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基础研究是一个国家在经济发展到较高水平后保持增长态势,成为全球强国的重要影响因素。目前,我国基础研究和资金投入与世界创新型国家相比仍处于较低水平,如何加速基础研究进展已成为当前科技政策亟需解决的问题。发达国家基础研究制度已有较长历史,在预算经费分配、科研主体鼓励方面为我国提供了丰富的经验。通过对发达国家经费资助、创新激励等政策进行分析,为我国在基础科学研究领域保持先进性提出对策建议。  相似文献   

我国企业研发项目管理及研发经费核算中的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究开发成为企业在日益激烈的竞争环境下求生存、谋发展的重要手段.近年来,我国研发经费的增长速度一直保持在较高的水平上,但是与国外发达国家相比还有很大差距.企业作为研发主体,加强研发管理,对企业自身及我国科技的发展至关重要.  相似文献   

经济全球化使工业发达国家和新兴工业国家的科技合作日益密切,形成既是竞争对手,又是合作伙伴的关系。发达国家企业增加在海外投资,推动了国家之间的技术转移和人才流动。科技飞速发展使基础研究和应用研究趋于合二为一,科研网络化和科技进步的综合性日益明显,研发经费持续增长,社会公众的认同与评价成为制约科研发展的重要外部环境。  相似文献   

1.基础研究等与自主创新能力建设相关的研究成为政府投入的优先领域。基于基础研究和部分应用研究对自主创新能力的培养作用,近年来再次受到国际上核心创新国家的重视,在各国政府研发经费支出结构中,基础研究/政府研发经费基本保持在10%以上的水平。即使像日本、韩国这样以技术应用和技术引进为发端的国家,也开始强调基础研究的重要性,并把自主创新作为争夺未来产业高地的重要武器。  相似文献   

我国政府部门通过分析与研究表明:国家财政支出政策与经济增长产生着直接的关系。为此,本文将针对于国家财政支出政策的缺陷与不足做出进一步的分析,并结合国外西方发达国家先进的经验与知识,立足于我国国家国情的需求与特点,不断完善与创新,通过制定出切实可行的国家财政支出政策,进一步推进我国社会经济水平的持续增长,为实现我国国家的进一步强大与发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

保持基础研究的高水平是当前德国科技政策的重点之一。80年代以来,德国特别重视基础研究,联邦政府和经济界拿出研究开发经费(国家提供40%,经济界提供60%)的20%用于基础研究(远远超过美国12%,日本13%)。  相似文献   

通过对国外政府资助R&D投入经费和投入模式演变的研究,发现国外政府资助R&D的经费投入不断增加,但是由于企业研发投入的迅速上升,政府资助R&D占总研究开发费用中的比重呈下降趋势:政府资助占财政支出的比重各国呈现不同的发展趋势,总体上发达国家呈下降趋势.而新兴工业化国家和地区呈上升趋势;投入模式逐步从直接投入转到间接投入,税收优惠政策成为各国相继采纳的主要投入政策。  相似文献   

江苏省R”D经费运行状况的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技是推动国民经济发展的重要力量 ,作为其基础的研究与开发 (R D)的重要性也日益突显。本文从相对量的角度将江苏省 R D经费运行情况与全国及世界主要发达国家、新兴工业国家等比较 ,以期了解江苏省在 R D经费投入强度、R D经费来源结构、R D经费分配结构和 R D经费使用结构这四个方面的实际状况。  相似文献   

一、与西方国家相比我国科技发展的主要差距 (一)R&D经费投入不足 我国R&D经费投入不足,与发达国家和新兴工业国家相比差距较大。1996年我国R&D经费仅327亿人民币,折合69.4亿美元,美国R&D经费在1995年就达1711亿美元。1996年我国科技人员的人均R&D经费为1.20万元人民币。而美国每一位科技人员人均R&D经费为15万美元;日本则为10万美元,对比之下相差甚远。  相似文献   

建立完善的农业支持保护体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李凤瑞 《经济论坛》2004,(4):112-113
农业在国民经济中处于基础地位。世界大多数国家在经济发展水平达到一定阶段后,都对农业实行特殊的保护政策。我国是一个农业大国,农业的基础地位和作用比任何国家都重要。有鉴于此,《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》提出要“健全对农业的支持保护体系”。如何借鉴发达国家的经验,建立既符合WTO规则,又适合我国国情  相似文献   

In a real macroeconomic model, it is well established that a balanced‐budget rule based on consumption tax can rule out indeterminacy. The present paper shows, both analytically and numerically, that such a balanced‐budget rule induces indeterminacy and, hence, aggregate instability in a standard one‐sector cash‐in‐advance economy. From a policy perspective, our results raise possible concerns that balanced‐budget rules with endogenous consumption tax could have destabilizing effects under the current over‐easy monetary environment.  相似文献   

We analyse the effects of public debt in a basic endogenous growth model with productive public spending. We demonstrate that a discretionary policy in general violates the intertemporal government budget constraint along a balanced growth path. A balanced government budget gives a unique saddle point stable growth path. With a rule‐based policy, two saddle point stable balanced growth paths can occur, depending on the intertemporal elasticity of substitution of consumption and on the primary surplus policy. Higher debt goes along with smaller long‐run growth and we derive a condition such that a deficit‐financed increase in public spending raises the growth rate.  相似文献   

We examine the optimality of budget policies imposed by a funding authority on a bureaucrat who operates under a fixed budget. In particular, we study a “use‐it‐or‐lose‐it” (UILI) policy under which the bureaucrat has to return any unspent budget without being able to “roll over” any part to the next period. Instead of returning the unspent budget, the bureaucrat can go on a spending spree and engage in policy drift, which is inversely related to his motivation. The bureaucrat's motivation represents how well matched he is with the bureaucracy's mission. We show that a UILI policy is complementary to motivation as it has stronger ex ante positive incentive effects on more motivated bureaucrats. Such ex ante positive effects can overcome the ex post inefficiency of the policy and make a UILI policy optimal when the bureaucrat is well matched with the bureaucracy's mission or when its budget is large.  相似文献   

建立更加有效的出口鼓励政策机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈飞翔 《经济经纬》2004,10(1):38-41
日益加速的经济全球化进程使各国在出口方面所面临的竞争越来越激烈,发展中国家面临的挑战尤其严峻。随着我国市场化改革的深入和对外开放的不断扩大,政府对出口贸易的鼓励政策得到不断的调整和优化,但仍有一些深层次的问题需要解决。为了保持我国出口贸易的持续增长,更加有效地参与国际分工、进一步拓展国民经济的成长空间,我们应当努力构建新型的出口鼓励政策机制,推动我国出口竞争优势模式的转换,实现从贸易大国到贸易强国的转变。  相似文献   

We consider the origins of global current account imbalances. We first discuss how the expansion of the US current account deficit and the decrease in global real interest rates can be reconciled with the widespread view that American expansionary fiscal policy is partly the source of current trends. We then investigate empirically the medium‐term determinants of the current account using a model that controls for factors related to institutional development. In addition to the conventional macroeconomic factors, we examine a series of environmental factors, including the degree of financial openness and the extent of legal development. We find that for industrial countries, the government budget balance is an important determinant of the current account balance; the budget balance coefficient is 0.10 to 0.49 depending on model specifications. These varying estimates lead us to conclude that fiscal factors might be as important as excess savings arising from East Asia.  相似文献   

With a growing old‐age population, ensuring income security for the elderly is becoming an increasingly important element of public policy worldwide. The World Bank report proposed a three‐tier system to avert old‐age crisis, which was extended into a five‐tier system by Holzmann et al. Our analysis of Singapore's old‐age income security system in light of these two systems shows that it lacks the basic zero and first pillars of protection against old‐age hardships. We show that a budget allocation of less than half a percent of national gross domestic product (GDP) can ensure that no elderly citizen suffers from poverty in Singapore. As Singapore occupies the status of a developed country, a government‐financed pension system that is adequate, affordable, sustainable and robust is long overdue.  相似文献   

We study the consequences of nonneutrality of government debt for macroeconomic stabilization policy in a sticky‐price model. Ricardian equivalence fails because debt has a negative impact on its rate of return and on private savings, which is induced by assuming transaction services of bonds. Under aggressive monetary policy regimes, macroeconomic fluctuations tend to be stabilized if nominal budget deficits are low. A smooth debt path limits inflation expectations, such that inflation variances can be reduced. Under a balanced budget policy, the central bank's output gap–inflation volatility trade‐off is improved relative to an environment where debt is neutral.  相似文献   

Intellectual property (IP) protection involves a trade‐off between the undesirability of monopoly and the desirable encouragement of creation and innovation. Optimal policy depends on the relative strength of these two forces. We give a quantitative assessment of current IP policies. We focus particularly on the scale of the market, showing that as it increases, due either to growth or to the expansion of trade, IP protection should be reduced.  相似文献   

This paper studies the endogenous determination of public budget allocation across hierarchical education stages. In less developed economies, the top class has dominant political power to implement its most preferred policy, which is characterized by exclusive participation and large schooling expenditure at higher education at the expense of basic education. In developed economies, the budget allocation is more balanced; under certain parameters, it leads to expanded participation of the middle class in higher education. The model offers an explanation to the observed cross-country policy difference and is broadly consistent with historical evidence.  相似文献   

Standard policy advice at times of fiscal adjustment is to protect public spending on the poor. However, the political economy of fiscal adjustment could well indicate the opposite direction, to protect the non‐poor from adjustment. This point is illustrated by three case studies based on research on social programs in Argentina, Bangladesh, and India, focusing on how targeting performance varied with aggregate outlays. The results suggest a tendency for program spending on the non‐poor that is protected from budget cuts.  相似文献   

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