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We explore the characteristics of Pareto‐optimal allocations in the context of local public goods or clubs. A set of first‐order conditions for Pareto optimality is provided. Classical treatments apparently neglect an important term related to migrant compensation, and thus are incorrect. A Pareto optimum is shown to exist.  相似文献   

Efficient Allocations with Hidden Income and Hidden Storage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider an environment in which individuals receive income shocks that are unobservable to others and can privately store resources. We provide a simple characterization of the unique efficient allocation of consumption in cases in which the rate of return on storage is sufficiently high or, alternatively, in which the worst possible outcome is sufficiently dire. We show that, unlike in environments without unobservable storage, the symmetric efficient allocation of consumption is decentralizable through a competitive asset market in which individuals trade risk-free bonds among themselves.  相似文献   

Empirical analysis of household expenditure behaviour has traditionally ignored the issue of resource allocation between household members, assuming that they have identical or unitary preferences. This paper relaxes that assumption, develops a household sharing rule and proposes intra-household demand systems that are able to identify differences in the preferences of members from conventional data. The resulting price and expenditure elasticities are used to demonstrate that collective demand models suggest different directions for commodity tax reforms to those implied by the traditional unitary model.  相似文献   

The existing literature on sub-game perfect risk-sharing suffers from a basic inconsistency. While a group of size n is able to coordinate on a risk-sharing outcome, it is assumed that deviating subgroups cannot. I relax this assumption and characterise the optimal contract among all coalition-proof history-dependent contracts. This alters the predictions of the standard dynamic limited commitment model. I show that the consumption of constrained agents depends on both the history of shocks and its interaction with the current income of other constrained agents. From this, I derive a formal test for the presence of endogenous group formation under limited commitment.  相似文献   

We use an OLG model to examine democratic choice betweentwo modes of government support for education: subsidies forprivately purchased education and free uniform public provision.We find little conflict between democracy and growth: the samefactors that generate popular support for subsidization overfree uniform provision—large external benefits, a largeexcess burden, and little inequality—also favor its relativegrowth performance. Furthermore, restricting the franchise toan upper-income elite may also reduce growth. Two extensionsexamine the effect of intergenerational mobility and indicatethe theoretical possibility of periodic swings in the balancebetween public and private spending.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is the identification of the characteristics of takeover targets in a small open economy like Greece, using the market for corporate control (MCC) hypothesis as theoretical background. Contrary to this hypothesis, the results indicate that the motives for merging or acquisition activities are basically of strategic character. Using a sample of 35 acquired and 105 non‐acquired firms, the sampling process was initially performed by a modified methodology of state‐based sampling, even if its nature cannot be recognized by the classical maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of logit model. Subsequently, taking into account the small size of the sample, we develop and use, in the logit context, the bootstrap MLE as an advanced alternative method for reducing inherit bias and inefficiency. The findings remain uniform supporting the strategic motives explanation in actual takeover activities, a fact that clearly illustrates the framework of merger policies followed by the Greek Competition Committee during the period under study.  相似文献   

基于中国普遍存在的对男孩的性别偏好,本文采用所生育小孩的性别作为妇女家庭地位和议价能力的度量指标,研究该指标对家庭内部资源分配及后果的影响。中国健康营养调查数据中有关家庭耐用品消费决策的信息表明,第一胎性别对妇女在家庭中的地位有重要作用。本文发现,当妇女的家庭地位随着生育男孩而提高后,家庭中食物支出份额会增加,该妇女营养摄入增加,而她的身体健康状况会变好。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the existence of marginal pricing equilibrium or equilibrium with general pricing rules in an economy with increasing returns to scale or more general types of nonconvexities in production. Its main contribution is to demonstrate existence of equilibrium with bounded loss and survival assumptions required only on a bounded subset of production allocations. Furthermore, we require only a weakened form of the free‐disposal assumption and we also allow nonpositive prices.  相似文献   

By adding an informal sector whose output is not subject to appropriative interactions and assuming complementarity in the inputs for market production, this paper investigates how possible asymmetries in conflict affect the allocation of resources. It is shown that when the existing gap in relative appropriative skills is being closed, more resources are allocated to appropriative activities in the economy. We are, in this case, more likely to see a reduction in market activities but an increase in home activities. A poorer party is a natural producer rather than a natural fighter, which is the usual characterization of a less endowed party in the conflict analysis. By conducting a welfare analysis, this paper shows that a market-output-maximizing initial distribution of resources endowment is such that when one party has a comparative advantage in market production over appropriation, its initial fraction of total resource endowment should be greater than its relative productivity in market production.  相似文献   

Sunspot equilibrium and lottery equilibrium are two stochastic solution concepts for nonstochastic economies. We compare these concepts in a class of completely finite, (possibly) nonconvex exchange economies with perfect markets, which requires extending the lottery model to the finite case. Every equilibrium allocation of our lottery model is also a sunspot equilibrium allocation. The converse is almost always true. There are exceptions, however: For some economies, there exist sunspot equilibrium allocations with no lottery equilibrium counterpart.  相似文献   

An important feature of emissions trading is how emissions permits are allocated. The choice between an auction and free allocation should not influence firms’ production choices nor consumer prices according to economic theory. However, many parties expect the method of allocation to affect product prices. This paper describes an experimental investigation into price determination under a cap-and-trade program with different allocation methods. Participants initially display diverse pricing strategies. However, given a simple economic setting in which earnings depend on behavior, we find that subjects learn to consider the opportunity cost of permits and overall behavior moves toward the economic prediction.  相似文献   

We develop a transferable utility model of the household in which the marriage market is characterized by (negative or positive) assortative matching, and spousal allocations are determined by premarital investments. We demonstrate that all sharing rules along the assortative order support efficient outcomes both in terms of premarital investments and intra-household allocations. The efficiency of premarital choices and household allocations then enables us to show that, for each couple, the marriage market generates a unique and maritally sustainable sharing rule that is a function of the distribution of premarital endowments and the sex ratios in the market. According to our results, transfers among spouses occur on two margins: premarital investments and intra-marital spousal allocations. Asymmetries in the sex ratios in the marriage markets produce gender differences in premarital investments and consumption that are larger for individuals with small premarital endowments than those with larger endowments. A corollary of these findings is that, when men are in short supply in the marriage markets, women can invest more than men even when the returns to investment are lower or the costs are higher for women.  相似文献   

In a patent race, social incentives and private incentives may sometimes coincide and at other times diverge – too many researchers remain in the race. If the social planner cannot determine what stage the researchers have achieved, this informational constraint can result in a socially suboptimal outcome. We construct a mechanism in which a planner exploits the researchers' private information to determine when and to whom to allocate rights to pursue the final prize. This mechanism does not require any payments and, therefore, will not distort earlier investment incentives. It is solvable by the iterative elimination of dominated strategies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and solves miniature Walrasian general equilibrium systems of momentary and moving equilibria. The Walrasian framework encompasses the fundamental neoclassical and classical two‐sector growth models; the families of solutions of steady‐state and persistent growth per capita in various competitive two‐sector economies are parametrically characterized. Moreover, the endogenous behavior of relative prices and the sectoral allocation of primary factors are analyzed in detail. The technology parameters of the capital good industry are decisive for obtaining long‐run per capita growth in closed (global) economies. A review of the literature complements the theorems on the general equilibrium allocations, dynamic systems, and the time paths of Walrasian two‐sector economies.  相似文献   


The authors investigate the role of mutual fund flows in incorporating market sentiment into asset prices. They show that retail investors adjust their investments among mutual fund categories in response to changes in market sentiment. Consistent with sentiment-induced price pressure through fund flows, they further find that firms favored by mutual funds, such as large-cap, dividend payers, and firms with high institutional ownership are sensitive to market sentiment. The authors construct a pricing factor representing sentiment risk and find that the sentiment factor is significant in standard asset pricing models and robust to various sorting procedure.  相似文献   

International production/distribution networks in East Asia developed in the 1990s and after have distinctive features in their significance, extensiveness, and sophistication. This paper first lists “18 facts” on production/distribution networks in East Asia that have been identified by a number of studies using international trade data, microdata of Japanese multinational enterprises, and casual observations. It then presents a concept of two-dimensional fragmentation as a starting point of theoretically formalizing the phenomena of fragmentation and agglomeration. It finally discusses the policy environment in which the formation of production/distribution networks has been accelerated and policy implications of the existence of such networks for economic integration in East Asia.  相似文献   

从投融资实践看,企业内部存在一个活跃的资本市场;企业内部资本配置是区别于外部资本市场运作的资本配置机制。企业管理者运用内部资金实施投资项目的同时也就实施了一定的融资功能,因而企业组织本身就是金融体系的重要组成部分。传统的直接融资—间接融资或银行主导型—资本市场主导型二分法不足以刻画和概括金融体系的特征,新二分法"外部资本市场—企业内部资本市场"是对传统研究视角的有益补充。  相似文献   

通过世界银行、国际电信联盟和世界经济论坛发布的数据,基于网民规模和网民普及率两个指标,系统分析1998—2012年世界互联网网民的空间分布规律与影响因素。研究表明:1各国网民分布虽渐趋平衡,但数字鸿沟依然严峻。网民在互联网发展前期主要集中在发达国家,近年发展中国家和人口规模的贡献日益显著。2世界各国网民普及率增长普遍较快,且基本符合发达国家高、发展中国家居中、落后国家低的规律。3影响网民规模的因素涉及国家经济总量和人口数量两个层次。前期GDP和按购买力平价衡量的GNI是主要指标,但近年来作用略有下降;城镇人口、总人口和农村人口对网民规模的影响逐年增大,特别是前者已成为首要指标。4网民普及率主要受国民收入、城镇化率、教育水平、上网工具、上网资费和网络就绪程度等6个层次因素影响。  相似文献   

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