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The author pinpoints India's current land and water use problems. Various solutions are suggested taking into account the demands of the expanding population and the importance of agricultural land to India's development. India's climatic variations and the ways in which they affect land and water supplies and planning, are covered in detail. The many serious difficulties which the two natural resources face and which the planners must overcome if land and water are to be put to optimal use, are outlined separately, yet the interrelations between land and water and the need to develop them are also stressed.  相似文献   

This paper explains how, in view of competing demands for water in the western USA, the theme of water allocation and management has emerged as a vital political issue. In the Californian case, technical improvements in irrigation have extended the cultivated area and maintained productivity increases, and such developments have created the need for policy research. The author evaluates irrigation efficiency for both surface flow and sprinkler techniques, with particular reference to large-scale automated sprinkler systems, and concludes that a farmer's decision to apply developments in irrigation is strongly influenced by the requirements of energy conservation and efficient water management. The most significant issues likely to affect agricultural water demands over the next decade are identified.  相似文献   

Natural Areas are biogeographical zones which reflect the geological foundation, the natural systems and processes, and the wildlife in different parts of England, and provide a framework for setting objectives for nature conservation. This paper argues, with particular reference to agro-ecosystems, that there is a need for an integrated, whole countryside approach to Natural Areas based on the principles of ‘strong’ sustainable development. In practice, this means the delineation of conservation objectives for the whole of each Natural Area and the application of policy instruments designed to address the causes of environmental loss and deterioration. The latter requires, it is argued, a structural analysis of generic environmental issues. A generic issues approach is required in order to avoid the pitfalls of environmental ‘symptom management’ (environmental managerialism), an approach which dominates current environmental and agri-environmental policy. Necessary as such discrete action programmes and measures may be as short-term ‘fire-fighting’ responses to immediate threats, environmental managerialism as a policy framework epitomises a non-holistic and ‘disintegrated’ approach to nature conservation. The paper goes on to discuss the configuration of agri-environmental policy that will be required to address generic agricultural impacts on biodiversity and the constraints and opportunities for its implementation that are likely to arise within the context of further CAP reform and the forthcoming round of WTO negotiations.  相似文献   

The concept of “wilderness” has been intensively discussed as an approach for nature protection in Central Europe among managers of protected areas, decision makers, natural and social scientists. This paper discusses the various attempts for physical definitions for Central Europe. It examines, if “wilderness” a suitable expression for communicating different types of places designated “wilderness”, especially in the context of rising awareness and acceptance in all parts of society of the demands of the national strategies for protecting biodiversity. Literature surveys were carried out in order to find expert quotes on the physical definitions, spatial characteristics, and attributes of “wilderness”. For the analytical perception of the general public, a survey using opinion polls among visitors in the Müritz National Park in north-eastern Germany was carried out. A quantitative approach was chosen, and interviewees were selected on an objective, systematic basis. The paper demonstrates, that the wilderness discussion among experts in Central Europe lacks a common physical and spatial definition. It can be shown that there are strong ethical and religious, educational and cultural motifs in the demand for wilderness. For a broad range of laypersons interviewed in Müritz National Park, “wilderness” seems to be a suitable, positive label for wetlands, shorelines, large forests and remote mountain areas. Important key factors, aside from natural features, are few human traces, little infrastructure and few persons using an area, so that visitors experience a feeling of solitude.  相似文献   

The author notes the failures of post-war development of the inner cities in the UK and the serious social consequences these have had on the quality of life. A previous study on housing design in New York is outlined and the author explains the findings of very recent work by the Land Use Research Unit at King's College, London. This study was based in Oxford and London and took six types of social malaise (all related to the activities of children) as test measures for analysing the effects of 18 design variables. The findings for the blocks of flats were compared with a sample of 350 houses. A list of recommendations is given and the author finally calls for independent research in this field and a new approach to the subject of land use.  相似文献   

The role of land tenure in agricultural development has been a subject of intensive research, particularly within the context of land and agrarian reform. The complexity of the world's major land tenure systems is well recognized and no attempt is made here to go beyond an overview as this paper limits itself to the impact of land tenure on land use in low income situations. Present land use is determined by a host of factors, of a physical/biological and socioeconomic nature. In applying land evaluation, the question it is necessary to ask is to what extent, when and where land tenure conditions act as a considerable constraining factor impeding a more optimal use of land resources. Even in what used to be low-population density areas (such as Sub-Saharan Africa) it appears that the frontier phase is becoming exhausted and the intensification of agriculture proceeds; it becomes imperative to examine land tenure in relation to land use implications. It is shown that so far a multi-disciplinary approach has often been lacking in treating land tenure and related issues.  相似文献   

《Land use policy》1986,3(3):161-179
Peninsular Malaysia and Tasmania possess wilderness rain forests of great value to mankind. In both regions, however, undisturbed forests are dwindling and competition for the resources of the remaining forest areas is increasing. One result has been land use conflicts, some of them intense and prolonged. Two recent controversies—one over the logging of tropical forests in the Endau-Rompin region of southern Peninsular Malaysia, the other concerning a dam project in the Gordon-Franklin wilderness in south-west Tasmania—are described, analysed and compared. The authors describe the significance and value of the two wilderness areas, discuss the two controversies as ‘environmental issues’, examine the tactics employed by environmental pressure groups and explain how the two disputes were influenced by federal-state relations and certain constitutional considerations.  相似文献   

通过实地考察和游客问卷调查分析,指出了崀山旅游开发中存在的一些问题。采取SWOT技术方法分析了崀山旅游业发展中的旅游资源和环境优势、文化和经济劣势、区域合作发展机遇和国内主要丹霞风景区的竞争情况。在此基础上,针对崀山旅游未来发展提出了拓宽客源地空间范围、深挖风景区历史文化内涵、开发休闲度假和特种旅游产品、加强与桂林八角寨国家森林公园的合作开发等建议措施。  相似文献   


Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach (CA) offers a framework for a universal conception of human development. This paper interrogates Nussbaum’s approach using African environmental ethics (AEE) to see if it captures African ways of valuing nature. It looks at two ways in which Nussbaum’s approach considers the value of the natural environment: a) by applying her list of capabilities to non-human animals and b) by including, what is here termed, an environmental capability in Nussbaum's list of ten central capabilities she deems necessary for a person to flourish. The author argues that, despite limitations and need for further exploration, the second way of ‘environment capability’ aligns well with how nature is valued in AEE. The author also shows that both Nussbaum and AEE value nature in a way that, while not necessarily intrinsic, goes beyond material instrumentality and opens avenues for further discussion of the capabilities approach in traditional value systems  相似文献   

South African scholars have increasingly recognized that the prevailing management system for land use is one not relevant to the current spatial needs of the country's settlements. These include, in particular, the need to create sustainable, spatially just and resilient settlements and to develop land in a manner that promotes efficient urban development. The debate in the South African literature on land use management has, with a few notable exceptions, yet to venture into the specific mechanics of how to fix this system, ways the system can be used to create a spatially just urban form, or its applicability in formal retail areas.This paper addresses these questions within the context of formal retail areas and the zoning category that these are typically found in, namely that of the General Business zone. This paper initially investigates the current exclusionary nature of formal retail areas in the context of South Africa and within Cape Town and how this is linked to the more macro patterns of spatial exclusion within Cape Town. It is argued that within the context of Cape Town there is a need to focus on both commercial, particularly formal retail, as well as residential, areas with regard to the project of creating a more spatially just city. It is subsequently demonstrated, firstly, how zoning scheme provisions could be used as a mechanism to address these patterns of exclusion in formal retail areas, specifically exploring provisions that would encourage inclusion of informal and microenterprises within shopping malls. Secondly, it is demonstrated how provisions can be included that create a safer and more inviting environment for public transport users and poorer employees and consumers, in formal retail areas.The contribution of this paper is to initiate a long overdue conversation regarding the relationship between land use management and social justice within a developing world context, and in formal retail areas, and aims to set out ways in which land use management can be made more relevant; both for South African cities and cities in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen's capability approach to development considers individual agency as central in promoting human well-being. The paper argues that the capability approach would need to include more explicitly collective and historical dimensions in order to offer better insights for understanding the process of development. The paper begins by briefly discussing Amartya Sen's conception of development as freedom and the role it grants to individual agency. It then proposes a hermeneutical approach to development. This approach emphasizes that actions are to be interpreted in order to uncover the meaning for which they have been carried out. It suggests that a methodology for such interpretation can be found in a dialectic process between the socio-historical reality and the way individuals appropriate that reality. The Costa Rican case study illustrates that it is the outcome of that dialectic which sets the background against which people exercise their individual agency, and the extent to which this leads to the promotion of human well-being.  相似文献   

Part-time farming is playing a growing role In the agricultural sector's response to changes In the economic structures of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and other western industrialized nations. The implications and fundamental reasons behind this trend have however been largely ignored by agricultural economists. This article sets out to discuss the relative importance of part-time farming in the FRG and the reasons for Its growth. The factors affecting demand for non-agricultural employment by former full-time farmers in a situation of overall underemployment are dealt with, along with the economic implications of this trend. The effects of these new sources of income on the agrarian population are outlined and the author suggests that the growth of part-time farming is yet another indication of the integration of the agricultural sector into the industrial economy.  相似文献   

The increasing size of chemical plants and rapid growth in residential areas has led to many incompatible land-use scenarios in the last 100 years. In this context, the authors assume that assessment and planning have their significant role in preventing the juxtaposition of hazards and population, and that, in this field, there is a broad recognition of the need for legislative and policy consistency across the European Union. The paper presents a comparative case study in which the Romanian land-use planning (LUP) criteria and the risk-based quantitative approach for a chemical plant are applied. Accident scenarios involving chlorine and propylene arecomprehensively analyzed using consequence and risk modelling software and GIS technique for the territorial compatibility assessment. The objective of the paper is threefold. Firstly, it presents an overview about current risk analysis methods; secondly, the authors advance an understanding of risk assessment practices used in several countries for the prevention and control of major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances and, also, for LUP. Thirdly, a method targeting an improved risk assessment framework for LUP, encompassing Romania’s determinants is outlined. The results obtained using the two different approaches indicate significant differences regarding the possibly affected areas and territorial compatibility. Furthermore, based on the findings, the paper ends with a set of recommendations that can be transformed into the foundation for future enactments of new safety standards that cover risk assessment for LUP. Consequently, the present study aims to become a frame of reference for decision-makers towards more sustainable and updated risk assessment practices in the field of industrial activities.  相似文献   

The foods, home and personal care company, Unilever, is a large user of raw materials from agriculture, and a major buyer of goods on world markets. The continued supply of these materials is seen as an important component in the business's long-term success. The company has a long history of seeking to farm responsibly on company farms and for directly contracted raw materials, but it became clear that an approach based solely on suppliers' good agricultural practice would not safeguard supplies where increasing social and environmental pressures on agriculture were growing, or where increasing consumer concerns about the food chain could undermine markets and brands. Both threats suggested the need for a more radical approach. This resulted in the development of a mission statement, the agreement of four principles for sustainable agriculture, the identification of ten sustainable agriculture indicators (later 11), and the selection of five key crops the sustainable supply of which was significant to the company.

This paper summarizes progress towards the sustainable supply of these crops by reporting on selected sustainability indicators for the crops (peas, spinach, tomatoes, tea and oil palm) in 11 countries. Some of the businesses using these products have been subsequently sold, but these are reported here because the aim is to explore how responsive are different indicators of sustainability to management action in different crops in widely differing locations. This paper focuses on a selection of findings for each of the 10 indicators, in order to illustrate the extent of changes that have been observed over time. These also indicate some of the difficulties faced in making improvements on the ground. The gathering of data on sustainability indicators is closely tied to the development of alternative practices that should quickly deliver improvements in a variety of outcomes. An assessment is also made of the key changes that have occurred for each of the main five crops as a result of adopting the sustainability indicator system and associated new management practices.

Multi-year assessments were conceived as the way to understand and demonstrate progress towards more sustainable agriculture. The important developments were of systems that combined ensuring that agricultural suppliers performed to an acceptable set of criteria, and then had the capacity and willingness to identify the most critical areas where further progress was required. The challenge for the company is now to encourage others to adopt their approach to making supply chains more sustainable, both for their customers and the consumers of their branded goods.  相似文献   

Managing Urban Deer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conflicts are emerging between humans and wildlife populations adaptable to the high density of humans found in urban and suburban areas. In response to these threats, animal control programs are typically designed with the objective of establishing and maintaining a stable population. This article challenges this view by studying the management of urban deer in Irondequoit, NY. Pulsing controls can be more efficient than steady-state regimes under a wide range of conditions in both deterministic and stochastic environments, but potential gains can be dissipated by management constraints. The effect of citizen opposition to lethal control methods is also investigated.  相似文献   

The human development (HD) approach puts the improvement of people’s lives as the central objective of development. This paper provides an overview of major aspects of the approach. It shows how it emerged with the evolution of development thought and a widening of development objectives The paper explores the two-way relationship between HD and the rival objective, economic growth, is explored and broad characteristics of countries that have been exceptionally successful or unsuccessful , countries with three country cases considered in greater depth. The paper identifies major dimensions of HD, beyond the three elements included in the Human Development Index (HDI) and shows they are poorly captured by the HDI. An overview of global change on HD dimensions from 1980 to 2015 gives a mixed picture with progress on basic HD, uneven trends in some areas, and notable worsening on the environmental dimension. In conclusion, the paper discusses some outstanding issues which need more attention.  相似文献   

This paper, originally contributed as part of the government's Foresight investigation of Land Use Futures, considers the likely shape of policies affecting UK rural land use up to 2060, based on literature review, analysis of past and current trends and drivers, and discussion with selected policy experts. The postwar, centralised approach to spatial planning and countryside management has come under increasing challenge from domestic and international needs and concerns. European policy influence has increased in respect of agriculture and the natural environment. Zoning of land-use and a restrictive approach to built development have gradually weakened, and land-use drivers have become more multifunctional. Policy has moved away from a ‘top-down’ process designed in Whitehall towards a multi-layered structure within which international agreements and negotiations must be reconciled with regional and local, partnership-based approaches to planning and management, via national frameworks and a complex mix of regulatory and market-based instruments. Climate and energy policy, as well as policies on food and health, will require new and more diverse forms of development. A major challenge for the future could be the extent to which current, multi-layered spatial planning policies can accommodate the scale of change implied by the new mix of drivers from other policy areas. There is the possibility of an increasingly differentiated response across the UK countryside, as well as much more radical change in the system driven from the centre, as pressures increase.
While the Government Office for Science commissioned this review, the views are those of the author, are independent of Government, and do not constitute Government policy.  相似文献   

The assessment of agritourism policy based on SEA combination with HIA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The decline in agricultural and other forms of rural employment in many countries has created a need for a diversified range of rural businesses. In most cases, agritourism has become an important element of the diverse activities in rural areas of Taiwan. However, there are a number of significant impacts from tourism activities that can be influenced by agritourism policy.Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a procedural tool to assess policies and can aid the development of more sustainable policy formulation. However, SEA aims to assess environmental impacts; the health issues are often overlooked. Hence, a Delphi-Indicator approach to SEA is proposed here to integrate Health Impact Assessment (HIA). This new approach is based on the impact indicator system, and then the Delphi method is employed to collect experts’ opinions. After the evaluation system was established, the current agritourism policy and another alternative policy are assessed to examine this new method.Finally, various types of impacts from current agritourism policy in Taiwan are identified, and the significant impacts are as follows: resources usage (water, electricity, petroleum), pollution generation (waste, noise), and other landscape problems (mudflows and landslide, harmony of the rural landscape). In addition, several benefits are found from the alternative policy (agro-ecotourism) such as the amount of pesticides used per unit area, and environmental quality of local community since agro-ecotourism development is based on organic agriculture and combination with ecotourism to provide acceptable recreation opportunity without destroying natural rural environment. In summary, the impacts are less significant from agro-ecotourism than those from current agritourism policy, and these positive changes are not only in the environmental sector, but also within the economic, social, and health issues.  相似文献   

Rural development models to date have failed to adequately explain why development stagnates in certain regions, and have often focused on single policy areas. This paper proposes a more holistic approach by combining the concept of traps with the sustainable livelihoods approach, applied to a case study in Central Romania. Based on semi-structured interviews with rural inhabitants from 66 villages in 2012, we analyze the barriers creating and maintaining a lock-in situation characterized by an apparently stable low-welfare equilibrium state. By clustering development barriers into livelihood capitals we find that barriers to rural development are multiple and interacting, and are strongly mediated by the institutional context. We show that while financial, social, human, and built capitals are inadequately developed, the region's rich natural and cultural capitals stand the best chances to foster rural development. Yet, these capitals are likely to deteriorate, too, if all other capitals remain under-developed. Given this interconnectedness of development barriers we argue that one-sided interventions cannot help ‘unlock’ the trap-like situation of Central Romania. Instead, multiple barriers will need to be tackled simultaneously. The development of social, human and financial capitals should be of priority concern because of their potentially positive spill-over effects across all other capitals.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the evolution of reforestation in Brazil and evaluates the federal government's previous programmes to stimulate that activity, focusing on the discontinued Programme of Fiscal Incentives for Afforestation and Reforestation (PIFFR). Despite the great increase in reforested area in Brazil since the 1970s, the country will suffer a scarcity of roundwood from reforested areas over the first decade of the 21st Century. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the Brazilian federal government supported programmes to foster reforestation; however, no stimulus programmes were implemented in the 1990s when roundwood demand increased and production stagnated. Today, the government recognizes the need to stimulate reforestation. The PIFFR, the most important of those earlier programmes, is evaluated using a traditional cost–benefit approach. The evaluation shows that a reinstatement of this programme would now be inappropriate. The conclusion suggests a direction for new federal policies that seek to foster the enlargement of reforestation in segments where the price mechanism has not worked well.  相似文献   

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