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In contrast to the findings of simple rational expectations permanent income hypothesis models, empirical studies show that income changes can help predict consumption change. This is dubbed as excess sensitivity in the macroeconomic literature. We use Iranian household data to investigate the excess sensitivity using civil servant status as a proxy for borrowing constraints. We observe that the excess sensitivity is different among different panels. Much less excess sensitivity is observed for government employees who have better access to finance due to the structure of the labour market and banking system in Iran. Our proxy variable to divide data, which is the working status of the head of the household, does not suffer from endogeneity problems evident in the previous literature. The results of this study indicate that the actual consumption profile of a constrained household is suboptimal and hence deepening financial access can decrease the welfare loss of this suboptimality.  相似文献   

Previous work linking liquidity constraints to excessive consumption sensitivity have used household level information on wealth and assets to split the sample into households that are likely to be constrained from those with access to credit and liquidity. In this paper, we use the sample splitting methods of previous authors but refine the criteria by using direct information on whether the household filed for bankruptcy in the last 10 years. Legally, a flag can appear on a bankruptcy filer’s credit report for up to 10 years after bankruptcy. This bankruptcy flag affects an individual’s credit score, and therefore the individual’s access to credit, which may make post-bankruptcy consumers liquidity constrained. Our results indicate that post-bankruptcy consumers exhibit excess sensitivity likely due to the bankruptcy flag. Consistency checks confirm that the source of sensitivity is due to liquidity constraints and not other observationally equivalent behavior.  相似文献   

近些年来,“流动性过剩”已成为中国乃至全球经济和金融运行中的一个较为突出的问题,并引起了社会各界广泛的关注与讨论。本文对这些代表性的文献进行系统的梳理,为进一步的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of financial deregulation on consumption expenditure in France during the period 1970–1993. A nonlinear model for consumption which allows for liquidity constraints through a time-varying parameter dependent on a proxy for financial deregulation is estimated using nonlinear instrumental variables. It is concluded that in France financial deregulation has significantly reduced liquidity constraints faced by consumers, allowing a higher percentage of the population to smooth consumption over time. Evidence is also provided that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is not significantly different from zero at conventional nominal levels of significance. First version received: January 1997/final version received: May 1999  相似文献   

In this article we analyse whether the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis is a valid approximation for Spains economic reality or whether there exist deviations from that situation which would be more in line with the conventional Keynesian perspective of the effects of debt on private consumption-savings decisions.Our aim is to contribute to the rather sparse empirical literature on the subject for the Spanish case. The analysis is based on annual aggregate data for Spain covering the years 1955 to 2000, and uses both the structural and the Euler equation approaches to test the neutrality proposition, and is thus to be considered as a generalization of foregoing work on the Spanish economy.The findings indicate that support for Ricardian equivalence is mixed, while we also find very little support for the Keynesian specification of consumption and fiscal policy.First revision received: March 2003 / Final version received: October 2003The authors wish to thank M. Ferré, J.M. González-Páramo, A. Marchante, P. Meguire, F. Pedraja, J.L. Raymond, J. Salinas and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions on this paper. We also thank the participants in the V Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Oviedo, Spain, June 2002) and the XVII Simposio de Análisis Económico (Salamanca, Spain, December 2002) for their comments. Any remaining defects are our responsibility. We also are grateful to the Institute for Fiscal Studies of Spain (Ministerio de Hacienda, Secretaría de Estado de Hacienda) for its financial support.  相似文献   

We use a large firm-level panel data set to analyse the relevance of liquidity constraints on firm growth in Italy. In most European countries, mainstream financial institutions are scantly able to provide affordable credit facilities to small firms. Thus, these firms are forced to finance their growth almost exclusively through retained earnings. We estimate a dynamic version of Gibrat-law, incorporating cash flow as a measure of financial constraints, for two different size classes within small and medium size enterprises and for several industries in manufacturing and service sectors. The findings show that, in general, small manufacturing firms have higher growth-cash flow sensitivities with respect to medium firms. Conversely, our results highlight, for the services, a significant heterogeneity in the impact of liquidity constraints on firm growth. In particular, the sensitivity of growth rates to the cash flow appears relatively high for small firms belonging to Knowledge Intensive Business Services. Validation of Gibrat-law in the services suggests that an important group of industries, with a superior capacity of encouraging firm’s competitiveness, need more financial resources to promote their growth and that of the manufacturing sectors with whom they are connected.  相似文献   

I study the effects of borrowing and liquidity constraints on the response of consumption to anticipated income changes. Using the PSID over 1999–2013, I find that the well-documented strong excess sensitivity of consumption to income of highly constrained households can be explained by episodes of income increases. In addition, I look into the heterogeneity of households without debt, a group that has been largely disregarded by the literature. My fixed-effects estimates show that only those without debt tend to increase their saving in response to anticipated income declines, irrespective of the amount of liquid assets held.  相似文献   

We investigate the drivers of excess interbank liquidity in Pakistan, using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach on weekly data for December 2005 to July 2011. We find that the financing of the government budget deficit by the central bank and nonbanks leads to persistence in excess liquidity. Moreover, we identify a structural shift in the interbank market in June 2008. Before June 2008, low credit demand was driving the excess liquidity holdings by banks. After June 2008, banks’ precautionary investments in risk-free securities drive excess liquidity holdings. Monetary policy is less effective if banks hold excess liquidity for precautionary reasons.  相似文献   

Empirical tests of household consumption have yielded mixed results regarding the validity of the life cycle/permanent income (LCPI) hypothesis. A significant problem with such studies is the difficulty in finding sufficient micro-level data on household expenditures. By using the recent rich quantity of such data in the Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) data for Illinois farms from 1995 to 2009, the study reported here for farm households should provide more consistent results regarding the LCPI hypothesis. Applying an empirical model based on the LCPI hypothesis, this article identifies the determinants of farm consumption and the relationship to income. This study provides evidence that current income changes are not significant in explaining the consumption changes of farm households, thus supporting the LCPI hypothesis for farm households.  相似文献   

Based on a household survey in rural China, this paper discusses parameters such as precautionary motive, excess sensitivity, consumption insurance, and inter-temporal substitution in the household consumption function in rural China. The conclusions of the paper indicate that there is a significant precautionary motive in household consumption in rural China, but the function of consumption insurance is very limited, and the consumption is also excessively sensitive to the income change. Such parameters are different among consumers within different groups. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Nongcun Jingji 中国农村经济 (Chinese Rural Economy), 2006, (4): 12–19  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the importance of liquidity constraints for entrepreneurial activity, using previously unexplored data from the UK. Using inheritances as an instrument, IV estimates reveal that single women drive the overall relationship between personal wealth and the propensity to start a new business. Defining business ownership rather than self-employment as the entrepreneurial outcome measure is also shown to be critical. Using self-employment leads to selection bias and underestimates the impact of personal wealth. The results imply that efforts aimed at relieving the liquidity constraints of single women could help further accelerate the recent rise of female entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH) and excess consumption smoothness debate in the context of fractional integration. We show that the excess consumption smoothness result is a consequence of the quarterly data frequency commonly employed in the empirical work. In fact, the I(1) hypothesis is rejected for the income process with monthly data in favour of a fractional integration order lower than 1. Moreover, if a structural break is taken into account, we observe a substantial reduction in the degree of consumption smoothness, especially after the break found in 1975.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of liquidity constraints on the dynamics of the cash-futures basis in the Chinese futures market. By analyzing the trading behaviors of hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs in a liquidity constraint context, we document two effects: the expectation effect and the liquidity effect. We further propose a set of threshold vector error correction models (VECMs) for the CSI 300 index and CSI 300 index futures to examine these two effects separately and jointly. We find evidence for both effects. We also find that a basis-liquidity-based threshold VECM, which includes both effects, performs well in explaining why the degree of persistence of a large basis depends on the direction of divergence in the cash-futures price relationship, a stylized fact we observe in the Chinese futures market.  相似文献   

满足消费最大化的最优居民收入差距研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用中国20年来的数据,估算了使居民消费最大化的城乡、城镇内部收入差距的最优路径.研究发现我国实际城乡、城镇内部收入差距不仅高于最优路径,而且偏离最优路径的程度正在扩大.城镇内部收入差距对最优路径的偏离超过了城乡收入差距对最优路径的偏离,而且城镇内部收入差距正在以更快的速度偏离最优路径,这说明城镇内部收入差距抑制消费需求的强度更大.要扩张居民消费,就必须采取措施缩小居民收入差距,尤其是缩小城镇内部收入差距.本文的实证分析为缩小居民收入差距的方向和力度提供了一个客观的、可操作的参照系.  相似文献   

运用凯恩斯消费函数理论,选取2003—2012年安徽省城乡居民的人均可支配收入和人均消费性支出,利用Excel软件得出安徽省居民消费与收入的函数关系。经过计算可知,收入每增加1元,安徽省城镇居民的消费增加0.69元,安徽省农村居民的消费增加0.78元。最后,对安徽省城乡居民消费与收入的关系做了进一步探讨。  相似文献   

We examine changes in the information content of trading when short sale constraints between prohibition and restriction exist on a stock exchange. This is made possible by a unique institutional arrangement at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It maintains a list of stocks which can be sold short under regulations. Stocks not on the list are prohibited from short selling. The list is revised on a quarterly basis based on predetermined criteria. We find that the probability of information-based trading (PIN) significantly increases when a stock is added to the list. Further analysis shows that this is mainly because uninformed traders are driven out of the market. Elimination of uninformed traders also causes the aggregate trading volume to decrease rather than increase. In comparison, the PIN does not change when a stock is dropped from the list. We also find that market liquidity, measured by volatility and bid–ask spreads, slightly decreases when a stock is added to the list and significantly increases when a stock is dropped from the list. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

We consider all-pay auctions in the presence of interdependent, affiliated valuations and private budget constraints. For the sealed-bid, all-pay auction we characterize a symmetric equilibrium in continuous strategies for the case of N bidders. Budget constraints encourage more aggressive bidding among participants with large endowments and intermediate valuations. We extend our results to the war of attrition where we show that budget constraints lead to a uniform amplification of equilibrium bids among bidders with sufficient endowments. An example shows that with both interdependent valuations and private budget constraints, a revenue ranking between the two auction formats is generally not possible. Equilibria with discontinuous bidding strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

持久性收入对中国农民消费影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
于淑波 《技术经济》2008,27(2):71-74
运用弗里德曼的持久性收入假说分析我国农民的消费问题,并利用计量经济学的方法对中国历年农民消费统计数据进行分析,得出“持久性收入及持久性收入的边际消费倾向对我国现阶段农民消费支出影响较大”的结论,并从增加持久性收入和提高持久性收入的边际消费倾向两个方面就增加农民消费提出政策建议。  相似文献   

机会公平问题一直都是收入分配领域研究的重点。大量的国外相关研究提出了一个非常重要的测度标准:代际收入流动,其大小在一定程度上能反映一个社会的机会平等状况。在我国贫富差距日益扩大的今天,对这个问题的研究是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

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