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Relaxing restrictive rules of origin (ROO) in preferential market access can promote exports in developing economies by improving input sourcing flexibility, but actual ROO impacts remain an empirical question. This paper examines the European Union’s trade preferences, where origin requirements for knit and woven garment products were relaxed for beneficiaries in the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (IEPA) from 2008 and for those in the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme from 2011, respectively. The results show that ROO liberalization had little aggregate impact on knit and woven garment exports in IEPA beneficiaries, but increased the export values of woven garments in EBA beneficiaries by 36.3% during the post-period. Among EBA beneficiaries, duty-free imports of woven garments from Bangladesh and Cambodia into the EU increased sharply after ROO liberalization. These countries increased imported fabric from China, consistent with the theoretical prediction of ROO impacts. Thus, the impact of ROO on exports is heterogeneous across products and countries.  相似文献   

Using firm-level panel data of the Chinese electrical machinery and communication equipment manufacturers, this paper reveals that, after the entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO, henceforth), the export of Chinese firms was accelerated by a rise of productivity, but was not uniform among ownership structures. Classifying the firms into private domestic firms, state-owned enterprises, and foreign-invested enterprises, our empirical estimation concludes that the entry into the WTO had a ‘productivity effect’ on Chinese exports, and an asymmetric ‘ownership effect,’ which was less favorable to the exports for state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的发展和改革开放的深入,跨国公司为适应新形势,对其在华投资战略迅速做了调整。本文首先简要回顾了跨国公司在华的发展阶段和发展形势,其次深入分析了跨国公司在华战略演变的内容和特点,最后运用产品生命周期理论和国际生产折衷理论对其新战略作了详细解释,期望能够把握战略演变的契机,为中国经济持续稳步发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

This study focuses on Medium-Sized Multinationals (MSMs) that belong to the sectors of mechanics and electronics, and that operate in dynamic international business markets. This work aims to investigate how international marketing strategies are based and maybe in some cases actually heavily dependent on the capacity to form and enhance skills in design, engineering, and production activities, and on the propensity to invest more resources in research and development (R&D) activities as well as in activities that are more strictly speaking production based (manufacturing). Undoubtedly, in a global and dynamic business, creative knowledge is one of the key resources that firms must possess in order to take up international strategies successfully. Creativity and innovation are strategic resources for all firms, including those of a medium size and even more for those that belong to the so-called "traditional sectors". This study also has the objective of examining the influence of the structure and composition of a technological MSMs international alliance portfolio in order to understand which forms of international collaboration are more opportunities for firms that aspire to increasing their know-how and taking up new and more sophisticated forms of exploratory innovation. The present work highlights the results of an empirical research that were carried out during the years 2000-2009. The research involved more than 80 firms of the mechanical and electronics department in the Marche region in Italy.  相似文献   

郑汉金  苏怡 《特区经济》2011,(12):202-204
后金融危机时代,服务贸易的发展将成为推动全球经济增长的重要动力。国际市场竞争核心将从货物贸易转向服务贸易。云南省服务贸易起步较晚,近几年虽增长迅速,但是规模远远落后于服务贸易发达省市,结构也不尽合理。《中国-东盟服务贸易协议》的实施为云南省服务贸易发展搭建了一个更高的平台。云南省应抓住机遇,深度挖掘优势产业,重点培育潜力产业,特别关注新兴产业,通过政府、行业协会、企业三方的共同努力提升云南省服务贸易竞争力。  相似文献   

在美国战后对外贸易政策变化中,以“互惠”理念为核心,始终贯穿着自由贸易和贸易保护主义之间的斗争,本文总结了战后美国对外贸易政策演变的阶段特征以及经济根源和理论背景。  相似文献   

中国入世后,国外利用技术性贸易壁垒对我国出口产品设限越来越多。本文分析了福建出口轻纺产品遭遇国外技术性贸易壁垒的情况,并提出对策措施。  相似文献   

With China's entry into WTO, the constant quickening of industrializing process and further improvement of the opening, the range and means that Chinese enterprises participate in international competition will be expanded and improved further. So, how to improve the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises as soon as possible becomes a very important and urgent subject in front of us. To improve the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises effectively we must rely on the national conditions and the existing industries, use new and high technology, aim at the structure adjustment, tuna the style of economic increase of enterprises from extensive operation to intensive operation practically, set up normal modem company's system and improve the administration, promote the competitiveness of the state-owned enterprises, accelerate promoting the vigor of the privately operated enterprises, thus strengthen the market competitiveness of Chinese enterprises on the whole.  相似文献   

东亚双边出口贸易流量与潜力:贸易引力模型的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴丹 《亚太经济》2007,(6):7-10,19
本文利用东亚1995-2004年面板数据建立东亚贸易引力模型,对东亚区域内出口贸易流量的影响因素和潜力进行研究。研究显示,经济规模、中国-中国香港地区更紧密经贸关系(CEPA)、中国-东盟自由贸易区(ACFTA)、经济制度、经济发展水平差距、国际直接投资、国家间地理距离和金融危机是东亚双边出口贸易流量的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

中国保持持续国际贸易顺差的原因及影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的国际贸易多年来一直保持较大幅度的顺差,本文对2000~2009年上半年中国国际贸易的相关数据指标进行剖析,指出中国国际贸易顺差的现状、产生的内部与外部原因、对中国经济造成的不良影响与调整的方向,为政府的宏观调控提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between trade openness and output growth for a sample of twenty-three Asian countries using both a static OLS and a dynamic ECM estimation models. At the country specific level, the findings of this study provide robust empirical evidence indicating that higher revealed trade openness is not the main engine explaining the Asian economic-growth miracle. In particular, the authors find that physical capital accumulation is at the core of the observed long-run output per worker growth. At the regional level, the authors observe a marked difference between the pre and post 1997–1998 financial crisis, whereas, in the post period, trade openness has a positive and significant effect on output growth. In general, the results from the dynamic estimations prove that the conventional OLS static estimates underestimate the effect of investment on output growth. In addition, the dynamic model allows for a separation of gains from trade between short term and long term. The paper results also provide evidence in support of the idea that, countries with a growing degree of trade openness may experience faster per-capita output growth through gains in productivity associated to capital accumulation, rather than the assumed technological spillover effects from the trading sector. Again, at the regional level in the post financial crisis period both short term and long term gains from trade are relevant to growth. Why more trade does not necessarily imply faster growth at all levels of revealed trade openness growth, remains a conundrum.  相似文献   

天津国际化社区文化建设尚处于起步阶段,各种内外部因素影响,如交往心态、交流沟通、文化适应、社区参与等,制约了社区文化功能的发挥。国际化社区文化的构建,必须实现文化互适应、培育多元文化融合;增进外籍居民社区归属感,推进社区民主自治,实现文化的共建共享;细化文化管理服务,构建公共文化服务平台,建立外籍居民管理信息库,提高文化管理和服务效率。  相似文献   

我国国际资本流动的影响因素与风险防范研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在经济全球化加快的背景下,全球资本流动的规模不断扩大。国际资本流入为我国提供了经济增长的动力,同时也对我国经济安全构成潜在危险。本文在分析影响我国跨境资本流动的主要因素的基础上,提出防范国际资本流动风险的相关政策建议和决策支持。  相似文献   

雷银生 《乡镇经济》2008,24(2):116-118
当前,我国农产品的国际营销面临着许多挑战和考验,农产品经营者应加强对国际营销战略的研究和运用,其中差异化战略是农产品国际营销应对挑战的必然选择,是在新的国际环境下求得发展的正确途径。农产品国际营销差异化战略的实施方式包括:产品差异化、品牌个性化、价格差异化、渠道差异化和促销差异化。  相似文献   

邓军  王丽娟 《改革》2012,(7):96-103
利用中国与17个主要贸易伙伴国1995~2008年的投入产出表和分行业双边进出口贸易数据,测算不同时期的双边生产分割程度。然后基于动态面板数据模型,综合分析了影响国际经济周期协同的决定性因素。研究发现,贸易在影响中国与主要贸易伙伴国的国际经济周期协同中存在两种不同方向的作用机制:以双边生产分割程度度量的互补品贸易对经济周期协同存在正向影响,而以双边贸易强度指标度量的替代品贸易对经济周期协同存在负向影响。同时研究还表明,双边金融整合程度对国际经济周期协同有正向影响,而产业结构相似性对国际经济周期协同的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

世界石油储量问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储量决定声量,因而对石油储量问题的研究非常重要.与世界石油储量有关的问题有两个:一是当前的石油锗量有多少;二是未来储量会增长多少?本文认为:当前世界石油锗量为9000亿桶,未来储量增长,包括新发现的储量和现有油田的储量增长总共约专4700亿桶,二者相加.可计算出人类可以利用的石油总量还育137 00亿桶另外,人类已经生...  相似文献   

An examination of available data reveals large trade misinvoicing between China and its trade partners. The analysis finds a net trade misinvoicing of US$287.6bn between 2000 and 2005, while the full magnitude of unrecorded trade is estimated at US$1.4tn. China needs to establish more effective management of its international trade flows. At the same time, the international community needs to provide more effective governance mechanisms to address trade misinvoicing.  相似文献   

刘春义 《特区经济》2012,(1):227-229
新能源产业是进入新世纪以后发展迅速、综合性高技术极具战略性的新兴产业,发展新能源产业是解决我国经济平稳较快发展与能源瓶颈之间矛盾的关键。利用SWOT分析方法综合分析目前太阳能光伏产业国际化发展的优势、劣势及存在的机遇和挑战。通过对我国光伏产业的国际化发展条件和现状的分析,提出和总结光伏产业国际化发展过程中存在的问题和经验积累,最后提出实际有效的有利于我国新能源产业国际化发展的战略对策。  相似文献   

王健朴 《改革与战略》2011,27(6):142-144
我国企业国际化融资风险比纯粹的国内融资风险大。按照风险形成原因的不同,企业国际化融资风险主要有财务杠杆风险、汇率变动风险、融资方式风险、利率变动风险、融资时机风险、债期结构风险、内部管理风险和道德风险。文章通过分析我国企业国际化融资风险管理体系存在的问题,认为应通过风险回避策略、风险转移策略、慎重管理风险策略和风险承担策略来降低我国企业国际化融资的风险。  相似文献   

From a position of relative isolation, trade unions have become increasingly important agents in local and regional development and governance in the UK since the election of the New Labour government in 1997. Analysis of the experience of the Northern Trades Union Congress (NTUC) suggests that devolution and regionalisation are exerting increasing pressures upon trade union federations to adopt a multi-level approach to organisation across a range of scales—local, sub-regional, regional, sub-national, national and international—to connect with the evolving multi-layered governance structures of the UK political economy. Strategic multi-level organisation suggests the decentralisation of power, authority and resources within the labour movement—challenging the national and centralised legacy of its collective bargaining history—and a division of labour and set of priorities at the different scales to build the links between local and regional engagement and trade union renewal.  相似文献   

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