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基于会计相关性的企业内部报告问卷调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着会计准则和公司治理的逐步完善,基于管理者信息需求的内部报告研究凸显出其重要性和紧迫性.本文采用问卷调查方法,对企业内部报告相关性的有关理论问题进行调查和分析.研究发现:企业内部报告的相关性与财务报告的可靠性、内部控制的有效性和公司理财的决策有用性呈正相关关系;企业内部报告制度建立的完善程度和实施水平决定了企业财务报告的可靠性、内部控制的有效性和公司理财的决策有用性的程度和水平.构建基于会计相关性的内部报告理论与体系,将有助于提高管理会计的相关性,推动会计信息质量的全面相关性,有助于促进相关学科的发展,完善内部控制、公司理财等相关学科的建设.  相似文献   

基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从会计相关性对内部报告的需求出发,首先探讨了企业内部报告的内涵,明确了企业内部报告与外部报告的关系,以及企业内部报告的主导地位。在此基础上,分别从企业内部报告与管理会计创新,企业内部报告与财务报告变革,企业内部报告与内部控制实施,企业内部报告与财务分析发展,企业内部报告与公司理财完善五个方面,论述了企业内部报告的理论价值与应用价值。随着企业内部报告体系的建立,管理会计将从基于会计的管理转向基于管理的会计;财务报告的变革将以内部报告创新为基础;内部控制实施的信息将更加系统;财务分析将从基于投资者的财务分析发展到基于管理者经营的财务分析;公司理财将更加注重资本经营、资产经营、商品经营和产品经营的协调统一。  相似文献   

满足会计信息使用者的需求是会计信息系统价值所在,会计信息内容因具体会计目标和具体会计对象的不同而有所差异.1969年美国会计学家乔治·索特提出了以事项法为基础的基本会计理论,他指出按照会计理论研究方法不同,可将会计分为价值法和事项法两大类.现行的会计理论采用的方法为价值法,即会计信息主要属于价值信息,并且通过几张总括的通用财务报表传递给信息使用者;而事项法是按照具体的经济事项来报告企业的经济活动,并以此为基础重新构建财务会计的确认、计量和报告的理论方法.  相似文献   

会计学是一门具有自身专属研究对象与研究内容的学科,它是社会科学体系中管理科学的一个重要组成部分,其理论的发展与创新离不开科学的研究方法,会计科学研究方法以及学术规范建设与应用应作为会计科学体系的一个专门理论问题进行研究。文中以简要回溯中西方会计科学研究方法研究的历史及现状为基础,评析了我国学界会计科学研究方法研究的主要学术观点,提出会计科学研究方法研究成果的运用应当以推动会计科学研究的学术规范建设作为基本目标。  相似文献   

本文以流程再造理论为指导,构建提高会计价值的研究框架。本文认为会计信息可靠性不强、会计信息相关性不足、会计信息可理解性差、会计信息披露滞后以及会计信息供应成本高等是会计价值危机的预警信号。跨越会计价值危机须优化会计流程,其手段包括会计流程价值观培育、正确运用信息技术和完善公司治理中的权力配置。  相似文献   

石敏 《现代会计》2007,(1):20-22
人力资源会计是会计学发展的一个新领域,是对企业的人力资源成本与价值进行计量和报告的一种程序和方法。目前,我国对人力资源会计概念框架的研究尚处于发展阶段,本文就人力资源会计概念框架的构建作初步探讨,以求抛砖引玉,推动人力资源会计概念框架的进一步发展。  相似文献   

动机推理理论起源于心理学,旨在解释个体采取特定行为和决策的原因。在审计和会计学研究领域,动机推理理论通常被用以分析审计师、企业管理层以及投资者的行为。本文重点探讨动机推理理论内涵定义、发展过程以及与审计、会计相关研究内容,并在此基础之上对动机推理理论的意义、局限、展望和内涵做出理论评述。明确动机推理理论在审计、会计学中的研究现状,对于促进学科交叉研究、创新审计、会计理论体系与指导资本市场主体的具体行为、决策、沟通与职业道德,具有重要的理论价值与应用价值。  相似文献   

日益激烈的国内外竞争环境以及瞬息万变的新现象与新信息的产生,对管理会计的理论完善提出了重大挑战,为此构建中国特色的管理会计研究方法的体系框架具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文通过比较国内外现有研究成果中有关管理会计研究内容、研究方法和研究视角与学科来源等方面的内容,提出从多学科角度、应用多种研究方法来进行管理会计前沿问题的研究已经成为大势所趋,并初步构建了管理会计研究方法体系框架,简要阐述了该框架对未来研究领域的应用与展望。  相似文献   

会计实验教学对于培养学生的实践能力至关重要。本文在分析会计职业的专业需求和能力需求基础上,试图寻求建设会计实验教学体系的一般思路。通过文献整理、问卷与实地调查等方法,梳理了对会计学专业实验教学研究与实践的现状。本研究树立以课程为基础的会计实验教学的核心地位;努力构建信息化条件下会计学专业实验教学体系的基本框架,旨在提升与推进信息化条件下会计学专业实验教学的理论与实践。  相似文献   

对会计概念框架的研究是会计理论研究的重要内容,构建具有逻辑性、整体性和系统性的税务会计概念框架,不仅可以夯实税务会计理论基础,还可以正确界定税务会计与财务会计的关系,有利于建立健全会计学科体系,规范会计处理实务;可以避免税收法规中出现某些前后矛盾、明显疏漏或违背公认会计原则的问题,有利于完善税收法规制度。本文在借鉴财务会计概念框架的基础上,根据税务会计学的基本架构,初步构建了以税务会计目标为逻辑起点,以税务会计假设、税务会计原则、税务会计要素和税务会计程序为基本概念和逻辑层次的概念框架。  相似文献   

Financial accounting and reporting are in the midst of one of the most significant revolutionary changes in modern history. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework that will contribute to the dialogue surrounding these developments. We use Kuhn’s [Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press] framework on the theory of scientific revolution to describe how changes in the need for information, coupled with the lack of relevant accounting information, led to reporting anomalies that have spurred a revolutionary shift in accounting paradigms. We are moving from an accounting paradigm that existed in the age of an industrial economy to an accounting paradigm that fits the economy in an information age. This redirection has resulted in the following: a change in the conceptualization and application of relevance and reliability, an increased use of fair value versus historical cost measurements, a renewed emphasis on principles versus rules, and an evaluation of the composition of the basic financial statements.  相似文献   

Classification is a central activity in many sciences, such as chemistry. In social sciences, we cannot achieve the high precision and usefulness of the Mendeleev table of elements, but we can try to avoid poor classification. This paper sets out a method for identifying mis-classification in any field, drawing on the qualitative characteristics for useful information set out in the conceptual framework for financial reporting, particularly faithful representation and relevance. The method is applied first to various scientific fields and then to many classifications in international accounting and to other classifications used by accounting researchers. The causes of poor classification are examined; for example, some classifications are untrue, some are unfair and some are unlikely to be relevant for any important purpose. The implications for researchers are proposed.  相似文献   

Although the infusion of progressively advanced information technology (IT) into business organizations can improve the capturing, processing, and reporting of critical decision-making information across the enterprise, such technology can also create an environment that is more vulnerable to fraud. In this article, we develop a framework based on the theory of planned behavior [Org. Behav. Human Decis. Process. 50 (2)(1991) 179] that addresses the potential impact of IT on the susceptibility of an organization to employee fraud. We believe that this framework can serve as a useful tool for management, internal auditors, and external auditors when assessing fraud risk.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the need for an adequate conceptual framework for financial reporting, particularly in the public sector, and examines several factors which may have worked against progress in the UK in developing such a conceptual framework in the past. The paper then analyses in detail the needs of potential users for capital accounting information in public sector financial reports, and the relevance of accruals accounting and different measurement bases in this context. Given the large amount of existing work outside the UK on the development of conceptual frameworks for financial reporting, the paper argues the need not for a new framework, but rather for a more focused analysis of several key conceptual issues that are relevant to meeting user needs.  相似文献   

公理化方法的会计学应用:会计基本理论的解构与重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何构建会计基本理论的结构体系是贯穿会计发展史全部过程的重要问题之一。本文以自然科学完成理论构建所使用的公理化方法的起源观念为基础 ,结合会计学作为社会科学的自身特点 ,探讨了公理化方法在会计应用中的可能贡献并提出了用公理化方法重构会计基本理论结构的理论框架与具体思路 ;在此基础上 ,以稳健主义在构建公理化的会计基本理论中的特殊作用为例 ,具体说明了会计基本理论公理化过程的实现途径  相似文献   

Technology has created new information alternatives that may influence the way information system users make decisions. This paper proposes a research framework for examining how features of an information system affect the decision-making process. The framework is synthesized by merging frameworks from the accounting information systems (AIS) literature and the human information processing (HIP) literature. The framework is then used to organize a literature review of 15 journals from 1987 through mid-1999, which identified 57 decision-making studies. Findings indicate that a wide range of opportunities is available for information systems research on issues of contemporary importance. This discussion includes changes in the decision process initiated by implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, data warehouses, electronic commerce, virtual organizations, on-line financial reporting, and disaggregated financial statement information.  相似文献   


Management accounting can be a useful tool in austerity government because it produces information about the costs of public services and can be used for informed decision-making. Spanish local governments are required to submit data on the cost of their services to central government, which publishes this information online. The calculation of costs is based on budgetary cash accounting instead of accrual accounting; therefore cash accounting is being used for decision-making and accrual accounting has no role in this process. This paper critically analyses the innovation from three perspectives: the use assigned to the cost information in the legal framework; the opinion of academics and experts; and the perception of professionals about the usefulness of the information produced with the new system.  相似文献   

网络财务报告:XBRL标准的理论基础研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
张天西 《会计研究》2006,74(9):56-63
XBRL研发中由于没有一个现成的概念框架予以指导和规范,导致的问题是建立的信息标准缺乏必要的理论支持,XBRL报告的内部组织也缺乏必要的层次和结构,信息之间的关系得不到合理解释。目前无论是国际还是国内,从会计角度研究XBRL基本理论都处于起步和探索阶段,本文将会计理论、数据库理论相结合。尝试建立了以财务信息元素为结构的XBRL理论体系,并对该理论体系的逻辑关系和层次结构进行了论证。该理论无论在国际还是国内都是首次提出并加以论证的,我们认为它不仅仅可以作为财务报告系统信息标准开发的理论基础,也适用于作为簿记系统、交易和事项系统信息标准开发的理论基础。  相似文献   

Integrated reporting (IR) is a major development in a number of sustainability-related accounting initiatives and, if widely adopted, will require significant developments in professional and university accounting curricula. These will include: a strategic rather than operational or transactional focus; longer- rather than short-term outlook; prospective rather than retrospective analysis; qualitative commentary as well as quantitative information; and reports on wider business performance metrics rather than on narrower external financial reporting data or audit compliance. This paper reports on ACCA's support of and response to the latest initiatives in IR, in particular the impact this will have on the education and training of accountants in order to reflect these new principles to prepare the twenty-first-century accountant for a much more challenging role in the near future. These developments can only be in the wider public interest of improving the relevance of information for decision-making, for all stakeholders, and allow greater efficiency in the allocation of financial and other resources and in adding public value.  相似文献   

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