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奋发有为是一种精神状态,是一种价值导向,是推动事业发展的内在精神动力。要奋发有为,就必须勇立历史发展和社会进步的潮头,以与时俱进的胆识和魄力开拓创新,在创新中奋发,在创新中有为。第一,要以奋发有为的精神积极参与创新。奋发有为是内在的精神动力,开拓创新是奋发有为的外在表现。对于我们处于基层工作第一线的各级干部来说,奋发有为更多地体现为一种进取精神、工作态度;开拓创新则体现为领导能力和工作水平。对于创新,我们不是停留在口号上,而是要贯穿实践中;不是要停留在对基层的要求上,而是要体现在自身的行动中;不…  相似文献   

伍争荣 《经济师》1995,(5):24-24,22
<正>1993年11月把建立现代企业制度写进党的文件的背景是:1992年颁布的《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》在施行中受阻,十四项经营权无法完全落实,企业难以真正转换经营机制,这使经济理论界和决策层认识到,只有制度创新才能转换机制.现代企业制度的提出,标志着我国的企业改革已从放权让利阶段走向了制度创新阶段.但是,我们不能忘记,无论是放权让利,还是制度创新,企业改革的现实目的都是使企业转换机制、提高活力,决不是为制度创新而制度创新.我们说放权让利这条路行不通,决不是因为它没有触动企业制度,而是因为它不能转换经营机制,没有真正提高企业活力.所以,如果我们建立了现代企业制度,结果仍然没有转换经营机制,仍然没有提高企业活力,国有企业亏损面仍然没有彻底改现,那么,我们恐怕只能承认现代企业制度无效了.  相似文献   

宣传思想工作任务很重.我们在继承传统的基础上,认真研究新时期企业思想政治工作的特点,做到解放思想,与时俱进,创新工作思路,开创新的局面.本文从六个方面介绍了实现企业思想政治工作创新方法.  相似文献   

在大学生中发展党员工作具有十分重要的现实意义和历史意义,而做好学生的教育管理工作对发挥党员的先进性,建立和完善党员队伍自我纯洁机制具有更加重要的意义.我们要创新大学生党建工作,创新高校学生党员教育管理机制,加强对学生党员的教育管理工作,培养出更多具有共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义坚定信念的可靠接班人.  相似文献   

季红  刘畅 《经济导刊》2003,(5):77-79
品牌的创新 对于中国的企业来说,我们对品牌的建立和品牌的创新还要摆脱认识上的误区.有些企业把精力主要放在外部包装上,对自己的品牌做名不符实的虚假宣传.有些机构热衷于“评”、“炒”名牌.其实一个最简单、最朴实的道理是,世界上没有哪一个真正的名牌是“评”出来的,也不是有关……  相似文献   

做好社会保险档案管理工作一直是各项工作的重中之重,而做好社会保险档案管理的根本点是加强创新.通过对新时期社会保险档案管理创新的必要性以及现存的问题分析,从纸介档案到数字档案的探索,我们需要对新时期提出社会保险档案管理创新的途径策略.  相似文献   

新形势下,档案管理创新是社会发展和档案事业发展的必然趋势,是高科技发展的必然结果.纸质档案和电子档案的优缺点在现当代社会尤其明显,相比较之下,新的档案管理创新有利于我们更好的、更便利的管理档案.结合档案管理工作的现状,提出有关档案管理创新的几点建议.  相似文献   

当前高校财务管理存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校的财务管理问题,国务院领导和教育部领导也越来越重视,均提出了明确要求.这就促使我们高度重视高校的财务管理工作,研究分析目前高校财务管理工作存在的问题和可能发生问题的环节,进一步改革和创新今后的财务管理工作.  相似文献   

郭德湘 《当代经济》2003,(10):36-36
学习"三个代表",目的何在?一句许,就是把我们的工作做好.而要做好工作,学习"三个代表"有两条基本的精神必须坚持,这就是实践和创新.  相似文献   

"辅修课"这一词,对大多数人来说,并不陌生.但是我们探讨的"辅修课"并不是传统意义上的辅修课.辽河油田实验中学的辅修课在领导和广大教职工艰苦求索、潜心研究,坚持不懈地探索石油子弟学校办学规律、创新素质教育模式下,历经二十多年的磨砺,终于打造了属于我们自己特有的辅修课办学模式.本文笔者就此办学模式进行介绍,望对其他学校教学课程体系的完善有所帮助.  相似文献   

Teaching critical thinking skills beyond a formulaic, positivist set of questions is a central challenge in radical political economy and critical geography. Grounded in historical consciousness and a quest for human emancipation, critical thinking emerges as part of praxis, the reflective combination of theory and practice. Drawing on Gramsci and Freire, this paper presents the example of the Bucknell Brigades in which students learn about community based initiatives and work with an NGO grounded in community defined projects. The Brigades push the boundaries of most service-learning based in most social service agencies by offering a glimpse of historical consciousness, praxis, critical thinking, all with an emancipatory perspective.  相似文献   

Summary A systematic review of the economic problems connected with innovations is given in the introduction. Attention is then focused on inter-firm relations in oligopolistic markets into which new products are introduced.In Part II competitive situations among oligopolists who intend to introduce similar new products are studied. Game-theoretical models are developed in which one or two of the following parameters are specified as strategic variables: starting time for development research, expenditure for research, size of new equipment, advertising costs and price-supply policies. Equilibria are obtained in several models by the use of the Nash equilibrium point theory for non-cooperative games. For the treatment of competition through the price-supply policies, a dynamic model is developed using the new approach to demand theory as formulated by Morgenstern. In this demand theory, which is especially apt for durable goods, the demand curve does not remain the same after some purchases have occurred. A natural explanation for the frequently observed fall in price for new products is obtained by this theory for the monopolistic case as well.In Part III cooperation among firms that are willing to introduce similar new goods is considered. Here cooperation takes place in the form of patent releases. In the first model, the starting time for research as well as willingness to cooperate are parameters of action; in the second model the behavior during the negotiations directly influences the payoffs. In both cases non-cooperative equilibria in the sense of Nash are obtained. Furthermore, bargaining schemes for fixing side payments (In this case patent royalties) are studied.The phonograph record and the chemical industry are examples of industries that introduce large numbers of new products either in a short time period or simultaneously. Part IV is a study of the case in which the number of new products per time unit can be varied. The effects of more or less careful selection (according to the number) as well as the mutual damage of simultaneously emerging successes are considered. In a second model, a further complication is introduced by the fact that the new products can be chosen from several categories having different economic characteristics (i. e., different mutual damage factors and different success probabilities). Throughout Part IV a probabilistic approach to profit maximization is used.With 7 FiguresThis paper has been published as Econometric Research Program Research Memorandum No. 28, 10. July 1961.I am deeply indebted to Professor Oskar Morgenstern for his encouraging advice and helpful comments on this paper as well as for the opportunity to work in the stimulating environment of the Econometric Research Program of Princeton University. My thanks go also to Dr. Robert J. Aumann, Dr. Herman F. Karreman, Dr. Mancur Olson, Jr., and Professor Koichi Miyasawa, with whom I had many helpful discussions. Mrs. Dorothy Green did the editing work without which the use of the English language in this paper would be much less satisfactory.This work has been sponsored in part by the Office of Naval Research, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and Rockefeller Foundation.  相似文献   

透视苏州发展模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏州经济依赖外来资本,在短短的几年里,发生了翻天覆地的变化。但苏州的超常规发展并没有赢得一片叫好声,相反引起了许多质疑声。苏州发展模式是对科学发展观一个精辟注解。在建设和谐社会的今天,苏州模式是建设小康社会的必然选择,也是唯一选择。  相似文献   

把国有企业改革进行到底   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甸国有企业改革已取得了成绩,但深化国企改革要解决的问题还很多,改革还要过大关。当前我国国企改革仍是经济改革的中心环节,我们必须进一步贯彻解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,下决心把国企改革进行到底。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国互联网传播内容的管制机构、立法现状、管制方式以及行业协会方面的研究发现,我国互联网传播存在内容管制制度不完善,网络立法繁多但层次较低;管制机构多元化,各主管机关权力冲突;在互联网传播内容管制方面管控技术落后;行业自律水平低等问题。针对我国互联网传播内容存在问题及管控现状,提出以下对策:明确网络立法的指导思想,对互联网络进行立法管制;建立互联网管制的主管机构,实现现有互联网管制机构进一步融合;加大政策和资金上对网络管控技术的支持;促进行业自律,鼓励企业、政府和民众共同监督。  相似文献   

The relative majority rule is characterized, when there are only two alternatives, in terms of axioms of unanimity, reducibility, ontoness (which expresses citizen sovereignty), and no veto power (a weakening of almost unanimity). The strongest axiom is reducibility, which embodies the preference aggregation procedure that successively synthesizes two divergent preferences until divergence disappears and, therefore, unanimity can be applied.  相似文献   

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