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Jarko Fidrmuc Daniela Grozea-Helmenstein Andreas Wörgötter 《Review of World Economics》1999,135(2):332-346
Conclusions Trade liberalization, integration and catching-up with the developed countries are often associated with an increase in intra-industry trade. We showed in the literature survey that the reduction of trade barriers is associated with the growth of intra-industry trade. We currently observe that the trade of the selected EU countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands) with the CEECs (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) follows this pattern as well. However, the increase of intra-industry trade is not uniform, but reflects different patterns of integration and progress of industrial restructuring. 相似文献
Steven Globerman 《Review of World Economics》1992,128(3):487-497
Zusammenfassung Handelsliberalisierung in Nordamerika und der intra-industrielle Handel. - Der Verfasser untersucht die Handelsbeziehungen
zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinigten Staaten in den 80er Jahren und vergleicht sie mit den Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Kanada
und den USA im gleichen Zeitraum. Er stellt fest, da? der intra-industrielle Handel in den Beziehungen zwischen Mexiko und
den USA an Bedeutung gewonnen hat, was vermutlich auf die zunehmende Handelsliberalisierung Mexikos zurückzuführen ist. In
der Tat waren in den sp?ten 80er Jahren die relativen Niveaus des intra-industriellen Handels ?hnlich hoch, wenn man die bilateralen
Handelsstr?me zwischen Mexiko und den USA mit denen zwischen Kanada und den USA vergleicht.
Résumé La libération des échanges nord-américains et les échanges intra-industriels.- Dans cette étude l'auteur examine les tendances du commerce bilatéral entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis pendant les années quatre-vingts. Il les compare aux tendances du commerce bilatéral entre le Canada et les Etats Unis pendant la même période. Il trouve que les échanges intra-industriels sont particulièrement augmenté en ce qui concerne le commerce entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis. Cela montre que la libéralisation commerciale prend place principalement de la part du Mexique. En effet dans les années quatre-vingts, les niveaux relatives des échanges intra-industriels ont été assez similaires si l’on compare les échanges bilatéraux entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis d’une part et le Canada et les Etats Unis d'autre part.
Resumen La liberalizatión del comercio en América del Norte y el comercio intrasectorial. - En este trabajo se examina el perfil del comercio bilateral entre México y los EE UU en los a?os ochenta y se lo compara con el perfil del comercio bilateral entre el Canadá y los EE UU en el mismo período. Se encuentra que la importancia del comercio intrasectorial aumentó en el comercio entre México y los EE UU durante el periodo estudiado, reflejando ante todo avances en la liberalizatión del comercio por parte de México. En efecto, hacia fines de los a?os ochenta, los niveles relativos de comercio intrasectorial eran bastante similares en ambos casos, México-EE UU y Canadá-EE UU.相似文献
Zhihao Yu 《Review of World Economics》2002,138(2):277-290
Entrepreneurship and Intra-Industry Trade. — The paper introduces entrepreneurs into the theories of intra-industry trade
and investigates the role of a country ’s “entrepreneurship” in international trade. It is shown that therelative entrepreneurship between countries determines the terms of trade but the welfare effects are not obvious. Among other things,
it is found that (1) an increase in exports improves the terms of trade and (2) an increase in country size is not always
beneficial. 相似文献
Measuring marginal intra-industry trade 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Measuring Marginal Intra-Industry Trade. — Trade liberalisation and adjustment: how important is intra-industry trade? This paper focuses on the appropriate measurement of intra-industry trade as indicator of structural adjustment costs. It is argued that existing dynamic versions of the Grubel-Lloyd index reflect horizontal trade only and classify vertical intra-industry trade with inter-industry trade. The paper proposes a method to distinguish between horizontal and vertical trade and applies these techniques to emerging trade between the EU and the economies of central and eastern Europe. 相似文献
Alan G Isemonger 《Development Southern Africa》2000,17(1):53-63
This article uses recently released data to analyse the nature of trade between South Africa and the world. Two variations of the Grubel-Lloyd index are calculated, and they reveal that South Africa has predictably low levels of intra-industry trade among the primary product chapters, as well as low overall levels of intra-industry trade. It is only in certain manufacturing chapters (eg clothing and textiles) that the level of intra-industry trade is generally higher. There is, however, a very definite upward trend in the overall level of intra-industry trade manifested at all levels. 相似文献
International intra-industry trade of China 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
International Intra-Industry Trade of China. — The purpose of this paper is to measure the extent of the international intra-industry trade of China, and to test empirically various country-specific and industry-specific hypotheses concerning the determinants of vertical and horizonal intra-industry trade between China and her major trading partners. It is revealed that China has possessed the prerequisite of intra-industry trade and that China’s intra-industry trade follows similar patterns of those in developed countries as China is moving towards a market-oriented economy. F14, O53 相似文献
Joseph Pelzman 《Review of World Economics》1978,114(2):297-304
Zusammenfassung Der Handel zwischen der Sowjetunion und dem COMECON: Die Frage der intra-industriellen Spezialisierung. — Die Absicht dieses
Beitrags ist es, die Entwicklung der intra-industriellen Spezialisierung im Handel zwischen der Sowjetunion und den übrigen
COMECON-L?ndern zu analysieren. Dabei wird die Periode von 1958 bis 1973 betrachtet. Die intra-industrielle Spezialisierung
wird mit Hilfe von internationalen Handelsdaten gemessen, die nach der UFTCN klassifiziert sind. — Die Analyse zeigt, daβ
der USSR-COMECON-Handel im allgemeinen nicht durch intra-industrielle Spezialisierung charakterisiert ist. Der Anteil des
gesamten Handelsumsatzes, der durch intra-industrielle Spezialisierung erkl?rt werden kann, betr?gt weniger als 40%. In zwei
wichtigen Sektoren (Maschinen und Ausrüstung sowie Chemische Industrie) war der USSR-COMECON-Handel allerdings durch erheblich
mehr Intra-Handel gekennzeichnet als die aggregierten Ergebnisse andeuten. Diese Tendenz zu einer begrenzten intra-industriellen
Spezialisierung k?nnte in der Tat mit den sowjetischen Versuchen konsistent sein, im Rahmen des COMECON — besonders nach der
25. Sitzung des COMECON im Jahre 1971 — auf verst?rkte wirtschaftliche Integration zu dr?ngen. Im übrigen best?tigen die Ergebnisse
die Annahme, daβ es in einer Zollunion zu einer Spezialisierung kommt.
Résumé Le commerce soviétique-CAEM: La question de la spécialisation intra-industrielle. — Dans cet article nous voulons analyser le développement de la spécialisation intra-industrielle dans le cas du commerce soviétique-CAEM. La période observée dans cette analyse est de {dy1958} à 1973. Le mesurage de la spécialisation intra-industrielle base sur des données de commerce international classifiées par la Nomenclature Uniforme des Biens de Commerce Extérieur. L’analyse révèle que le commerce soviétique-CAEM en général n’était pas caractérisé par la spécialisation intra-industrielle. Le pourcentage du chiffre d’affaires total de commerce déterminé par la spécialisation intra-industrielle est moins que 40 pourcent. Le commerce soviétique-CAEM dans deux secteurs essentiels (le secteur de construction de machines et d’équipement aussi bien que le secteur chimique), cependant, était marqué par un commerce intra-industriel considérablement plus fort qu’on pourrait supposer suivant les résultats agrégés. Cette tendance vers une spécialisation intra-industrielle limitée peut être réellement consistante avec les essais soviétiques d’insister sur l’intégration économique additionelle parmi le CAEM particulièrement après la 25ième session du CAEM en 1971. De plus, ces résultats soulignent la supposition fondamentale de spécialisation conclue d’une union douanière.
Resumen Comercio entre la Unión Soviética y el COMECON: La pregunta de la especialización intra-industrial. — La intención de este artículo es la de analizar el desarrollo de la especialización intra-industrial en el caso del comercio Unión Soviética-COMECON. El período cubierto en este análisis es de {dy1958} a 1973. La medida de la especialización intra-industrial se basará sobre datos de comercio internacional clasificados según la Nomenclatura Uniforme de Productos de Comercio Exterior. El análisis revela que el comercio Unión Soviética-COMECON en general no ha estado caracterizado por especialización intra-industrial. El porcentaje del comercio total representado por especialización intra-industrial es menos de 40%. El comercio Unión Soviética-COMECON en dos sectores claves (maquinarias y equipo y productos químicos) se caracterizó, sin embargo, por un comercio intra-industrial considerablemente mayor que el que pudieran implicar los resultados agregados. Esta tendencia hacia una especialización intra-industrial limitada puede ser en realidad consistente con las intenciones soviéticas de presionar para una mayor integración económica dentro del COMECON, especial mente después de la 25. sesión del COMECON en 1971. Además, estos resultados confirman la suposición de una especialización básica deducida de una unión aduanera.相似文献
Lars Nilsson 《Review of World Economics》1997,133(3):554-565
Summary This note argues that the inadequacy of the GL index to correctly reflect the level of intra-industry trade in presence of
trade imbalances may partly be due to measuring intra-industry trade between countries with large differences in economic
size. Several adjustment procedures have been suggested in the literature but it is demonstrated that none of the alternative
measures seem capable of eliminating the problem. A new measure of intra-industry trade is proposed in which the bilateral
level of intra-industry trade is divided by the total number of products traded between two countries to yield an average
level of intra-industry trade per product. This measure may also be applied at industry level, and in contrast to the GL index,
it is highly correlated with the actual level of intra-industry trade.
In studies of intra-industry trade, one should cautiously interpret the GL index since it may give a false picture of the
extent and the volume of intra-industry trade. If the standard GL index is used, it is suggested that also alternative measures
of intra-industry trade are employed to complement the GL index in order to correctly observe the true extent of intra-industry
trade. 相似文献
Joakim Gullstrand 《Review of World Economics》2002,138(2):317-339
Does the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter? — This paper discusses different methods of capturing the main aspects of the Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Of particular interest are the distinction between horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade, the adjustment of aggregation biases, and the definition of inter- and intra-industry specialization at product level. The main findings are that it is important to disentangle horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade, and to consider specialization patterns within refined product groups. Moreover, there is a nonlinear relationship between intra-industry trade and economies of scale that may explain contradictory results in the literature. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmungsgründe für den intra-industriellen Handel. Der Fall der Automobilindustrie. - In ihrem Artikel versuchen die
Verfasser, die Entstehung und die jüngste Entwicklung des intra-industriellen Handels (IIH) unter Verwendung strengerer Definitionen
für den europ?ischen Automobilsektor aufzuzeigen. Zus?tzlich zu früheren Erkl?rungen des IIH aus dem Blickwinkel der komparativen
Vorteile oder der intra-industriellen Spezialisierung liefert der Aufsatz erstmalig einen deutlichen empirischen Befund für
die m?gliche Beziehung zwischen firmeninternem und intra-industriellem Handel. Au?erdem halten die Verfasser eine umfassende
Theorie für notwendig, um den IIH in Abh?ngigkeit von verschiedenen bilateralen Zusammenh?ngen zu erkl?ren.
Résumé Les déterminants du commerce intra-branche: le cas du secteur de l’automobile. - Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes attachés à montrer l’existence et l’évolution récente du commerce intra-branche dans le secteur de l’automobile. Expliquer cette évolution en terme de pertes d’avantages comparatifs ou de spécialisation intra-branche a constitué notre objectif. Dans un contexte de commerce bilatéral, nous avons pu constater de multiples facteurs explicatifs, en particulier, nous avons mis en évidence, pour la première fois sur le plan empirique, la possibilité que des flux d’échanges intra-firme génèrent des échanges intra-branche. Cette étude atteste, également, la nécessité d’une théorie composite du commerce intra-branche.
Resumen Las déterminantes del comercio intraindustrial: el caso de la industria automotriz. - En este trabajo se intenta mostrar el surgimiento y la evolución reciente del comercio intraindustrial (CII), particularmente de la industria automotriz en Europa. Además de dar las explicaciones tradicionales del CII desde el punto de vista de las ventajas comparativas o de la especialización intraindustrial, en este trabajo se présenta por primera vez una fuerte evidencia empirica en favor de la relación posible entre el comercio intraempresa y el CII. En este estudio también se postula la necesidad de una teoria amplia para explicar el CII en dependencia de varios contextes bilaterales.相似文献
David Greenaway Robert C. Hine Chris Milner Robert Elliott 《Review of World Economics》1994,130(2):418-427
Conclusions In this paper, we have set out to do two things: first to investigate the properties of the index of MIIT recently proposed
by Hamilton and Kniest; second to evaluate how useful the index is as an input to relating IIT and adjustment. In investigating
the former, we found that there were a number of problematic properties of the H-K index. Most notably it censors the data
in a non-random way by excluding important information; it inflates the measured MIIT by using nominal rather than real data;
and it is unsealed. These properties not only bias the measure upward, they make it inappropriate from the standpoint of evaluating
adjustment problems. Our discussion concludes with several suggestions as to how we might identify and measure MIIT more effectively
from the standpoint of evaluating the adjustment implications of trade expansion. 相似文献
Empirical work on intra-industry trade (IIT) is almost 30 years old. Initial research sought to identify if IIT was a significant share of total trade (TT). The Grubel-Lloyd (GL) index was widely used for this purpose. Interest has since shifted to the changing importance of IITover time. Using movements in the GL index to infer the importance of IIT over time is not only vague, but can be misleading. In this article, we measure the contributions of growth in net trade (NT) and IIT to the growth in TT. To understand changes in IIT over time, we also derive the contributions of imports and exports to the growth in TT, NT, and IIT. All our formulas are illustrated with data for 205 Australian manufacturing industries. 相似文献
Collusive Intra-Industry Trade in Identical Commodities. — A homogenous-goods Cournot model with two countries and two firms
is analyzed. Firms may collude by monopolizing their domestic markets, but they may also engage in collusive intra-industry
trade. It turns out that, though such trade is costly because of transportation costs, firms might indeed trade since this
enlarges the scope of successful collusion. Hence, intra-industry trade in homogenous goods is not a reliable indicator of
competition. 相似文献
Don P. Clark 《Review of World Economics》1993,129(2):332-344
Recent Evidence on Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade. — This paper provides recent evidence on determinants of intra-industry trade for the United States. Results do not support the role of scale economies in explaining intra-industry trade. Product differentiation and degree of standardization, categorical aggregation, non-tariff barriers, and international transportation costs are important determinants of intra-industry trade. The overall explanatory power of the estimated model is shown to increase over time, stressing the importance of using recent trade flow data to test propositions concerning determinants of intra-industry trade. 相似文献