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文章基于社会信息加工理论,从领导有效性和下属工作态度两个角度探索非工作时间电子沟通在工作领域的有效性及其影响机制。使用日志法追踪员工10个工作日获取613份有效观测值,数据分析发现:非工作时间电子沟通的情感基调维度通过任务不合规性感知积极影响领导有效性评价和员工总体工作态度;而所需时间维度通过任务不合规性感知对领导有效性评价和员工总体工作态度均有消极影响,工作—家庭细分偏好加强了非工作时间电子沟通与任务不合规性感知之间的关系。研究还讨论了理论和实际意义以及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

针对目前对企业现场领导行为研究较少这一现象,以国有企业为研究对象,运用PM领导行为理论对企业现场领导行为进行分类,并用因子分析法得出影响各领导行为有效性的主要情景因素。研究发现目标企业现场领导行为水平不高,影响企业现场领导行为有效性的主要因素是团队精神、信息沟通、会议成效等。  相似文献   

目前国内很少有关注高政治氛围的国有企业中领导政治技能与领导有效性二者的关系以及下属迎合调节的影响作用的相关研究。在建立国有企业领导政治技能对领导有效性关系模型的基础上,文章假设国有企业领导政治技能会对领导有效性产生正向影响,下属迎合的调节作用使得这种正向影响变得更大。通过对在陕西省内27家国有企业中的463名国企员工的分析发现:其中政治技能所包含的人际敏锐、表现真诚与领导有效性呈正相关,但是领导处事圆通与领导有效性呈负相关,领导关系经营和领导面子和谐不同程度影响领导有效性。文章证明了国有企业领导高水平政治技能不能完全预示高的领导有效性,但同时也肯定了政治技能的作用;另外证实了下属迎合行为对二者的正向调节作用十分显著。  相似文献   

Several leadership and ethics scholars suggest that the transformational leadership process is predicated on a divergent set of ethical values compared to transactional leadership. Theoretical accounts declare that deontological ethics should be associated with transformational leadership while transactional leadership is likely related to teleological ethics. However, very little empirical research supports these claims. Furthermore, despite calls for increasing attention as to how leaders influence their followers’ perceptions of the importance of ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) for organizational effectiveness, no empirical study to date has assessed the comparative impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles on follower CSR attitudes. Data from 122 organizational leaders and 458 of their followers indicated that leader deontological ethical values (altruism, universal rights, Kantian principles, etc.) were strongly associated with follower ratings of transformational leadership, while leader teleological ethical values (utilitarianism) were related to follower ratings of transactional leadership. As predicted, only transformational leadership was associated with follower beliefs in the stakeholder view of CSR. Implications for the study and practice of ethical leadership, future research directions, and management education are discussed.  相似文献   


This study focuses on a possible mediation by communication in the identification-organizational performance and identification-corporate reputation relationships. The review of the literature indicates that (a) companies with good reputations have better performances, (b) the stronger employee identification is, the better the reputation and performance, and (c) communication plays an important role in emphasizing the mode in which the organization presents itself to its stockholders. This study reveals that communication is a partial mediator in the relationships studied, suggesting that managers early on establish the form of communication, emphasize to a greater degree managerial communication, and not concentrate all their attention on marketing communication. The study involved 1,025 employees in various organizations and applied modeling of structural equations and the method proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986 Baron , R. M. , and Kenny , D. A. ( 1986 ). “The Moderato-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Vol. 51 , No. 6 , pp. 117382 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to evaluate the mediation between the variables.  相似文献   

Purpose: Purchasing orientation (greater efficiency, use of information and communication technologies; ICT) is becoming an underlying part of company strategy in an increasing number of business organizations. Transformational leadership by purchasing managers is also emerging as a tool to generate more intense and effective use of ICT and as a means of enhancing performance. The present research pursues 2 goals: firstly to explore how the strategic nature of the purchasing function and transformational leadership of purchasing managers impacts ICT use intensity and purchase efficiency, and secondly to pinpoint how the use of ICT affects purchase performance.

Methodology/approach: The empirical work is based on an analysis of the information provided by a sample of 130 Spanish firms. Empirical verification of the proposed model was carried out through partial least squares analysis.

Findings: Findings show that the strategic importance which management attaches to the purchasing function impacts the intensive use of ICT. However, the transformational leadership exercised by purchasing managers proves relevant in achieving greater cost efficiency and coordination with suppliers.

Research implications: This work has sought to merge as determinants of efficiency both strategic aspects of the purchasing function in the firm as well as managerial aspects of said function (manager’s transformational leadership and the use of ICT). This research breaks new ground by empirically comparing the relationship between the strategic nature of the purchasing function in a firm and intensity of ICT use, a relation which has been the subject of very little inquiry and for which the mediating role of ICT in the link between strategic orientation and purchase performance is brought to light.

Originality/value/contribution: The study makes a twofold contribution. Firstly, the present research seeks to bring together strategic aspects of the purchasing function in the firm as well as other management factors involved in said function (managers’ transformational leadership and use of ICT) as drivers of efficiency. In this sense, the findings point to the important role played by the purchasing manager vis-à-vis the strategic vision of the purchasing function in achieving cost efficiency and coordination with suppliers. Secondly, this research breaks new ground by empirically verifying the link between the strategic nature of the purchasing function in a firm and intensity of ICT use, a link which has been the focus of scant attention and for which we underpin the mediating role of ICT in the relationship between strategic orientation and purchase performance.  相似文献   

根据<中国货币政策执行报告>,本文构造了中央银行沟通指示器变量,检验了中央银行沟通在货币政策中的有效性.本文分别比较了沟通信息、前瞻性宏观经济信息和当期宏观经济信息对利率变化的影响及各自对利率变化的预测能力,检验了沟通信息与宏观经济信息之间的关系.结果表明,中央银行对通货膨胀的评论、预期宏观经济信息以及通货膨胀都与利率变化显著相关;但在预测利率变化上,沟通信息不能胜过宏观经济信息.此外,中央银行沟通信息只是宏观经济信息的补充,并不能完全替代宏观信息.  相似文献   

许瑜  冯均科  杨菲 《财经论丛》2017,(12):88-96
以2012~2015年中国A股上市公司为样本,深入探讨媒体关注、 内部控制有效性与创新绩效三者的关系.研究发现,政策导向媒体、 市场导向媒体以及网络媒体均能显著提升企业创新绩效,内部控制有效性在其中起到部分中介作用,表明内外部治理因素的结合对于提升企业创新绩效十分关键.进一步分组检验发现,对于中部和西部地区上市公司,上述结论并不完全成立.由此推断,地区经济发展水平对于媒体监督和内部控制的公司治理效应发挥具有重要影响.  相似文献   

基于知识转移视角,本文采用ERP模拟的实验方法,研究了高管跨企业流动情景下新任CEO的领导风格、沟通能力和管理知识资源转移效果间的关系,发现高管流动是促进管理知识资源跨企业边界转移的重要机制,领导风格显著影响新任CEO的管理知识资源转移效果;相对于任务取向型的领导,关系取向型的领导风格更有利于CEO的知识转移;新任CEO的沟通能力对于知识转移效果作用显著,且高超的沟通能力能够弱化领导风格的影响效应,并成为管理知识资源跨企业边界转移的关键。  相似文献   


The effective implementation of the SOAR Strategic Leadership Model in not-for-profits and public sector organizations is explored, with a focus on both marketing implications and improvement of intra-organizational communications. The SOAR Model is especially valuable in such organizations, as leaders in this business structure are progressing from a production orientation to a marketing orientation because of changes in the marketplace.

  1. Strategic goals, coupled with a strong vision, are essential to growth and success of an organization. The vision must be strong enough to remain valuable and usable even through changes of organization leadership and serve as a guide through changes in life cycle and strategic modes.

  2. Marketing programs must be developed to communicate the strategic focus to target market publics and to associates of the organization. “Buying in” to the vision will enhance employees' motivation and ability to grow the organization both profitably and effectively. Further, potential customers want to do business with organizations that clearly and definitely display a clear-cut focus of consumer need satisfaction.

  3. Feedback both to and from all levels of the organization is requisite for successful implementation of varied strategies. Thus, strategic leadership requires that the leader use different styles to manage effectively under varying circumstances.

  4. Specific emphasis is given to the unique situations encountered with delivery of services, focusing upon the not-for-profit and public sector provider. As leaders surface, many often discover themselves with an organization that is ill equipped to follow, and thus to know how to follow, when to follow and the roles each should and can play.

Recommendations are offered on how organizations can use strategic leadership and the SOAR Strategic Leadership Model to excel in managing the organization as it develops and matures.  相似文献   

Regardless of leaders’ efforts to do the right thing and meet performance expectations, they make mistakes, with possible ramifications for followers’ and leaders’ well-being. Some leaders will apologize following transgressions, which may have positive implications for their followers’ and their own well-being, contingent upon the nature and severity of the transgressions. We examine these relationships in two separate studies. In Study 1, leader apologies had a positive relationship with followers’ psychological well-being and emotional health, and these relationships were moderated by the severity of the transgression. In Study 2, leader apologies had a positive relationship with their own psychological well-being, positive emotional health and authentic pride. In addition, the nature of transgressions moderated the relationship between leader apologies and leaders’ positive emotions and authentic pride, while the severity of transgressions moderated the relationship between leader apologies and their positive emotions, psychological health, and authentic pride. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过对多家企业的536个样本的实证研究,认为诚信领导与员工关联绩效水平显著正相关,领导-成员交换关系作为调节变量对诚信领导与员工关联绩效之间的关系起调节作用;企业可以从管理者诚信领导层面和调节变量层面加强管理,引导和优化管理者领导方式,提高企业整体绩效水平。  相似文献   

Recent ethical misconduct in American business has resulted in volumes of written commentary, various legislative responses, as well as litigation by those identified as victims. While legislators, judges, juries, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pursue an increasing number of cases, there is little attention devoted to understanding what drives executives and other leaders to behave in ways that violate the ethical and legal standards of business in the United States. This understanding is a prerequisite to selecting leaders and designing interventions that prevent future misconduct. Understanding leadership’s nature and functioning is one key to understanding the ethical behavior of an organization as a system and of the people who lead the organization. Two models or frameworks provide the foundation for this paper. The first is a model of leadership competencies. This model identifies five key areas of competence related to overall, long-term leadership success. The second model targets leadership effectiveness. This model has three components – motivational patterns, decision criteria, and competencies. Using the Leadership Effectiveness Model to frame the discussion, the authors describe the nature and importance of the models, with particular focus on motivational patterns. Research suggests these patterns often account for 40–60% of overall leadership effectiveness. This article defines motivational patterns and describes key patterns that may impact ethical behavior of leaders. The article concludes with a discussion of how to use data on motivational patterns in leadership selection, development, and evaluation processes. Carl L. Harshman, Ph.D. is president of Harshman & Associates, Inc., an organizational and leadership development firm and founder of the Institute for Work Attitude and Motivation, an organization performance and research institute. He researches and writes in the areas of individual and organization performance, team development, and leadership and ethics. He can be contacted at carl@harshman.com. Ellen Harshman, Ph.D., J.D. is dean of the John Cook School of Business at Saint Louis University and associate professor in management. Her research interests include leadership, individual and organizational ethics, and issues in employment law. She can be reached at harshman@slu.edu.  相似文献   

This research examines the role of project communication, individual commitment, and social networks in explaining perceived project performance. Despite the increased involvement of commercial banks in citizenship projects in Uganda, anecdotal evidence reveals that over 70% of citizenship projects fall short of the expected quality, fail to boost bank awareness, are cost overrun, and are completed behind schedule. Based on data from 121 citizenship projects conducted by 16 commercial banks in Uganda, findings revealed that project communication, individual commitment, and social networks are significant predictors of perceived project performance. This study has managerial implications, which are presented in this article.  相似文献   

Prominent scholars note that current approaches to leader development in business are insufficient in at least three ways, and call for approaches that teach leaders to process and reflect, take personal ownership, and develop their capacities for both proficient and morally centered leadership. This paper explores three related research questions: Can we use evidence from management research to build a process-based model of leader self-development? Does the spiritual leadership literature offer implications for integrating moral development into such a model? Can spiritual development processes from a long-standing tradition be integrated, to further bring spiritual and moral development into leader development? Based on the leader and leadership development, spiritual leadership, and Ignatian literatures, one approach to building a spiritual leader development practice is presented. Using this model, business leaders are guided in forming leader development practices based on six categories of interdependent developmental activities: planning with discernment, experiences based on vocation, reflection including spiritual notes, assessment including examining present faults, education including on the lives of moral and effective leaders, and relationships including spiritual direction. This approach is differentiated from other approaches to leader development and to spiritual leadership. The role of the specific spiritual practices used here versus other traditions and the interplay of religion and spirituality in leader development are discussed, along with limitations of this approach and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the effect of paternalistic leadership (PL) on ethical climate and the moderating role of trust in leader. Convenience sampling is used as a sampling procedure and the data were obtained from 227 Turkish employees. The findings indicated that PL had some effect on ethical climate. Furthermore, partial support was found for the moderating effect of trust in leader on the relationship between PL and ethical climate. The results of the study showed the importance of PL on employees in following company rules and procedures and showing a sense of responsibility and care to customers, community, and others in the organization.  相似文献   

About 1,600 companies from around 50 countries to present their products and services at the World oflmaging -More than 60 percent of exhibitors from abroad- Many companies will expand their exhibition area in Cologne
All of the global imaging sector's leading companies will return to photokina 2008 to present to international trade visitors their increasingly diverse range of imaging technology and imaging application products for consumers and professionals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve our understanding of negotiation strategies, behaviors, and outcomes, and the relationships between these factors based on data collected from questionnaires, actual behavior during the negotiation process implemented using e-negotiation system, and the negotiation outcomes. This study clustered the negotiators based on either the negotiators' own strategies or their thoughts about those of their partners. This resulted in a division into cooperative and noncooperative clusters. We found that the negotiators whose own strategies are less cooperative tend to submit more offers but fewer messages. However, these people consIDer that they have less control over the negotiation process compared with those who adopt a more cooperative strategy, who make fewer offers but send more messages. Those in the cooperative cluster consistently feel friendlier about the negotiation and more satisfied with the outcome and their performance. Further, there is a correlation not only between self-strategies and the thoughts about partners' strategies, but also between strategies and final agreements. Finally, the proportion of negotiations reaching agreement is larger for the cooperative cluster than for the noncooperative cluster.  相似文献   

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