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人寿保险公司的架构一般由总公司、省级公司、市二级分公司及县支基层公司组成,总公司对其基层公司的管理在时间、空间上的跨度都很大,如果制度不健全、管控不到位,那么业务发展越大,基层公司对风险防范管控的压力就越大,依法合规经营将面临更严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

人寿保险公司的架构一般由总公司、省级公司、市二级分公司及县支基层公司组成,总公司对其基层公司的管理在时间、空间上的跨度都很大,如果制度不健全、管控不到位,那么业务发展越大,基层公司对风险防范管控的压力就越大,依法合规经营将面临更严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

本文从企业集团和子公司角度构建集团文化管控的影响因素理论模型,并运用结构方程模型方法对该理论模型进行验证。研究结果表明,集团管控模式和子公司业务相关性对集团母子公司文化管控程度有显著的影响。企业集团财务管控力度越大,则母公司对子公司的文化管控程度越小;企业集团战略管控力度越大,母公司对子公司的文化管控程度越大;企业集团运营管控力度越大,母公司对子公司的文化管控程度越大;子公司业务相关程度越高,则母公司对子公司的文化管控程度越大。  相似文献   

日照电力实业总公司采用公司物资供应中心、实业总公司供应中心、下属企业物资供应部门"三位一体",物资需求计划、招标谈判定价、签约、付款"四控分立"的物资集中采购管理模式,优化资源配置,创新管控模式,实现降本增效,保障了工程项目的履约进度和质量,提高了企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

总公司对分公司实施的财务控制、自主权控制、人员控制及文化控制等手段在集团管控中发挥着不可忽视的作用。但是,由于集团总公司对下属分公司管控程度的不同,其采用的管控模式及关键控制手段也不尽相同。基于此,探讨并匹配与其相宜的管理模式和手段,对于充分调动分公司进行价值再造的积极性,实现分公司及集团利益最大化有重要意义。  相似文献   

总分公司是种重要的公司组织形式.它是建立在适度分权基础上的集中管理制的公司形式,这种模式有助于分公司自主经营,也有助于总公司实施管控。这一操作模式涉及到内部经营主体税收核算、税收流程内控以及税表合并等众多税收筹划工作,怎样做到依法纳税,怎样做好税收筹划,都是值得探索的问题。  相似文献   

张爱华 《价值工程》2013,(31):162-163
分析基层保险公司财务如何服务与管控。分别从如何服务、如何细化、如何管控的角度,来阐述基层保险的财务行为。  相似文献   

对权属公司的管控是军工科研院所面临的日益重要和紧迫的问题。通过对军工科研院所权属公司管控实践现状的研究、探讨和分析,介绍了某军工科研院所针对权属公司管控咨询专项项目的开展情况。推而广之,以该军工科研院所权属公司管控咨询项目和实践来思考整个军工科研院所权属公司管控实践。  相似文献   

工程项目审计初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国有大型施工企业通常采用的是“三级管理三级核算”的组织管理模式,随着“项目法”施工的普遍推行,原由公司下属施工处负责施工的工程项目改为工程项目部负责组织实施,由此便构成了大型国有施工企业的塔型组织结构:即最基层(塔基)的工程项目经理部,最高层(塔顶)的工程管理局或工程总公司和中间层的工程施工公司。这种组织结构的财务特点是:工程局(总公司)为利润中心,工程公司为成本费用中心,工程项目  相似文献   

通过规范源头管控、完善常态化机制、创新加快数据融合,以实实在在的举措持续为基层减负。形式主义、官僚主义之弊非一日之寒,从根子上减轻基层负担也非一日之功。切实为基层减负,需驰而不息、落实落细,持之以恒破解现实难题。规范源头管控,树牢工作"航向标"紧盯压减目标,严守年度计划。  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative data, this paper examines developments in human resource and employment policies and practices among a sample of joint venture and wholly owned foreign enterprises operating in China. The research reveals that the effects of parent company nationality and ownership form were most visible in the areas of remuneration, worker representation and aspects of employee selection. There was, however, little overt involvement of multinational parent companies in the management of human resources of their Chinese operations. The trend was towards indirect reporting relationships with regional sub-units of multinational companies rather than direct links with the parent headquarters. Overall, these intermediate sub-units were playing an important role in the integration of Chinese business units in the global management systems of multinational companies.  相似文献   

以我国2009—2019年深圳中小板和创业板上市公司为研究样本,分析CVC母公司声誉对企业创新能力的影响,并进一步检验CVC母公司与创业企业之间的地理相关性在其中的调节作用。研究发现:CVC母公司声誉有助于企业创新能力的提高,CVC母公司与创业企业之间的地理相关性,能强化CVC母公司声誉对企业创新的积极作用;CVC母公司声誉对企业创新能力的提升作用在创始人具有经营控制权、CVC母公司参与度较高的企业中更为显著。进一步探究内在动因及经济后果发现,高声誉CVC母公司提升被投资企业创新能力的动机是为了获得战略回报,其后果表现为提高被投资企业的实质性创新水平。最后,机制检验表明高声誉CVC母公司通过更长的投资期限和缓解被投资企业融资约束来促进企业创新。  相似文献   

Within a group of companies, a model is given for management of the relationships between the parent company and its subsidiaries. This is particularly relevant for groups originating from mergers and takeovers, because firms acquired often differ substantially in organizational structure from each other and from the parent company. The model provides a means of harmonizing the organizational structures of parent company and subsidiaries, so as to provide a complete coverage of necessary activities without duplication, and a means of identifying which activities should, in economic terms, be centralized by the parent company, and which should be delegated to the subsidiary. Finally, there is an empirical application of the model to one of the principal Italian banking groups.  相似文献   

This study examines the employment system of Japanese multinational retailing corporations in Hong Kong through two case companies - Morioka and Okadaya. The human resource management (HRM) practices- recruitment and selection, remuneration, and training and development - of the companies are studied. The different HRM practices applied to different groups of employees within each case company are compared using an employment systems model. The employment system is structured and multi-layered. The development of the structured employment system is then analysed in relation to the cultural and sectoral factors. It is shown that only the cultural characteristics of the Japanese parent companies can explain the ethnocentric management approach used in which Japanese personnel are employed in the internal labour marker (ILM) and local employees are employed outside the ILM. Economic and labour market conditions in both parent and host countries and sectoral characteristics have also contributed to the stratification of the employment system among the local employees. The implications of this study are that the long-term development of Japanese multinational retailers will be weakened if the structured employment system persists.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a case study into human resource management (HRM) policies and practices of the Scottish subsidiary of an American multinational firm. The study is discussed within the debate on transfer of HRM practices between nations, and on subsidiary - parent company relationships. The paper makes a distinction between HRM policy on the one hand, and HRM practice on the other. It will be argued that whereas companies might find it feasible to have company-wide policies , they might find it unavoidable to be responsive to local conditions when it comes to HRM practices . Further, it will be argued that some practices can be transferred across nations almost without any change from one country to another. Some must be modified to become workable in another setting. And some are more deeply culture-specific and may not always be transferable. The findings of the study support the argument that multinational companies' management practices are more prone to local cultural influences than are their overall policies and strategies. Moreover, some of the practices which the company had imported from abroad had to be modified to make them workable, given its local cultural and non-cultural contexts. These local contexts had at the same time affected the relationship between the Scottish subsidiary and its parent company. The study found four clusters of factors which intervened in this relationship. A dynamic model of subsidiary-parent company is proposed to elaborate such an intervention. On the basis of the study it is argued that HRM in a foreign subsidiary is a complicated matter. The choice between one of three major options, polycentric, ethnocentric, and global, advocated by many scholars, is found to be too simplistic a model for understanding what actually goes on in a subsidiary and between it and its parent organization.  相似文献   

Rising business of multinational companies in Asia has been paralleled with an increase in the number of western expatriates sent overseas. This has created challenges for the multinational companies as how to develop dual commitment of these expatriates to the parent companies and to the local operations during international assignments. In this study, we simultaneously examined the nature of dual organizational commitment among 254 western expatriates currently working for the subsidiaries of the multinational companies in Vietnam, and investigated specific antecedents of the dual commitment by using multi-dimensional approach. The results confirmed the existence of two distinct commitment foci and proved that the commitment to a parent company was stronger than that to a local operation. Tenure in a parent company, clarity of repatriation process, promotion and compensation were responsible for the differences in level of commitments with regard to two foci. While promotion, compensation and clarity of repatriation process more significantly predicted components of parent company commitment, pre-departure training was more associated with components of local operation commitment. Pre-departure training, promotion, compensation and transformational leadership were primarily indicated to predict dual commitment in terms of high levels to both foci. The results were discussed in the light of dual commitment and international human resource management.  相似文献   

中国企业进行跨国经营,要实现稳定成长和持续发展,就需要国内母公司具有高水平的公司治理和对海外子公司的控制能力。笔者对中国跨国经营集团管理控制实践方式进行了理论概括和优化,把国内母公司对海外子公司的控制模式分为治理控制型、行政控制型、平台控制型三种类型,并对这三种类型进行利弊分析,阐明其适用条件,便于其他企业集团借鉴,从而进一步指导管控实践。  相似文献   

金融控股模式下,研究银行母公司代理银行保险业务的影响因素,对于国内银行保险市场的竞争具有决定作用,并且对于未来国内金融控股集团的健康发展具有积极意义。文章研究了银行母公司开展银行保险业务的战略层因素、经济层因素、非经济层因素以及监管因素和其他利益相关者因素,有利于银行母公司、银行系保险公司和传统保险公司开展银行保险业务的行为选择。  相似文献   

在今天这个经济发展日新月异的时代,跨国公司越来越成为推动全球经济发展的引擎。如今,有效的知识转移已经成为跨国公司竞争优势的重要来源之一,只有通过组织间的知识转移,才能推动组织对知识进行高效管理,实现组织的经济与竞争价值。本研究将基于企业社会资本理论中的关系维度,研究跨国母子公司间形成的关系维度对内部知识转移绩效的作用机制,从而来探索母子公司在知识转移过程中的内部关系维度作用。  相似文献   

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