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This paper considers implementation of marginal cost pricing equilibrium allocations with transfers for production economies with increasing returns to scale. We present a mechanism whose Nash equilibrium allocations coincide with the set of marginal cost pricing equilibrium allocations with transfers that characterizes Pareto efficient allocations for economies with non-convex production technologies. We allow production sets and preferences to be unknown to the planner. The mechanism has some nice properties such as feasibility, continuity, and finite-dimension of message space. Furthermore, it works not only for three or more agents, but also for two-agent economies.  相似文献   

In a production technology, the type of returns to scale (RTS) associated with an efficient decision making unit (DMU) is indicative of the direction of marginal rescaling that the DMU should undertake in order to improve its productivity. In this paper a concept of global returns to scale (GRS) is developed as an indicator of the direction in which the most productive scale size (MPSS) of an efficient DMU is achieved. The GRS classes are useful in assisting strategic decisions like those involving mergers of units or splitting into smaller firms. The two characterisations, RTS and GRS, are the same in a convex technology but generally different in a non-convex one. It is shown that, in a non-convex technology, the well-known method of testing RTS proposed by Färe et al. is in fact testing for GRS and not RTS. Further, while there are three types of RTS: constant, decreasing and increasing (CRS, DRS and IRS, respectively), the classification according to GRS includes the fourth type of sub-constant GRS, which describes a DMU able to achieve its MPSS by both reducing and increasing the scale of operations. The notion of GRS is applicable to a wide range of technologies, including the free disposal hull (FDH) and all polyhedral technologies used in data envelopment analysis (DEA).  相似文献   

This paper examines the scale and scope economies of higher education institutions in Japan assuming the presence of productive inefficiency. The standard approach to testing the scope economies is to apply the cost function. However, the cost function approach often entails the difficulty of obtaining reliable data on input prices, especially the input prices of capital for higher education institutions. This paper proposes a duality approach based on the input distance function. The scope economies are tested under a necessary and sufficient condition by retrieving the costs of joint and separate production from the input distance function. We apply the testing procedure to data pertaining to 218 Japanese private universities in 1999 and 2004. The results indicate the scale economies and the scope diseconomies.  相似文献   

This paper studies a ‘factor cost in advance’ model with increasing returns in production. In the model both partial equilibrium and general equilibrium may exist since working capital of firms limit their input demand. We provide a sufficient condition for the existence of partial equilibrium of a firm operating on a non-convex choice set. Furthermore we establish the existence and uniqueness of competitive equilibrium in the special case of logarithmic utility.  相似文献   

In a standard imperfect competition model, we endogenize the costs of production of firms in the increasing returns sector (IRS) via process R&D. We show that firms in the larger region in terms of demand invest more in R&D (i.e.: they are bigger in size and have lower marginal costs) than firms in the smaller region, since the former exploit larger economies of scale in production to pay for the costs of R&D. As a result, when the return on R&D is high, the larger region does not employ disproportionately more labor nor attracts a disproportionately larger share of firms in the IRS in relation to share of demand it hosts, i.e.: negative home market effects (HMEs) in employment and in the number of firms. When this occurs, only partial agglomeration of the IRS in the larger region is sustainable in equilibrium. Even so, the larger region always runs trade surplus in the IRS, i.e.: HME in trade patterns.  相似文献   

In many sectors of the economy, governments either provide various services at no cost or at highly subsidized prices. Examples are the health, education and general government sectors. The System of National Accounts 1993 recommends valuing these nonmarket outputs at their costs of production but it does not give much guidance on exactly how to do this. In this paper, an explicit methodology is developed that enables one to construct these marginal cost prices. However, in the main text, an activity analysis approach is taken in order to simplify the analysis, so in particular, constant returns to scale, no substitution production functions for the specific activities in the nonmarket sector are assumed. It is shown that it is possible to obtain meaningful measures of Total Factor Productivity growth in this framework. An “Appendix” relaxes some of the restrictive assumptions that are used in the main text.  相似文献   

We consider a production economy where commodities are partitioned into K irreproducible factors and L   reproducible goods, and the production technologies have constant returns to scale. We examine the geometry of the global production set in the space of commodities, and we derive theorems of non-substitution type. We define the “factors values” of the different goods, we use them to characterize the efficient production plans, and we investigate in detail the relations between the prices of goods and the prices of factors. We show that the prices of factors uniquely determine the prices of goods, and that, generically, equalising the prices of 2K2K goods equalises the prices of factors.  相似文献   

We address the issue of equivalence of primal and dual measures of scale efficiency in general production theory framework. We find that particular types of homotheticity of technologies, which we refer to here as scale homotheticity, provide necessary and sufficient condition for such equivalence. We also identify the case when the scale homotheticity is equivalent to the homothetic structures from Shephard (Theory of cost and production functions, Princeton studies in mathematical economics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1970).  相似文献   

Closed proper convex functions have many properties in common with differentiable functions such as continuity and one-sided directional derivatives. In this paper it is shown that there exists a mean value theorem for such functions with the gradient vector in the differentiable case replaced by an element of the subdifferential in the convex case.Under compactness of the isoquant sets, (minus) the cost functions are convex and with the theorem above it is easy to show that under incomplete specialization and constant returns to scale the prices of international goods determine uniquely the prices of domestic goods if the isoquant sets are linearly independent.  相似文献   

I consider a cash-in-advance economy with nominal price rigidities. Nominal interest rates are the cost of liquidity and fiscal policy sets nominal transfers that affect the distribution of wealth. Under a fiscal policy associated with an unequal distribution of wealth and for policies of low or even zero interest rates, coordination failures exist, that is, involuntary unemployment persist even if prices are set at full employment levels. Coordination failures exist if and only if nominal rates are below a threshold. Moreover, I demonstrate the following result on welfare: full employment allocations at a nominal rate equal to the threshold (high liquidity costs) are better, in terms of welfare, from unemployment allocations at any non-negative interest rates below the threshold. On the other hand, under a sufficiently progressive fiscal system that reduces the inequality in the wealth distribution, coordination failures do not exist.  相似文献   

The Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indexes are the two most widely used theoretical indexes for measuring productivity growth. Since these productivity indexes are defined by unknown distance functions, it is necessary to estimate the distance functions to compute them in principle. On the other hand, the Törnqvist productivity index is an empirical index number formula that is directly computable from the prices and quantities of the inputs and outputs alone. Caves et al. (1982) imply that the Malmquist index coincides with the Törnqvist index under profit maximizing behaviour and constant returns to scale technology. The purpose of the present paper is to point out that the Hicks-Moorsteen productivity index coincides with the Törnqvist productivity index under the same condition. We emphasize that the condition of constant returns to scale is indispensable for deriving the equivalence between the two indexes. Moreover, even when this condition is relaxed to the α returns to scale, the equivalence between the Hicks-Moorsteen and Törnqvist productivity indexes is shown to hold true.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the theory of existence of efficient allocations and equilibria when consumption sets are unbounded below under the assumption that agents have incomplete preferences. Our model is motivated by an example in the theory of assets with short-selling where there is risk and ambiguity. Agents have Bewley’s incomplete preferences. As an inertia principle is assumed in markets, equilibria are individually rational. It is shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an individually rational efficient allocation or of an equilibrium is that the relative interiors of the risk adjusted sets of probabilities intersect. The more risk averse, the more ambiguity averse the agents, the more likely is an equilibrium to exist. The paper then turns to incomplete preferences represented by a family of concave utility functions. Several definitions of efficiency and of equilibrium with inertia are considered. Sufficient conditions and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of efficient allocations and equilibria with inertia.  相似文献   

The paper fully characterizes the Bertrand equilibria of oligopolistic markets where consumers may ignore the last (i.e., the right-most) digits of prices. Consumers, in this model, do not do this reflexively or out of irrationality, but only when they expect the time cost of acquiring full cognizance of the exact price to exceed the expected loss caused by the slightly erroneous amounts that are likely to be purchased or the slightly higher price that may be paid by virtue of ignoring the information concerning the last digits of prices. It is shown that in this setting there will always exist firms that set prices that end in nine though there may also be some (nonstrict) equilibria where a non-nine price ending occurs. It is shown that all firms earn positive profits even in Bertrand equilibria. The model helps us understand in what kinds of markets we are most likely to encounter pricing in the nines.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a flexible multiproduct cost function that permits zero values of one or more of the outputs and can impose restrictions quite easily, if not automatically satisfied, to ensure global concavity property. It satisfies linear homogeneity (in prices) property and is flexible in the output space. Thus the function is ideal for estimating, for example, economies of scope, cost complementarity, product-specific returns to scale, etc., without worrying about zero values of output(s) and extrapolations to points far from the point of approximation. As an empirical application, we use panel data (1978–1985) on 12 Finnish foundry plants to estimate technical progress, overall returns to scale, product-specific returns to scale and economies of scope.  相似文献   

We consider generalized production functions, introduced in Zellner and Revankar (1969), for output y=g(f) where g is a monotonic function and f is a homogeneous production function. For various choices of the scale elasticity or returns to scale as a function of output, differential equations are solved to determine the associated forms of the monotonic transformation, g(f). Then by choice of the form of f, the elasticity of substitution, constant or variable, is determined. In this way, we have produced and generalized a number of homothetic production functions, some already in the literature. Also, we have derived and studied their associated cost functions to determine how their shapes are affected by various choices of the scale elasticity and substitution elasticity functions. In general, we require that the returns to scale function be a monotonically decreasing function of output and that associated average cost functions be U- or L-shaped with a unique minimum. We also represent production functions in polar coordinates and show how this representation simplifies study of production functions' properties. Using data for the US transportation equipment industry, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods are employed to estimate many different generalized production functions and their associated average cost functions. In accord with results in the literature, it is found that the scale elasticities decline with output and that average cost curves are U- or L-shaped with unique minima. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of rising energy prices on the locational pattern of industries is analyzed by a simple two-firm straight line location model. The concavity of average cost function of final consumer's good with respect to locational variables is proved for the case of linear homogeneous Cobb- Douglas production functions and this leads to the possible three cases of end-point location. The rise in energy prices induces ‘double location at the market’ or ‘double location at the port’ instead of separate location of two industries, i.e., intermediate good industry and consumer's good industry.  相似文献   

The paper presents a decomposition of a production unit’s cost ratio over two periods into explanatory factors. The explanatory factors are growth in the unit’s cost efficiency, output growth, changes in input prices and technical progress. In order to implement the decomposition, an estimate of the industry’s best practice cost function for the two periods under consideration is required. Profitability at a period of time is defined as the value of outputs produced by a production unit divided by the corresponding cost. Using the earlier work by Balk and O’Donnell, the paper provides a decomposition of profitability growth over two periods into various explanatory factors that are similar to the cost ratio decomposition except that change in outputs explanatory factor is replaced by two separate factors: an index of output price growth and a measure of returns to scale.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the following question: how efficient is the market system in allocating resources if trade takes place at prices that are not competitive? Even though there are many partial answers to this question, an answer that stands comparison to the rigor by which the first and second welfare theorems are derived is lacking. We first prove a “Folk Theorem” on the generic suboptimality of equilibria at non-competitive prices. The more interesting problem is whether equilibria are constrained optimal, i.e. efficient relative to all allocations that are consistent with prices at which trade takes place. We discuss an optimality notion due to Bénassy, and argue that this notion admits no general conclusions. We then turn to the notion of p-optimality and give a necessary condition, called the separating property, for constrained optimality: each constrained household should be constrained in each constrained market. If the number of commodities is less than or equal to two, the case usually treated in the textbook, then this necessary condition is also sufficient. In that case equilibria are constrained optimal. When there are three or more commodities, two or more constrained households, and two or more constrained markets, this necessary condition is typically not sufficient and equilibria are generically constrained suboptimal.  相似文献   

This paper has taken into account the a priori restrictions available from neoclassical cost theory in evaluating the relationship between cost and the level of output and input prices for U.S. intercity bus service. A general translog cost function is used which allows tests of the degree of returns to scale, homotheticity and non-constant elasticities of substitution among input pairs. Major empirical findings are: (i) the intercity bus service can be modeled by a homothetic production function, (ii) operators can substitute labor for capital by using vehicles more extensively, (iii) there are potential economies of scale in the provision of intercity bus service, and (iv) the Cobb-Douglas functional form used in earlier studies of the industry is inappropriate.  相似文献   

We derive a feedback equilibrium of a dynamic Cournot game where production requires exploitation of a renewable asset. As in the classical Cournot model, quantity-setting firms compete in the same market for a given homogeneous good. We show that, when the asset stock grows sufficiently fast, the unique globally asymptotically stable steady state of the dynamic Cournot game corresponds to the static Cournot solution. Initial differences between firms’ production rates due to asymmetric allocations of asset stocks tend to disappear over time. When instead the asset stock grows slowly, the system does not converge to any stationary point. We also show that, within the class of linear feedback equilibrium strategies, besides the couple of strategies that stabilizes the states for every possible initial conditions, there exists another couple which is more efficient, in that it leads to higher stationary equilibrium profits for both firms, closer to the collusive outcome. Finally, we show that, as the discount rate approaches zero, there exist multiple linear feedback equilibrium strategies that induce a price trajectory that converges asymptotically to a price which is above the static Cournot equilibrium price.  相似文献   

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