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本文基于2016年对黑龙江、安徽、山东、四川、陕西5省农户的调查数据,就农民对"不得调地"政策的态度和村庄的土地调整决策以及它们的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果显示:反对承包期内"不得调地"政策的农户占16.4%,反对"不得调地"政策长久不变的农户占39.3%,意味着二轮承包到期后农民的土地调整意愿极为强烈;2011~2016年,约16%的农户经历过土地调整,其土地调整次数平均为1.36次,明显低于已有相关文献提及的2010年前的水平;受"不得调地"政策负面影响的家庭人口越多,"不得调地"政策的受支持程度越低,说明家庭人口变动是影响农民对"不得调地"政策态度的主要因素;农民对承包期内"不得调地"政策的态度对村庄的土地调整决策具有显著影响,持反对态度的农民越多,村庄土地调整的概率和频率越高,反之,村庄土地调整的概率和频率越低,意味着村庄内部土地调整的呼声是村庄土地调整决策的重要考量因素。考虑到受"不得调地"政策影响的农村人口有相当大的比例,可以预见,二轮承包到期后要求进行土地调整的压力会很大,在农村土地集体所有制框架内,实现长久"不得调地"的政策目标有一定难度。  相似文献   

建国以采,农村土地制度经历了一系列重大变革,这些变革从根本上改变了农村地域人口与土地的关系,并决定了农村地域人口的流动方向.本文从土地制度入手,分析了不同阶段土地政策对农村地域人口流动的影响,探讨了土地制度变迁与农村地域人口流动的关系,研究认为农村地域人口流动虽然受多重因素的影响,但土地制度才是影响农村地域人口流动的核心因素.  相似文献   

自第二轮土地承包以来,由于人口增减等原因,我国部分地区的农村土地承包出现了一定程度的不均情况,甚至出现个别人员和家庭失地无地的现象。2011年,山东省泰安市农业局会同各县市区经管部门围绕无地人员和无地家庭情况,有针对性地进行了专题调研。调查显示,全市土地承包任务村共3490个,总承包地面积465万亩,人均耕地达1.16亩;农业人口为398万人,其中无地总人口40.9万人,占目前全市农业人口的10.28%。  相似文献   

本文通过调查分析指出:随着我国法制化进程的加快与深入,有关农村土地的立法已经是一个必然的趋势。农村女性人口在传统的性别不平等的社会结构下,其生存与发展状况与男性相比处于弱势,因此,若土地立法和土地政策不具备性别敏感性,农村女性的权益将无法得到保障。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国实行城市土地国有和农村土地集体所有的土地制度,为更好地促进国家经济发展,我国适当对农村集体土地实行征收,即国家为了公共利益需要,依照法律规定的程序和权限将农民集体所有的土地转化为国有土地,并依法给予被征地的农村集体经济组织和被征地农民合理补偿和妥善安置的法律行为。这项政策本是既有利于国家长远经济发展,又维护了被征收土地的农民利益的政策,有积极作用。  相似文献   

在全面调查的基础上,通过构建评价指标体系,分析阐述指标含义、量化方法和评价模型,对广东省开发区土地进行集约利用评价,并测算土地节约集约利用潜力.研究结果表明:开发区土地利用总体上并不集约,集约用地水平与所属地市的经济发达水平无显著相关性;不同地市、不同类别开发区之间差距较大;广东省开发区土地节约集约利用的潜力仍然较大.最后,针对性地提出了加强节约集约用地的政策建议.  相似文献   

土地制度是农村、农民、农业问题的关键,没有合理的土地政策就不可能有国家经济的稳定发展.比较中日农村改革不难发现,两国虽分别采用了不同的改革方式,但对农业的改革不约而同地落在土地制度上.起步于上世纪70年代末80年代初的家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度的改革和创新,并获得了巨大成功.  相似文献   

这块地应属集体所有辽宁北宁市土地管理局方宝锡高某拆建地的争议是国家与农村集体之间所有权的争议。我认为这块地应属农村集体所有。理由有三点:一是县手工业社用地是60年代中期通过行政划拨方式从农村集体组织中取得的。这种获得土地使用权方式是不合理的,因为划拨...  相似文献   

我国的土地实行所有权与使用权分离的政策:土地所有权归国家和集体,土地使用权归农民。土地使用权的流转就是在家庭承包基础上,农户之间土地使用权的转移,它是承包期内农户土地承包权借以实现的市场形式。只有建立灵活有效的土地流转机制,才能使土地按照市场规律的要求,同其它生产要素优化组合。土地使用权的流转是一项崭新的课‘题,也是完善家庭联产承包责任制、推动农村改革向纵深发展的必然选择。一、土地使用权的流转是农村经济发展的客观要求一方面新增人口和劳动力既可以通过改变承包关系获得土地使用权,就无需借助土地流转市…  相似文献   

研究目的:从土地供给入手,识别房价上涨对人口半城镇化的影响及其机制。研究方法:理论分析与实证分析相结合,并采用工具变量法克服模型内生性。研究结果:(1)土地供给错配导致房价上涨,进而推升半城镇化率;(2)不管来自省外还是来自省内的农业转移人口均受到房价上涨的负面冲击,但是省外农业转移人口受到的影响更大。研究结论:房价上涨过快不利于农村转移人口市民化,而土地供给错配是造成房价上涨的重要根源。因此,为了促进农村转移人口市民化,有必要调整限制大城市而鼓励中小城镇发展的政策。  相似文献   

In China, rural land is collectively owned at the village level. Village officials usually have the power to reallocate land property across families on an ongoing basis due to demographic changes in the village. Realizing that frequent land reallocation and abusive land requisition will undermine economic productivity as well as social stability, the “Rural Land Contract Law” passed in 2002 explicitly reads that farmland tenure security must be maintained for at least 30 years since the last nationwide reallocation in 1998. The frequency and magnitude of land reallocation in Chinese villages have decreased as a result. However, failure to allocate land to the newly increased population often induced conflicts among village members if the security of land tenure for 30 years was strictly implemented. Administrative land reallocations then still continued in some villages to accommodate demographic changes in these places. Based on an almost nationally representative rural dataset collected in 119 villages of 6 provinces across China in 2008, this paper lays out some stylized facts about the administrative land reallocation after 1998. By analyzing the opinions of over 2200 farmers on the central policy of maintaining farmland tenure security, we are able to rationalize why some farmers support the policy while others oppose it. This analysis helps us to better understand the dilemma between efficiency and equity embedded in the current agricultural land system in China. It is further shown that social conflicts among village members may easily arise either due to administrative land reallocation or due to lack of it. We argue that this dilemma cannot be resolved effectively without coordinated reforms in household registration system which can help hundreds of millions of Chinese rural migrant workers to permanently settle in cities and release their farmland to those who stay in the countryside.  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨2010—2018年广东乡村土地利用功能的类型识别、时空差异以及影响因素。研究方法:系统聚类、因子分析、地理探测器。研究结果:(1)基于土地利用结构,乡村土地利用可分为耕地型、园地型、林地型、设施农用地型、建设用地型、均衡型6种类型;(2)生态功能始终为广东省县域乡村发展主因子,非农生产功能凸显,农业生产功能、生活功能仍是乡村特征重要组成,不同乡村类型的功能因子存在空间异质性;(3)土地类型、地理区位、城镇化、人口流动、古村落分布、交通运输等对广东乡村土地利用功能具有显著影响,且不同功能因子影响因素各有差异。研究结论:乡村土地利用功能存在时空异质性,应分区分类制定差异化土地利用政策。  相似文献   

在城市化快速发展中,大量农村土地被转化为国有土地,这对农民收入方式与来源造成较大影响。文章在对广东省主要农业县失地农民收入的调查研究基础,利用文献与系统分析法,对广东省失地农民失地前后收入来源与收入额度进行分析,结果表明:失地前农民收入主要以农业经营收入为主,而失地后农民收入来源主要通过就业、土地补偿及社会保障等。从总收入额度来看,失地后农民年总收入额较失地前有了一定提升,但由于受到消费成本增加、进城务工难度大等原因,这种收入存在暂时性与不稳定性。综合分析表明,导致失地农民收入不能增长的主要原因有:农民补偿利益受损、就业受阻、社会保障水平低及就业政策得不到落实等。因此,未来需要通过增加失地补偿、扩展多形式的财产性收入、提高社会保障性收入等方面来促进城镇化进程中失地农民收入的快速稳定增长,以保证他们生活可持续。  相似文献   

Farm invasions in Zimbabwe have highlighted the pressing need for land reform throughout the southern African region. In South Africa, where the racial disparities in land holding are most severe, the events in Zimbabwe have raised the temperature of the land debate and led to calls for land invasions by some rural groups. The ANC-led government, facing criticism from both right and left for the slow pace of reform, has veered between strident defence of private property rights and threats to expropriate white farms. White farming interests have reacted differentially, with some progressive voices joining the calls for an accelerated reform programme. Current land reform policy in South Africa seems set to advance the interests of emerging black commercial farmers and tribal chiefs at the expense of the rural poor and landless.  相似文献   

农村建设用地减少与城镇建设用地增加相挂钩是当前土地管理的热点,也是促进土地集约高效利用、盘活存量土地、保障建设用地的有效手段之一,本文以定南县为例,在对31个居民点用地进行实地调查的基础上,分析了实施挂钩的可行性,并提出了城乡建设用地挂钩的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文在分析广东省土地登记现状的基础上,对当前土地登记制度建设中存在的问题进行了深入探讨,并就此提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Wei Yaping  Zhao Min   《Land use policy》2009,26(4):1031-1045
Rather than a bad case of urban sprawl, the physical expansion of China's megacities may be viewed as a combination of ‘urban spill over’ and ‘local urban sprawl’. This paper reviews land use regulations in their institutional context and argues that conflicts in land use regulation are related to ideologies of land ownership and embedded in different planning doctrines. These hypotheses are investigated with special reference to Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province in southern China. The evidence suggests that entangled land use regulations for “urban” and “rural” land have imposed serious constraints on urban growth, while the contradictions of different policies and regulations in the use of rural lands for urban construction have led to intensive and unhealthy competition among stakeholders. As a result, not only have the costs of land conversion from rural to urban uses increased, but the spatial development of Guangzhou has been distorted. The implications of these failures for future policy are discussed with emphasis on the reform of the land use regulation system.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the relations between land characteristics and land use, and their evolution in the Vallès county (Catalunya) since 1850. We reconstructed in digital format the 1850s cadastral maps of three villages (Caldes, Castellar, and Polinyà) and those made in 1950 of five villages (the previous three plus Sentmenat and Palau-Solità). For 1999 we used the available cadastral and land-use maps and conducted field surveys. We evaluated the suitability of land for the various agricultural uses (winter cereal, alfalfa, vineyard, olive, and almond orchards) considering the different land-use systems of 1850 and 1999. Forty to sixty percent of the land was more or less suitable for each of the land uses. Whilst in 1850 land used for agriculture was 46% of the total area and 29% was used for forest, these figures turned to 28% and 53%, respectively, by 1999. Urban and industrial areas now occupy 13% of the total land area and 47% of the best agricultural land. In 1850, 34% of the vineyards and 23% of the area with cereal crops were located on non-suitable or poorly suitable land for these uses. This shows a much more strict criterion for the location of cereal fields. But it also shows how the land-owning class tried to prevent further social conflicts by leasing their least suitable land for agriculture to the landless classes. In 1850 in the village of Caldes, 85% of the cereal fields were on slopes less than 20%, but 30% of the vineyards were on slopes of more than 30%, and sometimes up to 60–70%. Slopes protected with stone terraces occupied 700 ha, 43% of the land in agriculture in 1850, and 80% of that area was used for vineyards. Building of these terraces, which were generally small, required some 120,000 work days, and was undertaken on relatively soft geological materials while they disappear on the transition to competent geological materials. These results show that land characteristics influence land-use decision making and historical landscape changes. However, the extension of agriculture to non-suitable land in 1850 reflects deeper social conflicts, and required a vast labour investment in soil conservation by the poorest rural classes. The importance of terraces within this landscape and the land-use alternatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文基于“交易类型—公平感知—政治信任”的研究框架,分析中国农村公共政策的响应逻辑。公共政策响应依赖于政治信任,较高水平的政治信任能够降低政策实施的交易成本。其内在机制在于,各层级政府与个体在政策响应过程中构成了康芒斯式的交易类型组合,进而催生个体产生不同的公平诉求,最终影响个体对各层级政府的政治信任。本文以农地确权政策为例,将政治信任作为农户响应农业政策的代理变量并使用广东省农户调研数据进行实证检验。结果表明,结果公平、程序公平、信息公平和人际公平均显著提升了农户对地方政府的政治信任;人际公平显著提升了农户对中央政府的政治信任;整体公平感知对农户的地方政府信任有显著正向影响。实证结果在控制住人际信任、家庭政治资本与社会网络、村庄禀赋与历史因素后仍然稳健。本文的政策启示是,在农村公共政策实施中,鼓励多维公平的实现,谨慎对待政策推进的效率攀比,这对提升农民的政治信任并激发社会活力具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

本文在介绍广东省土地登记管理系统(简称GLD系统)在全省多个市、县国土资源局使用情况的基础上,对全省土地登记管理软件的使用现状进行了深入的分析,并就此提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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