels influence new product success. Those firms that consider these variables important have higher new product success rates. Similarly, in the medical instrument technology industry, customer switching costs, access to distribution channels, product performance, product obsolescence, and marketing are important influences of new product success. Thus, firms that consider these variables when entering markets with new products may be more successful.It is possible to eliminate some causes of new product failure by entering markets earlier than the competitors. For example, early market entrants often have advantages over later entrants in selecting distribution channels. Early market entrants are also likely to create new customer switching costs for later entrants, however, this may not occur if the product introduced is not a technological breakthrough. Of course, not every new product introduced can be a technological breakthrough (e.g., many food products), but they can be new, reflecting the definition of new products.  相似文献   

刘星河 《中国广告》2012,(2):138-142
为应对全媒体时代广告教育新问题,文章提出构建广告教育新模式的基本路径:确立"三观"统合式培养观,建构大广告教育新模式;根据广告学科新定位,建立跨学科整合的课程体系;建立以能力培养为核心、更富实效的广告实训体系;广告教学要加强新媒体研究,善用新媒体于教学之中。  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on the interactive relationship between new, technology-based firms and their network environment. The paper analyzes the mechanisms through which new, technology-based firms become immersed in innovation and manufacturing networks. The concept of embeddedness is developed and used to depict such mechanisms.A systemic evolution model of new, technology-based firms is proposed. The model depicts the evolution of new, technology-based firms in manufacturing and innovation networks. The model emphasizes the catalyzing role of new, technology-based firms in national systems of innovation.Network embeddedness is empirically explored in five case studies of Finnish new, technology-based firms. The systemic evolution model serves as an interpretative scheme for the case studies. The analysis of the organic relationship between new, technology-based firms and their systemic environment also serves to reveal the implications of embeddedness for new, technology-based firms.  相似文献   

在新冠肺炎疫情防控常态化、“双循环”新发展格局加快形成的态势下,亟待发挥新消费引领作用,形成新供给新动力。消费是经济循环的终点,也是新的起点,发展壮大新型消费,以消费升级推进智慧流通新模式、新业态,以现代流通创新激发新的消费增长点,不断释放消费增长潜力,具有推进经济高效循环的作用。新消费既是消费的新引擎、新动力,也是国民经济循环的重要引领力量。疫情影响下,数字化零售、在线服务、直播电商等线上消费快速发展,我国消费市场及业态、模式面临新的变化。消费呈现出从功能型消费向享受型消费转变、从商品消费向非商品消费转变的趋势,消费者更追求优质消费体验、愿意为美好生活埋单。线下商业逻辑从坪效导向、品牌导向日益向消费者体验导向转化,线上商业进入数字化消费的3.0阶段,产业互联网蓬勃兴起,通过跨界与融合,新零售体系不断创新。我们应主动把握消费升级趋势和发展规律,构建“新消费、新业态、新模式”的消费新生态体系,形成强大的国内市场,推进“双循环”新发展格局加快形成。  相似文献   

New brand launches are risky endeavors for marketers, as many fail to attract a sustainable customer base. This research examines the buying behavior of customers acquired by a new brand and revisits the theoretical norms of the NBD-Dirichlet model benchmarks. Investigating 40 new brand launches in the UK, across a wide range of brand and category conditions, we find that in the first 12 months, new launches have more, but less loyal buyers than expected from NBD-Dirichlet benchmarks, irrespective of type, price point, or the sales gained by the new launch. Further we find exploratory evidence that new buyers of brands have weaker associations than existing buyers. We propose that the combination of the new experience that lacks distinctiveness in encoding means that the experience of buying the new brand creates weaker memory traces in new buyers and that these buyers need additional marketing reinforcement to consolidate the memory of buying the brand to establish the brand in their ongoing repertoire.  相似文献   

An important consideration in solving the problems of new product forecasting entails distinguishing new product forecasting from the process of forecasting existing products. Particular differences between the two can be identified across the dimensions of data, analytics, forecast, plan, and measurement. For example, new product forecasting features little to no data with which to begin the process, whereas data are available and accessible in forecasting existing products. The minimal data situation requires a qualitative approach that lays out assumptions to provide transparency; in contrast, quantitative techniques are predominantly used when forecasting existing products. Different assumptions help construct a range of new product forecast outcomes on which company contingencies can be planned versus a singular point forecast for an existing product. And the measure of forecast accuracy, which is a common metric in forecasting existing products, must give way to meaningfulness so that the new product forecast is actionable. Recognizing new product forecasting as a cross-functional, company-wide process helps resolve the problems of new product forecasting. While incapable of remedying all problems, a properly understood and organized new product forecasting effort can help the company better prepare, execute, and support a new product launch, affording a greater propensity to achieve new product success.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of effectuation on new venture performance in the context of Chinese transitional economy. To determine how new ventures benefit from effectuation, we examine the role of exploratory learning as a key mediator. Using data from 266 Chinese new ventures, our results show that effectuation has a positive effect on new venture performance. Exploratory learning plays a fully mediating role in the relationship between effectuation and new venture performance. This empirical evidence contributes to the development of the theory of effectuation and also provides managerial guidelines for new ventures facing uncertain business environments like transitional economies.  相似文献   

科技创新概念是基于原创性的科学研究或知识创新的过程,提出新概念、新思想、新理论、新方法、新发现和新假设,以新的视角来重新认识已知事物,诠释科技与人之间的联系,调节科技发展与现有人类社会对科学发展的认知以维持动态平衡。在互联网高度发展的新时代,"泛媒体"与科学新概念相结合达到了良好的知识传递效果。本文从科技创新概念与"泛媒体"传播的角度出发,结合特殊用途英语(ESP)科普作品的实践研究,提出适合时代发展的科技创新概念传播模型,从共同发展的角度提出多元化规范性理念,为实现新的商业精准模式进行分析探索。  相似文献   

国际贸易中信用证惯例的新发展——UCP600与出口企业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际商会<跟单信用证统一惯例>(UCP600)将于2007年7月1日起施行,该惯例的新规定、新变化、新发展值得关注,而该惯例可能带来的新问题值得思考.文章从出口企业(受益人)的角度对此进行分析,以期提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

Although scholars find that the transactive memory systems can improve new product performance, few studies have empirically examined how managers can induce a transactive memory system in new product development teams with a set of systematic management practices. Based on the theoretical argument about human resource system in the strategic human resource management literature, this study proposes that implementing a set of coherent human resource management practices with workers in new product development teams can induce a transactive memory system in the team. Following previous scholars, this study calls this set of coherent human resource management practices as the high commitment work system. With survey data collected from 336 new product development engineers of 73 new product development teams in 73 firms, this study finds that transactive memory system mediates the positive relationship between the high commitment work system implemented with workers in new product development teams and new product performance.  相似文献   

闽台地缘相近,新能源资源结构相似,发展新能源的诉求一致,两地的新能源合作可带来能源共同发展的双赢局面。闽台新能源合作既有些有利条件也存在阻碍因素,所以要遵循一定的构建原则,使闽台在新能源合作的措施上先行先试。  相似文献   

以武汉市8个城区住宅增量与存量价格的季度数据,运用谱分析探索了增量与存量住宅价格的周期及其领先-滞后关系。研究结果显示,以增量交易为主导的住宅市场结构中,增量住宅价格周期普遍短于存量住宅价格周期,增量住宅价格波动比存量住宅频繁,增量住宅价格较存量住宅处于领先或同步的关系。因此,政府应在严控房地产投机行为的同时,通过调整结构、增加增量住宅供应、完善存量住宅市场等途径强化市场调控。  相似文献   

陈俊  罗淑敏 《对外经贸》2021,(4):120-122
新入职员工要更好的实现自我价值,就必须从自我管理的角度出发,主动对职业生涯进行规划。然而,目前新入职员工在职业生涯管理方面存在自我认知不清晰、自我管理理念薄弱,企业忽视新入职员工职业生涯自我管理的重要性且相关制度不完善等难点。因此,要实现组织和新入职员工预期的职业目标,新入职员工要不断获得清晰的自我认知,并增强职业生涯自我管理理念,企业则需完善制度建设,以充分发挥自身在新入职员工职业生涯管理中的重要作用。  相似文献   

传统磁控管雷达已占据民用航海雷达领域较长的一段时间,新技术新体制在这一领域的应用给民用航海雷达发展带来了新的机遇。以近年出现的新型民用航海雷达为背景,简述了民用航海雷达的分类、原理组成和发展现状,介绍了航海雷达使用的新技术以及在溢油探测、海浪监测领域的新应用,指出固态发射、数字化、综合导航、低辐射将是民用航海雷达的发展方向,这些新技术的使用将提高航海雷达的可靠性和环境适应性。  相似文献   

We examine how consumers' attribute-level variety-seeking behaviors can explain their propensity to adopt a new brand in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) market. We leverage consumers' purchase history among extant brands prior to a new brand introduction as an indicator of the new brand adoption upon its launch. We incorporate variety seeking at two product attribute levels – brand and flavor – and find that variety seeking along these two dimensions predicts different outcomes for new brand adoptions. The estimation results of our discrete-time hazard model show that consumers' brand-level and flavor-level variety-seeking behaviors affect their likelihood to adopt a new brand in different manners: consumers who purchase various brands are more likely to adopt a new brand, whereas those who choose various flavors are less likely to adopt a new brand. The results also show that the new brand's price promotions and in-store displays can affect the role of variety seeking in consumers' new brand adoption. We assess the robustness of our findings by replicating our empirical model with an additional measure of variety seeking as well as a variety-seeking measure in another product category.  相似文献   

随着国家对新农村建设和投资的进一步深化,新农村农产品物流配送中心的建设也日益紧迫。本文就新农村农产品物流配送中心的建设的必要性进行了分析,同时也对如何建设新农村农产品物流配送中心进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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