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Economic growth is greatly influenced by digital transformation. One condition is powerful high-capacity broadband connectivity based on fiber optic cables. A large part of German network infrastructure is still based on fiberglass. However, there is still a bottleneck: the “last mile”, which consists of copper wire leading to the end user. At this point the data flow is highly decelerated so that applications which require gigabit connectivity will not be possible. It is questionable whether continuing economic competition among network providers will remove this remaining bottleneck. Going forward the government should not trepidate any longer in closing the gap. As in physical infrastructure such as roads and bridges, the maintenance and upgrading of digital infrastructure is its economic responsibility, too.  相似文献   

Positionspapier des Deutschen Bildungsrats für Pflegeberufe - Eine aktuelle Studie der Universit?t Bremen stützt das innovative Konzept „Pflegebildung offensiv“ des Deutschen Bildungsrates für Pflegeberufe (DBR) mit Forschungsergebnissen. Werden zukünftige Pflegekr?fte daher über eine bessere Ausbildung und mehr Chancen verfügen?  相似文献   

Im Visier der Ermittlungsbeh?rden: Montagmorgen, 9 Uhr, es klingelt. Vor der Tür steht ein Staatsanwalt mit einem Durchsuchungsbeschluss. Auch wenn die Vorstellung denkbar unangenehm ist, passieren kann das in jeder station?ren Einrichtung, in jedem ambulanten Pflegedienst. Jetzt kommt es darauf an, Ruhe zu bewahren, keine Fehler zu machen und sich richtig zu verhalten.  相似文献   

There is a famous saying in China nowadays:100 years ago,in 1908,Tianjin Youth newspaper held by the Tianjin Young Men's Christian Association,poscd three questions to China about the Olympics.  相似文献   


Neben den Zahlungsverpflichtungen aus ihren Kreditmarktschulden haben die L?nder Versorgungsverpflichtungen gegenüber ihren pensionierten Beamten. Wie hoch sind derzeit die expliziten Schuldenquoten der L?nder und wie hoch ist die Gesamtschuld aus Versorgungsverpflichtungen und Kreditmarktschulden? In welchem Ausma? würde eine übernahme der Reformma?nahmen bei der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung auf die Beamtenversorgung die künftige Belastung der Haushalte verringern? Prof. Dr. Bernd Raffelhüschen, 48, ist Direktor des Instituts für Finanzwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftlehre I an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg; Dr. Daniel Besendorfer, 33, war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Emily Phuong Dang, 28, Dipl.-Volkswirtin, ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an diesem Institut.  相似文献   

Economic forecasts for the German economy expect German GDP to grow by less than 1% in 2013. The expectations of the industry are better still — only the representatives of the automotive industry think their future growth will not be higher than the German economy on average. The construction industry expects growth of 1.5% for 2013, due to a boom in new residential construction. The chemical industry had to hold its own in a difficult economic environment marked by weak global growth, the public debt and currency crisis in the euro zone, and — connected with this — the recession in Southern Europe. According to the recent outlook of the ZVEI, production (adjusted for price) of the German electrical and electronic industry will grow by 1.5% in 2013. Despite a difficult economic environment, the VDMA economists expect further growth in production for machinery and plant manufacturers of 2% in real terms for 2013. The main impulses will likely be set by foreign demand, especially from non-EMU member states.  相似文献   

Zhejiang Province China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Zhejiang sub-council visited and researched nearly a hundred companies in 9 cities and 31 counties. It found that the impact of financial crisis is far from over, and still spreading. In January this year, Zhejiang's exports continued to decline with 10.7% down, while imports decreased by 36.8%. At the same time, the decline in the export of processing trade is greater than the general decline in trade. For a considerable period of time, it is rather difficult to reverse the decline in processing trade exports.  相似文献   

本期网络专题的主题是“Hello!Mynameis CHINA!”。在这期专题中,我们介绍了近期中国出境会奖活动日益活跃的情况。随着世界经济论坛非洲峰会、巴西全球互联网治理大会等国际会议中中国面孔的高光表现,以及中国大规模企业会奖团组赴欧美国家受热捧引发关注,中国会议及奖励旅游业者成了向世界展示形象的先锋。  相似文献   

Der Dritte Weg     
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Although Germany’s banking sector has experienced a wave of consolidation, especially since the financial crisis, the country is still home to a high number of banking institutions. When domestic economic activity was sluggish in the mid-2000s, German banks searched for sources of income abroad; some of them have massively invested in structured products. As a consequence, the financial crisis of 2007–2009 has hit German banks harder than those from other eurozone countries. The European Commission has played a key role in restructuring the sector, asking in particular that banks which have received state aid strongly reduce their balance sheets — and ordering the liquidation of one of them. Since 2010 the German banking sector has returned to the profit zone and appears more robust thanks to an increase of equity and a reduction of balance sheets. The leverage ratio remains nevertheless significant, profitability remains low in a context of strong competition on the domestic market, and some banks find themselves deeply affected by the crisis of the shipping sector.  相似文献   

Frank Bloos 《Heilberufe》2011,63(5):10-12
Wenn jede Stunde z?hlt - 150.000 Menschen in Deutschland erkranken j?hrlich an einer (schweren) Sepsis. Fast 60.000 sterben daran. Viele Todesf?lle w?ren vermeidbar. Vor allem Pflegekr?fte k?nnen durch gute Patientenbeobachtung dazu beitragen, eine Sepsis bereits im Frühstadium zu entdecken und entschieden zu behandeln.  相似文献   

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