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新经济增长理论的实证分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
经济增长一直是经济学中研究的焦点,形成的理论层出不穷。本从分析现代经济增长理论入手,着重介绍和分析了新经济增长理论的内涵。通过对我国经济增长的实证分析,我们提出:中国经济要保持良好的增长态势,必须不断提高技术水平和人力资源水平,以促进生产率的持续增长。  相似文献   

技术创新与经济增长实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

产业集聚效应与区域经济增长关系实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈迅  陈军   《华东经济管理》2011,25(2):33-35
制造业是集聚特征最为明显的产业。文章采用区位熵对重庆市制造业的集聚情况进行分析,从而得到具有代表性的产业——交通运输设备制造业。然后以此产业为例,对产业集聚与经济增长间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明:交通运输设备制造业对重庆市经济增长具有推动作用,提升交通运输设备制造业的集聚程度可以提升区域经济增长水平。  相似文献   

印度经济增长因素实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张环 《亚太经济》2007,(2):57-60
印度和中国经济增长因素的比较一直是学术界关注的焦点。本文主要通过建立多元回归模型。从实证角度对印度经济增长的主要因素进行分析,并根据结论提出保持经济稳定性增长的几点建议。  相似文献   

投资对新疆经济增长的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从定性与定量的角度分析了固定资产投资对新疆经济增长的影响,并从资金、结构、制度等方面探讨了现阶段对经济增长的制约因素,提出创新投资体制等三个方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文以1990-2005年间的41个国家为样本,对区域经济一体化伙伴国的经济发展水平与本国经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,区域经济一体化伙伴国的经济发展水平与本国经济增长呈正相关关系,而伙伴国相对经济发展水平对于本国经济增长的促进作用更为明显;参与不同的区域经济一体化模式对本国经济增长有不同的影响,即参与南--北型和北--北型区域经济一体化有利于经济增长,参与南--南型区域经济一体化对经济增长的影响尚不确定。  相似文献   

●长沙交通学院李春森认为 :法规制度建立的目的并不是惩处谁 ,它只不过是维护公司正常的经营管理秩序 ,确保投资人、职工的利益和企业整体经济效益的手段 ,因此在建立企业责任追究制度同时应建立预防违法违规的行为控制机制和完善其他配套企业管理制度。预警系统有利于防微杜渐 ,防止少数人不良思想的得逞。在有关会议和场合要对公司各级负责人进行必要的思想教育 ,树立正确的价值观。企业的各项经济活动要有良好的制度机制 ,权力的运用必须受到监督和制约 ,办事程序应公开化 ,有利于避免决策失误 ,防止少数人营私舞弊及出现管理上的漏洞。…  相似文献   

运用计量经济模型分析河北省对外贸易与经济增长之间的关系,结果表明:对外贸易对河北经济增长有很强的拉动作用,其中出口对经济增长的贡献要高于进口,而净出口对经济增长的作用不明显.  相似文献   

China's impressive economic growth over three decades has seemingly occurred in the absence of a strong legal system. This paper views China's reform process over the past three decades as one that has entailed a gradual introduction of market forces into areas of the economy, which requires both dismantling the structure of the centrally planned economy and developing market-oriented institutions. This paper argues that China's transition is premised on a set of informal, and increasingly formal, institutions that provided incentives during the process of gradual liberalization. Therefore, institutional developments were not absent. The exploration of the interplay between growth and institutions leads to the conclusion that continued economic growth in China will depend on implementing legal reforms better suited to the nature of the decentralized economy, hastened by the introduction of international economic laws and rules with greater global integration.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the causes of Portuguese catching-up to the European core, in the 20th century, within a growth accounting framework. It concludes that investment in human and physical capital was the main driving force of economic growth and that variation in output growth rates are attributable to changes in total factor productivity growth. The paper explains the decline in TFP growth after 1973 in terms of structural change in the industrial sector.  相似文献   

近二十年来,伴随全球化的发展,区域化格局更为突出,二者引发全球生产要素再配置和贸易格局发生重要转变,对全球经济产生深刻影响。本文通过运用高级宏观经济学基本原理,用数据和模型对区域化分析,着重对区域化对生产增长的影响进行了研究。  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamics between government spending and economic growth in China through influencing the productivity growth of human capital byapplying Markov switching estimates for the annual time series data of China over the period 1952–2014. Firstly, we found that the Chinese economy exists in two states including state one with low growth and state two with high growth. Secondly, the consumption spending has significantly positive effect both states, while the military spending has only positive effect in state two. Interestingly, the growth effect level of consumption spending in state two is smaller than that in state one, implying a reducing effect of total factor productivity in state two. Thirdly, the combined effects of consumption spending and military spending with human capital are state dependent. This combined effect is reduced in both states, suggesting that government spending does not improve the productivity growth effect of human capital.  相似文献   

本文从实证角度建立计量模型,利用主成分分析方法和最小二乘回归的方法,对广州改革开放30多年以来的经济增长因素进行了具体分析,研究表明改革开放30多年来,广州经济增长的促进因素主要是劳动力数量的增长,经济制度的变革,产业结构的升级,以及人力资本增长的作用,物质资本不是促进广州经济增长的主要因素。  相似文献   

Based on data of 31 Chinese provinces over the period 1980–2004, the study in this paper presents new evidence on the effects of structural shocks and structural transformation on growth and convergence among the Chinese regions. The division of overall regional growth in labour productivity into three components – growth due to structural shocks, growth due to structural transformation and a ‘residual’ indicating growth due to region-specific changes – provides us with a better framework than the traditional one-sector Solow growth model for attributing growth and convergence to various different sources. Among other findings, the study has shown that during 1990–1999, structural shocks worked to widen the gap between rich regions and poor regions in China, while structural transformation worked to narrow the gap.  相似文献   

改革开放以来混合所有制经济及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伯娜 《特区经济》2007,(7):272-273
改革开放以来,混合所有制经济在理论与实践中都得到了迅速发展,在公有制经济发展的同时,伴随着党对非公有制经济存在和发展的必然性认识的转变,带动了非公有制经济突飞猛进的发展。实践证明,混合所有制经济的发展是建设有中国特色社会主义经济的必然要求。  相似文献   

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