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经济复苏、女性优势、单身生活和新的职业方式带来生活的不断变化,形成一个成熟而理性的消费时代,未来的设计将更具人性化、系列化、规范化和功能化。人们一方面乐观,自信、优雅、忠诚,寻求高尚的精神境界;另一方面敏感、放纵、安逸、幻想,沉溺于享乐和身体的本能;对生活品质和生活方式有了更高的要求,注重品牌和产品的文化底蕴,追求消费过程所带来的心灵的体验与满足,渴望奢侈品的同时却不忘精明购物,强调个性、品位与实用、经济并存。 (题图为06春夏总色彩趋势) 第一主题:艺术&理性    定位  本主题描绘了完…  相似文献   

政策性破产是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及面广、环节多、流程长,其难点是职工安置,重点是企业归宿。阜矿集团依法规范操作,既妥善化解了各种矛盾,又保证了新企业的可持续发展,最终顺利解决了破产难题  相似文献   

在广袤的东北三江平原上,有一座现代化矿井宛若新星冉冉升起,这就是黑龙江龙煤矿业集团双鸭山分公司东荣三矿。自2004年4月以来,东荣三矿生产高歌猛进,经济效益节节攀升,职工收入连年大幅递增,安全形势稳定,由一个落后贫穷、半停产矿井一跃成为龙煤集  相似文献   

中国石油和化学工业协会会长李勇武、浙江省人大常委会副主任刘奇、国家科技部、浙江省相关部门、以及衡州市四套班子、巨化集团等领导人出席庆典仪式,并共同按动工程投产启动按钮。  相似文献   

时间或许能改变很多,却改变不了信念。从26年前选择到煤炭工业学院学习,到出任政府负责煤炭工作的官员;从10年前辞官“下海”经营煤矿,  相似文献   

你想让你的企业或团队不断创新吗?那就读一读本专栏的文章吧。本专栏文章的作者朱辰为首批中国创造学会和北京创造学会会员、北京市科学管理学院特约研究员。在对创新与创造学近 20 年的不懈研究中,朱辰先生颇多感悟与收获,至今,已参与主办并主讲过100 余期各种类型的职工创造力开发培训班。参加培训的企业中高级管理人员、工程技术人员、技术革新能手逾 60000 人。朱辰先生还编导并主讲了由中国职工音像出版社制作发行的全国第一部公开发行的创造学成果汇编和创造学讲座录像片。 限于版面,本专栏只收录了朱辰先生的部分文章。  相似文献   

PTC公司日前宣布,越来越多的中小企业通过采用PTC的Pro/ENGINEER解决方案,有效地改善了产品研发的流程和效率,加强了产品设计的自动化和信息化.PTCPro/ENGINEER解决方案可以为客户提供整合的、大的3DCAD/CAM/CAE功能,帮助他们标准化产品开发流程,加速产品开发和上市的速度,提高中小企业的核心竞争能力.  相似文献   

上海三电贝洱汽车空调有限公司是中日德三方合资企业。2004年通过日本三电株式会社、德国贝洱有限公司入股+实现了上汽股份公司、上海龙华工业公司与日本三电.德国贝洱四方在原中泰合资上海易初通用机器有限公司股权结构上的重组。投资总额7460万美元.注册资本2984万美元.是国内生产汽车空调系统及汽车空调压缩机等系列产品的专业定点厂。公司员工人数980名.占地面积85295平方米。1003年销售额达161亿元、出口销售额835万美金。  相似文献   

在占地1100亩的山东滨州渤海活塞集团高新技术工业园,记者采访了全国劳动模范、五一劳动奖章获得者、山东省人大代表、富民兴鲁奖章获得者、山东省优秀共产党员、优秀企业家、滨州渤海活塞集团的掌门人李俊杰。就如何带领自己团队成功创造了连续18年主要经济指标稳居全国同行业  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,中国国家体育代表团的全新亮相将成为全世界瞩目的焦点.这是一个展现中国传统文化,展示当代中国人精神面貌的舞台,中国体育代表团的服装设计将在中国情结的表现和国际惯例平衡交融.  相似文献   

质量体系与HSE管理体系一体化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析ISO900标准与HSE管理标准的相同点和不同点入手,从管理学的角度探讨了质量体系与HSE管理体系相结合的可能性与必要性,探讨了企业实施两个体系一体化的措施。指出,建立一个能同时满足了ISO9000标准要求和HSE管理标准要求的综合体系,可以明显地提高企业管理效益、降低体系运行费用。  相似文献   

In this paper we study the impact of the regulations on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides on the trade of apples and pears and related processed products with the aim of understanding how their similarity (or dissimilarity) affect trade. Most studies investigate the impact of sanitary regulations introducing directly in the analysis the MRL put in force in the importing country. They introduce in the analysis the level of the regulation in the importing country without taking into account the rule in force in the exporting country. Rather than focusing on a particular pesticide we take into account the entire list of substances set out by the various regulations. We then build a similarity index and introduce it into a gravity equation to assess the impact of the differences in MRL of pesticides on trade. Results suggest that the differences between regulations matter and may, in some case, hinder trade.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, telecommunications policy worldwide has been dominated by the privatisation of former government-owned firms, the pursuit of increasing competition as well as the delegation of day-to-day operations of industry decision-making and oversight from core governments to autonomous regulators sitting at arms-length from political decision-making. One of the most (apparently) dramatic reversals of this trend has occurred in Australia where the federal government has set up a state-owned company (NBN Co) to fully replace and upgrade the fixed-line infrastructure for voice and broadband communications for the entire country. Some argued that the NBN heralded a reversal of a “failed, neoliberal” deregulation and pro-competition policy agenda in Australia, and a return to “social democratic” values. The NBN has attracted interest as a possible model for other governments looking to fund broadband infrastructure.The NBN Co's network is nearing completion. It has proved disappointing in many ways, with costs escalations, missed deadlines and a downscaling of the original full-fibre footprint to a mixed technology model (MTM). It has also proved politically divisive, with some claiming the MTM changes represent the reassertion of a neoliberal political agenda. In this paper, we trace the evolution of the fixed-line telecommunications industry in Australia from the 1980s to the present along the dimensions of privatisation, deregulation and competition in voice, broadband and policy settings. We find that contrary to popular political rhetoric, the Australian industry reforms have been characterised by only a partial and inconsistent progression towards the international policy objectives. In particular, ongoing government ownership of the incumbent created perverse incentives for both regulatory and industry actors and ensured political involvement in import network investment and operations decisions which in other jurisdictions are delegated to private-sector owners and regulators at arms-length from political influence. We contend that the NBN was not a social democratic response to failed neoliberal policies, nor was the MTM a neoliberal reassertion. Rather, the politicisation of the NBN is a function of the inability to decentralise ownership and control of the industry away from the government. These issues will continue to dominate the Australian debate, as the statutory context requires the privatisation of the NBN within five years of its projected 2021 completion. Extreme caution is warranted for jurisdictions looking to the NBN model for guidance.  相似文献   

As a result of the speed of information and communications technology convergence, the concept of the business ecosystem has been adopted for understanding the business value chain. Within the business ecosystem, keystones play a central role. Currently, Google and Apple are the keystones of the mobile ecosystem, and they have been quite active in acquiring firms over the past years. This study empirically examines the effects of these two firms’ mergers and acquisitions (M&As), especially the different effects on the acquirer and the rival depending on the type of target firm. After the target firms are classified according to the businesses of the acquiring firm that each target firm is related to, the study examines the effects of different types of M&As on the values of the acquirer, the rival, or both. The results provide a basis for understanding the complex relationship between two keystones within the mobile business ecosystem.  相似文献   

快速成形技术的应用及热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于快速成形技术的原理,展示了快速成形技术在快速模具制造、金属零件直接成形、反求工程等领域的广泛应用,总结了快速成形制造技术研究的热点,即研发新材料和新设备、提高成形精度、建立RPM的反求工程系统、建立成形技术的统一标准和扩大成形技术的应用领域。  相似文献   

纺织原料种类多,纺织加工对纤维要求高,废料的利用可以提高原料的利用价值,与玻璃屏风的有机结合能够设计出自然典雅的艺术效果,为纺织经济的发展提供辅助作用。用于办公场所的隔断,餐厅的屏风,居家的装饰等既能半遮挡光线和视线,又采用双层玻璃隔音,是一副自然的装饰品。为纺织经济的多样化发展提供了途径。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of WLAN technologies for incumbent MNOs based on an empirical cross-country study of the players in the public WLAN-hotspot market using the theory of disruptive innovation and theoretical extensions for the industry- and country-level. The main research question to be analyzed is whether and why PWLAN has shown a disruptive or sustaining impact trend for incumbent MNOs in the hotspot markets of Germany, the UK, and the USA in recent years. The results imply that incumbent MNOs and new entrants have taken advantage of the opportunity provided by PWLAN, but the market success of both types of players varies between the countries analyzed. Incumbent MNOs dominate in Germany but not in the UK and the USA. The reasons for these country-specific differences were further investigated, and the results suggest that the analysis of disruptive potential in telecommunications needs to include country- and firm-specific factors, which are, again, largely influenced by the local regulation.  相似文献   

Indonesia is currently enjoying rapid development in the telecommunications sector despite the economy having been heavily dependent for almost four decades on the two largest sectors: the manufacturing industry and trade. The telecommunications sector has played an important role in stimulating economic growth in the country during the last few years, with an annual growth rate higher than that of other sectors. This contribution is supported to a great extent by the rapid diffusion of telephony, in particular cellular telephony, as the number of subscribers increased from just 2.1 million in 1999 to 170 million in 2011. Previous studies investigating the impact of the telecommunications sector on the economy aggregate the impact of the sectors on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) without further scrutiny of what sources of growth telecommunications has contributed. Hence, an interesting question arises as to whether the achievement of cellular diffusion is also followed by structural change in the telecommunications sector. That said, this study aims to decompose the output of telecommunications into several sources of growth: domestic final demand, export effect, import substitution effect and technological coefficient effect. A particular interest in this study is to compare the source of growth concerning domestic final demand and the technological coefficient effect. The main tool for analysis in this study is the Input–Output (IO) method, while the time series of the investigation covers the period 1975–2008, allowing comparison of structural changes in the telecommunications sector between the pre- and post-cellular eras. The study found that the coefficient multiplier of the telecommunications sector, which was approximately 1.8 during the 1980s, had decreased to only 1.3 by the end of 2008. Consequently, the final demand from the telecommunications sector contributed less to economic output in the late 2000s compared to the impact in the 1980. Moreover, the cellular era that started in the early 2000s also brought about a trend of changes in telecommunications output. While final demand remains very dominant, the technological coefficient effect has diminished as the source of telecommunications output. This finding indicates a lower ability of the telecommunications sector to build an inter-industry relationship with other sectors. A possible explanation for this result is the cellular uses which are much less related to business activities than that of fixed telephony dating back to the 1970s in Indonesia.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(5-6):496-513
We analyze the state of the art of indicators on e-government, e-health, e-procurement and e-participation. We survey the main methodological properties of these indicators, and highlight their heuristic potential. Further, we address empirically the issue of the explanation of the availability scores, i.e. how the supply of the various e-services in each country is affected by political, institutional and socio-economic differences, and is followed by actual usage. The econometric analysis uncovers the importance of broadband penetration and higher education as drivers for most of the types of e-services and users (citizens and businesses). Moreover, a corruption-free and agile public sector proves to be an important pre-condition for more effective supply and usage. Despite data limitations and the complexity of the underlying diffusion phenomena, our study is the first truly longitudinal contribution aimed at disentangling the common drivers of such an important phenomenon – the e-services availability and usage across European countries. As such, this work appears useful to inform the policy debate and practice, in a phase characterized by a prospective reorientation of the public e-services provision and policy agenda.  相似文献   

Changes in the state of telephony markets paved the way for significant regulatory and legislative reforms in the telecommunications sector in the 1990s. In Canada, the 1993 Telecommunications Act was enacted to promote the emergence of competitors in a market that had until then been dominated by regional monopolies. This paper examines the Canadian telecommunications regulatory framework and analyzes the regulatory privileges given to new entrants at the expense of former telecommunications monopolies. Such regulations, which were meant to induce competition, ended up hurting consumers and distorting the market process. This paper also shows how the Canadian government recently eliminated many of those regulations by seizing control of the policy agenda from the telecommunications regulator.  相似文献   

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