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基于框架效应理论,通过不同时间距离和社会距离的实验情境,探讨心理距离和信息框架对垃圾分类政策支持的影响。结果发现:时间距离、社会距离、正负框架之间有显著的交互效应,当时间距离和社会距离方向一致时,正负框架才能对垃圾分类的政策支持和行为意愿产生显著影响。在心理距离近的实验情境下,消极信息框架与政策支持和行为意愿呈正相关;在心理距离远的实验情境下,积极信息框架与二者呈正相关。在高分组中,积极信息框架搭配双重远心理距离与消极信息框架搭配双重近心理距离,两种搭配的政策支持和行为意愿在统计上无显著差异。研究结论有助于决策者将心理层面的个体规范与行为层面的公共环境政策支持联系起来,更加重视公众内生性制度的建设,实施差异性的环境营销策略。  相似文献   

本文采用和讯网关注度大数据分析股票市场的热点效应,以观察我国股票市场特定时间下收益率的波动问题。在混合分布假说(MDH)框架下,采用ARMA-EGARCH-M模型对股票进行模拟,发现在特定热点时间段内的和讯网关注度指数与我国股票市场波动有高度的关联性,拟合效果良好。同时,在热点事件发生前后的阶段性关注度解释力差异,也侧面反映出我国股票市场的某些问题。  相似文献   

文化产业发展的最终目的是为了文化消费,同时,文化消费也是文化产业发展的基础.随着文化市场竞争的加剧,商家企业进行了不同的文化创新,并为新产品做相关的宣传.从心理距离的解释水平理论视角,探讨了教育产品不同信息类型和解释水平对消费者购买意愿的作用机制.运用SPSS Statistic19.0中文版软件进行方差分析和相关性分析,得出研究成果:信息类型和解释水平各自与消费意愿没有显著性关系;在解释水平的调节作用下,信息类型与消费意愿显著相关,即信息类型与解释水平具有匹配性.  相似文献   

为了探究社会监督力度加大能否促使企业从直接捐赠转向慈善机构托管,首先在跨期非合作博弈分析框架下,从预期收益和监督成本两个角度阐释了捐赠管理模式的选择逻辑;随后利用2006—2018年中国上市公司数据开展了实证检验。结果表明:第三方机构的存在会影响企业的捐赠意愿,公众对企业关注度增强时,相关第三方的运作会更透明,捐赠方将倾向于信任慈善基金的管理能力;当上市公司面对较为严格的社会监督时,它们会选择慈善组织代为完成对外捐赠行动;上市公司的治理水平和监督效率发挥了媒介作用。  相似文献   

在对皖北近1500名农民城镇化意愿开展问卷调查的基础上,采用二元Logistic回归模型等方法,从代际比较视角初步分析了皖北农民城镇化意愿、决策机制及影响因素,得出以下结论:1皖北农民城镇化意愿存在明显的代际差异和分层特征,与第一代农民相比,第二代农民更愿意进城定居,相对中心城区和省会合肥而言,镇区和县城由于具有生活成本相对低、距离家乡近等优势,对皖北农民更有吸引力;2在城镇化决策机制上,希望子女(孙)受到优质教育是皖北农民进城的首要动因,表明优质公共资源尤其是教育资源配置对人口空间分布具有导向作用;3个体社会经济特征对皖北农民城镇化意愿具有显著影响,一般而言,年龄越小、文化水平越高以及在小城镇和县城务工者未来更愿意进城。  相似文献   

虽然文化价值观研究最初是基于国家层次的调查,但越来越多的证据表明,不同个体所持有的文化价值倾向存在更大的差异。作为个体文化价值倾向之一,权力距离倾向起源于Hofstede(1980)的民族文化理论框架,反映了个体对权力在不同地位的人之间不平等分配的接受程度,与组织管理问题密切相关,近年来得到了越来越多的研究关注。基于组织管理领域的相关研究,本文针对个体持有的权力距离倾向,阐明了概念内涵和形成途径,梳理了权力距离倾向的常用测量工具,归纳了其主效应和交互效应。未来研究可以进一步检验个体权力距离倾向的影响机制与作用边界,深入探讨上下级之间权力距离倾向的相互影响与纵向发展。  相似文献   

研究采用眼动追踪技术,开展双评论类型(属性型/体验型)×双调节定向(促进/预防)的组间实验,通过分析注视时间、回视次数、感知有用性和购买意愿的实验数据,探索在线评论对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。发现与体验型评论相比,消费者对属性型评论的注视时间更长,感知有用性更大,购买意愿更强;与预防定向个体相比,促进定向个体的注视时间更长,回视次数更多,感知有用性更大,购买意愿也更强;评论类型与个体调节定向在感知有用性和购买意愿形成过程中,存在显著的交互效应。由此,提出网络营销者宜分类陈列在线评论、有效识别个体调节定向、优化网页信息内容等对策建议。  相似文献   

为寻求最佳的交通基础设施应急疏散管理机制,本文根据突发公共事件的定义与分类对应急疏散交通流的特性进行总结,并从分析被疏散个体的行为特征入手,在前景理论和时空经济分析框架基础上设计了一个描述交通基础设施应急疏散管理过程中群体决策行为(GDB)的概念模型。同时,结合群体在疏散过程中的理性程度与实时信息供给(TIS)的技术手段构建了交通基础设施应急疏散管理分析框架。研究结果表明,交通管理部门或运输服务供给企业应引导被疏散个体正确认知时间及空间价值分布特征,通过实时信息供给手段来降低群体非理性行为发生概率,以期实现理性的疏散路径选择。以2008年初"南方雪灾"中的京珠高速湖南段交通疏散过程为例,验证了交通基础设施应急疏散管理分析框架的有效性,并以此为鉴提出了交通基础设施应急疏散管理策略继续完善的方向。  相似文献   

龚灵燕 《价值工程》2009,28(11):155-157
自从前景理论提出以来,人们已经普遍认识到决策者会高估低概率事件、低估高概率事件。在提出的诸多权重函数之中,Prelec权重函数由于其简单,与大部分实证证据一致以及有一个理论化基础而备受关注。Luce提出了一种相对于复合不变性而言更简单的,基于还原不变性的推导,而Al-Nowaihi和Dhami在此基础上提出了幂不变性。文中对Prelec权重函数进行了简单描述以及利用其对金融异象的解释,再就复合不变性、还原不变性和幂不变性这三种能推导出Prelec权重函数的先验行为假设进行了总结,并对其进行了简单比较分析。  相似文献   

基于交易成本理论视角构建出搜寻成本、执行成本、个性化特异性、信任的四维度,影响个体参与众包意愿的模型框架,并将有/无中标经历作为调节变量引入该模型。以众包平台上的个体参与者为取样对象的实证结果显示:搜寻成本、执行成本、个性化特异性和信任均对参与意愿有显著影响,有/无中标经历在其中具有显著的调节效应。对于无中标经历的个体,搜寻成本和执行成本与参与意愿的路径系数更大;对于有中标经历的个体,个性化特异性和信任与参与意愿的路径系数更大。因此,可以通过简化操作流程,优化网站设计等手段来吸引个体参与众包活动。此外,对于有无中标经历的个体要区分对待,设计出匹配其个体特质的任务策略和页面定制。  相似文献   

Across two experiments, this study provides support for the concept that money and time are marked by psychologically distinct constructs. As temporal distance increases, preferences are more likely to be based on the value associated with a high‐level construal of options than the value associated with a low‐level construal of options. That is, as potential contributors are asked to donate later, high‐level featured resources (i.e., time) take focal precedent over low‐level ones (i.e., money) in judging preference for donation methods. This study also found that the match effect between temporal distance and construal level holds only when the level of attitude toward nonprofit organization (NPO) is relatively favorable. However, donation intention is enhanced under mismatch conditions when the level of attitude is less favorable. That is, when potential contributors hold relatively less favorable attitudes toward the NPO, those who are requested to make an expediting decision of donation are more likely to have higher intention to donate with a high‐level construal resource. This study attributed the finding to the shift of people's focal resource through their level of attitude toward the NPO.  相似文献   

本文采用案例研究方法,选取ROUTE66项目团队作为研究对象,对时间框架效应影响知识冲突的机理进行了分析。研究发现,团队成员的冲突处理决策中普遍存在时间框架效应,但冲突处理决策组合受时间框架调整的影响却并不明显,时间框架效应通过影响团队知识冲突进而影响团队绩效水平。  相似文献   

以2020年沪深A股上市公司为样本,探讨在重大突发公共卫生事件暴发后企业捐赠对股票价格的影响,并分别从公司自身性质(产权性质、行业性质)、内部特征(内部控制质量、信息披露质量)、外部环境(产品市场竞争、所在地区疫情严重程度)三个维度研究捐赠发挥的作用效果是否会因企业异质性而存在显著差异。实证结果显示,在重大突发公共卫生事件背景下,企业捐赠对股票价格有显著正向影响。进一步研究发现,此关系会受到企业异质性的影响。具体而言,国有企业、受疫情负面影响严重行业的企业、内部控制质量低的企业、信息披露质量低的企业、疫情严重地区所在企业、产品市场竞争度高的企业,捐赠对股价的提升作用不显著。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is a primary avenue for the development of cumulative knowledge and an essential step in the process theory testing. It provides a more specific quantitative understanding of a subject while correcting for sampling and measurement errors. This project is a modest first attempt to extend existing meta-analytic work on the effect of gain- versus loss-framed messages to charity advertising research. A meta-analysis of 27 studies (k = 40, N = 9,298) finds that gain-framed and loss-framed appeals do not differ significantly on persuasiveness in charity advertising. The random-effects model reveals a mean r of .002 (95% CI −0.061–0.064, p = .96) after correcting for sampling and measurement errors. A re-analysis (k = 38) excluding two outliers yielded a mean r of .03 (95% CI −0.022–.073, p = .29). Among published studies (k = 32), there was tentative indication pointing to the slight advantage of gain-framed appeals. The framing effect does not differ by which type of donation the message calls for (monetary vs. organ), nor is it affected by moderators such as study setting and population. The little difference finding echoes previous conceptual and empirical work and calls for more work identifying moderating factors and boundary conditions on framing research. Practical implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the drivers of international giving intention by examining the joint effect of ethnocentrism and donation motives. More specifically, this study analyzes the direct effect of charitable ethnocentrism on the intention to give to international causes. Additionally, the study investigates the moderating effect of charitable ethnocentrism on the relationships between donation motives and the intention to donate to international causes. This study's findings indicate that ethnocentric donors are less willing to donate to international causes. Moreover, the study results show that the effects of egoistic and tax-saving donation motives vary across different levels of charitable ethnocentrism: charitable ethnocentrism enhances the effect of the egoism motive on international donation intention, whereas the effect of the tax-saving motive on international giving intention is mitigated. Based on the empirical findings, this study discusses implications for theory and practice along with study limitations and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

  • There is current recognition that value is the fundamental basis for all marketing activities. The present research provides an empirical examination of perceptions of value within the voluntary sector and specifically donations made by organisations towards the funding of charitable projects. The impact of a number of charity and project‐related variables on the formation of value and the corresponding effect of value on satisfaction and behavioural variables are examined.
  • The results support claims that past experience with and information about a charity as well as information about a specific project are significant determinants of value. However, the impact of these constructs is differential between the two components of value (i.e. get/benefits and give/sacrifices). We confirm the significant effect of value on satisfaction and indicate that satisfaction and benefits derived from a donation have a direct impact on behavioural intention.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

宠物园的禽类笼舍造型太小,不适合饲养员清理粪便,设计成高低穿插模式的小建筑以后,工作人员可站立冲洗笼舍,每天无需再爬入笼内清理,规定成高屋顶和低坡顶结合的优美造型,符合动物优势生存及展出景观不规则的需求,在动物园建筑中具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

With the aim of developing a better understanding of an individual's donation decision process this paper focuses on the information search undertaken by a prospective donor. It discusses the level of problem solving that characterises various donations, using the body of consumer decision-making literature to provide a theoretical framework for the investigation. From the results it appears that donor decision making follows a similar pattern to consumer buying decisions. There appears to be a low incidence of extended problem solving, even where relatively large donations are concerned. Examples of limited problem solving and routine response behaviour, by contrast, were more prevalent.  相似文献   

稳健性视角下公允价值对会计信息质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋珩 《企业经济》2012,(12):175-178
稳健性是会计有效确认与计量的重要保证,对会计理论和实务具有深远的影响。要合理处理会计稳健性与公允价值计量属性的平衡关系,就应当将二者相互交融起来,以提升会计信息质量,确保信息的相关性和可靠性。同时,在公允价值运用中应严格界定其概念及层次,完善公允价值的估值方法和评估过程,实行公允价值与历史成本两种计量属性并存的模式,减少公允价值对当期损益的影响,完善信息披露制度,最大限度地发挥公允价值的积极作用,使其更好地为信息使用者服务。  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(2):195-204
In an office a number of employees do the same kind of work. The jobs arrive at random and the holding time is exponential; the queuediscipline is first in, first served. The mean queuelength is shortened by work done in overtime according to the rule that on every day on which the total number of jobs exceeds a certain number N, one or more extra hours of work will be done. The distribution of the number of jobs in the office, the mean value of this number and the probability of overtime are given. The model is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

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