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Ping Gao 《Applied economics》2017,49(20):1923-1936
Overweight and obesity in adult populations is considered to be a growing epidemic worldwide, and appears to be rapidly increasing in China. From 1992 to 2002, the incidence of overweight in adults increased by 39.0%, while that of obesity doubled. To identify the determinants of adult overweight and obesity in China, micro-level data from a questionnaire survey entitled the ‘Preference Parameters Study,’ which was conducted by the Global Centers of Excellence programme at Osaka University, were analysed. In addition to the entire sample, data from urban and rural subsamples were also analysed in order to investigate whether the determinants of overweight and obesity differed. The results suggested that body mass index (BMI) is correlated with subjective well-being, gender, age, labour intensity and drinking and eating habits among urban respondents, and with age, monthly income, number of siblings and eating habits among rural respondents.  相似文献   

《Applied economics》2012,44(21):2699-2715
In this article, by using the data collected from input–output table, we conduct a detailed investigation on the evolution pattern during economy development of China from 1990 to 2005. By using network analysis at national, cluster and individual level, we find some interesting insights, also in order to identify the difference between cluster levels, we proposed a cluster centralization method to analyse the role of the cluster in the network. This study shows that during the transition process of China, there exist some similarity and differences in each selected time. Each period studied have some similar distributions of key sectors, including the cores, i.e. chemical industry, nonmetallic mineral products, construction, business. However, significant differences also exists, for example, the 2005 system is characterized as higher degrees of systemic connection and hierarchy, while the 1990s system has looser density and less centralization. Additionally, the high tech clusters (i.e. electronics and instruments) including high tech industry (i.e. electronics and telecommunications equipment manufacturers) has played a much more important role in 2005 than that in early 1990s. Also the high tech cluster and service cluster have contributed a lot to the transition and development of the whole country, the results also confirm that some theory concluded from developed country can also applied to developing economies such as China.  相似文献   

通过对西方经济学理论庸俗性表现的反思,可得出如下结论:(1)不能割裂个人与社会,个人与国家,个人与集体的联系,而过分宣扬“经济人”或“理性人”的假设;(2)不能割裂经济与政治、意识形态的关系而孤立地研究经济。对于西方经济学理论,不能仅仅研究其理论本身,还应研究其产生的思想和文化背景;不能照搬西方的理论和模式,不能过分倚重或迷信经济数量分析。对于中国的经济问题,必须放在中国的历史、思想、文化、民族心理等这样的大背景下来开展研究和寻求解决途径。  相似文献   

This article provides empirical evidence that marketization or deregulation of newspapers might help improve timely media supervision. Newspaper reports of the food safety scandal of an online take-out application ‘Eleme’ were here used to analyse heterogeneity between the attitudes of politically controlled party newspapers and marketized independent newspapers. OLS regression results indicate that, before official exposure of Eleme’s food safety scandal on World Consumer Rights Day, local independent newspapers showed more supervision and concern about the local potential food safety scandal. However, the government newspapers only followed up after official exposure, and presented attitudes similar to those expressed in marketized newspapers.  相似文献   

西方财政学在近代中国的传播历经清末、北洋政府和国民政府几个历史时期,日渐深入。清末,西方财政学的传播基本上仅限于常识层面;北洋政府时期,深入到理论层面;国民政府时期,西方财政学在中国的传播达到相对成熟的阶段。西方财政学在近代中国的传播呈现出鲜明的特征:首先,瓦格纳强调以财政政策改善收入分配状况的财政理念对国人的影响特别大;其次,西方财政学的传播服务于近代中国的财政改革运动。  相似文献   

以我国西部地区为例,利用菲德模型测算了西部地区石油天然气产业的经济溢出效应,同时还将石油天然气产业分为上游开采业和下游加工业两部分,分别估计了各自经济溢出效应。实证检验证明:石油天然气产业的发展对经济增长不仅具有显著的直接拉动效应,还具有较强的经济溢出效应;在能源的产业链中,加工业的经济溢出效应和拉动效应明显高于上游开采部门。  相似文献   

城市是开展旅游活动的主要场所之一,而良好的城市生态环境和生态文化可以为城市旅游开发创造有利的条件。众所周知.西部地区城市旅游资源十分丰富.但是,脆弱的自然环境和人文生态环境严重地制约着西部地区城市旅游业的发展。本文正是从城市生态的角度尝试探索发展西部地区城市旅游的新思路。  相似文献   

中国城市经济运行的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李培 《财经研究》2007,33(5):84-95
文章在利用Malmquist指数和一系列反应地区差异的统计指标对中国216个地级市1990~2004年城市经济增长的效率和差异进行描述的基础上,针对2000年以来中国城市经济表现出的新特点,采用因子分析和空间计量方法分析了影响中国城市经济增长的主要因素。结果表明,1990~2004年中国216个地级市的TFP整体呈现出增长的趋势,城市经济的地区差异明显且呈扩大趋势。2000年以来影响中国城市经济增长的因子强度依次为:地理位置因子、产业结构与市场化水平因子和要素投入因子。  相似文献   

This study uses data envelopment analysis to examine the liquidity and sales efficiency of the Food and Beverage listed firms in Athens Exchange in the period 2006–2012. The liquidity efficiency of the firms is higher than the sales efficiency but the results indicate that there are not statistical significant differences in the rankings estimated by the two models in each period. The Malmquist Productivity Index reveals that over the period of the study, firms have experienced an annual average increase in productivity of 0.5% (a slight progress). On examining the components of this productivity change, it becomes evident that firms have experienced an annual average of 2% increase in technology combined with a decrease in technical efficiency of –1.5%. The results indicate that 52.4% of the firms experienced productivity gains in the examined period, and this was mainly the result of technological gain rather than efficiency improvement. More than 90% of the firms in the sample shift the efficiency frontier and only 33.3% of the firms are catching up, improving their productivity by reducing inefficiency. Moreover, the empirical study reveals that the overall technical inefficiencies of the firms are primarily caused by pure technical inefficiencies rather than scale inefficiencies.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的经济得到了突飞猛进的发展。但与此同时自然资源短缺、环境恶化和生态危机已成为人们不可忽视的问题。可持续发展逐渐成为当今社会研究的热点问题,采用多元统计分析中的因子分析模型,对中国大陆31个省的可持续发展指标进行因子分析。从而降低变量的数目,便于解读和分析影响可持续发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

西部大开发战略,是邓小平同志“两个大局”战略思想中非常重要的内容,也是《江泽民文选》中一个十分重要的思想。江泽民同志关于西部大开发的论述,标志着我们党和政府对西部大开发战略的认识又发展到了一个新的境界。在构建社会主义和谐社会、全面推进小康社会建设及社会主义市场经济进一步发展的背景下,重新学习江泽民同志的有关论述,能够使我们更加深刻地感受到,西部大开发战略是西部地区经济社会协调、全面发展的战略。更确切地说,它是在我国进入新的社会历史条件下,西部地区全面协调、自我发展的战略,是以高度凝聚力为保证的战略。  相似文献   

东北三省城市百度指数的网络联系层级结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用城市居民在网络搜索中的百度指数分析城市网络联系格局,从http://index.baidu.com上得到东北三省34个城市2011—2013年两两城市间的百度指数。采用Net Draw、优势流分析法以及C-Value、D-Value层级分析法,对东北三省城市网络联系格局进行了分析。综合考虑三种分析结果后认为:1从"东北地区"尺度看,网络层级中缺乏主导城市,辽、吉、黒三省城市间网络联系并不密切,但是在各自省内联系紧密,网络层级结构明显,从而表明行政区划对东北三省网络联系层级结构具有重要影响。2从两两间发送和接收的百度指数看,辽宁和吉林二省具有"一主一副"的网络结构特征,辽宁省形成了以沈阳为主导城市,大连为次级主导城市,其他城市为从属城市的网络层级结构。吉林省形成了以长春为主导城市,吉林为次级主导城市,其他城市为从属城市的网络层级结构。黑龙江省则是"单中心"的网络结构特征,形成了以哈尔滨为主导城市,其他城市为从属城市的网络层级结构。  相似文献   

自然条件较好的中西部大城市扩大人口规模非常必要,但多数城市人口规模一直变化不大。通过对相关变量做因子分析、向量自回归分析、格兰杰因果检验,得出影响城市人口增长的主次要因素和长短期因素以及格兰杰因果关系,并运用相关理论做出解释,据此总结出一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

社会观念、社会风气的转变是社会变迁的一个重要方面。清末民初安徽传统的"重义理,轻艺事"观念、"重农轻商""重儒轻商"观念的动摇,男女平等观念开始出现端倪,旧的生活方式和政治生活方式的些许变化及读新书、阅报刊、学外语、出国留学等新风气的出现,表明清末民初安徽传统的社会观念、社会风气在一定程度上、一定范围内有了异于传统的变化。这些变化,既是外力冲击的结果,也是安徽自身为适应时代的变化而不断自我调整的结果。但这些变化主要是发生在城市、城镇及社会上层,广大农村及社会下层的观念、风气还是较为保守的,对安徽社会来说,要使变化从点发展到面,从上延伸到下,还需要一段路程要走。  相似文献   

中国城镇居民住房消费水平合理化程度评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家(或地区)的住房消费支出水平与其经济发展水平、居民生活水平相适应。住房消费支出比过高反映住房消费超出了居民的支付能力,而住房消费支出比过低则反映居民的住房消费能力没有被正确地释放出来。只有保持与经济发展水平、居民生活水平相适应的住房消费水平,才有利于社会经济的协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article provides a means for testing whether buyers or sellers are responsible for a drop in sales following a market shock. We show that suppliers’ responses dominated the market reaction to the 2006 US Food and Drug Administration warning to avoid fresh spinach contaminated with potentially deadly bacteria Escherichia coli O157:H7. A modified Durbin-Wu-Hausman test for temporary price endogeneity is developed and used in a leafy green vegetable demand model. Test results indicate the price of bagged spinach was exogenous before the announcement but endogenous for approximately 12 weeks afterward. We show these results are consistent with the notion that suppliers temporarily limited the availability of spinach to consumers. Instead of consumers choosing the quantity purchased given exogenous prices, it was suppliers who limited the quantity marketed and consumers’ choices established the market price.  相似文献   

This article utilizes three data envelopment analysis-based models: a no environmental regulation model, a weak environmental regulation model and a strong environmental regulation model to reveal the impact of environmental regulation on China’s regional total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) during the period of 2003–2010. To take a further step, these three models are adjusted for calculating the correspondingly macro-economic cost of environmental regulation. The estimation results show that at present, the level of China’s environmental regulation is relatively low, and an enhancing of environmental regulation would lead to a sufficient increase of China’s regional TFEE with an enormous economic cost as its price. That means in China, the nationwide environmental stress is high, and the regulation cost is very huge. Strengthening environmental regulation would inevitably have some negative influences on China’s economy in the short run. Based on our findings, some corresponding policies are also proposed in this article.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO和西部大开发的进行,进入中西部地区的外资逐渐增多,许多被东部地区拒绝接受的污染密集型产业转移到中西部地区,形成工业产值“东迁”,工业污染“西移”,给当地带来了一定的生产污染,给本来就脆弱的西部生态环境增加了新的负担。基于这样的现实,本文从引进外资和跨国污染转移的角度出发,对比分析东、西部差异,指出外商直接投资与污染产业在东西部的转移规律,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   


China’s economic transition has reached a stage where the past experimental approach is no longer sufficient. Future policy reforms need to be carried out in a holistic rather than a piecemeal manner. This paper analyzes the reforms of two related institutions in China: the household registration system and the rural land system. We argue that further institutional changes warrant national initiatives and coordinated reforms rather than merely drawing on local pilot experiences. A holistic policy package that can simultaneously promote the reforms of the household registration and the rural land system is proposed. We use fiscal simulations to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed holistic policy package.  相似文献   

选择部分宏观经济指标和科技投入指标,对1991~2003年间东北地区经济增长与科技投入变化的相关性进行了初步分析,并通过经济增长与科技投入相关性模型的建立,对东北地区未来科技投入的趋势做出判断,在实证分析的基础上,提出东北老工业基地优化科技投入的具体对策建议.  相似文献   

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