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1780年,为在战争时期稳定士兵的报酬,维持军队的战斗力,美国马萨诸塞州政府创新性地发明了通货膨胀指数债券,但这一债券却未起到应有的作用。本文回顾了这一债券的发明历程,分析了其失败的原因及解决途径。  相似文献   

通胀指数债券(Inflation Indexed Securities,下称IIS)是一种保护投资者在持有期内实际收益率不变、并规避通胀风险的一种投资的金融工具。该文介绍了通货膨胀指数债券的基本含义,进而从投资者、发行者以及货币政策执行部门三个方面研究了在中国推行通胀指数债券的必要性和可行性,最后探讨了通胀指数债券的设计思路及相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

通胀指数债券给投资者提供了一种对冲通胀风险的绝佳工具,本文拟在介绍通胀指数债券原理的基础上,结合美国TIPs的发展,为我国发展通胀指数债券提出一些建议。  相似文献   

引言 只要发行人在到期日之前不违约或赎回,在到期日前持有固定收益证券的投资者便可确保某种已知的现金流动格局,并可用NPV法(Net PresentValuc Method)将债券的所有净资金流入折现加总以评估其投资价值.但是,在一般的分析模型中,都没有考虑物价因素对债券投资价值的影响.  相似文献   

一、债券投资的主动与被动之分由于债券一般拥有较长的偿还期,债券投资被称为被动的投资。所谓被动的投资,也被称购买——持有策略。为采取这种策略,投资者只要简单地选择合适的债券就可以了。什么样的债券对投资者合适,不同的投资者有不同的回答。最保守的投资者选择没有任何违约风险的国  相似文献   

什么是债券型基金? 以国债、金融债等固定收益类金融工具为主要投资对象的基金称为债券型基金。因为其投资产品的收益比较稳定,所以债券型基金又被称为“固定受益基金”。  相似文献   

就债券的投资方式而言,可以分为直接和间接两种投资方式. 各类债券明细表 债券的直接投资就是投资者直接买卖债券而不借助专业资产管理机构发行的固定收益类投资产品来获取债券投资收益.  相似文献   

在经济危机爆发的背景下,通货膨胀作为危机中不可缺少的元素将影响到投资的时机和策略,更关系到国家宏观调控政策的制定。本文分析了18年的权威统计数据,对通货膨胀背景下的股票投资行为进行实证研究,推导出证券投资对通货膨胀影响的传导机制,并制定出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

国外通胀指数债券的发展、运作机理及借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府通胀指数债券作为债券市场的一种债券品种创新,具有帮助投资者规避长期国债投资的购买力风险,降低国债发行成本并有利于国债的顺利发行,为宏观经济调控提供有用信息等优势,我国应适时推出通胀指数债券以促进国债市场的发展。  相似文献   

政府通胀指数债券作为债券市场的一种债券品种创新,具有能够帮助投资者规避长期国债投资的购买力风险、降低国债发行成本并有利于国债的顺利发行、为宏观经济调控提供有用信息等优势,我国应适时推出通胀指数债券以促进国债市场的发展。  相似文献   

The market demand for the Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) is rather small. This is puzzling, as we show that an agent, who derives utility from real wealth and dynamically invests into multiple asset classes over a 30-year horizon, incurs a certainty equivalent loss of 1.6% per annum from not investing in inflation-indexed bonds. However, if the investor suffers from money illusion, the perceived loss is only 0.5% per annum. Furthermore, the perceived loss is totally negligible for an unsophisticated money-illusioned investor ignoring the time variation of risk premia. Money illusion causes significant portfolio shifts from inflation-indexed toward nominal bonds, with little effects on equity allocations, contributing to the low market demand for TIPS.  相似文献   

This paper studies the price responsiveness (effective duration) of U.S. government issued inflation-indexed bonds, known by the acronym TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), to changes in nominal interest rates, real interest rates, and expected inflation. Using the TIPS pricing formula derived by Laatsch and Klein [Q. Rev. Econ. Finance 43 (2002) 405], we first confirm that TIPS bonds have zero sensitivity to changes solely in expected inflation. By changes solely in expected inflation, we mean that the real rate remains unchanged and the nominal rate changes in accordance with the established Fisher [Publ. Am. Econ. Assoc. 11 (1896)] effect. We show that the first derivative of the TIPS price is zero whenever the real rate is held constant. Thus, the first partial derivative of the TIPS bond pricing formula with respect to expected inflation is zero and the first partial derivative of the TIPS bond price with respect to nominal rates is also zero, given, in each case, that we hold the real rate constant. We then temporarily shift the analysis to zero-coupon TIPS bonds and zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds. We prove that the nominal duration of zero-coupon TIPS bonds equals that of zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds when the real rate changes but expected inflation is held constant.However, if expected inflation changes and the change in the nominal rate does not yield a constant real rate, zero-coupon TIPS prices will change and they will change by a smaller percentage than will zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds. We analyze TIPS responsiveness to changes in nominal rates under such conditions. We derive an approximation to effective duration that demonstrates that the effective durations of various maturity zero-coupon TIPS bonds are approximately linear functions in time to maturity of the effective duration of the one-year zero-coupon TIPS bond, ceteris paribus.Nominal effective duration of TIPS bonds is certainly of interest to fixed income portfolio managers that might have a desire to include such bonds in their portfolio. After all, the greater portion of a typical fixed income portfolio is in traditional, noninflation protected bonds whose major risk exposure is to changes in nominal rates. To properly assess the role of TIPS bonds in the portfolio, portfolio managers need information as to how TIPS bonds respond to the changes in nominal rates that are driving the price behavior of the bulk of the portfolio's assets. Prior to concluding the paper, we demonstrate how portfolio managers can calculate the nominal durations of coupon TIPS bonds using the zero-coupon duration formula we derive.  相似文献   

We estimate the value of the embedded option in U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). The embedded option value exhibits time variation that is correlated with periods of deflationary expectations. We construct embedded option explanatory variables that are statistically and economically significant for explaining future inflation, even in the presence of traditional inflation variables such as lagged inflation, the gold return, the crude oil return, the VIX return, liquidity, surveys, and the yield spread between nominal Treasuries and TIPS. After conducting robustness tests, we conclude that the TIPS embedded option contains useful information for future inflation.  相似文献   

经济责任审计运行效果实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济责任审计以评价领导干部为主,在我国已经运行多年。根据经济控制论和免疫系统观,经济责任审计通过加强经济责任审计力量、强化经济责任审计执行力度和加大经济责任审计业务量,能够预防和惩治领导干部腐败,提高财政收支财务收支绩效。实证研究表明,经济责任审计力量越强,经济责任审计执行力度越大,越能够预防领导干部职务犯罪;审计人员数量越多,审计力量越强大,单位国内生产总值耗费的行政管理费越少。为了提高经济责任审计运行效果,应当构建经济责任审计监控体系。  相似文献   

上市公司年度报告预约披露制度的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
引言 我国证券监管部门对于上市公司定期报告披露时间的规范力度,随着证券市场运作的日趋完善而不断增强.针对以往上市公司(尤其是亏损公司)年度报告集中在法定披露日前集中释放的问题1,中国证监会1997年12月16日发文要求上市公司向交易所预约其定期报告的披露日期,意图实现年度报告的"均衡披露".  相似文献   

企业的股权结构在一定程度上对企业的经营绩效产生影响。文章利用沪深A股上市公司2016年-2018年的面板数据,主要运用回归模型研究了股权集中度和股权制衡度对上市公司经营绩效的影响。研究结果表明股权集中度越高对上市公司经营业绩起到消极作用,股权集中度越分散越有利于公司经营业绩的提升。  相似文献   

我国在建立健全国有资本经营预算制度方面进行了一系列的探索和创新性实践,但风险管理仍是我国企业管理中较为薄弱的环节,阻碍了国有资本经营预算制度的进一步有效实施。本文在概述风险管理理念的基础上,阐述了国有资本经营预算制度的内涵,分析了风险管理与国有资本经营预算的有效融合,并对有效构建基于风险管理的国有资本经营预算制度进行了思考。  相似文献   

刘惠 《涉外税务》2003,(11):20-23
文章认为,为适应形势变化,要强化信息化建设管理工作,重点要抓好决策、项目和日常管理;要考虑建立一个专业化的信息技术管理机构,并着重解决绩效考核和工作流程两个问题。  相似文献   

支付清算系统对在途资金影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国现代化支付系统是金融市场的重要基础设施,对金融稳定和货币政策的有效实施具有重要意义。2005年6月底,大额支付系统在全国推广运行,取代电子联行,实现资金汇划零在途。本文运用统计学方法,验证了中国现代化支付系统对在途资金影响的存在,证明了中国现代化支付系统的重要作用。  相似文献   

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