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The notion of shared value presents business with a challenge: to generate social benefit and profit simultaneously. This challenge involves resolving tensions/paradoxes inherent when integrating the apparent contradictory elements of social and economic values. Unfortunately, resolving such tensions is difficult due to the habitual, automatic nature of sensemaking. This paper offers a mechanism whereby individuals can, over time, begin to overcome habitual sensemaking and potentially resolve tensions inherent in shared value. The mechanism is labeled inner knowledge creation (IKC). IKC is described and its role in creating shared value for businesses is illustrated through a conceptual model. The model shows how IKC develops metacognitive capabilities, builds capacities to resolve tensions/paradoxes, and cultivates openness to others’ perspectives.  相似文献   

This article explores the fast-expanding market of crowdfunding − a market that will have created over $62 billion in new capital, primarily for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized business enterprises (SMEs), by the end of this year. We will look at the history of crowdfunding, the main drivers of the current market, the various platforms and business models, and the rapid and exponential growth of the market. We will discuss the importance of the concept of “shared value” in the development and evolution of this market, and look more closely at the United States’ current economy and how the mechanism of access to capital has been disrupted since the financial crisis. We will examine the premise that crowdfunding is the “crowd's” (anyone other than the top 1%) way of responding to this disruption and creating new capital. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

李文 《WTO经济导刊》2011,(11):71-74
历经30多年市场经济发展,中国企业无论在规模还是在实力上都有了极大的提升。企业作为经济运行主体,带给社会的不仅有产品和服务,还有经营理念和行为方式的改变。在经济全球化迅速发展的今天,  相似文献   

陈雪钧  李鹏 《江苏商论》2020,(2):13-20,27
共享住宿作为一种住宿新业态,构建共享住宿顾客感知价值概念模型对于促进其可持续发展具有重要指导意义。本研究利用ROST CM6.0软件对在线短租平台上的顾客点评进行文本分析,择取顾客感知价值的部分高频特征词,结合文献研究对高频特征词进行归类,提出共享住宿可持续性发展的管理启示,进一步丰富共享住宿领域的研究范畴。  相似文献   

共享服务系统体验价值共创行为的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于共享经济的发展和信息技术的进步,共享服务系统中的共创行为变得越来越容易实现,消费者与企业协作共创价值成为新的发展趋势。在消费者需求和共享行为都不断变化的情况下,如果共享服务供应商不清楚何种因素能够加速消费者价值共创行为的生成,则会影响共创价值实现。基于服务主导逻辑的理论,构建共享服务系统体验价值共创行为及其影响因素的理论模型。依据收集的450份有效问卷,对数据进行分析后发现,共享服务系统中感知利益、感知信任和社会可持续性通过互动协作(价值共创过程)对顾客体验价值产生影响,顾客体验价值对顾客的价值共创行为意向产生影响。研究结果表明,顾客参与共创动机中的效益动机和信任动机显著正向影响互动协作,互动协作显著正向影响体验价值和共创行为意向,而体验价值在互动协作和共创行为意向之间起到显著部分中介作用。共享服务提供方和产品制造方应多从顾客视角考虑其效益需求和信任需求,定位顾客需求和偏好,提供更有吸引力和说服力的商品与服务,使顾客感知到更多的收益,并形成较高信任度;提升与顾客的互动水平,建立顾客对服务方的好感,激发顾客更多的主动交互行为、参与行为和个人创新行为;重视资源的整合、分配和调动,实行以顾客驱动为核心的开放创新模式;招募优质用户,通过倾听和观察了解其价值主张,促进价值共创行为的生成,改善共享服务系统的整体服务质量。  相似文献   

传统对公司价值与公司投资关系的研究,均假设公司价值是投资的一次函数。通过建立模型,证实了公司价值是投资的三次函数。对于中国上市公司来说,当投资水平小于14.2%时,公司价值随着投资水平的增加而增加;当投资水平在14.2%~69.31%之间时,公司价值随着投资水平的增加而减少,公司投资处于过度水平;当投资水平超过69.31%时,公司价值随着投资水平的增加而增加。另外,对过度投资进行进一步实证分析,结果表明,投资资源的存在是处于过度投资区间公司的经理从事过度投资的直接原因。  相似文献   

本文认为,实现收入公平分配、缩小居民收入差距、建立和谐社会是近年来我国政府追求的目标。收入由分配制度决定,而分配制度由产权制度决定,人力资本产权缺失是导致初次分配不公、居民劳动收入和要素收入偏低以及收入两极分化的根本原因。文章提出,为实现收入公平分配,必须从企业现有产权制度入手,建立公平、公正的人力资本产权制度和分配制度。人力资本产权的建立能实现劳动者与生产资料的真正结合,充分提高劳动者的生产积极性,激发劳动者的创新潜能,彻底解放生产力;能实现劳动者的主人翁地位,发挥劳动者的自治能力和监督能力,从根本上解决国有企业产权主体缺位、监督不力、效益低下等问题;能提高劳动者的劳动收入和要素收入,增加中等收入阶层比例,缩小社会贫富差距,缓解社会矛盾,有利于建立公平、有效率、和谐的社会。  相似文献   

Consultancy firms inform, advise, implement and mediate in their own interests and in the interests of their clients. We can only guess if their work is also in the interest of the public. There is no critical and systematical assessment of the behavior of consultancy firms. What roles do consultancy firms chose? And what arguments do they use? In the nineties the international consultancy firm Hill &; Knowlton took on two assignments that showed a remarkable difference in the required role the firm had to play. In the first role the firm acted as an impartial advocate, in the second role the firm acted as a political agent. An analysis of the argumentation for both roles shows us the familair short-sighted choice for the annual turnover at the cost of internal and external trustworthiness. In this decade consultancy firms will need to develop ethical assessments that meet more professional standards.  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的保障形式,经济适用住房共享式产权正面临着如共享式产权如何划分、权责分工如何量化、以及后期的合理退出等一系列挑战。目前,政府及相关部门还未对此形成统一、完备的指导政策。因此,研究经济适用住房共享式产权比例的划分标准、分担形式及合理退出等问题,对于解决好经济适用住房的分配、使用、流转及退出等均具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

顾客价值导向的品牌权益模型及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以结构方程模型路径分析方法为基础,对顾客价值与品牌权益之间的关系进行实证研究。通过前期对手机消费者的深度访谈,结合定性分析,归纳出5个顾客价值结构,提出顾客价值与品牌权益关系概念模型。在调查研究的基础上,分析顾客价值结构对品牌权益价值的影响。结果表明:一方面,顾客价值结构对品牌权益价值有显著的直接效应;另一方面,顾客价值结构经由态度和行为两个品牌忠诚层面对品牌权益价值有显著的间接效应。  相似文献   

袁玲 《江苏商论》2020,(1):74-76
分享经济已成为引领经济增长的重要力量,永安行共享汽车采取随租随还的形式,在江苏的投放量已经达到2500辆,成为现代出行的重要补充方式。本文在分享经济视角下,对永安行共享汽车的参与双方进行了博弈分析,指出永安行共享汽车在使用过程中存在资金需求大、停车难等一系列问题。  相似文献   

Boscheck  Ralf 《Intereconomics》2021,56(5):278-283
Intereconomics - By April 2021, the COVID-19 crisis in Europe had reached a magnitude that, in the eyes of some observers, either deepened lingering divides and threatened the EU’s very...  相似文献   

《电子商务法》第38条规定了电商平台经营者对平台内经营者侵权行为的责任承担方式,分别是未采取必要措施的连带责任与未尽审核和安全保障义务的相应责任。将平台经营者未履行审核义务与安全保障义务的责任规定为连带责任亦或是补充责任都具有一定的不合理性,通过对我国侵权责任承担方式的构成要件和一般特征进行论证,"相应的责任"这一折衷规定具有现实合理性,在具体适用时,应全面考量平台经营者的主观意图、客观行为和行为后果,并且结合司法实践进一步准确界定。  相似文献   

We live in an increasingly globalizing world, in which countries are closely linked by international trade and investment ties. Cross-cultural comparative studies of national values and ethics have attracted growing research interest in recent years, because shared practices, values and ethical standards depend on shared beliefs. However, the findings of such studies have been unable to reach a consensus on the impact of culture on ethics-related attitudes and behavior. Empirically, many “cross-cultural” differences reported by previous studies might actually stem from cross-national differences. In order to partially fill this gap, this study advocates an analytical framework that isolates the role of cultural and national differences in order to test their relationship to individual level variables. Within this framework, we test␣competing hypotheses based on both cultural and national contexts by comparing groups of Chinese and American respondents together with a “bridging group” of Chinese Chinese-Americans. Theoretically, this contextual approach helps resolve the debate on the role of␣culture, by showing that culture plays a far more important role in shaping value orientations than the national background. Specifically, the two ethnic Chinese groups had many cultural values in common, and differed significantly from the Caucasian group. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The marketing channel information network-composed of actors within the channel, activity links, and resource ties-is proposed to be a key element in creating an efficient marketing channel working environment. The shared vision for such channel networks is created by activity links between the actors, the learning mood of the channel, and by the channel's cultural foundation. Contingency-based intrachannel constraints are suggested to moderate the relationships between the channel's organizational arrangement and shared vision within the channel, and between shared vision and channel performance. To enhance theory and practice, this paper integrates the previous constructs into a marketing channel information network model and presents practical and actionable propositions.  相似文献   

共享单车企业向消费者收取押金的性质与线下交易之押金性质不同,应被认定为债之关系,消费者在交付押金后无法保有其所有权,仅享有对共享单车企业的债权返还请求权,因而其只能向共享单车企业主张返还,不可任意穿透债的相对性原理而及于第三人。在此前提下,倘若企业破产后消费者仍无法追回其全部押金,除可适用公司法人人格否认制度向股东追偿等少数情形之外,该损失应依私法自治原则,由消费者个人承担。  相似文献   

文章基于门槛回归模型,对融资约束是否会影响现金及超额现金与企业价值的关系进行实证检验。结果表明,现金及超额现金与企业价值的关系均存在显著的门槛效应。在弱融资约束企业,现金及超额现金的账面价值高于其市场价值,而在强融资约束企业,现金及超额现金的账面价值低于其市场价值,这支持了代理理论和融资约束理论,说明弱融资约束企业滥用现金的代理问题较为严重,现金持有对企业价值具有负向影响,强融资约束企业持有现金,能够抓住更多投资机会,现金持有对企业价值具有正向影响。  相似文献   

制造业共享经济是国家重点培育和发展的对象,是传统制造业发展的新业态、新模式。通过分析我国制造业和共享经济的现状,可发现制造业共享模式的提出具有必然性和紧迫性。制造业共享模式有轻资产模式和重资产模式两种。以1688平台为代表的一类轻资产模式是典型的成功案例,同时基于高端产能分享的另一类轻资产平台也将面临极大的发展机遇。重资产模式有众创型共享平台和服务型共享平台两种类型,并在实践中都获得了成功。共享制造模式蕴含着巨大的机遇,必将有力推动制造业的转型升级,实现我国从制造大国向制造强国的转变。  相似文献   

共享单车预付押金收取模式的异变和返还期限的错配与分离,颠覆了“一物一押”的传统押金结构,异变为“一人一押、一物多押”“一辆单车、多份押金”的新型结构,并使共享单车预付押金朝金融化衍变而呈现出类金融色彩。在免押模式尚不足以全面施行的条件下,应采取特殊的规制方法,通过规范押金收取协议,对预付押金进行账户隔离和妥善保管,增强押金收取、存管和退还的信息透明度,合理利用押金孳息建立行业风险基金以及统一监管机构,有效保护共享经济预付押金的财产安全。  相似文献   

发展共享养老模式对降低费用支出,提高养老服务质量具有积极的作用。共享养老模式具有服务对象的不确定性、共享性更加集中体现、以养老资源的重复使用和交易为表现形式等特点。共享养老模式的成本构成主要包括土地或房屋使用费用、互联网等技术的维护费用、人工费用。实现共享养老模式的健康发展,提高老年人养老质量核心就是优化成本管理,通过降低成本支出促进盈利空间。优化共享养老模式成本的对策是:政府发挥主导作用,强化财政支持力度;借助互联网技术构建互联网管理平台;加强对共享养老运营机构的成本控制;创新管理模式、发展医养结合养老服务;拓宽有利于共享养老模式发展的多元化融资渠道。  相似文献   

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