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Abstract . Recent, essentially mathematical, studies of the rate of diffusion of innovation have gone far towards providing a methodology of quantitative prediction once an innovation is well under way. For many purposes, however, possibilities must be assessed and decisions taken at a much earlier stage. This is not easy and the author feels that in concentrating attention on the fully quantifiable factors we are tending to neglect other equally important factors which do not lend themselves to quantification.
In this paper* the major determinants of rate of diffusion are discussed qualitatively in relation to a number of case studies of textile innovations made at the Shirley Institute.  相似文献   

区域科技基础条件平台的构建,可以更好的发挥公共科技服务在区域自主创新和科技进步中的作用,有利于减少科技资源布局分散和重复建设等问题,将为区域主导产业的发展起到极大的促进作用,可以确保产业在全国同行业中处于领先地位。本文在解析了区域科技基础条件平台建设影响因素的基础上,分析区域科技基础条件平台构建的目标任务和重点工作内容,并探讨相关的保障措施。  相似文献   

科技创新是企业的生存之本、力量之源。党中央、国务院《关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》,以及《关于加强技术创新、发展高科技、实现产业化的决定》为各企业的科技创新指明了方向。一、风险投资的特点及对科技创新的重要作用为了使知识有效地转化为高新技术,并使高新技术有效地实现产业化,需要建立一个有效地动员和集中风险资本,促进知识向高新技术转化、加速高新技术成果商品化、市场化、产业化进程的风险投资机制。风险投资是科技创新工作中非常重要的环节,是企业利益的直接创造者。1.风险投资及其特点美国风险投资协会将风…  相似文献   

前言 衡钢正处在二次创业和向世界一流钢管企业迈进的关键时期.随着世界经济一体化和国内外市场竞争白热化.大家都在抢占有限的资源和市场。制定和执行先进的技术标准.实施品种结构调整和科技研发创新应作为我们当前和今后长期必须坚持的战略方针和目标.我们务必高瞻远瞩,同时又必须脚踏实地.实现衡钢跨越式发展。  相似文献   

对河北省科技发展水平、创新基地与平台建设等问题进行了比较、分析和评价,从理论和实际操作上提出了加快基地与平台建设的思路与路径。阐述了科技创新平台作为实现科技基础条件优化与重整的有效载体,是聚集、集中有限资源,建设创新型国家,促进国民经济又好又快发展的基本途径;通过基地、平台和项目建设的有机结合,使优势产业不断壮大,实现又好又快,可持续发展;以创新基地与平台建设为切入点,推进京津冀区域合作向纵深发展,加速京津冀经济、科技一体化进程等观点。  相似文献   

基于中国东部、中部、西部以及全国2007~2016年高技术产业的省级面板数据,以科技经费投入和技术人力投入作为投入指标,以专利数量和新产品的产值作为产出指标,首先使用DEA方法计算了不同地区高技术产业的创新效率。以企业自主创新投入、政府支持、科技信贷和风投支持作为科技金融指标,使用面板模型实证分析了科技金融对于高技术产业创新效率的影响。结果表明,考察期内,中国不同地区高技术产业的创新效率均有所提升;科技金融的发展在一定程度上提升了高技术产业的创新效率,但是外商直接投资对于创新效率产生了一定的抑制作用。最后针对本文结论提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

目前,生态产业科技创新供需及服务主体失衡,已经成为制约我国生态产业发展和农民增收的结构性瓶颈.造成生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体失衡的原因,主要来自由传统的“城市——政府”单一中心治理模式引发的3个“短板效应”:短板效应Ⅰ——生态产业科技创新及服务供给主体科研考核标准机械化;短板效应Ⅱ——生态产业科技创新及服务需求主体分散化;短板效应Ⅲ——生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体耦合机制低效化.要从根本上解决生态产业科技创新及服务供需失衡的问题,应该在生态文明社会内涵的主导下,在制度层面上完备生态产业科技创新及服务供给主体激励机制、优化生态产业科技创新及服务需求主体结构和健全生态产业科技创新及服务供需主体耦合机制,进而建构生态产业科技创新及服务多中心治理体制.  相似文献   

Technology is frequently considered in terms of its impact on entities outside its essential nature: as the impact of technology on the environment and society, but also the impact of human values and needs on technology. By taking particular social implications of technology into account, the Science–Technology relationship can be extended to the field of Science, Technology and Society (STS) studies. STS studies are grounded in socio-technological understanding, that is, systematic knowledge of the mutual relationship between technical objects, the natural environment and social practice. Because technology is a key element of STS, it is expected that the philosophy of technology will have implications for STS studies. The dynamic nature of technology as such leaves its own philosophy in a tentative or flexible state. However, the implications of the philosophy of technology, being in a development phase at the moment with changes in emphasis occuring, for STS studies ought to be determined continuously. The aim of the article is to identify and discuss possible implications of the the philosophy of technology for STS. In order to deduce these implications, the relevant theoretical framework underpinning the article will be discussed in broad outlines. Seeing that the philosophy of technology is such a wide field a delineation of the field needs to be done. Mitcham’s proposed preliminary framework is taken as point of departure for the article. Technology as knowledge (epistemology/theory of knowledge) and technology as activity (design methodology) will be discussed as two key aspects of the modern philosophy of technology which could provide implications for STS. A theory of knowledge usually includes methodology, but seeing that Mitcham classified methodology as one of the modes in which technology is manifested, it is dealt with separately. The epistemology and methodology of technology will each be discussed from a philosophical, historical and practice-based methodological perspective. Some implications of the philosophy for STS are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

中江利通印刷机械有限公司是由原四川省国营中江机械厂改制而成的一个股份制企业。企业始建于1958年,在机械设计和制造方面具有四十多年的历史。上世纪90年代以来,公司依靠科技进步,不断开拓创新,狠抓新产品开发和技术改造,使企业得到了飞速发展,成为一个集“科、工、贸”于一体的知名企业,技术力量雄  相似文献   

科技创新是经济发展、社会进步的动力源泉,坚定发展自主创新是我国上市公司提高核心竞争能力的必由之路。本文以科学地评价科技投入对我国上市公司绩效的贡献度为核心研究内容,遴选了 R&D 科技投入和其它科技投入及其派生指标作为科技投入的表征变量,遴选了产品销售收入、净利润、净资产收益率、每股收益率及其增长率作为公司绩效的表征变量,并通过相关分析和回归分析展开了实证分析。实证分析的结论表明,科技投入和我国上市公司绩效之间存在一定的关联,但影响作用并不明显。针对这一实际问题,本文给出了相应的政策建议,以期让科技投入更好地促进上市公司绩效的提升。  相似文献   

This article reports on one outcome from a three-year study with pre-service primary teachers at Goldsmiths' College, University of London. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of participants' prior educational experience and beliefs about the relationship between design & technology (D&T) and science on their lesson planning for these subjects during school placements. Data from the study support a three-domain model of pre-service teachers' thinking and action. When operating within the pragmatic domain, participants are primarily concerned with survival in the classroom, resulting in short-term planning which may contradict their epistemological and curricular beliefs. In the pedagogical domain, the focus shifts from the pre-service teacher themselves and their immediate survival to the learning potential of the activities they plan. There is evidence that some participants have progressed to operating within a philosophical domain, leading to clasroom practice which reflects and re-conceptualises pre-service teachers' core beliefs about the nature of, and relationship between, D&T and science. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

现代科技在纺织品上的应用——银纤维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍银纤维的种类及制备,论述银纤维的特性:除臭、抗菌、调节体温、抗静电、防电磁波辐射等功能特征,最后对国内外银纤维的研究进展及银纤维纺织品的开发应用进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

中国的创新战略激励着中国企业作为创新主体登上新一轮创新舞台,纷纷投入创新的热潮。企业也在以各种方式开拓自己的创新之路时,但却有许多外国的业界人士不断地提出质疑。电子产  相似文献   

研发创新是科技型中小企业的生存根基和发展动力源泉。如何利用有限的资金完成必要的研发创新任务,是科技型中小企业能否健康发展的关键。在当前的金融支付体系下,网络金融支付方式以其方便迅捷的服务、无纸化的订单管理、延迟支付、送货上门等特点,已经得到了很多中小企业的青睐。本文以金融支付的可用度、便捷度、安全度、可信度、服务度等为指标,构建了它们和支付采纳之间的结构方程。实证分析的结果表明,本文选取的各项指标都是决定科技型中小企业是否选择网络金融支付的关键。进而,本文给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

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