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随着科技时代的迅猛发展,人力资源和知识资源已成为企业发展的重要组成部分,因此,建立人力资源数据池,并以此为依托进行数据挖掘,从而提取高质量和高数量的信息为管理者决策提供支持是十分必要的。本研究利用"云计算"所具有的超大规模、高可靠性、通用性、高可扩展性等特点,开发人力资源档案信息决策支持系统用于各项管理和决策工作。在分析"云计算"在资源集成和共享等方面优势的基础上,设计了本系统所采用的基础数据采集层、网络服务支持层、云计算支持层、数据标准化转换层、系统应用层、系统服务层、决策支持层等7层架构,探讨了每层结构的特点和功能,并就决策支持系统部分所采用的工作方式、工作模式进行了详细介绍,该系统弥补了传统档案管理所存在的数据资源不足、多数据源的数据无法实现同构和标准化处理等缺陷。  相似文献   

阮青 《IT经理世界》2014,(17):63-64
正"目前投产的云平台很多,工业企业的云平台很少见。"万国数据服务有限公司高级副总裁张权说,建工业云平台,成都是西南地区首个城市。张权所说的成都工业云平台是成都市推进两化融合的重要特色之一。华为和万国数据是该项目的合作伙伴。"万国数据与华为云计算正式合作始于成都工业云项目,主要因为华为作为本土厂商,提供了一个非常开放的平台。"张权表示,万国数据多年来一直专注于数据中心建设,以及云计算、IT外包等增值服务,在为政府服务过程中,一直希望能选择一家有实力  相似文献   

水利设计单位集成应用信息系统不断取得进展,利用该系统进行决策分析的需求日益增加,为了构建经营和战略决策信息系统需要整合集成信息系统中的综合办公管理、计划经营管理、项目设计流程管理、图档管理四大数据库的资源.文章探讨了如何通过数据整合技术实现水利设计单位建立统一的数据集成平台将数据集成,使四大数据资源,经过抽取、规则转换、清洗、加载,形成整合资源库,为经营和战略决策提供数据支持.  相似文献   

在大数据背景下,如何推进税务信息管理智能化工作,是适应信息时代发展的新要求。通过分析传统税务信息管理存在的问题,建立基于云计算的智能化税务信息管理平台。平台包括3个子层:网络基础平台子层、税务基本业务子层和税务扩展子层。其动态架构设计采用Struts 3层体系结构,并基于私有云、公有云和混合云等云计算技术。同时,为保证该平台运行的安全性,提出PKI安全税务管理保障体系。  相似文献   

日前,上海市杨浦区重点支持项目"环保科技园区"的标志性建筑"白玉兰环保广场"交房。这个每6层就建造一个空中花园,并以巧妙的设计引绿色、阳光、氧气入楼从而拥有内部生态循环能力的项目,已成为上海首座建成的生态环保、健康节能型写字楼。  相似文献   

  成果介绍:该系统根据大规模定制的市场趋势及需求,采用大数据、计算机辅助设计技术、三维数字虚拟技术进行开发。系统主要包括服装CAD纸样设计软件、服装大规模定制模型设计软件、服装大规模定制排料软件、服装量体归号软件、基于柔性模型的2D&3D试穿软件、服装自动配款软件和基于PLM思想的企业云平台等核心模块。该成果已经在报喜鸟、乔治白等向服装定制化转型的企业投入应用。  相似文献   

<正>在Gartner(高德纳,全球最具权威的IT研究与顾问咨询公司)评出的10大战略性技术中,云技术、移动应用、物联网、大数据、虚拟化都备受关注。而这些最前沿的信息化技术在中核工程信息化体系中都能找到其"身影"":华龙一号"设计中的力学计算通过"云计算"方式,整体计算效率提高80%,计算精度提高了3倍;施工管理系统3.0支持移动终端操作,在"华龙一号"示范工程的现场安全巡检、质量计划消点等作业中得到广泛应用……对于先进技术的引进与应用,中核工程有着一股与生俱来的"狂热"。  相似文献   

刘念  周利雪 《工程经济》2021,31(12):54-56
分析了建筑企业在传统流程管理中存在的问题,基于知识链理论提出了建筑企业知识链-流程交互性学习融合模型,以企业管理需求为导向、效率提升为目的,结合项目管理过程,构建了建筑企业项目管理业务流程网络图,形成流程-知识链管理框架,并提出了流程管理的知识转化应用中所需要重点关注的问题,以期为强化企业竞争优势,不断提升运营的整体有效性提供更好的管理支持.  相似文献   

由于项目群管理信息支持平台应用于整个组织范围内的项目,因此有大量不同层次的用户,根据项目群管理的层次,组织内用户主要包括企业决策层、战略层、战术层以及运营层几个层次,如表1所示,具体包括:(1)组织高层管理人员:组织的决策者和领导者,负责战略管理层次管理。(2)资源经理:负责资源的管理以及资源分配时的优先度确定等。(3)项目群经理:负责项目群的状态分析、项目问的协调等工作。(4)项目经理:负责单个项目的计划、执行、控制和最终交付。(5)计划执行人员:即具体实施人员。  相似文献   

正洛阳工程公司集中打造以工艺集成设计平台、三维协同设计平台、综合项目管理平台为核心的"三大平台",全面推进"两化"深度融合,取得了一系列可喜成绩。面对移动互联、物联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等信息化技术革命的挑战,洛阳工程公司以建设数字化、集成化、协同化的智能工程公司为目标,大力推行数字化设计与数字化交付,集中打造以工艺集成设计平台、三维协同设计平台、综合项目管理平台为核心的"三大平台",努力推进"两化"深度融合,完成了一批重点工程项目的建设任务,在建设智能工厂中进行了有益的探索。2010年以来,公司30余项信息技术开发与  相似文献   

A business and ICT architecture for a logistics city   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The city of Melbourne, Australia, stands to benefit from achieving the logistics city status. The planning theme of a logistics city is designed around achieving efficiencies and long term sustainability out of the legacy of dispersed groups of intensive “logistics activity areas”. This is not to re-invent solutions particularly in Melbourne, where the existence of a legacy logistics infrastructure and ad hoc growth has resulted in the business architecture that is constantly in the “catch-up” mode. This is seen as a unique opportunity for developing business models to meet the future challenges of the growth of trade, freight movement and maintaining economic, environmental and urban sustainability. Enterprise architecture will enable attention to be focused on the development of a collaborative business model, which will help to achieve efficiencies in view of the complex set of economic, social and environmental parameters. The logistics city business architecture responds to the shift to a services economy, which is generating different patterns of workforce travel to ensure good access to skilled workers, to other services, to business clients and to national and international markets.  相似文献   

决策支持系统体系结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
结合决策支持系统(DSS)的发展过程,依据DSS组成部件的体系结构把DSS分成了3种基本类型,阐述了各个类型的组成及其功能特点,进一步论述了DSS综合结构的组成及运行机制,最后讨论了DSS体系结构的选择问题。  相似文献   

构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程序的运行完全绕开编译器是不可能的,但可以把那些来自DLL库、用于驱动设备的函数或其他目的性很强的函数从主程序中分离出来,实现一种可扩展的软件构架,即不在程序中直接调用函数,而是将需要调用函数写在一个脚本里,在程序运行时去读这个脚本,根据脚本的内容载入相应的动态连接库并执行其中的函数,这样就形成了一种灵活的软件结构,使软件的可伸缩性得到改善。本文介绍在C++源程序中嵌入汇编语句来构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构的方法,并提供部分源代码。  相似文献   

针对信息推送技术是分布式系统的一个研究方向,分析了基于RMI的分布式多层体系结构,并探讨了利用RMI的调用机制来实现信息的推送。为了实现更美观、实用的桌面应用程序,研究了如何将SWT同RMI结合实现双向推送技术,并使用JavaWebStart技术利用Web服务器对其进行部署、发布和维护,提供了一个从设计、实现、部署与维护的分布式应用程序的解决方案。  相似文献   

This study argues that the shift towards a more multidisciplinary professional life in contemporary design practice requires design curricula to equip students with collaborative skills. The study offers that by the aid of web-based collaborative learning (WBCL) in design education, different disciplines may be brought together during their education. A case study is held as a rehearsal of professional life; involving architecture and interior architecture students collaborating on a common project, using WBCL. The evaluations of the participating students about the process were analyzed. The findings convey that there is a mutual problem of recognition of professional domains. In order to diagnose and possibly reconcile tensions that may occur due to this problem in professional life, this paper asserts that integrating interdisciplinary work to the design curricula would be beneficial.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to put forward the hypothesis that a transformation from closed integral architecture to quasi-open modular architecture contributes to the achievement of a low-cost competitive strategy by Chinese carmakers. The question, “What is quasi-open architecture in Chinese industry?” is addressed in the theoretical section, followed by the Geely case in the passenger car sector. Two perspectives form the basis of the analysis: that of the carmaker and that of its relationship with suppliers. The findings offer an insight into the competitive strategy of firms in emerging economies and some valuable observations concerning the “catching up” trajectory of Chinese firms.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the ability to use language, particularly spoken language, is central to technological capability. An understanding of its role depends on acknowledging design and technology as work with symbols, and is assisted by seeing the product of design as a virtual artefact. Language is one of the symbol systems used to construct and communicate this artefact. It articulates aspects of the design that cannot be represented graphically, as well as accommodating the interpersonal dimension of the process. Implications for the curriculum are briefly suggested. The argument is supported by evidence from recordings and observations of a problem-solving episode which occurred in a Canadian architects' practice over a few days in the construction phase of a project.  相似文献   

aecXML与STEP在建筑业信息集成中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Web实现建筑业信息集成是建筑业信息化的发展方向,而平台的不统一性和数据的异构性是信息集成化发展的瓶颈。综合运用aecXML和STEP技术实现信息的标准化传递,可以克服这个问题。章介绍了aecXML和STEP的基本概念及其各自的优缺点,探讨了基于aecXML和STEP的建筑产品数据共享和交换结构模型,以及基于aecXML的建设项目信息共享与交换结构模型,并对两种技术的综合应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

模糊决策在房地产建筑方案优选中应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在房地产开发中建筑方案的决策是一项综合性、专业性、技术性极强的工作。针对以往建筑方案评价的缺陷,归纳总结了,影响方案评价的基本因素,运用模糊决策理论和结合层次分析法,探讨了方案决策的问题,并对实例进行分析。  相似文献   

There is a current vacillation in choosing hand or computer for design presentation in academia. Although the computer emerged as very powerful alternative presentation medium, it could not sweep away the hand totally. Believing that this vacillation cannot only be due to the positive and negative aspects of both media, we worked with a group of students in a design curriculum to observe the factors that affect their choice of medium for presenting design ideas. The students were required to use both media for the same task, subsequently their satisfaction and evaluation were examined through a questionnaire. Students acknowledged the positive aspects of both media, rather than accumulating on one side. Findings led us to concur that the constant oscillation of architecture between art and science penetrates down to the individual choice of presentation medium. We assert that the warmness of hand is not deserted as it contemplates the artistic essence, while the digital perfection of the computers flirt with science. The ever-attended, age-old question of architecture’s being art and/or science occupies the architectural agenda at various levels. Both the polarizations and the reconciliations have theoretical, practical and educational consequences. This paper locates itself within this context and proposes a new framework for analyzing the impacts of this oscillation in design presentation, concluding that the future of presentation in education points to the coexistence of both media.  相似文献   

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