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<正>将中国传统文化的哲学思维与西方的管理科学化的企业文化理念有机结合,并应用在企业管理中,这是企业文化的中国化20世纪70年代末,突然崛起的日本经济,对美国乃至西欧的经济巨头地位构成了挑战,同时也引起了各国经济学家和企业家们的思索。尤其是美国企业家们在一夜之间发现日本在某些方面已超越自己,在惊讶之余,他们对日本企业进行了细致的研究,结果发现日本与欧洲传统企业的管理模式存在着显著的不  相似文献   

在这世纪之交,回顾企业文化的历程和展望其发展趋势是很有必要的。 回顾   20世纪 70年代末、 80年代初,二战中战败、经济崩溃的弹丸岛国--日本,却在其经济发展速度上超过了世界头号强国--美国。于是,美国许多专家、学者多次到日本考察,探究日本经济产生奇迹之因。原来,是企业文化推动其经济迅速增长。他们从日本企业文化典型经验中总结出了企业文化理论,美国成为企业文化理论的发源地。有人说,企业文化之“茎”长在日本,其“花”开在美国,其“果”结在未来-- 21世纪,而其“根”却植于中国。日本企业文化与我国优秀的儒、道、兵法等传统文化有着血缘联系,我国的《鞍钢宪法》、“大庆精神”等也为日本企业文化所借鉴。美国《公司文化》一书中提到:“在公司文化中,日复一日的生活都围绕着数不尽的、一再重复的一些规矩在旋转,这些规矩没有形成文字,却又为人所共知”。这和孔子的“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之” (上至一个国家,下至任何一个单位、群体,如施行德政,就会像北极星一样,使全体成员自觉地团结在你的周围。 )的含义多么类似。被誉为“ 21世纪管理大典”的学习型组织理论与我国优秀传统文化有着至深的渊源和高度相通之处:两者均高扬主...  相似文献   

21世纪中国管理模式的轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习型组织是90年代以来,在管理理论和实践中发展起来的一种全新的、被认为是新世纪管理新模式的理念。美国麻省职工学院斯隆管理学院教授彼得圣吉因提出“学习型组织”而被美国《商业周刊》誉为“当代最杰出的新管理大师之一”。通过对学习型组织和中国传统文化的深入分析,我们发现,学习型组织的理念与中国传统文化有着至深的渊源和高度相通之处。正如圣吉自己在《第五项修炼》的中文版序中所指出:“就我的了解,中国传统文化的演进途径与西方文化的演进途径略有不同。你们的传统文化中,仍然保留了那些以生命一体的观念来了解万事万物运行…  相似文献   

自从有了企业,就已有了各种各样的企业人事考核。在市场经济最为发达的美国,企业人事考核制度得到了较为充分的发展。日本多数企业现今所实行的人事考评制度,是在美国的人事考核的基础上不断改进后形成的。台湾的现代企业管理是中国大陆现代企业管理的先驱,台湾作为与美国和日本文化关系都比较密切的市场经济社会,它在企业管理中较早地引入了美国和日本的人事考核制度,并使之中国化。目前中国大陆流行的人事考核制度基本上是原先在计划经济体制下采用的传统制度与从美国、日本、台湾传入的现代制度的融合。  相似文献   

创建具有中国特色的企业文化刘英贤企业文化兴起于美国,而日本企业则是成功的典范。多少年来,欧美的企业一直面临着日本企业的挑战,其卓越成就震惊了美国。日裔美人威廉·大内经过对比研究,于1979年提出了“I理论”,指出:日本的传统文化、风尚和价值观念,对其...  相似文献   

荣事达集团的“和商”理念使中国传统的经商管理理念与现代市场经济体制相结合的产物;在美国多文化环境的背景下3M公司的“热情奉献”即协作精神与之结合形成3M公司特有的人力资源管理理念,在新趋势下,中国企业与美国企业将如何进行人力资源管理。  相似文献   

“和”的观念、集体主义思想和武士道精神是日本传统文化的精髓,这些文化对日本青少年道德教育产生了积极的影响,但是随着时代的发展,日本传统文化存在的不良思想以及西方文化与日本传统思想的碰撞成为了导致青少年道德危机现象产生的元凶。本文在对日本社会中青少年的道德问题作出概述的基础上,通过分析“和”的观念与“学业荒废”的关系、“集体主义”思想与“欺辱”的关系以及“武士道精神”的负面影响对日本传统文化对日本青少年道德教育的消极影响进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

王敏 《企业文化》2002,(2):27-28
日本现代企业文化是一种“合金文化”,是中国的古代兵家思想与美国的绝对利润原则相结合的产物,而其中《孙子兵法》成为日本企业家经营管理的一大法宝。  相似文献   

日本前首相大平正芳曾明确地说,日本的经济起飞和辉煌成就,是依靠“人的头脑、进取心、纪律性和不屈不挠的精神这些无形的资源发展起来的。”据美国的抽样调查,受教育程度与社会劳动生产率提高的百分比是:小学43%,中学108%,大学300%。美国管理学者认为,美国最佳公司成功的经验,其关键的关键是“公司文化”或“企业文化”,即一个企业或一家公司里独  相似文献   

御手洗的成功,除了模仿美国企业外,撷取日本企业及传统商业文化之所长也是佳能得以顺利转型的关键。《财富》杂志如此形容御手洗:“他打造出一种混成的管理风格,既拥抱美式对利润的追求,也强调传统日本企业价值。”  相似文献   

This paper investigates national and organizational cultural influences among managers in three types of companies: Japanese companies in Japan, South Asian domestic companies and Japanese subsidiaries/joint ventures in South Asia. The findings suggest that a Japanese parent company's culture tends to have a much stronger influence with Japanese companies operating in Japan. Japanese parent company culture tends to have less influence than the South Asian national culture in shaping the HRM styles and practices in Japanese subsidiaries/joint ventures operating in South Asia. While some South Asian firms are in the initial stages of learning about participative HRM from foreign companies, most still tend to maintain their national culture and traditional ways in the operating systems of their organizations.  相似文献   

While there is now considerable scholarship concerning Japanese management practices in their overseas production operations in Europe and North America, little is known about Japanese investment in other parts of the world, especially in Asia. This paper draws on on-going research into the nature and operations of Japanese manufacturing investments in China. The paper focuses on interviews primarily with Chinese managers in twenty plants in three locations within China, to examine their personnel polices and practices, and draw from this their overall industrial relations strategies. The main findings were, first, that, despite claims of cultural similarity between China and Japan, personnel management practices were generally not transferred from Japan to the plants in China. Second, practices that may appear as Japanese inspired were often informed by local practices. Third, there was diversity in the forms of practices used, indicating neither sophistication nor a singular recipe of management methods. Thus, the paper seeks to challenge proponents of Japanization who claim, essentially, that Japanese management techniques are predicated on the construction of particular forms of social relations around work that allow sophisticated, and integrated, production-management systems to function. Instead, depending on a complex interrelation between location industry and the history of each plant, managers sought to use various local and 'universal' (generic to capitalism) strategies and practices to control and utilize labour.  相似文献   

There is a growing acknowledgement by scholars both within and outside Japan that traditional patterns of human resource management are now under structural pressures to change. The author, from a labour economics perspective, examines the dimensional shifts that are now occurring in the Japanese labour market, both empirically and in the context of Weitzman's model of the share economy. She concludes that, in HRM terms, the current situation exhibits a combination of responses to change that are characterized by both innovative and traditional practices.  相似文献   

宗红宝 《价值工程》2014,(36):148-149
近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,大量外企进驻中国,它们以"合作方"的身份大量收购我国民营企业,由于我国民营企业的家族式管理的滞后性导致我国民营企业成为了外企的"代言人"。所以本文基于中国传统文化的视角,深入剖析传统文化对民企的管理模式、管理战略、执行力度的影响,由此展开中国传统文化对中国民营企业管理的作用机制研究,使得民营企业能正确认识我国的传统文化的同时,将一些符合其企业环境的文化应用到企业内部管理中,让民企成为我国文化的"代言人"。  相似文献   

Corporate governance practices are arguably diffusing across the world. This paper examines the adoption of the committee‐based governance system (i.e. audit, nomination, and remuneration) in Japanese firms, a practice common in Anglo‐American capitalism but potentially contestable in Japan. The study finds that firms that are internationally exposed through cross listing are more likely to adopt the committee system. Moreover, more experienced and highly cross‐held firms, with larger proportions of foreign ownership, are more likely to adopt the committee system. On the other hand our study finds partial support for the hypothesis that larger proportions of bank ownership are negatively associated with the adoption of the committee system, suggesting a gradual withdrawal by banks from the traditional monitoring of firms. This paper adds to the longstanding debate on the convergence on or persistent divergence from the Anglo‐American corporate governance system. The study thus provides insights into corporate governance changes in non‐Anglo/American countries that face a struggle between global capital market forces for change and deep‐seated institutional practices of continuity.  相似文献   

As Japan has achieved a stable economic growth, Japan and Japanese companies are currently receiving world-wide attention. In this article some characteristics of Japanese manufacturing methods and production management are introduced, including flexible automation, group technology, the Toyota production system, the QC circle, lifetime employment, and product development. In addition, some financial aspects of Japanese companies and the government-industry relationship in Japan are also considered.  相似文献   

李沫 《企业活力》2012,(4):54-58
威廉.大内的"Z理论"是一本研究美日管理差异的经典之作。在这本著作出版后的三十年管理实践和理论发展后,今天再看Z理论可以发现其中的诸多缺陷。但是Z理论中所采用的比较管理学的研究方法和研究路径对构建中国管理模式具有重大的启示作用。  相似文献   

This study uses the theoretical frameworks of institutional theory and comparative capitalism to demonstrate how cross‐cultural differences in national institutional frameworks are related to differences in the meaning and the nature of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and, as a result, how they create different incentives and opportunities for companies to engage in stakeholder management activities. More specifically, we draw upon the framework of “explicit” and “implicit” CSRs to investigate whether and how stakeholder management practices and programs differ between the United States and Japan. We first develop and validate a Stakeholder Engagement Activities (SEAs) scale, designed assess differences in the approach (explicit or implicit) that companies use to address a variety of common SEAs. Then we analyze data and present the results of surveys collected from 227 companies in the United States and Japan. We find that although the SEAs of American companies are characterized by strong “explicit CSR,” in contrast, the SEAs of Japanese companies exhibit strong “implicit CSR.” In the discussion that follows, we attribute these distinctions in the SEAs to differences in the configuration of political, economic, and market mechanisms in each country. The findings of this study contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the differences in prevailing CSR practices of American and Japanese companies than noted by previous researchers. From a practitioner's perspective, the findings of this study reveal that despite the global nature of CSR, stakeholder management practices are both interpreted and operationalized differently due to differences in national institutional frameworks.  相似文献   

Within a short time, China, Japan, and Korea have produced worldwide leading multinational enterprises (MNEs). As they expand globally, these companies face major challenges in global talent management (GTM). This article provides a comparative analysis of the major GTM challenges MNEs from these countries experience and the underlying reasons thereof. Our comparative overview reveals similarities in ethnocentric staffing, traditional headquarters-driven organizational cultures, and home-country language policies. While there are striking differences in performance appraisal, reward and compensation, and promotion and career advancement, these GTM practices of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean MNEs are converging to Western style global best practices, though at different levels. Building on and enriching the convergence debate and the distance literature, we identify organizational and country characteristics that help better understand the reasons for these similarities and differences.  相似文献   

This study examines a possible national culture difference in the moderating effect of leader–member exchange (LMX) on the relationship between person–organization (P–O) fit and work attitudes, including job satisfaction and organizational commitment, in Japan and Korea. Specifically, we use trait activation theory as a lens to explain the complementarities between P–O fit and LMX that may exert an influence on employees' work attitudes. We hypothesize that from the cross-cultural management perspective, such complementary effects would work in Japan where organizations encourage more decentralization and empowerment than those in Korea, which may enable supervisors in Japanese organizations to provide unambiguous reward expectancies for their immediate subordinates. Using samples of 138 Japanese and 144 Korean employees working for privately owned firms in Japan and Korea, we demonstrate that a significant three-way interaction of employees' P–O fit, LMX and a national culture difference (i.e. nationality) influences their work attitudes. Specifically, LMX moderated the positive relationships between P–O fit and both job satisfaction and organizational commitment for Japanese employees, tending to weaken them. For Korean employees, however, no such interactions were observed. The findings are used to discuss the applicability and generalizability of trait activation theory in East Asian cultures. In addition, suggestions are made regarding the discussion of HRM practices from a cross-vergence perspective. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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