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A recent article by Low and MacMillan (1988) suggests that at the current stage of entrepreneurship research, empirical studies that “are not theory driven and do not test hypotheses are no longer acceptable” (p. 155). This paper is written in the spirit of this directive. It starts with an explicit theory of entrepreneurship developed by Israel Kirzner, and tests three hypotheses derived from the theory.The theoretical thrust of the paper emphasizes the role of information and information-seeking behavior as a central element of entrepreneurial behavior. Entrepreneurship is based on discovering of opportunities and resources to exploit them. Our interpretation of Kirzner's theoretical works leads to the formation of hypotheses regarding the differences that should exist in the way entrepreneurs as opposed to managers seek this information. These concern: (1) differences in the manner in which entrepreneurs and corporate managers expose themselves to information; (2) differences in the sources of information used; and (3) differences in evaluating information cues. In addition, we test the hypotheses that success and experience will erode the above differences between entrepreneurs and corporate managers.Our sample involved 51 founders of companies in New Jersey and 36 executives of a very large financial company. A questionnaire was used to gather the data, and scales were formed using principal component factor analysis with a varimax rotation. Differences were tested using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. Significant differences were found in five of the nine factors examined. Entrepreneurs spent significantly more time searching for information in their off hours and through nonverbal scanning. They employed different sources than executives and paid special attention to risk cues about new opportunities. Executives, on the other hand, tended to focus on the economics of the opportunity. These results are only partially consistent with a previous study comparing entrepreneurs and small companies' managers, suggesting a contextual contingency to the behaviors under study. The most persistent finding was regarding the time and “volume” of search for information, reinforcing the idea developed in the recent network theory of entrepreneurship that entrepreneurs are avid information-gatherers and opportunistic learners, but not necessarily, or not uniquely in a verbal, social-networking manner. Finally, with success and experience, the differences become smaller. It seems that success and experience reduce the need or desire of entrepreneurs to search for new opportunities. No such effect was found with our executive sample.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs with prior firm-founding experience are expected to have more skills and social connections than novice entrepreneurs. Such skills and social connections could give experienced founders some advantage in the process of raising venture capital. This paper uses a large database of venture-backed companies and their founders to examine the advantage associated with prior founding experience. Compared with novice entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs with venture-backed founding experience tend to raise more venture capital at an early round of financing and tend to complete the early round much more quickly. In contrast, experienced founders whose earlier firms were not venture-backed do not show a similar advantage over novice entrepreneurs, suggesting the importance of connections with venture capitalists in the early stage of venture capital financing. However, when the analysis also takes into account later rounds of financing, all entrepreneurs with prior founding experience appear to raise more venture capital. This implies that skills acquired from any previous founding experience can make an entrepreneur perform better and in turn attract more venture capital.  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars and executives alike have devoted attention to the implications of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and practices as well as their relationship to strategy. The objectives of the present article are to investigate the interaction between corporate social responsibility and strategy and the benefits that this relationship can yield to companies. For this purpose, a qualitative multiple case study was made of four Brazilian corporations, two in the supermarket sector and two in the energy distribution sector, comparing a competitive and a monopolized sector in Brazil. The data were collected through interviews with executives from social and environmental areas and through secondary sources. The study finds that corporate social strategy provides several benefits, among them attracting and retaining valuable human resources and enhancing company image and reputation  相似文献   

There is growing interest in entrepreneurs who have been involved in more than one venture, yet to date there has been relatively little theoretical development and systematic empirical examination of the topic. In particular, there has been little attention to the potential heterogeneity of habitual entrepreneurship. This study aims to contribute to this emerging area in two ways. First, it outlines a conceptual typology of habitual entrepreneurs who have founded, purchased, or inherited businesses. Second, the empirical part of the study focuses on owner-managers, providing an exploratory analysis of the characteristics and effects of independent business ownership by novice, portfolio, and serial founders. Novice founders are those that have no prior entrepreneurial experience as either a founder, an inheritor, or a purchaser of a business. Portfolio founders retain their original business and inherit, establish, and/or purchase another business. Serial founders are those who sell their original business but at a later date inherit, establish, and/or purchase another business.The study derives propositions suggesting differences among the three types of founders. At the individual founder level of analysis, similarities as well as differences in the personal background, work experiences, reasons leading to the start-up of businesses, and personal attitudes to entrepreneurship of these three types of entrepreneurs are explored. At the organizational level of analysis, finance, employment and performance differences among the businesses owned by the three types of entrepreneurs are presented.The issues are examined using a sample of entrepreneurs who were the principal owner-managers of independent businesses in Great Britain. The sample included 389 novice founders (62.6%), 75 portfolio founders (12.1%), and 157 serial founders (25.3%). No statistically significant differences were found among the three groups of entrepreneurs with regard to the main industrial activity, geographical location, and the age of their businesses. Univariate and multivariate tests were used to examine potential differences between the groups.The results of the study show significant differences between portfolio and serial founders with regard to their parental background, work experience, and their age when they started their first business. Differences were also found with respect to reasons leading to start-up, personal attitudes to entrepreneurship, and sources of funds used during the launch period of the surveyed business. These findings suggest that habitual entrepreneurs cannot be treated as a homogeneous group. The analysis, however, failed to find any significant differences between the performance of the surveyed firms owned by habitual founders and novice founders and between the two types of habitual founders.The findings of the study indicate for researchers that there is a need to carefully define the unit of analysis in any examination of entrepreneurs. In particular, there is a need to take note of the heterogeneity of types of entrepreneur and to consider the entrepreneur as the appropriate unit of analysis rather than simply the firm. Although this study focused on habitual founders of businesses, the theoretical section of the study also identified other types of habitual entrepreneurs, such as serial corporate entrepreneurs and serial management buy-out and buy-in cases. These other types of habitual entrepreneurs would appear to warrant further analysis.The findings of this study have a number of implications for practitioners, especially venture capitalists. The absence of significant performance differences between novice and habitual entrepreneurs, which is consistent with the results from other studies, emphasizes the need for venture capitalists screening potential investees not to rely solely on previous experience.The study also has implications for policy-makers, especially with respect to decisions concerning the allocation of resources to assist nascent entrepreneurs, novice entrepreneurs, and habitual entrepreneurs. The similarities in business performance among novice, serial, and portfolio entrepreneurs suggests that policy-makers need to be careful in targeting scarce resources. Most notably, targeting resources to encourage talented nascent entrepreneurs to become novice entrepreneurs may offer returns which are at least as good as targeting resources to more experienced entrepreneurs.  相似文献   


As a result of substantial and contemporary changes in the Nigerian business environment, a study was designed to evaluate the corporate strategies used by Nigerian organizations to cope with these changes. Using the survey research methodology of questionnaire on a sample of 1280 corporate executives working in quoted companies in Lagos state of Nigeria, it was found that some aspects of operationalised grand corporate strategies were highly emphasized by Nigerian organizations, while some were not highly emphasized. For example, market penetration strategy was the most emphasized grand corporate strategy, while planned liquidation strategy was the least emphasized strategy. Also, the research revealed that local competition had the highest impact on corporate strategy, while foreign competition posed the least impact on the corporate strategies of Nigerian companies. Nigerian organizations were most effective in achieving profitability objective through their grand corporate strategies, while corporate social responsibility was the least achieved corporate objective via corporate strategies. These findings and their managerial implications were discussed along the salient issues of the research with respect to the research problem, research questions, relevant literature, managerial actions, and Other cognate issues.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming a mainstream issue as both researchers and managers are realizing its importance, but knowledge gaps persist. In particular, the processes underlying the adoption of responsible managerial practices and the effects associated with them are still at the centre of intense debate. Not surprisingly, managers expect formalized procedures that might influence corporate managerial processes and especially corporate strategies. Given the growing emphasis on the integration of CSR into corporate strategy, the purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the antecedents of this process and the dynamics underlying it. We focus on a medium-sized, family-owned Italian company, SABAF SpA. We find that: the beliefs and value systems of entrepreneurs play a fundamental role in shaping a sustainable corporate strategy; the importance of the relationship between social performance and financial performance depends to some extent on the kind of competitive strategy that a company has selected; and people need to be aware of it – that is, CSR strategies must be explicit and codified into specific managerial procedures.  相似文献   

Corporate reputation is defined as a construct representing aggregated perceptions of people in and around companies. A corporate personality scale was developed to measure identities as internal perceptions and images as external perceptions with the same instrument. We report here an application of this instrument and the replication of a previous study conducted by Davies and Chun in 2002 (Corporate reputation review 5(2/3): 144–158), by comparing two similar companies operating in the same industry. Perceptions of employees, students, journalists and professional colleagues were measured for each company. The reputations of the two companies were different in synchronization of perceptions of respondent groups for each company (one high and one low) and in their comparative scores from different respondent groups. The study discovered that two companies could be equally successful in performance while their reputations can be significantly different. The second significant theoretical implication of the study was the finding that a composite, aggregate measure of a corporate reputation can obscure as much as reveal perceptions of different valuing groups. The main practical implication of the study is that companies can achieve comparable performances despite having different personalities both in profile and in coherence. This implies that executives need to observe their organizations through various views, which should allow them more freedom of action and experimentation.  相似文献   

文章基于管理层权力理论和社会网络理论,以2010〖KG-*4〗-〖KG-*6〗2014年我国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了管理层权力对高管薪酬的影响,并考察TMT网络的调节作用。研究发现:管理层权力显著提高了高管薪酬水平,但显著降低了高管薪酬业绩敏感度;而TMT网络显著增强了它们之间的相关关系。研究为管理层权力与高管薪酬之间关系的研究提供了增量证据,为完善我国高管薪酬激励制度、抑制管理层权力、规范高管之间的兼任行为提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The creation of spin-off companies is often promoted as a desirable mechanism for transferring knowledge and technologies from research organizations to the private sector for commercialization. In the promotion process, policymakers typically treat these “university” spin-offs like industry start-ups. However, when university spin-offs involve an employment transition by a researcher from the not-for-profit sector, the creation of a university spin-off is likely to impose a higher social cost than the creation of an industry start-up. To offset this higher social cost, university spin-offs must produce a larger stream of social benefits than industry start-ups, a performance premium. This paper outlines the arguments explaining why the social costs of entrepreneurship are likely to be higher for academic entrepreneurs, and empirically investigates the existence of a performance premium using a sample of German start-up companies. We find that university spin-offs exhibit a performance premium of 3.4 % points higher employment growth over industry start-ups. The analysis also shows that the performance premium varies across types of academic entrepreneurs and founders’ academic disciplines.  相似文献   

从组织间社会关系网络视角出发,文章以2006年-2013年我国上市公司为样本,考察了高管联结对内部控制体系构建的影响。研究发现:存在高管联结关系的公司间,内部控制质量具有显著的相似性,联结关系越紧密,相似度更高;处于同一行业、同规模等级的联结公司间,其内部控制质量的相似度更高;进一步地,将高管联结按照其专业背景划分为财务专家型联结与非财务专家型联结后,发现财务专家型联结能够显著地促进内部控制质量相似度。  相似文献   

The emergence of corporate governance in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article tracks the emergence of corporate governance through four stages of the Russia’s transition to a market economy from the mid-1980s to the present: commercialization, privatization, nomenklatura, and statization. For each stage, the government’s economic objectives are summarized, as well as the foundations for the development of and inhibitors to corporate governance. The problems of nondisclosure and nontransparency that made Russia one of the riskiest countries for investment are discussed. The article emphasizes the substantial progress made recently, culminating in the 2002 Corporate Code of Conduct. The article concludes with prospects for corporate governance to be considered by investors, including foreign executives and managers interested in direct investment in Russia.  相似文献   

Some perspectives of managerial ethical leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If managerial leadership means deciding responsibly in a complex situation, the ethical dimension of leadership — besides its analytical and instrumental aspects — has to be clarified. I present and discuss several essential aspects of managerial ethical leadership: (a) some major presuppositions (the concepts of leadership and responsibility), (b) three normative-ethical tasks of the activity of leadership (perceiving, interpreting and creating reality — being responsible for the effect of one's decisions on the human beings concerned — being responsible for the implementation of corporate goals) and (c) some claims on the leader as a subject responsible for his or her own activities. I shall conclude by adding some reflections on the limits of managerial ethical leadership. Georges Enderle is a private tutor for business ethics at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Since 1983 he has been Director of the Institute for Business Ethics. He is the author of Sicherung des Existenzminimums im nationalen und internationallen Kontext — eine wirtschaftsethische Studie,and he has written various articles on business ethics.  相似文献   

Growth pattern of academic entrepreneurial firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academic entrepreneurship, the creation of new business ventures by university professors, technicians, or students, is increasingly being promoted by university-based innovation centers and university business offices. It is seen as an efficient university-industry technology transfer mechanism, and, in some cases may contribute to university revenue. Whereas most entrepreneurs leave the university at time of start-up, others keep their academic postings as full-time or part-time professors. “Part time” entrepreneurship may be interesting from a university point of view, because (i) it keeps in the laboratory a creative individual, (ii) it may provide through part-time academic positions for a more efficient use of university resources, and (iii) it encourages more contacts between faculty, students, and the business world. However, manufacturing firms led by part-time entrepreneurs do not seem to be as aggressive and growth-oriented as “independent” firms. The university professor interested in the successful transposition of an idea, an invention, to the commercial sector, may therefore have to do it through licensing, or resign from the university to devote all his time and energy to the development, manufacturing, and commercialization process. And the university interested in investing in a new “academic firm” created to exploit commercially an invention made in its own laboratories should beware of keeping the academic entrepreneur on staff, or, if he stays on staff, of involving him with the management of the new company.These are the main conclusions of a study of the evolution from 1980–1981 to 1984–1985 of 38 young firms originally created by entrepreneurs while at various universities in several Canadian provinces. The results, supported by the observation of a small control group of 8 Canadian hightechnology companies, bring out a dichotomy: for firms offering technical services, the continued this project were made by Colleen Bigelow and Branko Peterman. Their help was greatly appreciated. academic posting of the firm's creator does not appear to overly affect its operations and growth; however, manufacturing firms completely independent from the university tend to g row faster. Other results support the negative correlation that seems to exist between the growth rate of sales and closeness to academic life, as measured, for example, by the use of university laboratories and equipment. Whether they are still closely connected to a university or not, the entrepreneurs in our sample do note many potential positive benefits from continuing contacts with the academic world. It is possible that the negative correlation between growth and university links observed in the sample results more from the individual characteristics of the entrepreneurs than from a negative influence by the university. As venture capitalists have long noticed, one of the main determinants of growth and success is the entrepreneur himself. The entrepreneurs staying close to the university and using university services may be less aggressive and less risk-oriented than the others.  相似文献   

张精  丁溢桢 《江苏商论》2021,(2):117-119
公司绩效是企业价值最直观的表现,提高企业绩效是公司发展的重要目标,在提高公司绩效过程中,管理层扮演着重要的角色.高管人员是企业众多的人力成本当中最重要的,他们是公司的决策层,企业运营的核心人物,制定着公司的发展战略,执行董事会的目标,一定程度上决定了公司未来的发展方向,优秀的高级管理人员是企业核心竞争力的重要构成因素....  相似文献   

This paper examines whether founders’ backgrounds influence new firm survival in the early years after startup, focusing, in particular, on the impact of unemployment-driven entrepreneurship. For entrepreneurs who left their previous employment to found a new firm, both general and specific human capital play a key role in enhancing early survival chances. However, various forms of human capital have little effect on early survival of unemployment-driven entrepreneurs, who rely mostly on previous entrepreneurial experience to persevere. Results suggest that pre-entry capabilities play an important role in the early success of opportunity-based entrepreneurs, but have little influence on the early success of necessity-based ones.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical analysis of the personal characteristics of Italian high-tech entrepreneurs. We analyze differences in the characteristics of founders according to the sector of operation of the start-up. In particular, we investigate whether entrepreneurs in Internet related activities differ from those operating in other ICT industries (especially in manufacturing). For this purpose, we analyze a sample composed of 246 entrepreneurs that between 1984 and 1999 established 116 new firms that operate in ICT manufacturing and service industries and are located in Northern Italy. The findings highlight that Internet entrepreneurs generally are younger and less educated (especially in technical fields) than the other sample founders. They quite often are at their first professional experience; if they have prior working experience, it generally is in unrelated industries. Such findings are related to evolutionary theories that emphasize the role of the nature of technical change and of the stage of the industry life cycle in influencing the characteristics and behavior of new firms and their founders.  相似文献   

In this study of a relatively small number of corporate executives with line experience in corporate venturing, some clues are uncovered that could help those corporations contemplating the initiation of acquisition, joint venturing, or corporate start-up activities to avoid or overcome the obstacles that our sample of managers encountered.The preliminary indications are;
  • 1.1. Joint ventures appear to be a highly useful way of starting off in venturing activity while at the same time reducing the initial risk.
  • 2.2. The excutives in this sample indicated that experience at venturing resulted in improvement in venturing performance, but only after several venture attempts. From this observation, two suggestions appear reasonable: 1) Start venturing with few relatively small ventures and keep ventures relatively small until experience is gained. Start perhaps with joint ventures to learn your way in and “graduate” to grass-roots start ups once significant learning has taken place; and 2) The experience gained will reside in people who may have been part of an unsuccessful venture, perhaps several unsuccessful ventures. If this experience is to be useful, the people who have gained it need to be retained and recycled to other new ventures.
  • 3.3. Although some of the obstacles perceived by the executives diminish with experience, others do not. Regardless of experience, inability to plan for new ventures is a recurrently cited obstacle, as is the inability of the corporation to provide adequate support to the venture.
The last point may be the most significant observation in this study. Prevailing corporate values call for the ability to plan and to meet the plan as one of the primary measures of managerial competence. New ventures, however, rarely conform to plan, especially the quantitative projections. As a result, corporate support either dwindles when plans are not achieved or desperate spending efforts are made to achiev unachievable planned results, which often results in large losses. Very different planning methods are needed for ventures, methods that, in the highly uncertain surroundings of venturing activity, address what realistic corporate expectations should be, how progress should be measured and venture managers evaluated, and in what ways and at what times support will be provided by the parent corporation. These are discussed in the main body of the article.  相似文献   

The Reasons Behind Non-Ethical Behaviour in Business and Entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the recent increase in interest in corporate social responsibility and the propagation of corporate governance in both business and academic literature, from observations of actual practice, the author has seen at all company levels, in everyday operations, instances of non-ethical behaviour vis-à-vis the whole gamut of stakeholders. This state of affairs is linked with: pressure from stakeholders, short-term tactics, hegemony of financial considerations, ‘juridisation’ of business, the tyranny of communications and the media and the difficulties in translating strategy into practical implementation. The paper scrutinises the motivation and the psychology of entrepreneurs and business people, and their behaviour is compared to other professional groups and confronted with the decline in ethics in society as described by some important observers. The conclusion drawn is that the recent positive evolutions do not provide sufficient ethical guidelines for the day-to-day activities of middle managers and entrepreneurs in the present competitive environment. Managers will always be confronted by difficult choices with ethical dilemmas. There will always be a tension between theory and pragmatism, but progress can be made with the effective implementation of the ethical discourse in companies. To achieve this, ethical management should not be confined to the large strategic issues but also applied to the small practical matters of everyday business life. Ethics in business and entrepreneurship requires more than corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR).  相似文献   

While corporate innovation is commonly touted as a viable strategy for sustaining superior performance in today's corporations, the successful implementation of corporate innovation remains quite elusive for most companies. A recent Accenture survey of more than 500 executives revealed that over 50% report a poor innovation process, while fewer than 18% believe their own innovation strategy provides a competitive advantage for the firm. While many causal reasons can be offered, our research on corporate entrepreneurship and innovation demonstrates there are four key implementation issues that most corporations are not recognizing or responding to effectively. Effective recognition of and response to these four implementation issues may represent the difference between those companies that create a successful corporate innovation strategy and those that do not. The four issues are: (1) understanding what type of innovation is being sought, (2) coordinating managerial roles, (3) effectively using operating controls, and (4) properly training and preparing individuals. Together, these four issues—if understood and appropriately addressed—help create an effective innovative ecosystem within the organization.  相似文献   

Motivated by the considerable changes over the last two decades in the form and composition of executive remuneration schemes and the increasing use of performance-vested stock options (PVSOs), this study examines the determinants of PVSO grants. Using data on 4193 executive-year observations of 1373 executive directors in 243 FTSE 350 non-financial companies from 1999 to 2004, I examine the factors that influence PVSO grants at both the firm and the executive level. While controlling for unobservable industry, firm, and executive level fixed effects, the evidence shows that the PVSO grants awarded to individual executives are associated with observable features of corporate governance and indicators of managerial power. More specifically, the results support the following statements: (1) good corporate governance structures facilitate the use of PVSO plans; (2) the proportion of PVSO grants in the total compensation package is smaller for top mangers with more controlling power; (3) PVSO plans are less frequently used to compensate managers who are approaching their retirement and/or have a large equity stake in the firm; (4) relative to non-CEO executives, CEOs are more likely to be rewarded with PVSOs.  相似文献   

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