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竞争并非坏事,协同合作也不意味着一场"零和游戏",但要跨越整合的阵痛,五大机场必须学会兼顾他人利益,这不是一个简单的过程。在大珠三角广阔的土地上,并存着广州、深圳、珠海,香港和澳门五大国际机场。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。总结一些外资企业在中国市场上的营销失败也是一种“另类”的学习。在中国市场上,外资企业营销失败存在着五大败因:营销方式不够本土化;营销方式过度本土化;营销歧视,危机公关的反应能力差;难以适应中国市场特殊性;经营短视,存在“过客”的心理等。  相似文献   

陈鸣 《商场现代化》2006,(20):178-179
本文从“珠三角”和“大珠三角”区域旅游合作的发展与繁荣入手,论述了“泛珠三角”的概念与旅游合作基础,提出了“泛珠三角”区域旅游的合作形式,以尽快地形成“9+2”旅游联合体,造就“泛珠三角”区域旅游整体的创新优势,进一步提升“泛珠三角”旅游在国际旅游市场上的竞争力,努力打造“泛珠三角”国际知名旅游区。  相似文献   

陈鸣 《商场现代化》2006,(7Z):178-179
本文从“珠三角”和“大珠三角”区域旅游合作的发展与繁荣入手,论述了“泛珠三角”的概念与旅游合作基础,提出了“泛珠三角”区域旅游的合作形式,以尽快地形成“9+2”旅游联合体,造就“泛珠三角”区域旅游整体的创新优势,进一步提升“泛珠三角”旅游在国际旅游市场上的竞争力,努力打造“泛珠三角”国际知名旅游区。  相似文献   

林华 《新商务》2003,(11):34-35
9月15日,中国民航总局,决定撤消23个省(区市)民航局,同时将93个机场移交地方政府管理,以推动民航管理体制改革的进一步深化。这一个重大措施,将加大地方机场之司的激烈竞争,特别是珠江三角洲地区。珠三角方圆200多公里之内已集中了香港、澳门、广州、深圳、珠海五家大型国际机场;另外还有湛江、梅县、佛山、汕头等小型军民两用机场。每年该地区300多万吨空运货物流,成为相互争抢的一块“肥肉”。  相似文献   

绝大多数今天已迈入自主创新设计阶段的珠三角中小制造企业,几乎都经历过模仿-侵权而被告-自主创新设计-掌控自主知识产权的过程。尽管像上世纪90年代中期那样理直气壮地抄袭与模仿别人产品的企业已越来越少,但是,审视珠三角中小制造企业认识与接受“创新设计”理念的过程,会发现它们大都经历过从“被动”到“主动”的创新意识提升,除少数在创立之初即确立了明晰的“以创新设计为龙头”的理念外,绝大多数制造企业都是在成长的特殊阶段或因知识产权纠纷、或因激烈竞争的市场压力、或因创建自主品牌的需要而走上了自主创新之路。经过我们的调研,发现企业的设计创新驱动力,主要有如下四种类型:  相似文献   

面对国内市场国际化,全球市场一体化的竞争压力和挑战,我们的企业营销什么最重要?精明的企业家认为,贵在向消费者创新“营销理念”。研究知名企业和企业家“营销理念”的创新与实践,主要集中在关系营销、文化理念营销、营销买忠诚等五大理念变革方面,这对于我们企业入世营销对策创新是颇有启迪的。  相似文献   

广东向西看   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡进 《大经贸》2009,(10):48-51
粤西工业化进程坎坷,究竟缺什么?一缺“天时”与“地利”,粤西作为珠三角的边缘区,人力资本、金融资本,一直被珠三角所吸聚;二缺市场体制和人才;三缺基础设施。  相似文献   

吴宁 《糖烟酒周刊》2005,(31):13-13
在竞争白热化的珠三角,江口醇诸葛酿始终处于市场前列,经历了相似产品围攻、“诸葛酿”品牌之争、斥资千万换包装之后,江口醇的市场状况如何?它又在经历着什么呢?  相似文献   

数目庞大的廉价劳动力,一直以来都是中国的一大竞争优势。由于劳动力“无限供给”的存在,中国企业在相当长的时期里一直享有低成本劳动力带来的“人口红利”。不过,这一优势可能难以为继。始于珠三角和长三角并蔓延于其他地区的“用工荒”表明,中国劳动力市场的供求关系已经出现根本性变化。  相似文献   

度假旅游在我国正在兴起,长三角地区是我国重要的度假旅游客源地。根据对长三角主要旅游城市的调查,分析其居民度假旅游需求的人口学特征、度假旅游目的地的选择行为和度假偏好,对以长三角为目标市场的度假区项目开发和市场开拓具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

余英 《商业研究》2006,2(17):121-125
根据民航业的内在发展要求以及“小政府、大市场”经济理念和政府的财政预算压力的推动,使世界机场业逐渐发展到商业化管理阶段。实证研究表明,国有部门的商业化能显著改善国有企业的效率。属地化前,我国机场经营效率普遍不佳的深层次原因是在非商业化管理体制下的管理者没有效率改善的动机。为了提高效率,推进管制和产权改革,我国国有机场的管理形式必须从事业型的公共管理逐渐向商业定位的市场化管理转变。实行商业化需要改善机场经营环境,建立和完善机场的公司治理结构。  相似文献   

This study uses the Malmquist bootstrapped methodology to assess the extent of productivity, efficiency, scale and technological changes at the major Australian airports. The analysis focuses on the post-privatisation period of Australian airports, using panel data on three outputs and three inputs. Results show that most Australian airports have experienced significant total factor productivity increase between 2002 and 2007, while few airports have recorded productivity and efficiency decline over the same period. Using a bootstrapped second-stage regression, the results also highlight the direct impact of environmental factors such as market share and airport hub on the productivity variations between airports. Other potentially affecting factors are: privatisation, oil price increase and price regulation.  相似文献   

Knowing the United Airlines: In 1986, United Airlines entered into China Mainland and opened flights from Beijing and Shanghai to San Francisco and Chicago respectively. The amount of schedules flights is the most among all airlines. At present, United Airlines provides the most non-stop direct flights between the U. S. and China. There are 28 direct flights from Beijing and Shanghai to San Francisco and Chicago every week.  相似文献   

In Germany federal states are frequently both owners and regulators of commercial airports. This article argues that in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, the supervision over fees should be handed over to an independent central agency. In addition, the liberalisation of the market for ground handling services should be continued. At large airports with sufficient capacity, additional independent service providers should be licensed to provide services.  相似文献   

The footloose nature of transfer passengers in the turbulent air transport market landscape has necessitated the need to assess service marketing constructs relevant for airport competitiveness. The current cross-sectional study examined (1) the influence of transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff helpfulness and communication (H&C) on their behavioral loyalty, (2) the mediating roles of passenger affective image and satisfaction, and (3) the interaction effects of passenger types (trip purpose & travel frequency) and airport in the direct and indirect airport staff H&C – behavioral loyalty relation. Post-hoc analysis of transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff H&C across airports and passenger types was performed. Data was collected from three international airports in China (N = 829). Findings revealed that perceived airport staff H&C has significant positive associations with the three behavioral loyalty variables, and indicated further that these associations are partly explainable via passengers’ affective image and satisfaction. Also, the perceived airport staff H&C’s direct and indirect relations with behavioral loyalty variables are sensitive to passenger types but not airports. Expectedly, the post-hoc analysis showed that transfer passengers’ perceived airport staff H&C is significantly different across passenger types but not airports. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations and directions for future studies have been discussed.  相似文献   

Company Name: Jiaxing Zhongwan Import&Export Co., Ltd
Company Profile: Jiaxing Zhongwan Import&Export Co. Ltd. is located in Jiaxing City which is the center city of the most prosperous and dynamic Economic Circle in China-Yangtze River Delta. It cannot be ignored about highly convenient transportation system of Jiaxing City. You can go everywhere in China through the highway and three big airports around Jiaxing enable you to fly all over the world.  相似文献   

中国百强连锁企业区域分布与区域扩张战略的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对百强连锁企业总部和店铺布局的考察,对中国连锁企业的跨区域扩张战略进行了初步研究。研究结果表明:中国连锁企业跨区域扩张正处于初级阶段,长三角、珠三角和环渤海地区是连锁企业及其店铺分布最密集的地区;连锁企业市场选择主要考虑城市市场环境、城市市场竞争和人力资源可获性、城市区位条件,以及城市市场的消费能力等因素;企业在跨区域扩张时主要采取由近及远、密集布局、逐步推进与重点进入、点面结合的店铺布局战略。  相似文献   

The government plans to open 48 new airports over the next five years as it sharply boosts investment in air travel amid surging passenger traffic.  相似文献   

The essential issue here is does the trans-Pacific market need a hub at Vancouver, and if so, can Vancouver position itself to meet that need. Critical to arriving at an appropriate answer will be understanding the changing trans-Pacific market, the applicable regulatory environments, the airlines in the market, and the competing hub airports. Although Vancouver's location and its history place it in a favorable position, success is far from a foregone conclusion. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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