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卷烟零售终端是卷烟销售渠道末端,在烟草行业和消费者之间承担着桥梁作用。有效做好新形势下现代卷烟零售终端建设工作,对提升卷烟品牌形象,促进卷烟销售具有非常重要的意义。本文着重阐述了新形势下现代卷烟零售终端的重要性及其建设的创新路径。  相似文献   

本文关注于PC制连商与零售终端渠道的关系管理问题.结合对PC零售终端市场问题的描述,指出现阶段PC制造商零售终端关系管理的局限性,进一步将PC制造商与零售终端渠道的关系细分为进货端关系和销售端关系.在此基础上,本文深入分析了Sale-in与Sale-out两方面的本质关系,指出了销售人员在整个PC产品终端销售过程中的重要性,提出以销促进的零售终端关系管理思路:通过加强终端销售人员关系管理,提高PC产品在零售终端的销售价值,增加PC制造商与渠道间可供分配的利益,从而缓解PC制造商与渠道间的利益分配冲突,进一步达到解决Sale-in问题的目的,最终全面改善PC制造商与零售终端的关系,实现产品的顺利流通.  相似文献   

加强卷烟零售终端控制力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

郁海斌 《上海商业》2007,(11):66-68
在市场经济不断发展的今天,我们逐步认识到只有市场才是真正的试金石,也只有消费者才是评判产品优劣的权威。作为烟草企业想要创造真正的成功和实力,赢得真正的效益和烟民,稳固地占领市场,就绝对不能忽视消费者与零售商,  相似文献   

零售终端:烟草行业一张亮丽的名片   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄奕 《上海商业》2008,(7):44-46
终端就是售点.是实现企业产品转化为货币的门户。终端在企业的市场的营销活动中有着举足轻重的地位,特别是对于消费类产品,终端效应已经成为拉动销售的一个重要手段。虽然目前多数企业仍将广告作为实现销售的一种主要力量.但我们认为,对于企业,谁掌握了零售终端.谁就会赢得市场,成为市场的领导者。  相似文献   

目前烟草企业要想实现产销一体化,就要在零售上下功夫,需要切实推进零售终端建设,要在以国际一流标准全面加快卷烟营销网络硬件实力建设的同时,把眼光瞄准国际市场的零售终端的先进典型,提高零售终端建设的标准,加快零售终端建设的步伐,提高零售终端建设的水平,保证烟草企业的产品快速销售,实现资金回笼。本文主要对烟草企业如何推进零售终端建设上水平做了探讨。  相似文献   

卷烟市场零售渠道的整合战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售渠道是现代商业流通中最终把商品和服务销售给终端消费者.并实现物流、现金流、信息流等营销流周转的重要系统。烟草行业如何改善老渠道和创立新渠道是企业渠道战略、营销战略实施中的一个关键问题。上海烟草网建的三个时期.也是上海烟草零售渠道发展的三个时期。第一阶段从95年10月至98年第一轮流通改革,初步建立上海卷烟零售渠道.是”跑马圈地”的初级阶段。第二阶段从99年到2003年.实现零售渠道的合理布局,实施市场与客户细分策略.建立标准化程序化、信息化的服务手段.是对零售渠道精耕细作的阶段。  相似文献   

数字化时代对烟草商业企业传统营销模式带来新的挑战和机遇,面对数字经济的蓬勃发展和信息技术的不断突破,烟草营销模式的数字化转型成为必然趋势。本文从以数据赋能营销的目的切入,探讨了数字化转型对于开展烟草零售终端建设的现实意义,分析了目前烟草终端营销网络建设存在的问题,提出了烟草商业企业推进烟草零售手段数字化转型的可行路径。  相似文献   

We apply the relationship-marketing concept to a retail setting in order to determine if customer-contact employees' relational role behaviours (RRBs) (consisting of both trust-building and attachment behaviours) have organizationally influenced antecedents. Using organizational culture and value–norm–behaviour linkage, we posit that organizational values (consisting of customer orientation, employee orientation, and financial orientation) influence work norms for customer retention (solidarity and role integrity) and, ultimately, RRBs. Hypotheses and a model which illustrates the relationships between the constructs are presented. A study is conducted in a US regional drugstore chain (n=246). LISREL is used to analyse the results. Six out of eight hypotheses are supported. The findings are discussed as well as managerial implications, limitations, and future research directions.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of management capabilities of foreign firms on the management capabilities and performance of domestic firms using survey data on the UK retail sector. On average, foreign-owned retail firms achieve higher management capability scores and are more productive than domestic firms. Our results suggest two faces of foreign management capabilities. On the one hand, capabilities that can be codified, for example human resource management capabilities, generate some positive spillovers on the relevant management capabilities of local firms. On the other hand, dimensions of capabilities that are more tacit and highly competitive exert a negative competitive effect on domestic firms’ own management capabilities. While the overall management capabilities of domestic firms are found to have a significantly positive effect on their own productive efficiency, we find no evidence of a direct efficiency effect of foreign management capabilities on local firms.  相似文献   

The performance of the British retail sectors in terms of productivity growth is not brilliant. This paper focuses on a specific component of productivity growth (technical efficiency) and tests the extent to which its variance across the sector can be explained by the differences in the educational attainment of the pool of workers to which retail firms have access. The empirical analysis is carried out on a sample of 1061 retail firms from the Annual Respondents Database, 1997–2005. The results confirm that the county-level differences of the stock of human capital can explain the technical efficiency differentials across the sector.  相似文献   

Abstract The activity of design within retailing has received only partial consideration within the literature, and there has been a tendency to speculate upon the possible impact of design upon market positioning, retailer store image development and consumer behaviour at the expense of any understanding of the actual process of design development and implementation within retailing. The aim of this paper is to examine the process of design, and in particular the interrelationships that ought to exist between retailer (as client) and the designer in order to ensure that the values, benefits and opportunities afforded by design are fully realized within the organization. Integral to the effective management of design is the design brief, which is examined here within a retailing context. The paper concludes by examining the particular role that the store exterior has upon the development of a retailer's image and argues that further consideration needs to be given, not only to the positive outcomes of design investment in retailing, but also to the mechanisms by which it is achieved.  相似文献   

A process for evaluating retail store efficiency: a restricted DEA approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A managerial process is developed for assessing the efficiency of 552 individual stores for a multi-store, multi-market retailer employing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Incorporating assurance regions into a DEA model allowed for a more complete specification of inputs and outcomes than usually found in DEA applications. This procedure permitted the researchers to capture top management's strategic thinking. Practical usefulness of the process' results is illustrated with respect to two management issues: evaluating store managers and identifying critical success factors (CSFs).  相似文献   

This study investigates two objectives using a cohort approach: first, the firms' growth and, second, the technical efficiency of entrant and incumbent firms with a non-parametric approach, keeping in mind changes in the Spanish retail environment. The results obtained suggest, on the one hand, that evidence suggested by Gibrat's Law has not been fully proven. In this sense, smaller firms within their cohort membership grow faster than larger ones. On the other hand, our results indicate significant differences in the efficiency by sector. In this sense, entrant and incumbent firms shift the frontier in non-specialized and specialized sectors, respectively.  相似文献   

林莹 《中国广告》2021,(3):68-70
2021年如期而至。比起元旦,对中国人而言,更加重视的一定是农历新年:春节。作为自古至今中国人最重视的节日,它以超越性的仪式感和压倒性的优势,于潜移默化中成为人们一年一度的精神"洗礼":站在新旧时光交接的轮盘上,抖擞精神,重振气势,运筹帷幄,做好种种准备,迎接缓缓倾泻的崭新光阴。岁月更迭,虽然近年来很多人抱怨"年味愈发清淡",仍无法改变它在国人观念中不可动摇的位置,人们笃信:好好过年,就能过好这一年。  相似文献   

The Internet has become one of the most competitive retail marketplaces. Companies operating in this area face demanding customers intolerant of any service failure and a large number of competitors. A key issue in how companies can serve this market is the way in which they internally manage the relationship between the marketing and operations departments of the business. These two areas represent the "value adding" core of all organisations. Co-operation and collaboration between these functions is vital for success in a highly competitive marketplace such as internet retail. However, the reality for many organisations is a legacy of functional division, hostility and even hatred. This paper presents case evidence from an internet retailer that has achieved positive working relationships between marketing and operations functions, leveraging this to deliver award winning customer service, growing the business and maintaining profitability.  相似文献   

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