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This paper is concerned with the business cycle dynamics in search and matching models of the labor market when agents are ex-post heterogeneous. We focus on heterogeneity caused by different labor market histories and the resulting wealth inequality they generate. We show that this inequality implies wage rigidity relative to a complete insurance economy. The fraction of wealth poor agents prevents real wages from falling too much in recessions, since small decreases in income imply large losses in utility. Analogously, wages rise less during expansions than in models with homogeneous workers as small increases are enough for poor workers to accept job offers. This mechanism reduces the volatility of wages but generates more volatile employment levels.  相似文献   

The persistent instability of the agricultural sector is the fundamental premise of most agricultural policy. Yet no research has ever quantified the aggregate dynamics of individual farms in the US. This article is the first to combine the US Census of Agriculture with the Agricultural Resource Management Survey to observe the dynamics of nearly 1.5 million farms. The data reveal substantial variation in farm size expansion and contraction. Most of this variation is unobservable in the sector totals reported by the US Department of Agriculture each year. The distribution of agricultural subsidies suggests that subsidies become more important as farms get smaller and may play a role in slowing farm size contraction.  相似文献   

Summary. We prove existence of a competitive equilibrium in a version of a Ramsey (one sector) model in which agents are heterogeneous and gross investment is constrained to be non negative. We do so by converting the infinite-dimensional fixed point problem stated in terms of prices and commodities into a finite-dimensional Negishi problem involving individual weights in a social value function. This method allows us to obtain detailed results concerning the properties of competitive equilibria. Because of the simplicity of the techniques utilized our approach is amenable to be adapted by practitioners in analogous problems often studied in macroeconomics. Received: September 13, 2001; revised version: December 9, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" We are grateful to Tapan Mitra for pointing out errors as well as making very valuable suggestions. Thanks are due to Raouf Boucekkine and Jorge Duran for additional helpful discussions. We also thank an anonymous referee for his/her helpful comments. The second author acknowledges the financial support of the Belgian Ministry of Scientific Research (Grant ARC 99/04-235 “Growth and incentive design”) and of the Belgian Federal Goverment (Grant PAI P5/10, “Equilibrium theory and optimization for public policy and industry regulation”). Correspondence to: C. Le Van  相似文献   

This paper studies optimal taxation in a version of the neoclassical growth model in which investment becomes productive within the period, thereby making the supply of capital elastic in the short run. Because taxing capital is distortionary in the short run, the government׳s ability/desire to raise revenues through capital income taxation in the initial period or when the economy is hit with a bad shock is greatly curtailed. Our timing assumption also leads to a tractable Ramsey problem without state-contingent debt, which can give rise to debt-financed budget deficits during recessions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the long-run wealth distribution in a Ramsey model where individuals have a common rate of time preference but different intertemporal elasticities of substitution. As a result, it is shown that heterogeneity among households in intertemporal substitution is sufficient for the existence of a non-degenerate long-run wealth distribution. We also investigate the properties of the long-run wealth distribution and the transition of capital and consumption using the phase diagram.  相似文献   

This paper studies an aid allocation rule used by major development agencies, and investigates optimal allocations when recipients are neoclassical economies undergoing transition dynamics. When recipients face aid absorption constraints, allocations that favor poorer recipients are not always optimal, contrary to what is assumed in assessments of donor performance. The most quantitatively significant factors that determine the optimal sensitivity to recipient characteristics are the generosity of the aid budget and the extent of absorption constraints. In neoclassical recipients, aid can only accelerate growth where there is already growth, so the optimal rule places little weight on growth and optimality is largely a matter of balancing recipient need against absorption constraints.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between productive government expenditures and economic growth. An R&D-based model of endogenous growth is used, in which agents have heterogeneous entrepreneurial abilities. We show that if the number of high-ability entrepreneurs is non-negligible, then the relationship between the government expenditure/GDP ratio and the economic growth rate is depicted by an inverted U-shaped curve with a flat top. The flat top of the curve indicates that changes in the size of the government expenditures have a limited impact on growth. We calibrate the model using U.S. data and empirically confirm our theoretical predictions. The theoretical and numerical results suggest that the debate on the relationship between the size of the government and economic growth may be off the mark unless the size of the government is extremely large or small.  相似文献   

One of the major economic reasons for the creation of the European Union (EU) and of the Euro-zone (EZ) was an expected bonus of economic growth for member countries. Whilst several studies exist on the growth bonus of EU membership, there are none for the EZ, the latest and deepest step of economic integration in Europe. The aim of this article is to investigate whether EU and EZ memberships enhance growth for their members. In order to perform our empirical analysis, we estimate different growth models restricting the time frame to the first 15 years of the Euro - from 1999 to 2013. We find a positive impact of EU membership on economic growth, but no impact of being part of the EZ, except during the financial crisis, when the EZ has a negative impact on growth amongst its members. Considering the heated political debate related to the Brexit referendum, our results favour a “yes” to the EU but a less clear answer when it comes to the EZ.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider a Lucas asset-pricing model with heterogeneous agents, exogenous labor income, and a finite number of exogenous shocks. Although agents are infinitely lived, endowments and dividends are time-invariant functions of the exogenous shock alone and are thus restricted to lie in a finite-dimensional space; genericity analysis can be conducted on sets of zero Lebesgue measure. When financial markets are incomplete, that is, there are fewer financial securities than shocks, we show that generically in individual endowments all competitive equilibria are Pareto inefficient. Received: November 22, 1999; revised version: March 4, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" We are grateful to an anonymous referee for very insightful comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

I propose a framework that takes a set of conceivable outcomes as the primitive and a prediction is defined by identifying a subset on the set of conceivable outcomes. This notion of predictability serves as an organizing principle for characterizing pattern of trade predictions in single economy and integrated equilibrium formulations of the neoclassical trade model. I identify allocative efficiency as the unifying subset selection criterion for the different formulations of the neoclassical trade model, ranging from Ricardo’s (in Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, reprinted by J. M. Dent, London, in Everyman’s library, 1817) original comparative advantage formulation to the multi-cone Heckscher–Ohlin specification with multiple countries, goods and factors. I am grateful to comments from Jim Anderson, Chris Starmer, Catia Montagna, Peter Neary, two anonymous referees, as well as participants at the June 2007 GEP Conference on ‘New Directions in International Trade Theory’. I am grateful for financial support from NSF research grant SES-0452991 and from Leverhulme Trust Programme grant F114/BF.  相似文献   

This paper accounts for China’s economic growth since 1980 in a unified endogenous growth model in which a sequencing of physical capital accumulation, human capital accumulation and innovation drives the rise in China’s aggregate income. The first stage is characterized by physical capital accumulation. The second stage includes both physical and human capital accumulation, and in the final stage innovation is added to the mix. Model calibrations indicate that the growth model can generate a trajectory that accords well with the different stages of development in China.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Ramsey-Like model of growth with endogenous migration to study the effects of migration networks on the macroeconomy and welfare of hosting economies. In the model, migration is assumed to be made of two different components: a first, forward-looking component in which the rate of net migration depends on the wage gap between countries; a second, backward-looking component in which in-migration depends on the immigration history of the destination country through the formation of immigrant networking. We find that the model exhibits a unique saddle-path steady-state equilibrium and that introducing pro-immigration policies aimed at enhancing community networks have asymmetric impacts on the welfare level of natives and immigrants that hinge on the relative size of immigrant communities.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the welfare effects of counterfactual public debt policies using an endogenous growth model with incomplete markets. The economy features public debt, Schumpeterian growth, infinitely-lived agents, uninsurable income risk, and discount factor heterogeneity. Two versions of the model are specified, one with households holding equity in the group of innovating firms. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy to match the degree of wealth inequality, the share of R&D expenditure in GDP, the firms’ exit rate, the average growth rate, and other standard long-run targets. When comparing balanced growth paths, I find large welfare gains in equilibria characterized by governments accumulating public wealth. The result is robust to the mechanism used to generate a highly concentrated wealth (i.e., preference heterogeneity or “superstar” income shocks). Welfare effects decompositions show that level effects and growth effects reinforce each other. The responses of both the intermediate goods and their market conditions are key in explaining the large level effects. The version of the model without equity is computationally easier to solve, allowing to consider transitional dynamics. Taking into account the dynamic adjustment to the new long-run equilibrium, I show that the transitional welfare costs are not large enough to change the sign of the welfare effects stemming from a change in public debt. I find that eliminating public debt would lead to a 0.8% increase in welfare, while moving to a debt/GDP ratio of 100% would entail a welfare loss of 0.5%. A decomposition analysis shows that growth accounts for approximately 50% of the overall welfare effects.  相似文献   

We study a two-sector model with heterogeneous agents and borrowing constraint on labor income. We show that the relative capital intensity difference across sectors is crucial for the conditions required to get indeterminacy and endogenous fluctuations. The main result shows that when the consumption good is sufficiently capital intensive, local indeterminacy arises while the elasticities of capital–labor substitution in both sectors are slightly greater than unity and the elasticity of the offer curve is low enough. Locally indeterminate equilibria are thus compatible with a low elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and a low elasticity of the labor supply. As recently shown in empirical analysis, these conditions appear to be in accordance with macroeconomic evidences. We would like to thank R. Becker, J.P. Drugeon and an anonymous referee for useful comments and suggestions. The current version also benefited from a presentation at the conference “Public Economic Theory 04”, Beijing, August 2004.  相似文献   

As of the late 1990s, public spending on education in the US comprised approximately 7.1% of GDP; about 60% of that support was directed at K-12 education and the remainder at college education. We investigate the welfare and output implications of this spending in a theoretical model in which agents of differential innate ability choose whether to pursue higher education. Higher ability agents support greater expenditures at both the K-12 and college levels. When public education expenditures are low, all agents prefer that spending be directed solely to K-12 education; when expenditures are high, all prefer that some spending be allocated to college education.  相似文献   

This study extends a two-sector Kaleckian model of output growth and income distribution by incorporating endogenous labour productivity growth. The model is composed of investment goods and consumption goods production sectors. The impact of a change in wage and profit shares on capacity utilisation and output growth rates at the sectoral and aggregate levels are identified. The study reveals short-run cyclical capacity utilisation rates and productivity growth dynamics. Even if the short-run steady state is stable, the capital accumulation rate in the consumption goods sector must decrease more than that in the investment sector for long-run stability. When simultaneous rises in profit shares in both the sectors affect long-run aggregate economic growth differently at a steady state, the distributional interests between the same class in different sectors may hamper the long-run economic growth. A policy message is that the effect of income distribution on industrial output growth is not always beneficial. These phenomena are specific to two-sector models and cannot be observed when using conventional aggregate growth models.  相似文献   

Post-Keynesian growth theory is normally seen as originatingfrom Harrod's 1939 'Essay in Dynamic Theory'. Harrod, however,was trying to lay the foundations of a new approach to economicdynamics, and often complained of misinterpretation. In thispaper, the grounds of Harrod's argument are examined and comparedwith the 'textbook' interpretation. The latter is shown to beextremely reductive, as it ignores both Harrod's interest inthe trade cycle and his methodological criticism of the 'time-lagtheories of the cycle', and it also underrates the interestingimplications of his non-linear approach and the epistemic implicationsof the instability principle.  相似文献   

The evolution of portfolio rules and the capital asset pricing model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to test the performance of capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in an evolutionary framework. We model an economy where a heterogeneous population of long-lived agents invest their wealth according to different portfolio rules, and prove that traders who either “believe” in CAPM and use it as a rule of thumb, or are endowed with genuine mean-variance preferences, under some very weak conditions, vanish in the long run.We show that a sufficient condition to drive CAPM or mean-variance traders’ wealth shares to zero is that an investor endowed with a logarithmic utility function enters the market.  相似文献   

Summary. An explanation is provided for the evolution of segmented marketplaces in a pairwise exchange economy. Large traders operating in a pairwise exchange market prefer to meet other similar traders, because this enables them to trade their endowments in a smaller number of encounters. Large and small traders, however, cannot be distinguished a priori, and the existence of the small traders imposes a negative externality on the large traders. We show that, under conditions which are not very restrictive, establishing a separate market (perhaps with an entry fee) designated for the large traders induces the two types of traders to segment themselves. However, this segmentation is not necessarily welfare improving. Received: January 12, 2001; revised version: July 17, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" I wish to thank the participants in the Friday Theory Workshop at the University of Sydney, and the participants at the 17th Australian Theory Workshop at the University of Melbourne for comments and discussion. John Hillas and Stephen King pointed out an omission in an earlier version, and Catherine de Fontenay and Hodaka Morita made extensive comments on earlier drafts. This work was initiated while I was a short-term visitor at the University of Southern California.  相似文献   

Hyun Park 《Economic Theory》2000,15(3):565-584
Summary. This paper demonstrates global stability of a competitive equilibrium in a multi-sector model of many firms, each of which exhibits constant returns to scale technology, and of infinitely lived consumers, whose preferences are recursive but not necessarily additively separable. In the topology induced by a sup-norm, the dominant diagonal blocks condition (Araujo and Scheinkman (Econometrica 45, 1977)) allows us to apply the implicit function theorem to obtain continuity of the equilibrium path. If a stationary equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable, then the continuity of the equilibrium path and smoothness of a weight function on heterogeneous consumers imply that all equilibrium paths converge to the steady state. The dominant diagonal blocks condition is also shown to be sufficient for the local asymptotic turnpike property. Received: December 13, 1996; revised version: June 2, 1999  相似文献   

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