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当前,在改革开放和市场经济的条件下,中学德育工作面临着许多新矛盾、新问题。其中一个突出问题,就是中学生人生价值取向发生了很大的变化,而且带有不确定、不稳定的因素。我们必须切实加强中学德育教育工作,高度重视人生价值教育。 对广大青年学生来说,自改革开放以来,他们开阔了视野,进一步了解了世界,渴望早日成才,投身四化建设,渴望奉献社会,振兴中华,这已成为潮流、主流。但另一方面,实行改革开放以后,商品经济、市场经济的双重效应,导致了中学生人生价值取向的多样性和层次性。  相似文献   

依据党的十七大报告,我国新的社会发展评价体系是一个综合全面的科学评价体系,它以人为本,强调对囊括经济、政治、文化、社会和生态整体发展的评价,这形成了历史唯物主义关于社会发展评价理论的丰富和发展。社会发展价值评估体系的新进展体现在:内容上具有全面性,丰富和拓展了社会发展评价标准的构成;在结构上具有合理性,明确了各个标准彼此的关系;提高了评价社会发展的准确性,在功能上更加完善。  相似文献   

大学生的人生价值现是涉及到高校培养什么人才的重要内容。当代大学生是在改革开放中成长起来的一代,改革开放带来了经济的快速发展和社会的巨大进步,同时,使人们思想观念也受到了猛烈冲击,大学生的人生价值观念因而产生深刻变化。本文针对社会转型期大学生人生价值现的嬗变并提出对策。  相似文献   

城镇居民消费水平的函数分析及实证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
侯振明 《经济师》2004,(2):75-75
在市场经济条件下 ,消费经济问题的研究始终是国民经济的重要问题 ,其中对消费水平的研究则是一个比较困难的研究领域。消费水平的高低不仅受社会、经济、环境等因素影响 ,同时也与社会购买力的计算和社会评价标准相关。显然 ,对其进行综合评价是一个较难的课题。文章从对影响城镇居民消费水平的因素分析入手 ,使用凯恩斯消费函数建立模型 ,对城镇居民的消费水平进行了分析评价  相似文献   

本文主要论述了以下三个问题,第一,一般说来对社会经济制度的评价,除了生产力标准以外,是否还应有价值标准;第二,对社会主义以前的社会经济制度的评价,重在生产力标准,辅之以价值标准的说法能否成立;第三,对社会主义制度的评价,是否应是生产力标准和价值标准的统一。  相似文献   

一、设市标准的评价 设市标准的制定是国家制定政策不可缺少的重要依据,也是一个国家或地区最为基本的国情资料。设市标准科学与否,涉及能否反映国家社会经济发展的真实水平,并直接影响城市化进程。我国现行设市标准,是1986年国务院推广“市管县”的行政体制而制定的。其基本评价如下:  相似文献   

城市资源系统是一个由城市的物质资源、文化资源和人力资源等要素共同组成的复杂系统。在总结"两型社会"城市资源系统特征的基础上,确定了该系统的评价原则,建立了一套评价指标体系。该指标体系将城市资源分为3大类9个亚类30个评价项目,每个项目给予了具体的定性或定量标准。按照这一标准建立的城市资源系统符合"两型社会"建设的目标与要求。  相似文献   

魏杰 《经济纵横》2002,(10):12-14
当前人们能够容忍平均主义的“大锅饭”而对收入差距具有强烈的反抗心理 ,主要有五个方面的原因 ;能力差距必然导致收入差距 ,但能力强的人能否获得高收入 ,还要取决于一个前提条件 ,这就是能力的稀缺性 ;社会对人的能力评价的标准有两个 ,但最佳的人的能力评价标准应是市场标准。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,金融机构的竞争越来越激烈.而一个银行是否能健康的发展,取决于每位员工的心态及人生价值观,银行的员工如果拥有一个不良的心态和不正确的价值观不仅会毁了一个人,可能会毁掉整个银行;银行的职工只有拥有阳光、乐观的心态才会有可能实现自己的人生价值,才可能打造出健康的银行.  相似文献   

城市就业形势日益严峻、就业空间不断缩小,农村籍大学生凭自身的优势,回农村基层就业不失为一个双赢的选择,既能充分施展自己的才华,体现自己的人生价值,又能为新农村建设输送新鲜血液,改善农村的经济、政治、文化、社会生态,促进我国广大农村经济社会又好又快发展。  相似文献   

企业价值评估:从企业战略视角的理论探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯春丽 《经济经纬》2005,(1):100-103
企业价值的源泉在于企业拥有的可持续竞争力。将企业价值的定性评估和定量评估相结合,可以构建一个系统性的企 业价值评估框架,尤其在定性评估方面,可以尝试性地构建一套评估指标体系。  相似文献   

In the search for accessible, understandable, and useful criteria for the evaluation of community sustainability initiatives, quality of life indicators have proven to be appealing. Currently, in Ontario, there are several ongoing efforts to develop quality of life indicators for use at the municipal level. Methodologies useful in rural communities must meet some important challenges, including a lack of small area statistics and an absence of paid staff assistance. This article discusses volunteer-driven efforts by rural Woolwich Township's Healthy Communities Project to develop quality of life indicators for use in developing a local State of the Community Report.  相似文献   

This paper accounts for the value of children and future generations in the evaluation of health policies. This is achieved through the incorporation of altruism and fertility in a “value of life” type of framework. We are able to express adults' willingness to pay for changes in child mortality and also to incorporate the welfare of future generations in the evaluation of current policies. Our model clarifies a series of puzzles from the literature on the “value of life” and on intergenerational welfare comparisons. We show that, by incorporating altruism and fertility into the analysis of the recent U.S. experience, the estimated welfare gain of a young adult from reductions in mortality easily doubles.  相似文献   

Investors often need to evaluate investment strategies according to their own subjective preferences based upon various criteria. This situation can be regarded as a Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (FMCDM) problem. The purpose of this study is to propose an FMCDM approach with fuzzy integral. This approach relaxes the independence assumption among criteria for the evaluation of the Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) problems, which is oftentimes the basic assumption in applying hierarchical system for evaluating the strategies of selecting investment style. We also employ Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs) to represent the decision-makers’ subjective preferences on the criteria, as well as for the criteria measurements to evaluate mutual funds investment style. To achieve this objective, first, we employ factor analysis to extract four independent common factors from those criteria. Second, we construct the evaluation frame using hierarchical system composed of four common factors with 16 evaluation criteria, and then derive the relative weights with respect to the considered criteria. Third, the synthetic utility value corresponding to each mutual fund's investment style is aggregated by the fuzzy weights with fuzzy performance values. Finally, we compare with empirical data and find that the model of FMCDM predicts the rate of return very accurately in certain ranges of λ, hence the nonadditive fuzzy integral technique is an effective method for evaluating mutual funds’ strategy.  相似文献   

区域生态环境服务功能经济价值评价的理论与方法   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
生态系统服务功能是地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分,通过分折生态经济研究的意义、研究内容和生态环境服务功能,论述了生态功能效益经济价值评价的理论和方法,提出了评价的指标体系与方法体系,以促进我国区域生态价值的研究,为我国生态经济帐户建立和生态损失价值评估建立基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents an exploratory evaluation of the market case for green energy. These energy sources are widely considered to have less of an ecological impact than conventional energy sources. The case for green energy is viewed from the multiple perspectives TOP (technical, organizational, personal) framework. The green energy technologies will need to meet certain technical, organizational and personal criteria and resolve key issues in order to address the barriers to market adoption. The multiple perspectives approach facilitates the evaluation of green-energy alternatives as potential new products which would enable organizations and individuals to meet both economic and green criteria that impact customer value creation. Given the present trends of increasing energy use and requirements to minimize environmental impact, green energy adoption may become a key element of strategies to ensure long-term economic growth.  相似文献   

We review bubble measures which are commonly used in the experimental asset market literature. It seems sensible to require that measures of mispricing should (i) relate the fundamental value and price, (ii) be monotone in the difference between fundamental value and price, and (iii) be independent of the total number of periods and the absolute level of fundamental value. We show that none of the measures currently used fulfills all these criteria. To facilitate comparability across different experimental settings with different parameterizations we propose two alternative measures which fulfill all evaluation criteria. The measure for mispricing, RAD (relative absolute deviation), is calculated by averaging absolute differences between the (volume-weighted) mean price and the fundamental value across all periods and normalizing it with the absolute value of the average FV of the market. The measure for overvaluation, RD (relative deviation), is calculated analogously, but uses raw difference between (volume-weighted) mean prices and fundamental values. Hence, it provides information on whether the mispricing stems from over- or undervaluation of the asset.  相似文献   

高校教师的劳动具有劳动动机与需求多样性、劳动过程复杂性、劳动成果滞后性等特征。传统的高校教师绩效评价忽视高校教师的劳动特征。高校教师绩效评价应基于高校教师劳动特征进行改革,转变传统的评价理念,树立"尊重劳动、以人为本"的考评理念,建立多个评价主体,重视社会评价、学生评价和教师自我评价,建立多层次、立体的评价标准,扩充评价内容,建立发展性评价机制,从而完善高校教师绩效评价系统。  相似文献   

参照世界自然遗产地学、美学、生物生态过程和濒危物种栖息地4项申遗评选标准,依据地貌景观、生物景观等价值构成,建立美学价值评估方法;依据世界遗产13类地学主题评价框架、地质演化过程、典型类型地貌等价值构成,建立地学价值评估方法;依据生态系统过程、物种多样性、栖息地等价值构成,建立生物生态学价值评估方法。利用全球对比的方法提取和评估突出普遍价值,将中国自然遗产潜力区分为青藏高原区、西北干旱区、东部季风区等生态环境基本单元,筛选我国世界自然遗产潜力区。重点提出海洋类世界自然遗产和西部北部地区申遗的可能性,提出中国申报世界自然遗产突出普遍价值的评估策略与优先原则。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between negative changes in health and life satisfaction, using a sample from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia Survey. We use panel data models and estimate the life satisfaction impact of several different changes in health status to calculate the Compensating Income Variation (CIV) of them. Our work innovates with respect to the existing literature by using a more robust CIV method that takes account of the potential measurement error in income. Further, we produce the first set of monetary values for health losses using SF-6D utility values, one of the main measures used to estimate and value health change for economic evaluation. We show that negative changes in SF-6D are significantly associated with a reduction in life satisfaction, and the starting point matters: a drop of 0.1 in SF-6D score is associated with a decrease of 0.12 points in life satisfaction if the starting utility value is 0.8, but the effect is 100% higher if the SF-6D starting point is 0.7. More generally, we find that a 0.1 deterioration in SF-6D has a strong association with life satisfaction and that the CIV value is substantial (over US$ 120,000).  相似文献   

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