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We use data from the Wall Street Journal’s semi-annual survey of professional economists to test whether individual economists’ six-month-ahead predictions of real GDP growth, unemployment, short-term interest rates and inflation reflect Okun’s Law and the Taylor Rule. We conclude the economists believe real growth is less responsive to unemployment-rate changes than the textbook version of Okun’s Law; we also find the economists believe the Federal Reserve sets short-term interest rates by placing more weight on unemployment and less weight on inflation than the Taylor Rule prescribes.  相似文献   

我国短期利率均值回复假设的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以银行间和交易所的1日及7日回购利率为研究对象,利用Va-sicek、CIR、CKLS利率模型检验了它们的均值回复特征,并使用TARCH、EGARCH、PARCH及ANTI-GARCH模型验证了它们的均值回复速度和条件方差的双重不对称性.发现当这4种利率处于较高水平时,其回落速度较慢,波动性较大;当处于较低水平时,其反弹速度较快,波动性较小.这种均值回复特征又以交易所市场更为明显,其回调速度明显高于银行间同类利率.  相似文献   

I estimate an eight variable structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model of the UK economy based upon that of Kim and Roubini [Kim, S., Roubini, N., 2000. Exchange rate anomalies in the industrial countries: a solution with a structural VAR approach. J. Monet. Econ. 45(3), 561–586] for the purpose of investigating the role of the housing market in the transmission of monetary policy. Retail sales fall by just under 0.4% following a temporary positive 100 basis points shock to short-term domestic interest rates; inflation is also lowered. House prices fall by 0.75%. House price shocks increase consumption, the price level and interest rates. Combining the central estimates for interest rate and house price shocks suggests that house price movements can explain about one-seventh of the fall in consumption following an interest rate shock. A counterfactual simulation comes to a similar figure.  相似文献   

We examine the sensitivities of aggregate balances of retail and institutional money market funds (MMFs) and their potential substitutes, bank deposits, to changes in short-term interest rates while controlling for calendar-time effects. We find that institutional MMF and time deposit cash flows are sensitive to recent changes in short-term interest rates. Institutional MMF investors appear to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities created by MMFs using the amortized cost technique. Retail MMF investors are much less responsive to changes in interest rates.  相似文献   

The Fisher effect maintains that movements in short-term interest rates largely reflect changes in expected inflation. Since expected inflation is subject to error, we ask whether interest rates move in response to over- and under-predictions of inflation. In answering, we measure expected inflation by the consumers’ forecast of inflation derived from the Michigan Surveys of Consumers (MSC). Our findings for 1978–2013 indicate that the MSC inflation forecasts were unbiased, efficient, and directionally accurate. For 1978–2007, (i) interest rates moved downward (upward) in response to MSC over-predictions (under-predictions) of inflation, and (ii) MSC inflation forecast errors had directional predictability for interest rates. However, no link between interest rate movements and MSC inflation forecast errors is detected for 2008–2013 when monetary policy kept short-term interest rates unusually low.  相似文献   

The experience of the U.S. economy during the mid-1930s, when short-term nominal interest rates were continuously close to zero, is sometimes taken as evidence that monetary policy was ineffective and the economy was in a “liquidity trap.” Close examination of the historical policy record for the period indicates that the evidence does not support such assertions. The incomplete and erratic recovery from the Great Depression can be traced to a failure to pursue consistently expansionary policy resulting from an incorrect understanding of monetary policy in an environment of very low short-term nominal interest rates. Commonalities with the Japanese experience during the late 1990s, and the inadequacy of short-term interest rates as indicators of the stance of monetary policy are discussed and a robust operating procedure for implementing monetary policy in a low-interest-rate environment by adjusting the maturity of targeted interest-rate instruments is described.  相似文献   

When Japanese short-term bond yields were near their zero bound, yields on long-term bonds showed substantial fluctuation, and there was a strong positive relationship between the level of interest rates and yield volatilities/risk premiums. We explore whether several families of dynamic term structure models that enforce a zero lower bound on short rates imply conditional distributions of Japanese bond yields consistent with these patterns. Multi-factor “shadow-rate” and quadratic-Gaussian models, evaluated at their maximum likelihood estimates, capture many features of the data. Furthermore, model-implied risk premiums track realized excess returns during extended periods of near-zero short rates. In contrast, the conditional distributions implied by non-negative affine models do not match their sample counterparts, and standard Gaussian affine models generate implausibly large negative risk premiums.  相似文献   

We study two kinds of unconventional monetary policies: announcements about the future path of the short-term rate and long-term nominal interest rates as operating instruments of monetary policy. We do so in a model where the risk premium on long-term debt is, in part, endogenously determined. We find that both policies are consistent with unique equilibria, that, at the zero lower bound, announcements about the future path of the short-term rate can lower long-term interest rates through their impact both on expectations and on the risk premium and that long-term interest rate rules perform as well as, and at times better than, conventional Taylor rules. With simulations, we show that long-term interest rate rules generate sensible dynamics both when in operation and when expected to be applied.  相似文献   

The short-term prospects for output are weaker than our October forecast suggested - manufacturing output fell 1.8per cent in the third quarter and the CBI survey indicates a sharp decline in business confidence. This is reflected in the Treasury's Autumn Statement forecast of GDP growth this year of only 1 per cent followed by 0.5per cent in 1991. With inflation now passing its peak, there would be a case for lowering interest rates but this is not possible with the pound below DM2.90 - the ill-judged reduction in base rates on ERM entry combined with the challenge to Mrs. Thatcher's leadership has pushed sterling deep into its lower ERM band. The principal unknown in the Autumn Statement forecast is the level of interest rates which, in the Treasury's judgement, will be necessary to keep sterling at or close to DM2.95. The Treasury may envisage only a very modest decline in base rates to 13 per cent next year. This could explain why their forecast is relatively gloomier than ours; alternatively the Treasury's underlying view could simply be more pessimistic. Nevertheless we show that the gap between the two forecasts can be eliminated if we change a limited number of assumptions - notably on interest rates, North Sea oil output, general government consumption and stock-building.  相似文献   

The conventional view is that interest rates are closely linked internationally and that larger countries determine monetary policy in smaller countries. In this article, Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Geoffrey Williams argue that this stylisation may not be accurate. The fundamental factors determining long-term interest rates are likely to be national rather than international. It may therefore be possible for domestic monetary authorities to pursue an independent interest rate policy indefinitely.  相似文献   

How does the need to preserve government debt sustainability affect the optimal monetary and fiscal policy response to a liquidity trap? To provide an answer, we employ a small stochastic New Keynesian model with a zero bound on nominal interest rates and characterize optimal time-consistent stabilization policies. We focus on two policy tools, the short-term nominal interest rate and debt-financed government spending. The optimal policy response to a liquidity trap critically depends on the prevailing debt burden. While the optimal amount of government spending is decreasing in the level of outstanding government debt, future monetary policy is becoming more accommodative, triggering a change in private sector expectations that helps to dampen the fall in output and inflation at the outset of the liquidity trap.  相似文献   

Abstract . How should benefits and costs occurring at different times be evaluated to decide whether to undertake tax financed public projects? What interest rate should be used? If public decisions were based on people's willingness to pay for future private income, they still could not be based on market interest rates. The benefits of public projects (except in the cases of private land values or affected fixed private capital investments) are not marketable. However, among other things, market interest rates do represent the opportunity costs of public investments. Still, many citizens are concerned about the welfare of future generations; they may have a lower time preference rate. Human capital investments are directly analogous to public investment to produce non marketable public goods. Both are illiquid; both yield returns higher than market rates. This indicates the private rates of time preference for most citizens are high.  相似文献   

There is strong empirical evidence that long-term interest rates contain a time-varying risk premium. Options may contain valuable information about this risk premium because their prices are sensitive to the underlying interest rates. We use the joint time series of swap rates and interest rate option prices to estimate dynamic term structure models. The risk premiums that we estimate using option prices are better able to predict excess returns for long-term swaps over short-term swaps. Moreover, in contrast to the previous literature, the most successful models for predicting excess returns have risk factors with stochastic volatility. We also show that the stochastic volatility models we estimate using option prices match the failure of the expectations hypothesis.  相似文献   

The link between short-term policy rates and long-term rates elucidate the potential effectiveness of monetary policy. We examine the US term structure of interest rates using a pairwise econometric approach advocated by Pesaran (2007). Our empirical modelling strategy employs a probabilistic test statistic for the expectations hypothesis of the term structure based on the percentage of unit root rejections among all interest rate differentials. We find support for the expectations hypothesis and provide new insights into the nature of interest rate decoupling which are of value to policymakers. The maturity gap associated with interest rate pairs negatively impacts on the probability of stationarity, and also on the speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium. We further show that the speed of adjustment has become more sensitive to the maturity gap over time.  相似文献   

This paper supports the existence of a significant, long-run relationship between stock prices and domestic and international economic activity in six European economies. Johansen Cointegration tests demonstrate that stock price levels are significantly related to industrial production, business surveys of manufacturing orders, short- and long-term interest rates as well as foreign stock prices, short-term interest rates and production. Variance decomposition methods support the strong explanatory power of macroeconomic variables in contributing to the forecast variance of stock prices. Hence, stock prices are determined by macroeconomic activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the validity of one of the recurring arguments made against futures markets that they give rise to price instability. The paper concentrates on the impact of futures trading on the spot market volatility of short-term interest rates. The analytical framework employed is based on a new statistical approach aiming to reconcile the traditional models of short-term interest rates and the conditional volatility processes. More specifically, this class of models aims to capture the dynamics of short-term interest rate volatility by allowing volatility to depend on both scale effects and information shocks. Using a GARCH-X and asymmetric GARCH-X model four main conclusions emerge from the present study. First, the empirical results suggest that there is an indisputable change in the nature of volatility with evidence of mean reversion after the onset of futures trading. Second, the information flow into the market has improved as a result of futures trading. Third, a stabilization effect has been detected running from the futures market to the cash market by lowering volatility levels and decreasing the risk in the spot market. Finally, trying to capture the leverage effect the findings suggest that positive shocks have a greater impact on volatility than negative shocks.  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes that traditional tests of the EH are based on two assumptions: the expectations hypothesis (EH) per se and an assumption about the expectations generating process (EGP) for the short-term rate. Arguing that conventional tests of the EH need to assume EGPs that may be significantly at odds with the true EGP, we investigate this possibility by analyzing the out-of-sample predictive performances of several models for predicting interest rates, including a few models which assume that the EH holds in its functional form that relates long- to short-term yields. Using US riskless yield data for a 1970–2016 monthly sample and testing methods that take into account the parameter uncertainty, the null hypothesis of an equal predictive accuracy of each model relative to the random walk alternative is hardly ever rejected at intermediate and long horizons. This confirms that, at least at a practical level, the main difficulty with the EH is represented by the effective prediction of short-term rates. We discuss the relevance of these findings for central banks’ use of forward guidance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic behaviour of monthly ex post real interest rates from several countries over the period 1980 to 1991. It is found that real interest rates are stationary over this period and that deviations from real interest parity are significant in the short run but disappear in the long run. The latter evidence is established using the concept of co-dependent time series proposed by Gourieroux and Peaucelle (1989) for the analysis of multivariate stationary time series.  相似文献   

Abstract It is market practice to quote interest rate derivatives traded “over the counter” in terms of their implied volatility. For this reason, the term structure of at-the-money cap volatilities as well as the volatility surface of at-the-money swaptions are directly observed. This paper analyzes the case of caps. Any analysis of these markets would most likely report two main facts. The first is that the level of the volatility is inversely related to the level of the interest rates. The second is that the term structure is either a decreasing or a humped function of maturity. For a reference, see Rebonato (2003) and Brigo and Mercurio (2001). Rebonato (2003) suggests that the structure of implied volatility is humped in periods of normal market conditions and decreasing when markets are “excited”. Interpreting and explaining such phenomena is indeed an interesting and important issue. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B70 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: E43, C13  相似文献   

This paper develops a flexible approach to combine forecasts of future spot rates with forecasts from time-series models or macroeconomic variables. We find empirical evidence that, accounting for both regimes in interest rate dynamics, and combining forecasts from different models, helps improve the out-of-sample forecasting performance for US short-term rates. Imposing restrictions from the expectations hypothesis on the forecasting model are found to help at long forecasting horizons.  相似文献   

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