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当前美国经济综合风险分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,美国经济正面临三大风险的威胁,这三大风险分别是巨额的"双赤字"及持续增长的债务、能源价格的大幅波动、愈演愈烈的次级债务危机。这些风险将会给美国经济带来很大的负面影响。更为严重的是,这三大风险相互交织在一起,相互作用、相互加强,将对美国经济造成系统性的冲击。2008年美国经济很可能出现相当程度的经济衰退,较长时间的调整是不可避免的。  相似文献   

2011年8月2日(美国东部时间),美国参议院以74票对26票表决通过了提高美国债务上限和削减赤字法案(以下简称法案)。此前一天,美国众议院已经以269票对161票表决通过该法案。按照立法程序,该法案已经于2日当天交总统奥巴马签字,即刻生效,从而化解了美国债务违约风险。然而8月5日,  相似文献   

美国次级抵押贷款危机,严重冲击了美国、欧洲、日本资本市场并波及中国,美欧政府及其央行果断迅速地加以干预、援助。本文论述了美国次级房贷危机的成因和影响,并论证了中关两国房地产市场是截然不同的,指出中国根本不可能发生类似危机,美国这场危机对中国大陆深圳上海证券市场的冲击将是全世界各国中最小的,并且总结了美国次级房贷危机对中国经济、资本市场发展的教训与启示。  相似文献   

卫新江 《中国保险》2010,(12):54-58
11月初,美国推出6000亿美元的第二次量化宽松货币政策,以促进美国经济的进一步复苏。此举一出,美元贬值、大宗商品价格上涨,各国货币尤其是亚洲新兴市场经济国家和地区的货币升值压力加大,部分国家以加息和控制资本流动应对。此次量化宽松政策对我国的经济影响如何?  相似文献   

本文分别从理论和实证角度对金融系统中所蕴含的各类风险间的互动关系及其对债券定价的影响进行分析。笔者认为,金融机构、金融创新和金融工具的飞速发展使得现代金融系统呈现日趋明显的复杂性和紧耦合性特征,强化了流动性风险与信用风险等风险间的互动,债券定价也深受影响;实证分析结果表明,中美两国公司债市场中,信用风险均是影响债券定价的重要因素,但是流动性风险的影响力有所不同。因此,与发达国家所需做的防止金融创新过度等工作相对应,我国仍应坚持适度创新的方向,通过金融创新提升金融市场的深度和广度,构建风险的分散和转移机制。  相似文献   

不愿意到银行排长队.也不愿到柜台花大笔手续费转账,又想随时随地查看股票、外汇、基金等行情,手机银行可以带给人们这一切。出差在外,想要转账汇款不再难了:坐在的士上.想买机票也是几秒钟的事……这一切都是手机银行带来的轻松与潇洒。  相似文献   

<正>2007年美国次贷危机爆发,致使其金融体系遭受重创,金融机构信贷活动萎缩,实体经济难以得到资金支持,最终导致美国经济陷入衰退,并进一步引起全球陷入国际金融危机的深渊。为应对此次危机,美联储向市场注资、大幅降息并实行数量宽松货币政策,美国政府实施经济稳定法案、再投资法等经济刺激政策,以求使美国经济早日走出衰退阴影。本文拟对2007年以来美国所采取的政策行动进行简要梳理,并分析其对居民消费所产生的拉动作用。  相似文献   

美国次级债危机剖析及其对中国的启示   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
2007年2月引发的美国次级债危机,对美国经济及全球股市影响巨大.这主要是由于次级债环境变化所致,包括信贷条件的放松、利率的波动、房价的波动及证券化市场的不规范等.我国应该从重视房贷风险、完善贷前审查、完善及推广抵押资产证券化和采取多种手段有效调控房地产市场等措施着手,防止类似次级债危机事件在中国的重演.  相似文献   

美国金融危机对中国经济的影响及我们的对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
徐明棋 《新金融》2008,(11):8-11
近期看,美国的金融危机尚未见底,美国金融市场将经历较长时间的低迷和调整。但是,美国商业银行将通过此次危机的冲击加速其兼并和整合的步伐,美国的金融监管体系也将因此加快重组。对于近期美国金融资产价格走低的前景,我们一是不要在低位盲目抛售,使潜亏变成实际亏损。二是不能抱着抄底的侥幸;对于资金大进大出的冲击,需要进一步加强资本流动的监管;对于美元汇率进一步下跌的前景,需要注意中国对外投资的汇率风险控制;我们的银行信贷应该更加注重服务于实体经济发展的需要,避免信用盲目虚拟扩张和收缩,金融创新也要根据我国国情与经济发展的需要稳步推进。  相似文献   

We develop a factor‐augmented vector autoregression (FA‐VAR) model to estimate the effects that unanticipated changes in U.S. monetary policy and economic policy uncertainty have on the Chinese housing, equity, and loan markets. We find the decline in the U.S. policy rate since the Great Recession has led to a significant increase in Chinese housing investment. One possible reason for this effect is the substantial increase in the inflow of “hot money” into China. The responses of Chinese variables to U.S. shocks at the zero lower bound are different from those responses in normal times.  相似文献   

Using one-minute intraday data and wavelet decomposition of stochastic processes we obtain realised VCOV matrices with and without price discontinuities in the U.S. Treasuries and precious metals futures. Our work provides determinants of co-jumps in gold, silver and U.S. Treasuries across the yield curve and empirically demonstrates impact of price discontinues on hypothetical investor through realised correlations, hedging effectiveness ratios and several portfolio settings. We find that co-jumps in gold and silver have similar monetary characteristics to co-jumps in gold or silver with U.S. Treasuries futures. We further unpack investor choices between precious metals and U.S. bonds under the presence of high-frequency risks. We show that behaviour puzzle of simultaneous demand for safety and quality during market turmoils disappears if investors are seeking maximum diversification. We also find that runs to safety do not offer statistically significant improvements in diversification benefits unlike runs to short-term quality. Other results uncover higher investments to gold due to the shifts in the U.S. yield curve and potential gains in realised hedging effectiveness for the end of the yield curve investors through asymmetry in co-jumps of gold and U.S. Treasuries during periods of extreme market volatility such as beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

This study compares the impact of Chinese and U.S. economic policy uncertainty (EPU) (proxied by the EPU index) on the volatility of 11 major stock markets. Unlike previous research that only utilizes monthly EPU for such a comparison, this study uses both daily and monthly data to examine the impact within a month as well as over months. In order to provide a detailed analysis, EPU shocks are investigated from a two-sided viewpoint: one considering the effects of EPU indices as exogenous shocks, and the other examining the spillovers from EPU indices as endogenous variables. Meanwhile, the role of global turmoil, such as the 2007–2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and the COVID-19 pandemic, in influencing the impact of Chinese (or U.S.) EPU is highlighted. The results show that the impact of U.S. EPU is reinforced at both daily and monthly frequencies during the GFC, with a greater effect on the European stock markets. After the GFC, the rising influence of Chinese EPU is observed at a monthly frequency in several markets in Asia and elsewhere. Overall, the dynamic spillovers from the EPU indices to stock volatility suggest the dominant role of U.S. EPU in most markets at a daily frequency, while the extent of the spillovers is driven by turbulent events, including the GFC and the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

We contribute to the current regulatory debate by examining the wealth and risk effects of the Dodd-Frank Act on U.S. financial institutions. We measure the effects of key legislative events of the Act by means of a multivariate regression model using the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) framework. Our results indicate a mixed reaction by financial institutions during the various stages of the Act’s legislative process. Further tests reveal that any positive reactions are driven by small and/or low risk institutions, while negative ones are consistent across subsets; except for investment banks. We also find market risk increases for most financial institutions that are dominated by small and/or low risk firms. The cross-section results reveal that large institutions fare better than their smaller counterparts and that large investment banks gain value at the expense of others. Overall, the Dodd-Frank Act may have redistributed value among financial institutions, while not necessarily reducing the industry’s riskiness.  相似文献   

徐滇庆  巴曙松 《银行家》2002,(10):124-125
"9·11"事件过去一年了.美国人对此的印象太深刻了,以至于许多人都觉得这场恶梦好像就发生在昨天一样.有些人认为恐怖袭击太厉害了.在这一年里,美国经济不断下滑,失业率上升,消费和投资疲软,时至今日还看不见复苏的到来.  相似文献   

英美两国中小企业税收政策比较及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢莎 《涉外税务》2002,(6):43-45
给中小企业以一定的税收优惠是西方各国普遍采用的扶持中小企业的政策措施。纵观各国的历史,中小企业发展及其所在地取得的巨大成就都是与政府采取的积极政策尤其是税收政策分不开的。英国是世界上最早实现经济现代化的国家,中小企业所……  相似文献   

小企业--美国经济发展中的支柱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭雅玲 《银行家》2002,(10):126-128
近几年,美国小企业的发展已经成为推动美国经济增长的主要动力和就业机会的主要创造者,被联邦政府称之为"美国经济的支柱".大企业是美国经济中的主导力量,代表和决定着美国经济的发展方向;而小企业起到帮助和补充大企业的作用.  相似文献   

任海舰 《海南金融》2009,(11):43-45,55
本文通过考察2009年以来的美国等主要经济体的走势.认为2009年上半年全球刺激经济政策效果已经初步显现,全球金融危机最糟的时刻已过,世界经济衰退情况正在减轻,主要经济体经济数据向好意味着经济正从恶性衰退的谷底逐步企稳并有望回升。从短期来看,下半年美国率先企稳回升将是主要趋势,环比增长率将呈现逐季改善,且呈现“L”型走势,其他主要经济体将进入缓慢恢复阶段。长期来看,经济刺激政策长期效果难以持久,发达国家需要改变当前过度依赖信贷的增长模式,重新构建新的经济增长模式,才能找到经济长期增长的新引擎。  相似文献   

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