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时代车轮碾过的历史篇章中不缺乏女性地位崛起的痕迹。自改革开放以来,中国女性的进步与发展有目共睹,政治、经济、文化、社会各个领域都能看到当下中国女性的杰出表现。“她意识”高度觉醒、“她经济”赚足眼球、“她时代”已经到来。女性完成了从被忽视到被关注的华丽转型,诸如“女性压力指数研究”、“女性幸福指数研究”、“女性领导力研究”等研究相继而出,映射出女性日益被关注的社会趋势。  相似文献   

抢滩房地产市场的业外巨头们个个财大气粗,也身经百战,抬抬腿就能跨过进入门槛。之所以说那些业外巨头是猛虎,一是挟巨资,二是起点高,三是后劲足。虽然是单个行动,但却由于是在差不多同一时期下山,就形成了一道势,一道强势。  相似文献   

冯叶 《光彩》2012,(10):47-47
随着棉价高企,很多以出口为主的服装加工企业不得不承接国内订单以维持生计受国家政策的保护,我国棉花的价格远远高于国际市场价格,这让我国纺织及服装企业面临着高原料成本与持续上涨的人工成本双重压力,在全球竞争中处于不利地位。有分析认为,由此造成的纺织、服装行业亏损面恐将不断扩大,棉花市场与纺织、服装业陷入了相互牵连的围城之中。  相似文献   

汪慧 《品牌》2013,(8):44-51
位于兰州市七里河区瓜州路东口的“百合源”精品土特产是一家靠卖兰州百合等土特产为主的经营店,之于整个市场对百合的需求,它如同其他的百合售卖单位一样,既具有独立性又具有普遍存在性,如果追问这些特产(百合)的来源,最终,你会把源头追溯到百合种植所在地兰州市七里河区南部背阴的二阴山坡地区。  相似文献   

中国航油新加坡股份有限公司,从20万美元起家,历经数载,由小到大山弱到强,发展到事发前的几十亿元资产,这是事实,自古以来,成王败寇“中航油事件”爆发后,陈久霖从“打工皇帝”的颠峰一夜之间液沦为“千古罪人”。作为一名“职业经理人”,他是要为次豪赌负责,逝者已逝,以昭来者。正如他所言,“纵有知知罪,我心坦然对,竭忠为大众,失误当自悔。”留给后人的是无尽的思考。我们就相关问题,有幸采访了中国管理学院教授。知本经营管理专家艾强博上。  相似文献   

如果将外资品牌和本土品牌的典型市场操作手法加以比较,这其中的不同在某种程度上,注定了城市市场与乡镇市场操作的不可调和性。中国的底层市场,是分销的围城。  相似文献   

2010年2月8日,深圳天虹商场股份有限公司上市申请获中国证监会发审委的批准。如无意外,将在5月份左右登陆资本市场。据悉,该公司拟将发行5010万股,募集资金10.56亿元。  相似文献   

低价竞争对于很多企业来说,是一个围城,是一个坚圈。正如许多市场竞争的结局一样:打价格战找死,不打价格战等死。这些年来,各行业的竞争愈来愈激烈,大打价格战,使得中小企业的存活环境恶劣。在激烈的竞争中,品牌企业在竞争中具有得天独厚的优势和较强的竞争力,往往会在夹缝中赢得发展空间,继续展开腾飞的翅膀。  相似文献   

刘洋 《商》2014,(40):197-197
心智空间和概念整合理论作为认知语言学的重要概念之一,对文学作品中的幽默和讽刺语言的分析具有重要指导意义。本文首先简要介绍《围城》中讽刺语和幽默语使用的大体情况,然后介绍“概念合成”理论,并运用该理论分析《围城》中幽默语和讽刺语。  相似文献   

电子商务在中国已经蓬勃发展了十余年,如今却面临着一系列发展瓶颈与难题,其中以柠檬效应问题最为突出。电子商务下的柠檬效应是对阿克尔洛夫经典传统市场柠檬效应的延伸。两者在产生原因、影响范围等方面存在着区别和联系。本文以2011年10月发生的"淘宝围城"事件为线索,通过对淘宝新规和事件始末的分析,进一步了解柠檬效应对电子商务的影响和效应产生的内在机理,以及提出相应的较为合理的规避方法,进而突破电子商务发展瓶颈,使电子商务行业更好更快的发展。  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯境内的麦加城是伊斯兰教最重要的圣城。相传公元610年先知穆罕默在城郊希拉山洞受到安拉的启示,在此开始传播伊斯兰教。公元630年,穆罕默德攻克玫加并清除克尔白神殿中的偶像后,遂成为全世界穆斯林朝觐瞻仰的圣地。按照伊斯兰教教义的规定,对于任何身体和经济善允许的信秆来说,一生至少应去圣城麦加朝觐一次。这是伊斯兰教  相似文献   

This study provides an understanding of the underlying processes and attitudes toward advertising while watching in TV and YouTube. We intend to contribute to better understand what could lead senior consumers to avoid advertising. The aims are to (i) analyze the relationship between drivers to ad avoidance among senior viewers and (ii) compare the perceptions about those drivers between TV advertising and YouTube advertising among senior viewers. A sample of 214 senior viewers provided data to test the hypotheses. Findings reveal that irritation seems to be the crucial factor that lead consumers to avoid whacking advertising. A negative attitude toward advertising and skepticism do not mediate the effect between advertising irritation and avoidance. The article also provides managerial implications and suggestions to further research.  相似文献   

现在产业界和学术界都有一股强音,要求政府采购强制买国贷,嫌政府采购法第十条关于政府采购应当采购国货的条款不够具体,不够严格。还有人建议加紧制定买国货专门法规,把政府采购和自主创新挂钩。  相似文献   

This article explores how perceived disempowerment impacts the intention to adopt smart autonomous products. Empirically, the paper builds on three studies to show this impact. Study 1 explores the relevance of the perceived disempowerment in respect of smart autonomous products. Study 2 manipulates autonomy of smart products and finds that perceived disempowerment mediates the link between smart products’ autonomy and adoption intention. Study 3 indicates that an intervention design―that is, a product design that allows consumers to intervene in the actions of an autonomous smart product―can reduce their perceived disempowerment in respect of autonomous smart products. Further, Study 3 reveals that personal innovativeness moderates the role that an intervention design plays in product adoption: an intervention design shows a positive effect on adoption intention for individuals with low personal innovativeness, but for those with high personal innovativeness no effect of an intervention design is present on adoption intention. The authors suggest that managers consider consumers’ perceived disempowerment when designing autonomous smart products, because (1) perceived disempowerment reduces adoption and (2) when targeted at consumers with low personal innovativeness, an intervention design reduces their perceived disempowerment.  相似文献   

本文对本刊2000年第2期发表的《再论“外贸民营化”》一文提出了不同的观点。本文认为,“民营化”是一个不规范的用语;“民营化”的实质就是私有化;我国外贸体制改革同整个经济体制改革一样,不能以“民营化”作为改革的方向。  相似文献   

This article attempts to understand and develop the morality of everyday activities in organizations. Aristotle’s concept of phronesis, practical wisdom, is utilized to describe the morality of the everyday work activities at two call centres of an Australian insurance company. The ethnographic data suggests that ethical judgements at the lower level of the organization are practical rather than theoretical; emergent rather than static; ambiguous rather than clear-cut; and particular rather than universal. Ethical codes are of limited value here and it is argued that by developing phronesis members of the organization can improve their capacity to deal with this ethical complexity.  相似文献   


This study draws on two prominent theoretical frameworks, transaction cost analysis and social exchange, which serve as the basis for much of the empirical literature in relationship marketing to investigate the investment behavior of industrial buyers. Specifically, we examine the manner by which situational and contextual factors identified from those frameworks influence buyers' commitment of dedicated investments to support new transactions within ongoing exchange relationships. Our empirical results show that buyer dedicated investments are positively influenced by the extent of supplier dedicated investments, thus supporting the safeguarding rationale posed by transaction cost theory and the reciprocal nature of commitments derived from social exchange theory. Such investments are also positively influenced by the extent of past adaptations made within the pre-existing relationship, consistent with the generalized hostage explanation from the transaction cost literature and theories of the incremental development of relationships. These investments are also positively influenced by the size of the procurement but negatively influenced when a multisourcing purchasing strategy is being pursued, which are consistent with means to manage dependency. It was also found that buyer investments are not uniformly influenced by perceived environmental uncertainty related to supply and market sectors and technological conditions, suggesting that buyers respond to the risks associated with each of these environmental sectors in a distinctive manner.  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have investigated the compromise effect, according to which a middle option of a consideration set is assumed to be perceived more attractive by consumers, thus becoming more likely to be chosen than the extreme options. However, a closer examination of the experimental designs that were used in previous studies on compromise effects clearly reveals a lack of realism in terms of forced choices between fictitious options in hypothetical choice settings of student samples. This article reports two consecutively implemented studies demonstrating that the compromise effect is robust even in an enhanced design that incorporates basic conditions of real purchase decisions in laboratory‐based experiments. Specifically, the relative share of the middle option increases significantly in an overall analysis when experienced consumers make unforced decisions between real brands in a binding choice context. However, segmented analysis indicates substantial differences, meaning that (1) the compromise effect is strong and significant among quality‐seeking consumers, whereas (2) the compromise effect is weak and insignificant among price‐conscious subjects.  相似文献   

The article addresses the issue of whether EU consumer law and national implementing laws require the distinction between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) relationships. The Polish experiences with the implementation of the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive supply this well-known discussion with new arguments. In Poland, the near copy–paste implementation of this directive was done in nearly timely fashion. The outcome, however, is far from being nearly unproblematic, as the new act is disconnected from the old system in a simplistic way. Subsequently, the institutional choice for enforcement creates both an inconsistency with EU law and enforcement deficiencies that undermine the directive's policy aimed at achieving a high level of consumer protection. Notwithstanding the imperfect Polish law-making and law enforcement, a success story may have been unlikely in any event. While in its inception it was announced as a consumer law instrument, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive operates in a field dominated by competitors. Therefore, the correct transposition of this peculiar directive into national law, as well as its application, was and still is a challenging task. It is questionable if it is feasible at all. Ultimately, the tangible incoherencies and the existing desynchronization of protection against unfair commercial practices, both at the EU and national level, raise fundamental questions not only about the necessity of separate B2C and B2B regulations but also about the interplay between the laws of the EU and the Member States, in particular the new Member States, and about the way they mutually affect and interfere with each other.  相似文献   

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