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为了实现随时随地与任何人和任何设备的互联互通, 无线通信技术获得了蓬勃发展。在正交频分复用(OFDM)和多入多出 (MIMO)等基础技术支持下,多种无线技术如蓝牙,Wi-Fi(无线兼容认证)、WiMAX、超宽带和无线局域网获得了长足发展。在移动电话上,从  相似文献   

蓝牙,WAP(无线通信协议)、3G(第三代移动通信技术)等技术或协议都曾经风光无限,可现在,业内人士普遍认为它们“早熟”了,蓝牙、WAP已成“明日黄花”,3G则迟迟没有到来。Wi-Fi(无线局域网)是眼下的新宠,但愿它的未来不是梦。  相似文献   

核电厂设备维修技术存在隐性技术无法有效管理和传承的问题。通过对核电厂数字化检维修技术管理平台的设计与实践,总结基于3D模型维修技术数据管理平台整体架构设计、平台模块及界面设计、数据关联设计、数据开发与管理、平台应用实践路径和经验。以基于3D模型的核电厂数字化检维修技术管理平台将隐形技术显性化,实现核电厂维修企业的多电厂维修技术的有效管理,实现了技术标准化,参训人员考核平均分提高5~10分,培训一次合格率提升至95%。  相似文献   

在世纪之交,电信的焦点也相应地从传统的面向有线电话的业务和基础设施变成了面向数据的业务,从单一的网络变成了多种网络,从非智能设备变成了智能设备,如PDA和移动计算机。Internet的WWW和广域无线网络(比如GSM),以及局域无线通信系统都导致了这一领域的改变。在这些领域,每年的市场表现都被低估了,现在是考虑移动Intemet和UC的未来,技术和市场的时候了。在ITU的IMT-2000[2]框架里的UNITS一代移动网络的技术步骤,它通过将Internet协议运用到移动业它的演进会在本文中描述。务控制和端到端的应用而使UC变得容易。  相似文献   

设计一种基于云计算的智能高端装备远程运维管控系统,该系统包括装备端和云平台两部分,采用分布式存储、数据分析和安全技术,实现了设备管理、数据采集、存储、分析和远程操作等功能,并验证该系统的实际应用效果,为提高智能装备的运行效率和管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

设计基于交互式电子技术手册(IETM)的装备保障信息化系统,为装备管理人员提供实时、适度、高效的过程指导和技术信息支持,缩短装备使用人员的培训时间,提高培训效果,降低维修人员专业技能和维修经验的要求,达到缩短维修时间和加速装备性能恢复的目的。  相似文献   

1月27日,潍柴集团与中国电信集团在潍柴工业园区签订了"互联网+智能制造"领域战略合作协议。根据战略合作协议,双方将聚焦工业网络创新和应用、制造服务一体化、智能产品、工业大数据、产业链协同等重要领域,共同探索研究工业互联网在潍柴集团生产线上的应用。综合利用全光网络、无线通信、物联网技术和大数据技术打造数字车间、智慧化工厂和智能产品,建设工业大数据平台、企业级移动化应用平台和工业云平台,对产品研发、生产、后市场服务等进行优化协同,实现产  相似文献   

针对未来战争的装备保障需要,分析机载导弹保障的特点以及机载导弹保障设备在研制、储存、使用、人员培训等阶段质量管理过程中存在的问题。现代高新技术局部战争的特点表现在战斗准备时间缩短、战斗节奏加快,机载导弹保障能力是海军航空兵形成作战能力的重要保证,其保障能力的高低直接关系到飞机的战斗力。能否保证有足够的机载导弹装备用于作战,以保证作战任务的完成,在很大程度上取决于机载导弹保障设备有无强有力的保障。运用现代信息技术、自动控制技术等最新科技成果,将机载导弹保障设备结构单元、保障设施、管理平台和各种保障管理资源置于计算机网络中,建成多变协同、协调一致、纵横一体的信息化机载导弹保障设备管理体系。基于全寿命周期思想,从设计制造、储存保管、管理方式、人才队伍建设研究,提出加强机载导弹保障设备质量管理的措施。  相似文献   

各种无线通信系统和无线设备的广泛普及使得无线网络的规模迅速增大,大规模无线网络进入大数据时代。大规模无线网络的大数据具有多种多样、高容量、实时速度和巨大价值的关键特征,从而带来了不同于现有数据分析技术的独特研究挑战。本文对大型无线网络的最新大数据分析方法进行了概述研究,分析了大数据分析面临的挑战,详细叙述了针对大规模无...  相似文献   

以PLC与无线传输技术为平台,构建固控系统在线监测与故障诊断系统,包括固控装备的在线监测与采集、数据的无线传输、终端设备的节能控制、数据的存储、PLC数据处理平台、故障的辅助诊断。通过搭建一个能够显著提升固控现场管理、监测与诊断要求的PLC处理系统,应用于现阶段固控系统中,保障和提升石油钻采进度,提高自动化水平,降低劳动强度,从而保证钻采生产的稳定进行。  相似文献   

Beginning with the historical role and importance of multi-physical standards in wireless telecommunications for the future in the US, Japan and Europe, this paper provides a cohesive vision of how wireless communication, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) is likely to develop. Also covered in this paper are its benefits, the technical and regulatory support required to realize this vision and an assessment of its potential impact on the structure of the telecommunications industry. Although the competitive structure of the Internet is relatively open, several factors, such as frequency allocation policy and radio interface standards, could block the efficient evolution of wireless services to an IP platform. The paper proposes two major technical requirements to enable effective competition in wireless VoIP and achieve greater technical productivity.  相似文献   

In recent years, significant attention has been directed toward the fifth generation of wireless broadband connectivity known as ‘5G’, currently being deployed by Mobile Network Operators. Surprisingly, there has been considerably less attention paid to ‘Wi-Fi 6’, the new IEEE 802.1ax standard in the family of Wireless Local Area Network technologies with features targeting private, edge-networks. This paper revisits the suitability of cellular and Wi-Fi in delivering high-speed wireless Internet connectivity. Both technologies aspire to deliver significantly enhanced performance, enabling each to deliver much faster wireless broadband connectivity, and provide further support for the Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine communications, positioning the two technologies as technical substitutes in many usage scenarios. We conclude that both are likely to play important roles in the future, and simultaneously serve as competitors and complements. We anticipate that 5G will remain the preferred technology for wide-area coverage, while Wi-Fi 6 will remain the preferred technology for indoor use, thanks to its much lower deployment costs. However, the traditional boundaries that differentiated earlier generations of cellular and Wi-Fi are blurring. Proponents of one technology may argue for the benefits of their chosen technology displacing the other, requesting regulatory policies that would serve to tilt the marketplace in their favour. We believe such efforts need to be resisted, and that both technologies have important roles to play in the marketplace, based on the needs of heterogeneous use cases. Both technologies should contribute to achieving the goal of providing affordable, reliable, and ubiquitously available high-capacity wireless broadband connectivity.  相似文献   

吴铮  周剑利  申彦春 《河北工业科技》2007,24(5):259-261,274
供水厂的远程监控系统是以计算机技术、现代检测技术、无线数字通信技术、网络技术等为支撑,实现对供水系统的测控、管理、分析诊断及故障处理等功能。针对某供水厂的远程监控问题,设计了基于无线传输的远程控制终端RTU,构建了供水厂SCADA系统,实时传输水泵压力、电机电压、电流等监控数据。从供水企业的运营模型着手,提出了大规模给水系统分级控制和优化调度软硬件模式和基于GIS平台的供水企业信息化应用方案。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2006,30(5-6):297-313
Xiaolingtong (XLT), a new type of mobile phone system based on PHS technology for wireless access of fixed-line telephone networks, has grown very rapidly in China. However, there are many doubts about the future of XLT once 3G (the third generation of mobile communication) is finally employed. This paper proposes a theoretical framework to assess and compare XLT and 3G from four perspectives: technology, market demand, business models and government policy. It concludes that XLT and 3G will coexist with existing 2G/2.5G mobile communication networks for a considerable period of time. With service collaboration and integration, the coexistence of both of these technologies can enhance China's mobile communication infrastructure and support the growth of mobile commerce.  相似文献   

为了解决联合国维和行动长期存在的国内训练基础环境难逼真、执行任务标准运用不熟练、突发情况应急处置不到位的问题,开展了基于维和训练的控制系统仿真技术研究。运用虚拟现实、建模仿真、沉浸体验、人工智能等先进技术,提出一种大空间定位和姿态捕获方法,研发空间位置与动作姿态数据融合算法,灵活支撑对抗仿真;提出一种三维影像构建方法,建立人员、装备、设施、建筑、道路等三维模型,构建国外任务区虚拟战场环境,支持开展沉浸式模拟演练。研究结果表明,新方法能帮助维和官兵提前逼真体验,规范执行标准,模拟红蓝对抗,尤其是大空间定位技术的研究可有效延伸虚拟战场环境,显著提高联合训练效果,并可节省训练经费,避免训练事故,提高训练的针对性。虚拟仿真训练技术研究能够有效支撑多分队协同处置训练,甚至多兵种联合训练,在军事训练领域有较大的推广价值。  相似文献   

The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) has made it possible to experience high levels of visibility, control and connectivity across the entire supply chain. However, in road transport logistics, wireless ICT applications like cellular networks, Wi-Fi, UMTS, 4G and WiMax have not entirely solved reliability and connectivity problems due to difficulties associated with limited range, scalability and security. This paper examines the feasibility of using a vehicular network technology, dedicated short range communication (DSRC), in a multimodal logistics environment as means of providing enhanced visibility and connectivity using a secure access architecture. The secure access architecture is necessary to provide a high degree of security to the detailed visibility involving road haulage feeding port operations using a centralised port service.  相似文献   

一种低功耗无线传感器网络节点设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郭鹏  杨春晖  陈蕾  刘冲 《河北工业科技》2009,26(4):253-255,259
利用Zigbee技术和嵌入式技术设计了一种以纺纱车间温湿度采集为应用对象的无线传感器网络节点,节点的软硬件均采用低功耗设计,可根据实际环境实现分布式安装。低功耗无线传感器网络节点设计具有无需布线、覆盖面广、安装调试方便和使用寿命长等优点,可广泛应用于纺织厂和烟草存储温湿度控制、环境监测、医疗护理等领域。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):827-837
While Wi-Fi has enjoyed explosive growth and deployment for use in residential homes, the rollout of commercial Wi-Fi service has been more limited. Part of the holdback on large-scale commercial deployment has been the strategic concern that the commons model to spectrum management lacks the incentives for service providers to invest due to the limited ability to manage interference in the unlicensed band. Today, however, this situation appears to have changed. To explain the new confidence by service providers in commercial Wi-Fi, the activities of the Wi-Fi Alliance and IEEE 802.11 standards body are analyzed to show how these groups essentially replicate many, but not all, of the functions traditionally employed by an effective band manager that is optimizing efficiency on a licensed spectrum block more typically associated with the deployment of commercial services. Consequently, with the Wi-Fi ecosystem functioning as an effective spectrum manager, it is concluded that the service provider investment in Public Wi-Fi networks is rational and the risk posed by saturation or overuse has been reduced to an acceptable level. The strategic implications of this finding on the Wi-Fi platform are the examined. How the requirements from service providers are already significantly influencing the evolution of the Wi-Fi standard is discussed, and an attempt is made to address the risks and liabilities associated with the unlicensed spectrum management model. Thus, service providers increasingly need functionality in Wi-Fi technology to manage interference, and monitor and improve network performance. The current ideas under discussion are elaborated for the next version of Wi-Fi to support both commercial Wi-Fi requirements, which address the interference concerns, but only up to a point, as the unlicensed model intrinsically leaves some risk to participants of spectrum saturation through overuse.  相似文献   

基于VB的计算机并行数据采集系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
结合化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石膜设备温度检测系统的实例,分析了计算机并行口的EPP接口协议,介绍了计算机并行口数据输入模式的设置方法,论述了采用VB语言程序来实现通过计算机并行口采集8位并行数据的技术,并给出了对数据进行采集、转换、显示、报警等处理的相关程序。  相似文献   

为了解决传统实验实践教学环节中的实验资源紧缺、实验设备维护成本高以及存在安全隐患等问题,设计了一种虚实结合的实验教学平台。首先以实际实验教学设备为基础,应用虚拟仿真技术,搭建具有与实物设备同样功能、属性的虚拟教学设备的机械结构及检测装置,其次通过连接物理PLC控制实验教学系统接口及编程环境,最后实现了虚拟教学设备与现实控制系统的结合。设计结果表明,平台较大程度地提高了实验设备机械执行部分在编程控制教学过程中的可验证性、容错能力及安全性,降低了实验设备采购及维护成本,提供了系统的VR仿真的运行环境,学生获得了真实的实验教学体验。所设计的机电系统虚实结合实验教学平台可应用在高校机械相关专业的实验与实训课程中,所利用的虚拟建模技术可为建立虚拟工厂和虚拟实验平台提供参考。  相似文献   

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