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在“经济结构转型升级”和“全面追求共同富裕”的新时代背景下,文章深入探究了慈善捐赠对全要素生产率的影响结果及作用机制,并从外部环境和内部治理两个视角分析了其影响的异质性。研究发现,慈善捐赠通过提供优质的人力资本和充足的物质资本间接提高了企业的全要素生产率,且市场化程度、经济政策不确定性和内部控制质量会对慈善捐赠与全要素生产率的关系产生正向影响,而高管股权激励对二者关系产生了负向影响。研究结论为助力企业高质量发展、实现社会公益与经济效益共赢提供了经验指导。  相似文献   

张建平  李林泽 《科学决策》2023,(12):119-144
基于中国自贸区试点这一准自然实验,利用企业和省份层面的数据,选择多时点双重差分法、三重差分法、PSM-DID法、异质性处理效应分析以及稳健性检验等方法,考察自贸区政策显对重污染企业全要素生产率的作用效果。研究发现:自贸区建设显著提高了重污染企业全要素生产率,且效应滞后两年后逐年递增。机制分析表明,自贸区设立主要通过融资约束、国有资本占比等途径作用于全要素生产率。异质性分析表明,东部企业、非国有企业和控制权多元化企业对自贸区建设更加敏感。结合断点回归进一步分析,集中供暖背景下,企业之间的南北差异会影响到自贸区的处理效应。自贸区建设对北方内陆地区污染企业的全要素生产率促进作用更大。研究对扩大中国对外开放水平、完善自贸区政策体系有重要意义。  相似文献   

Evidence broadly confirms that European Union (EU) harmonization of food regulations can be considered as a trade-promoting and market-integrating instrument in the Single Market. However, little is known on how this particular trade liberalization measure may impact total factor productivity (TFP). One of the general presumptions is that trade liberalization has a positive impact on productivity through the effect of competitive pressures to which domestic firms are exposed. For instance, as a result of lowering or removing regulatory barriers to trade, a decline in entry costs of foreign and domestic competitors leads to more competitive pressures which have a downward effect on prices and markups and higher TFP through a better reallocation of inputs. The overall evidence shown in this paper leads to the conclusion that the impact of EU harmonization on various TFP measures occurs through a markup mechanism: more EU harmonization results in more competition (lower markups) and greater TFP growth. We also investigate the impact of assumptions relating to market structure and the production function. We empirical test and refute the assumptions of perfect competition and constant returns to scale in our sample. The analysis is carried out at the level of Dutch food processing firms for the 1979–2005 period. We extend and built upon a new database on EU harmonization of regulations in the food industry. The product classification of this database follows the detailed Combined Nomenclature classification that codes the relevant harmonization initiatives of technical regulations at the product level.  相似文献   

邱婷  吕宏芬  童素娟 《科技和产业》2023,23(19):101-107
基于2005—2020年长三角地区40个地级市的面板数据,借助Malmquist指数对长三角地区的绿色全要素生产率(GTFP)进行测算,并分析对外贸易对其所产生的影响。结果显示,长三角地区绿色经济效率在不断提升,主要由绿色技术进步所推动。实证结果表明,贸易开放对长三角地区绿色全要素生产率起到了显著的正向影响,并且产业结构是贸易开放提升绿色全要素生产率的作用机制。为此,在提高对外开放水平的同时,应不断推动产业结构升级转型。  相似文献   

许培源 《科技和产业》2008,8(9):29-34,41
贸易开放带采的技术溢出是发展中国家提高全要素生产率的重要渠道,技术溢出的效果与贸易结构相关,并且需要一定的人力资本存量相结合。本文运用DEA方法测算1980—2006年中国的全要素生产率变化,然后通过基于ECM的Granger因果关系检验法分析贸易结构和人力资本联合指标对全要素生产率变化的影响。结果显示:相对于中低技术品,高技术品进口的技术溢出效果更明显,在更大程度上提高我国的全要素生产率;相对于人力资本的结构和分布,人力资本水平更直接地影响技术溢出的吸收效果,影响全要素生产率。因此,调整贸易结构和增加教育投资是强化贸易开放的全要素生产率效应的两个必然的政策选择。  相似文献   

How many resources does a nation spend on transactions costs to ‘grease the wheels of trade’? To examine this question the Dutch economy is used as a case study. The Netherlands are known as a nation of traders and this image was derived in the seventeenth century from successes in long distance trade, shipping and financial innovations. Despite its historical background the trading sector has never been adequately measured. In this paper, we present a first attempt in measuring and describing the Dutch transaction sector. Measurement by means of occupational data points out that approximately 25% of Dutch workers is employed in transaction jobs, and 29% if one includes transport tasks. We make the case that traditional industrial sector categories overestimate the true transaction character of an economy. Traditional ‘trade’ sectors employed 13% of the workers in 1807 and 39 percent in 1998, but these figures conceal the fact that all organizations employ jobs which have transformation and transaction tasks. A counterfactual exercise suggests that the growth of the transaction sector share in employment over two centuries was not 200% but 42%.  相似文献   

Several studies have investigated the link between trade protection and productivity in developing economies. Others have looked into the relationship between technology imports and in-house technology production. This paper contributes to the literature by estimating the effect of trade protection on purchases of foreign capital goods for a panel of Mexican manufacturing plants. Product-market tariffs lower the probability that a plant will import capital goods, while both output and input tariffs are associated with smaller quantities of capital imports. Capital imports are also associated with higher productivity. Thus, trade barriers may indirectly lower productivity by inhibiting the importation of foreign technologies through capital goods.  相似文献   

The relative position of total factor productivity (TFP) of both foreign and domestic ?rms in the manufacturing industry in Malaysia is estimated for three‐ and ?ve‐digit level subsectors. It was found that the differences between foreign and domestic ?rms varied widely from sector to sector. However, for the manufacturing industry as a whole, TFP was approximately the same for foreign and domestic ?rms for the period 1994–1996.  相似文献   

陶锋  杨雨清  褚简 《南方经济》2018,37(6):87-101
文章基于中国制造业企业微观数据,在省份、地级以上城市和区县三个地理层面,检验和比较了集聚外部性的三个源泉影响企业生产率增长的内在机制。研究发现,在同一地理层面,投入共享对生产率的促进作用最大,劳动力池次之,知识溢出最小。分地理层面来看,投入共享效应在省份层面最明显,地级以上城市层面次之,区县层面最小;省份和地级以上城市层面的劳动力池效应大于区县层面;知识溢出效应仅在城市和区县层面成立。同时,集聚外部性的相对重要性还依赖于地区市场化进程和行业技术水平。文章结论有利于更深入理解集聚外部性与企业生产率的关系,从而进一步打开集聚经济的地理黑箱,也能够为公共政策在不同行政区划层次的精准发力提供理论支持。  相似文献   

This paper improves the estimation of firm-level total factor productivity (TFP) by considering energy use and including small- and medium-sized enterprises using data from the Chinese National Tax Survey Database (2008–2011). It analyzes the production efficiency of Chinese manufacturing firms using the improved TFP data and finds that (i) the TFP data frequently used in previous studies overestimated firms' real production efficiency; (ii) the TFP of manufacturing firms decreased from 2008 to 2011 due to declines in both technical efficiency and allocation efficiency; (iii) the lower capacity utilization of production factors led to lower technical efficiency; and (iv) allocation efficiency decreased more in provinces and industries with higher shares of state-owned enterprises. The findings have policy implications for enhancing growth potential in the long run.  相似文献   

陈雪  陈帅 《科技和产业》2021,21(10):291-296
基于长三角地区26个城市2004—2019年的面板数据,运用数据包络分析模型,结合Malmquist-Luenberger指数,测算绿色全要素生产率(GTFP),在此基础上检验网络普及率与GTFP增长之间的非线性关系.结果表明:2004—2019年长三角地区GTFP整体呈下降趋势,且受绿色技术进步的影响强于绿色效率改进;根据门槛模型估计的结果,网络普及率对GTFP的增长具有显著的促进作用,这种促进作用在超过一定门限时有所减弱,为促进经济高质量发展,必须重视互联网对绿色发展效率的作用.  相似文献   

本文采用面板数据(Panel Data)模型方法和普通最小二乘回归法,通过使用1989-2003年日本在中国8个制造业部门的累计直接投资额数据和中日在这8个部门的贸易数据,研究了日本在华直接投资对中日贸易的影响。结果表明:90年代以来,日本在华制造业累计直接投资总地来说对中日贸易起到了积极的促进作用,其中对我国向日本出口的贡献要大于我国从日本进口的贡献;除纺织行业外日本在华制造业各行业的直接投资存量对各行业的出口和进口均产生积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

人力资本是推动经济增长和生产率提升的重要源泉。按照人力资本在经济增长和产业创 新过程中发挥的功能及其对应的社会分工角色的不同,本文在工业分行业层面上将人力资本大致 划分为一般人力资本、专业人力资本、企业家人力资本,并将三类人力资本全部纳入生产率决定 方程,使用中国工业2000-2014 年间35 个细分行业的面板数据来考察三类人力资本对中国工业生 产率的影响。为了克服考察期间工业统计口径变化导致的估计偏差,本文按照相关指标将变量统 一调整到全部工业口径。实证检验发现:①专业人力资本、企业家人力资本、一般人力资本均能 够显著提高中国工业的生产率,并且效果依次增强;②进一步引入三类人力资本与行业异质性变 量的交互项后发现,三类人力资本对中国工业生产率的影响具有显著的行业异质传导效应,在国 有产权比重较大、企业规模较大、技术密集度较高的细分行业中,专业人力资本、一般人力资本、 企业家人力资本均对中国工业生产率的提升作用更大。  相似文献   

对广西1996-2015年的知识型人力资本、价值链低端生产及全要素生产率进行测算,运用回归分析法研究知识型人力资本、价值链低端生产对全要素生产率的影响,结果发现:广西全要素生产率呈“两阶段”跃升特征。知识型人力资本呈 “两阶梯”增长态势,并对全要素生产率具有显著的正向效应。价值链低端生产呈 “U”型走势,且对全要素生产率的影响呈倒“U”型。进一步研究发现,中国-东盟自贸区对广西全要素生产率增长具有推动作用,但不显著。最后提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of imported capital goods on manufacturing productivity growth in Botswana. Despite consistent efforts aimed at diversification, Botswana's economy has remained heavily dependent on diamond exports, and the country's productivity remains a point of concern. The ability to apply foreign technologies to increase productivity and spur diversification is limited by the foreign exchange gap. This study uses an imported input growth model to analyse how the importation of capital goods contributes to enabling productivity growth and export diversification. With a panel of 340 manufacturing firms, the study also analyses the effects of imported capital goods on firm productivity growth and skills development. The results show that imported machines and equipment have increase manufacturing productivity after 1‐2 years following the investment. Additionally, foreign‐owned firms were found to enjoy more productivity growth than their domestic counterparts.  相似文献   

Various studies have explored the effects of industrial agglomeration and special economic zones (SEZs) in Asia, but there has been a lack of data-driven analysis of SEZ performance. This paper provides a case study on Batam, which has been developed as an SEZ through government-to-government (G2G) cooperation, offering lessons for other developing countries. The study examines the effects of industrial zones, foreign investment and government intervention on firm productivity, using an ex-post evaluation method and econometric models. The paper does not find conclusive evidence that Batam’s status as an SEZ affects firm productivity and growth. Although firm agglomeration proves beneficial for firm productivity, it is not clear that SEZ policy has driven this productivity. The paper argues that government policies should stimulate innovation and inter-firm cooperation to increase knowledge spillovers and technology transfer instead of focusing on attracting investment.  相似文献   

探索提升绿色全要素生产率的动力源泉是推动经济高质量发展的重要抓手。实现“双碳”目标升级为国家战略,碳减排行动也成为地区应对气候变化、保障经济可持续发展的关键路径。基于 2002 至 2020 年省际面板数据,选取混合距离 EBM模型测度绿色全要素生产率,从排放、效率、非化石能源、气候绩效等多维度定量评价碳减排发展水平,采用固定效应模型和中介效应模型,分析碳减排发展对绿色全要素生产率的作用机理和效应。研究表明:总体来看,碳减排发展显著提升绿色全要素生产率;分区域来看,在西部、经济欠发达地区,碳减排对绿色全要素生产率的促进作用更显著;中介机制检验显示,碳减排能够通过提升能源效率、发展绿色金融间接促进绿色全要素生产率的增长。研究结论为地区差异化减排与低碳经济发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

K. Minderhoud 《De Economist》2006,154(2):177-195
This paper investigates systemic risk in the Dutch financial sector by focusing on extreme return co-movements of the major financial institutions. In particular, we use a Monte Carlo simulation experiment conditioned on both a fat and a thin tailed underlying return distribution to test the potential for systemic risk. We find evidence of a strong potential for systemic risk, which has emerged after the major mergers in the end of the 1980s and early 1990s.This work was completed while the author was affiliated to De Nederlandsche Bank. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of De Nederlandsche Bank. I am grateful to Robert-Paul Berben for many useful discussions on methodology, Jan Kakes for support, Martin Admiraal and Carry Mout for data assistance, Aerdt Houben, Job Swank, Casper de Vries, Garry Schinasi, the participants of the 24th meeting of the Research Group on Financial Stability at De Nederlandsche Bank, and two anonymous referees for useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

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