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大刀王子表演走斜大刀;4米巨蟒生吞2米鳄鱼 巨蟒爆裂亡;泰国全国推广中文2008年设置为中学必修课;吉林某学院半夜监测到不明棍状发光飞行物;北京奥运票价开始征集民意票务明年将自动。  相似文献   

宣传奥运 北京小伙骑行5000公里进藏;北京工地挖出清朝完好男尸 面容仍然可辨;上海交大全球大学排名出炉清华北大在百名之后;中国7月报告传染病死亡818人 狂犬病死亡数居首;国务院:经适房和廉租房分别控制在60和50平米。  相似文献   

中国十大著名智库首次集体公开亮相;赵科林出任诺基亚中国总裁何庆源领军诺西公司;第六届珠海航展萍帷幕成交总额达30亿美元;中兴通讯主持QuEST Forum年度亚太会议;罕见“冰山舰队”逼近新西兰最大冰山长1800米  相似文献   

“天时、地利、人和”。要成功地做一件事情不是单一因素决定的。相信为了等待这样一个机会。Lotus一定煞费苦心。美国时间2005年1月24日。在市场上沉寂相当一段时间之后。Lotus总经理AmbujGoyal选择一个绝佳的时机——Lotus诞生20周年之际。在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多迪斯尼乐园。这个充满童话色彩和传奇故事的地方。  相似文献   

新车船税下月起征缴,上限平均提高一倍;我国发现世界罕见似鸟恐龙化石;卫生部印发道路交通事故受伤人员临床诊疗指南;沪外滩海关大钟搭脚手架将大修;陕西公共场所服务人员必须进行艾滋病检测;  相似文献   

大众汽车集团称中国成为其增长最快的市场;大连成为北方城市森林建设技术试验示范城市;中国民政部长李学举称:婚姻登记将联网遏制重婚;土卫六上发现“大海洋”可能注满液化甲烷;宁波天一阁将在美国罗得岛大学复制仿造;进口化妆品包装须贴CIQ标志 八成购用者不知情;  相似文献   

中国人民大学年底将申报国学学位;英国农场培育出茶杯大小猪仔;我防空雷达覆盖整个领空;最新照片证实野生华南虎在中国没有灭绝;上海磁悬浮列车实施新时刻表。  相似文献   



希望,周笔畅:笔记,S.H.E:波斯猫,赵薇:我和上官燕,假行僧,世界杯,极限梦幻轰车。  相似文献   

The literature can justify both increasing and decreasing marginal taxes (IMT & DMT) on top incomes under different welfare objectives and income distributions. Even when DMT are theoretically optimal, they are often politically infeasible. Then a flat tax seems to be a constrained optimal solution. We show however that, given any flat tax we can increase the total utility of a poor majority by raising the top income tax rate under a simple condition, which can be checked with empirical data. We further generalize our main results allowing different welfare weights, declining elasticity of labor supply and more tax bands.  相似文献   

李魁 《经济与管理》2007,21(6):16-21
为了深入地了解民企500强的发展状况,掌握民企500强的不足,依据《中华工商时报》每年发布数据。运用比较分析法来分析民企500强的优势与不足,探讨民企500强与中国企业500强差距大的原因,有针对性地提出民企500强进一步发展的对策具有重要作用。  相似文献   

I analyze German top income mobility using micro‐level panel data of personal income tax returns which are highly representative for top income taxpayers for the years 2001–06. Top income mobility is assessed in three dimensions: (i) persistence in top income fractiles and its stability over time, (ii) measures of individual mobility that are not dependent on the fractile size: the degree of mobility between equally sized groups and mobility in ranks, and (iii) mobility's impact on top income shares. Persistence in top income fractiles is comparatively high and fairly stable across the analyzed period. Top income recipients are less prone to downward mobility and see less variation in annual ranks than less rich tax units. Mobility's impact on income concentration is moderate. The top percentile's share is reduced by roughly 5 percent over six years.  相似文献   

春意盎然的四月天,在美丽的东海之滨宁波,第二届"中国软件行业杰出青年"新鲜出炉.  相似文献   

If you want to know the mind of Alan Greenspan, you might start with this: Before he entered public life in the 1970s, all his top deputies at his flourishing economic consulting firm were women. "It just made great business sense,"he writes with the unexpectedly sunny wonkiness that pervades much of his memoir, The Age of Turbulence. "I valued men and women equally, and found that because other employers did not,good women economists were less expensive than men."  相似文献   

The article explores the relationship between top marginal tax rates on personal income and economic growth. Using a data set of consistently measured top marginal tax rates for a panel of 18 OECD countries over the period 1965–2009, this article finds evidence in favour of a quadratic top tax–growth relationship. This represents the first reported evidence of a nonmonotonic significant relationship between top marginal income tax rates and economic growth. The point estimates of the regressions suggest that the marginal effect of higher top tax rates becomes negative above a growth-maximizing tax rate in the order of 60%. As top marginal tax rates observed after 1980 are below the estimated growth-maximizing level in most of the countries considered, a positive linear relationship between top marginal tax rates and GDP growth is found over the sub-period 1980–2009. Overall, results show that raising top marginal tax rates which are below their growth maximizing has the largest positive impact on growth when the related additional revenues are used to finance productive public expenditure, reduce budget deficits or reduce some other form of distortionary taxation.  相似文献   

文章选取2007-2008年获得持续经营不确定性审计意见的上市公司为样本,并以同行业同规模获得标准审计意见的上市公司为配对样本,检验高管人员更换与持续经营不确定性审计意见之间的关系。研究发现,持续经营审计意见与高管变更之间存在正相关关系,获得持续经营审计意见的上市公司高管变更的可能性更大。  相似文献   

We exploit a dataset that includes the individual tax returns of all taxpayers in the top percentile of the income distribution in Germany to pin down the effective income taxation of households with very high incomes. Taking tax base erosion into account, we find that the top percentile of the income distribution pays an effective average tax rate of 30.5% and contributes more than a quarter of total income tax revenue. Within the top percentile, the effective average tax rate is first increasing, then decreasing, with income. Since the 1990s, effective average tax rates for the German super‐rich have fallen by about a third, with major reductions occurring in the wake of the personal income tax reform of 2001–05. As a result, the concentration of net incomes at the very top of the distribution has strongly increased in Germany.  相似文献   

以高层管理团队冲突问题为研究对象,在比较研究国内外相关文献的基础上,提出企业高层管理团队冲突的原发性、衍生式及裂变式3种分群模式,对分群的动因族进行了描述与归纳;引入价值响应、权力联盟、人性释放、预期利益6个分群变量,建立了企业高层管理团队冲突的群间竞争模型,并分析了冲突环境下分群原理的路径依赖效应、锁定效应和网络效应。  相似文献   

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