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Congress is faced with moving forward a pressing health care agenda while the federal deficit demands major budget cuts in Medicare. A pivotal player in this chess game is Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV). In this interview with Nursing Economic+, Sen. Rockefeller discusses catastrophic health insurance, Medicare, long-term care, and other health care issues.  相似文献   

S A Schroeder 《Nursing economic$》1991,9(6):383-90, 400
In 1972, with a ! billion endowment from the immense personal fortune left by the late Robert Wood Johnson, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation became the world's largest health care philanthropic organization. Now, with a new chairman of the board, Sidney F. Wentz, and president, Steven A. Schroeder, MD, the foundation has revised its overall grant-making prospectus. In this interview, Dr. Schroeder discusses the foundation's grant-making strategies and health manpower projects, forces affecting the U.S. health care system, and his vision for health care over the next decade.  相似文献   

In this second of a two-part interview (conducted in January), Dr. Stuart Altman and Professor Uwe Reinhardt continue to share their candid opinions on long-term care, the President's FY91 budget, and the influential commissions (the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission [ProPAC] and the Physician Payment Review Commission [PPRC]) upon which they serve.  相似文献   

R Anderson 《Nursing economic$》1991,9(5):297-302, 347
Nurse executives working in a hospital system experience varied and challenging opportunities to enhance the quality of patient care as well as the success of their professional careers. In this interview, Rhonda Anderson, MPA, RN, CNAA, discusses the hospital system, the managed care environment, and the importance of developing nurse managers.  相似文献   

Various professional practice models have been used to advance nursing. The primary nursing model at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital has continued to be successful for over 15 years and has gained the respect of both the nursing community and the hospital industry. Joyce C. Clifford, MSN, RN, FAAN, Vice-President for Nursing and Nurse-in-Chief at Beth Israel, discusses the development and implementation of this practice model and her strategies--continuity and accountability--to advance nursing.  相似文献   

In this interview, conducted just 4 months after assuming her new position as Administrator of HCFA, Dr. Wilensky discusses her goals for the agency, the emergence of Medicaid as a separate bureau, Medicare reimbursement policies, and nurses' potential as recognized health care providers.  相似文献   

Innovation is the key to achieving higher levels of quality and productivity and reducing turnover. Karlene M. Kerfoot, PhD, RN, CNAA, believes the future of nursing in hospitals is a unit-based shared governance structure. Dr. Kerfoot is a member of the Nursing Economic$ Editorial Board and authors the journal's "Nursing Management Considerations' column. In this interview, she outlines her programs, experiences, and philosophies for attaining her goals.  相似文献   

In this interview, Kathryn M. Mershon, the sole nurse member of the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, discusses current issues in nursing and possible health policy directions such as capitation.  相似文献   

Medical effectiveness initiatives, outcomes research, and practice guidelines--the new buzz words for the 90s--will change the way health care services are delivered and allocated. The focal point for medical effectiveness and health services research for the federal government is the Public Health Service's newest agency, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The agency is headed by J. Jarrett Clinton, MD, MPH, administrator, who also served as acting administrator since the creation of the agency in December 1989 until April 1991. In this interview, Dr. Clinton discusses the agency's responsibilities, his perspective on the agency's work, and the effect of health services research on the U.S. health care delivery system.  相似文献   

The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a component of the National Academy of Sciences, has become a close advisor to the federal government and exercises considerable influence on developing public health policy. Since 1985, Samuel O. Thier, MD, has served as President of the Institute. In this interview, Dr. Thier discusses the role IOM plays in setting national policies, its relationship to both the public and private sector, and his goals for the Institute of Medicine.  相似文献   

In early summer, Nursing Economic$ had the opportunity to discuss with Carol A. Lockhart, PhD, RN, FAAN, her thoughts on the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC), the implications of PPRC's work for nursing, the nation's failing health care system, and managed care.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently been the target of congressional investigations and has seen recent changes in its approval procedures. In this interview, FDA Commissioner Frank Young responds to harsh congressional criticisms and details the FDA approval process.  相似文献   


Geoffrey Colin Harcourt has devoted a long and fruitful career to the development of themes associated with the Cambridge and Post-Keynesian traditions in economics. He is perhaps best known for his survey of the Cambridge capital theory debates (1972); but he has written widely on growth and investment, on effective demand, on pricing and distribution, and on the history of economics in the twentieth century. He has also written extensively on policy (2001a) and was a 'back room boy' for the Australian Labor Party for many years. During the Vietnam War, Harcourt was a leader of the anti-war movement in South Australia. The following interview focuses on the evolution of, and prospects for, the Cambridge tradition that stems from the work of John Maynard Keynes, Piero Sraffa, Joan Robinson, Richard Kahn, Nicholas Kaldor and Michal Kalecki. The interview took place in Professor Harcourt's rooms in Jesus College, Cambridge, on 5 September 2000.  相似文献   

随着企业改制工作的不断深入,原有的中小国有企业已陆续从竞争性行业退出,从传统的计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨,逐步与政府脱钩,真正走上了独立发展的道路。改制企业未来的发展走势将会怎样?如何应对我国加入WTO后的严峻挑战?如何面向市场提高经济效益?这已成为时下企业经营者和广大员工迫切关注的一个热门话题。笔者就此提出几点粗浅的看法,以期抛砖引玉,共同讨论。改变效益取向是改制企业适应市场经济发展趋势的必然选择改变效益取向,指的是企业效益取向由改革效益型向素质效益型转变。改革开放以来,国企改革经历了较长…  相似文献   

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