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New tests of the new-Keynesian Phillips curve   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lagged dependent variables typically play an important role in empirical models of inflation. Do these lags reflect backward-looking inflation expectations, or do they proxy for rational forward-looking expectations, as in the new-Keynesian Phillips curve? Galí and Gertler [1999. Inflation dynamics: a structural econometric analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics 44, 195-222] attempt to answer this question using GMM to estimate specifications incorporating both lagged and future inflation. They report small coefficients on lagged inflation and conclude that the new-Keynesian model provides a good first approximation to inflation dynamics. We show that these tests have low power against alternative backward-looking specifications, and demonstrate that their results are also consistent with a backward-looking Phillips curve. Using an alternative approach, we find that the new-Keynesian pricing model cannot explain the importance of lagged inflation in standard inflation regressions, and find that forward-looking terms play a very limited role in explaining inflation dynamics.  相似文献   

McCallum (2009) argues that “learnability” can save new-Keynesian models from indeterminacies. He claims the unique bounded equilibrium is learnable, and the explosive equilibria are not. However, he assumes that agents can directly observe the monetary policy shock. Reversing this assumption, I find the opposite: the bounded equilibrium is not learnable and the unbounded equilibria are learnable. More generally, I argue that a threat by the Fed to move to an “unlearnable” equilibrium for all but one value of inflation is a poor foundation for choosing the bounded equilibrium of a new-Keynesian model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we add to the literature on the assessment of how well data simulated from new-Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models reproduce the dynamic features of historical data. In particular, we evaluate sticky price, sticky price with dynamic indexation, and sticky information models using impulse response and correlation measures and via implementation of a distribution based approach for comparing (possibly) misspecified DSGE models using simulated and historical inflation and output gap data. One of our main findings is that for a standard level of stickiness (i.e., annual price or information adjustment), the sticky price model with indexation dominates other models. We also find that when a lower level of information and price stickiness is used (i.e., bi-annual adjustment), there is much less to choose between the models (see Bils and Klenow 2004 , for evidence in favor of lower levels of stickiness). This finding is due to the fact that simulated and historical densities are "much" closer under bi-annual adjustment.  相似文献   

Many new-Keynesian models produce a deep recession with deflation at the zero bound. These models also make unusual policy predictions: Useless government spending, technical regress, capital destruction, and forward guidance can raise output. Moreover, these predictions are larger as prices become less sticky and as changes are expected further in the future. I show that these predictions are strongly affected by equilibrium selection. For the same interest-rate path, equilibria that bound initial jumps predict mild inflation, small output variation, negative multipliers, small effects of far-off expectations and a smooth frictionless limit. Fiscal policy considerations suggest the latter equilibria.  相似文献   

I propose a new multi-factor asset pricing model with new-Keynesian factors to explain stock return anomalies from 1972Q1 to 2009Q2. This new model explains the average returns across testing portfolios formed on financial distress, momentum, and standardized unexpected earnings with misspecification-robust statistics. Test portfolios formed on net stock issues and total accruals are also partly explained by new-Keynesian factors. Two monetary policy factors play an important role in explaining these new anomalies. The credit aspect of these new anomalies suggests an economic rationale for the model through capital market imperfections and the credit channel of monetary policy mechanism.  相似文献   

A new-Keynesian model with a nominal tax system is developed and used to study the macroeconomic effects of temporary tax-based investment incentives. Two claims regarding the effects of these incentives are examined: first that they are overstated in partial-equilibrium frameworks; and second that repeated use of such incentives by policymakers can ultimately be destabilizing. The results contradict the first claim and imply that the second claim is not general. The model is also used to compute the predicted effects of an investment tax incentive that has figured prominently in recent fiscal stimulus packages.  相似文献   

Regulators have invested considerable energy into developing analytical tools to better detect earnings management. We propose that firms in similar life cycle stages (LCSs) face similar strategic concerns, managerial pressures, growth prospects, etc., and that the commonality in these factors contribute to the “normal” accruals generating process. Consistent with this prediction, we simulate various earnings management conditions and find that accruals models are misspecified in detecting manipulation within particular LCSs; in particular, introduction, shakeout, and decline firms are over-identified as manipulators, while growth and mature firms are under-identified as manipulators when LCS is not used to estimate accruals. Weighted average performance across life cycle stages reveals that LCS estimation of discretionary accruals substantially improves successful detection and reduces Type I errors relative to other grouping alternatives. The combined improvement across both Type I and Type II errors is over 70% for both the modified Jones and discretionary revenue models of accruals-based earnings management.  相似文献   

自上世纪七十年代以来,学界对企业业绩衰退后的反转提出了若干理论模型,通过对这些反转理论模型进行梳理,明确几个主要模型如Robbins和Pearce的模型、Arogyaswamy等的模型、Lohrke等的模型、Trahms等模型之间的联系和区别,揭示它们的演化过程,从而提出一个再扩展的模型,以期为企业反转工作提供一个基本的思考逻辑和行动的方向性指导.  相似文献   

Corals have recently emerged as both a sign and a measure of the imminent catastrophic future of life on earth and, as such, have become the focus of intense conservation management. Bleached! draws on in-depth interviews and participatory observations with coral scientists and managers to explore the management of the corals’ ecological catastrophe to come. The article starts by describing the unique life of corals, the importance of calculability in catastrophe management, and the coral scientists’ preoccupation with classifying, counting, and seeing in their attempt to comprehensibly monitor corals and anticipate their decline. Algorithmic models and elaborate temporal analyses are central to this governmental project of “knowing bleaching.” What happens after such bleaching events are foreseen is the topic of my next exploration, which highlights the emergence of yet more monitoring as the central coral conservation “action” in the face of the looming catastrophe. The “resilience” concept is of growing importance in the world of coral management. Since it underlines unpredictability and nonlinearity, resilience as well seems to fly in the face of any anticipatory action, instead scientifically justifying forms of inaction. Finally, Bleached! discusses the heated debates among coral scientists about whether to focus present actions on “buying time” for corals, or whether the only way to prevent or limit imminent coral catastrophe is to deal directly with the elephant in the room: the global regulation of climate change. I argue that, in the case of corals at least, scientific knowledge is not power. Quite the contrary, the real political story here seems to lie in the ways in which scientists’ knowledge is neutralized and prevented from having political effects, such that it does not lead to anticipatory action to restore the ecological order. As one of the prominent coral scientists I interviewed for this project put it: current conservation efforts are akin to reorganizing the chairs on the Titanic, rather than to changing the ship’s deadly course.  相似文献   

本文使用开放经济下的新凯恩斯模型实证分析了开放经济体中不同的货币政策目标制。结果表明,面对国内利率政策、技术、国外通货膨胀、国外产出和国外实际利率冲击时,由灵活通货膨胀目标、资本自由流动和完全浮动的汇率构成的货币政策目标体系能够有效吸收冲击,减缓经济波动。相比而言,严格通胀目标制无法有效吸收国内外冲击,所以我国在开放经济下选择货币政策目标时,并不一定要选择严格通货膨胀目标,可以选择一些灵活通货膨胀目标的政策框架。此外,能够有效吸收各种冲击的灵活通胀目标、资本自由流动和完全浮动汇率制组成的目标体系也为我国货币政策和汇率制度改革提供了方向。  相似文献   

This paper investigates alternative models of learning to explain changes in uncertainty surrounding earnings innovations. As a proxy for investor uncertainty, we use model-free implied volatilities; as a proxy for earnings innovations, representing signals of firm performance likely to drive investor perceptions of uncertainty, we use quarterly unexpected earnings benchmarked to the consensus forecast. We document that uncertainty declines on average after the release of quarterly earnings announcements and this decline is attenuated by the magnitude of the earnings innovation. This latter result is consistent with models that incorporate signal magnitude as a factor driving changes in uncertainty. Most important, we document that signals deviating sufficiently from expectations lead to net increases in uncertainty. Critically, this result suggests that models allowing for posterior variance to be greater than prior variance even after signal revelation [e.g., regime shifts in Pastor and Veronesi (Annu Rev Financ Econ 1:361–381, 2009)] better describe how investors incorporate new information.  相似文献   

Some economists argue the recent recovery has been so meager because many consumers have lost their main source of income and maxed-out their home-equity borrowings. Further, banks that were able to make consumer loans did so with less security because home prices fell so dramatically. This paper argues that at least part of that recovery story is purely anecdotal and, in fact, incorrect. In spite of the precipitous decline in home prices, the original price increases were so large that many homeowners still have/had adequate equity in their homes to borrow. The paper presents evidence that the average quarterly increase in aggregate home equity line of credit (HELOC) lending after housing prices began their decline is, statistically, no different than the average quarterly increase in HELOC lending before housing prices began their downward trend. The evidence also suggests that increased HELOC lending during the recession is not correlated with higher unemployment.  相似文献   

Investment-cash flow sensitivity has declined and disappeared, even during the 2007-2009 credit crunch. If one believes that financial constraints have not disappeared, then investment-cash flow sensitivity cannot be a good measure of financial constraints. The decline and disappearance are robust to considerations of R&D and cash reserves, and across groups of firms. The information content in cash flow regarding investment opportunities has declined, but measurement error in Tobin's q does not completely explain the patterns in investment-cash flow sensitivity. The decline and disappearance cannot be explained by changes in sample composition, corporate governance, or market power—and remain a puzzle.  相似文献   

While firms regularly reduce workforce following sharp performance decline, diversified firms may abstain from employment downsizing by transferring capital and labor between segments (the allocative flexibility effect). However, downsizing may be more likely if a performance shock leads to efforts to reduce inefficiency in resource allocation (the inefficient internal market effect). Using a large cross-country dataset, our results provide strong support for the inefficient internal market effect. We find that diversified firms are more likely to downsize and the national employment protection and union power laws moderate this link. We also find that diversified firms with more excess employment are more likely to downsize and that downsizing following major adverse performance shocks is associated with lower level of diversification and excess employment.  相似文献   

This study determines whether it is possible to distinguish between conventional and Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region on the basis of financial characteristics alone. Islamic banks operate under different principles, such as risk sharing and the prohibition of interest, yet both types of banks face similar competitive conditions. The combination of effects makes it unclear whether financial ratios will differ significantly between the two categories of banks. We input 26 financial ratios into logit, neural network, and k-means nearest neighbor classification models to determine whether researchers or regulators could use these ratios to distinguish between the two types of banks. Although the means of several ratios are similar between the two categories of banks, non-linear classification techniques (k-means nearest neighbors and neural networks) are able to correctly distinguish Islamic from conventional banks in out-of-sample tests at about a 92% success rate.  相似文献   

We assess the macroeconomic implications for the global economy of different strategies of official reserve management by developing a large scale new-Keynesian dynamic general equilibrium model, calibrated to the euro area, the United States, China and the rest of the world. An increase in the global demand for euros would boost euro area aggregate demand because of the reduction in euro area interest rates (the main benefit associated with the “privilege” of being a global currency). If the higher demand for euros is associated with lower demand for US dollars, then US aggregate demand falls because of higher interest rates, while the external balance improves; countries accumulating reserves continue to run a trade surplus, as exports to the euro area increase. We also compute welfare gains/costs for all economies.  相似文献   

For an international sample of banks, we construct measures of a bank’s absolute size and its systemic size defined as size relative to the national economy. We then examine how a bank’s risk and return on equity, its activity mix and funding strategy, and the extent to which it faces market discipline depend on both size measures. We show that bank returns increase with absolute size, yet decline with systemic size, while neither size measure is associated with bank risk as implicit in the Z-score. These results are consistent with the view that growing to a size that is systemic is not in the interest of bank shareholders. We also find that systemically large banks are subject to greater market discipline as evidenced by a higher sensitivity of their funding costs to risk proxies, consistent with the view that they can become too large to save. A bank’s interest costs, however, are estimated to decline with bank systemic size for all banks apart from those with very low capitalization levels. This suggests that market discipline, exercised through funding costs, does not prevent banks from attaining larger systemic size.  相似文献   

The impact of conservative accounting on residual income (RI) and abnormal earnings growth (AEG) valuation models is investigated in this note. Limiting the analyses to information dynamics constrained models (the core models in Ohlson, 1995; Ohlson & Juettner-Nauroth, 2005), we find that both models can handle accounting conservatism if the persistence factors of residual income or abnormal earnings growth fulfil certain conditions. In a comparison of permissible time-series specifications, the AEG model can potentially handle more conservatively biased earnings in the first forecast period than the RI model. However, this requires that the growth of the conservative bias in the second forecast period is not too large. In a 0-NPV competitive equilibrium with a constant steady state growth, both models work equally well. Further elaborations indicate that, in the presence of accounting conservatism a reasonable value of the persistence factor of residual income in the RI model should be in the interval between 1.0 and R (where R = 1 + discount rate), whereas the persistence factor of abnormal earnings growth in the AEG model should be close to 1.0. This implies that the persistence factor in the RI model appears to have been understated while the persistence factor in the AEG model appears to have been overstated in previous empirical research.  相似文献   

The paper deals with optimal portfolio choice problems when risk levels are given by coherent risk measures, expectation bounded risk measures or general deviations. Both static and dynamic pricing models may be involved. Unbounded problems are characterized by new notions such as (strong) compatibility between prices and risks. Surprisingly, the lack of bounded optimal risk and/or return levels arises for important pricing models (Black and Scholes) and risk measures (VaR, CVaR, absolute deviation, etc.). Bounded problems present a Market Price of Risk and generate a pair of benchmarks. From these benchmarks we introduce APT and CAPM-like analyses, in the sense that the level of correlation between every available security and some economic factors explains the security expected return. The risk level non correlated with these factors has no influence on any return, despite the fact that we are dealing with risk functions beyond the standard deviation.  相似文献   

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